No. 6961
I do agree with you, but if the person was to hand it over willingly, no one would want them to die.
But I think the elderly are also greety here.
These are very very old people we're talking about here, what do they need all that money for? most old folks just sit on piles of cash they've saved up over the years and don't use it for anything at all.
Wishing for something to die is indeed horable and alful, but is hording large amounts of money you have no need for all that much better?
I mean, that money can really help improve people's lives for the better, it's something you're grandkids could really enjoy and maybe even be used to help them out of hard times.
but the elderly ignore them and their problems just so they can have peace of mind knowing they have a big number in thir bank account, becuase that's all it is to them, a number, becuase as I said before they aren't going to use it, what are they gonna do with all that money at that age? blow it all on drugs and hookers? They're just going to sit around waiting to die since they know death is near, so why not put the money to better use?
Of course, I do realize this is money they worked hard for to save up, and no one has any right to just take it from them, which is why I say they should give it.
I think willinly doing something like that would have others look much more higly of you, and not just the people you give the stuff to, I mean everyone around that person, people will admire you for that generosity and remember you as being a nice giving person.
otherwise, you're family members will just act like vultures and take everything of value you have from your cold dead hands, and they're think of you as being a greedy old selfish for it, and resent you.
Who knows, you're faimly might actualy like you enough to visit you willingly, and not just force themselves to do it as they pretend they like you, just for the change you might leave them something in your last will.