No. 9733
I'm not criticise 'NEETs' just those individuals.
one idea of course was /TH/, simple really, pooling what little we had to pay the bills, mostly from government ssi moneys, or running a small business, while having the people living at TH work it, like live in pay sort of.
Another was stocks (no, not forex) with the idea that if eveyone involved is only interested in watching their computer all day, they could gather a bit of info from news sites here and there, and we could pool that info to decide among us what to invest our money into, I had even offered to front some money since many here obviously have none.
There's also working together to buy and sell goods online, becuase sometimes people can find good deals on things that can be resold for profit.
But you know, it's easy to rip apart a 'idea' before the details of it have even begone to get worked out, and like I said, it's better than what those individuals come up with, which is usually around the lines of 'give up, it's hopeless, don't even try.' if other people have better(or any) ideas, I'd love to hear them, but no one ever does, someone might be able to come up with a idea that might work, it doesn't have to be one of mine, but these individuals will shoot down anything that involves any effort or teamwork.