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File 131554846927.jpg - (285.45KB , 600x600 , 1301340936046.jpg )
6989 No. 6989 [Edit]
I'm not cut out for college. I have no desire to work. I can't leech off of anyone and this is probably my last night of internet. I'm stuck, and spent the whole day thinking about solutions. There are none. I have no desire to change, either.

Bye /so/
It's been fun lurking with you guys. If anyone lives in California, turn on the news whenever you have time; although I doubt the news would broadcast a message left at my body.
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>> No. 6990 [Edit]
wait don't do it
go on disability, SSI or whatever it's called there. I think it's supposed to be pretty easy to be approved, too.
>> No. 6991 [Edit]
>> No. 6993 [Edit]
>> No. 6994 [Edit]
why are you reporting your own thread OP
>> No. 6995 [Edit]
>I have no desire to work.

You, me, and 7 billion other people.
Jobs with the least human contact are easiest... I chose IT...

Go smoke some potent Californian bud, that'll expand your mind back to optimism. You could be here in the UK, a fate far more morose and forbidding.
>> No. 6996 [Edit]
File 131554963829.jpg - (35.30KB , 644x611 , 130194293881.jpg )
Bye bro.
>> No. 6997 [Edit]
Hey why not go out with a bang? Go for the high score, so to say? I think the current record is 33.
>> No. 7007 [Edit]
File 131556940245.jpg - (1.47MB , 3872x2394 , NorthernMichiganAsylumCTraverseCityMI.jpg )
Are psych-wards/crazy homes free, because I would be willing to live in one of those places as long as they just let me stay in my room all day. But I have the strangest feeling that you need to commit a crime before they are willing to take away your "freedom."

why do criminals get such an easy life ? ;_;

picture related; possibly your future home, a mansion.
>> No. 7009 [Edit]
I think they are free, yes. And whether you have to commit a crime or not probably depends on the country. You should be careful though, they're not very nice to be (at least in the Netherlands).
>> No. 7011 [Edit]
psych wards are a terrible place to live, you might aswell go to prison
>> No. 7013 [Edit]
stay in your room and then what? you wouldn't have internet access or anything like that. you'd be lucky to get some books to read.
>> No. 7025 [Edit]
What he said. From what I've read and seen they're even worse than prison. If you aren't insane when you're admitted, you will be within a few days to a few months depending on your mental stability. Imagine spending every single day doing the same things...staring at the same white walls of your cell blankly, eating the same food, and so on. No internet, no games, no TV, no kind of stimulation at all. You probably couldn't even fap because of the constant surveillance. The only people you interact with are emotionless employees and crazy people, many of which are probably dangerous. If you want out, there's a good chance you'll never make it.

Aiming for a minimum security prison for some white-collar crime is a much better idea.
>> No. 7044 [Edit]
Please talk to us OP.
Im sure theres some way you could work things out.
>> No. 7045 [Edit]
How are strangers on the internet going to help a guy through severe emotional pain
>> No. 7046 [Edit]
Man's got to do what a man's got to do. Good luck OP, hope you don't get "saved".
>> No. 7059 [Edit]
I don't know, Im sorry, I just wish I could help OP.

If he needs help with a place to stay, he could always stay at abandoned houses and eat in bulk, its possible to live like that.
>> No. 7060 [Edit]
So did anyone see anything in the news? I switched between news stations and sure enough, there was in fact suicide-- although I really doubt it was OP.
>> No. 7117 [Edit]
So can I make a request of anyone thinking of killing themselves?

Please, for the love of Haruhi, either give your anime and manga related possessions to friends or sell them. Hell, if you want, I'll give you my address and I will send you the shipping costs through Paypal.

This is for two reasons: 1: abandoned figs make me sad. Just imagining those great items being thrown out by grief-stricken parents and what have you really makes me almost as sad as seeing a fellow otaku die.

2: The media will blame the rest of the otaku community and Japanese media for making this poor soul kill himself.

So here's my one suggestion:
If you do go through with it, do so while listening to Justin Beiber or some other trashy pop music and while having a heavily annotated copy of Twilight on your person. If a suicide note does not really concern you and you wish to part this world without a meaningful message to those who knew you, I highly suggest you write "I can never be Edward Cullen and I can never be with Justin Bieber. Hollywood, this is what you have done to me."

This way the issue will remain domestic and the community will be spared a scare.

Another option that is a little bit less complicated would be to just not do it. So go with this one...
>> No. 7123 [Edit]
>abandoned figs make me sad
But not people committing suicide.
>> No. 7125 [Edit]
One is a terrible waste, the other is not.
>> No. 7128 [Edit]
Yes exactly.
There are 6 billion people on this planet and that number keeps growing, but some figs only ever get a few thousand prints.
>> No. 7133 [Edit]

If I had to die, I would take all of my figurines in a burning ceremony along with my corpse. I only have one time for death anyway, I wouldn't want to waste that beautiful moment where I'm half scared to death and half relieved -- while thanking my waifu for all that she has done for me and apologizing to my parents for being such a failure --... I don't want to waste that listening to Justin Bieber.
>> No. 7243 [Edit]

Every person is a limited print, if you think about it. There are probably millions of figs total, so by the same logic you're using to value human life, you could say the same about figs - it's just a couple of plastic figs, what's so bad about it?

It's flawed logic, is what I'm saying.
>> No. 7251 [Edit]
You can check yourself into a psych ward though I wonder if its free (in the us)
"Can't even fap"
Doesn't stop people from hooking up and fucking in there. I knew this guy who tended to do that when in the asylum. Also this giel I knew who was conceived in such a place :/
>> No. 7252 [Edit]
I don't think most people here would even be interested in pursuing a "normal" 3D girl, let alone one found in a psych ward.
>> No. 7254 [Edit]
Actually, a mental one doesn't sound that bad to me, depending on what shes in there for.

Is OP really dead, or did he manage to pull through?
>> No. 7255 [Edit]
File 131676650124.gif - (67.18KB , 698x491 , Gcompassions_1276159600.gif )
Did they do it? Are they now browsing the great imageboard in the sky. Where the speed is perfect, the content rich and interesting and there are never any reposts.
>> No. 7256 [Edit]
That's an interesting thought. Given the correct set of characteristics you might even have a pretty decent yandere or yamato nadeshiko on your hands. Depends on whether you like the appearance of 3d though (some people'sonly gripe is the personality)
>> No. 7257 [Edit]
She is in there for thinking she is 2D...?
>> No. 7258 [Edit]
This thread is getting troublesome.

Please stop discussing 3D here.
>> No. 7260 [Edit]

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