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File 131520674746.jpg - (248.62KB , 886x720 , 1314930713742.jpg )
6900 No. 6900 [Edit]
Rundown of situation; relatives constantly push me in pointless psychiatrists and such, which resulted in disability welfare. Since every treatment is ineffective since I have no desire to cooperate beyond the money, the situation has become impossible to continue living in.

I need to find an apartment, but I have very little to no experience in doing these things, and social anxiety and utter disgust is making it even harder for me to do this.

So I have a source of income which is guaranteed until a certain age at least, and I have saved up money. I should be able to live off my welfare (for an undecided time) on mimimum costs, but I would like a rundown on expenses so I can cut beyond the bare essentials. I do not have any experience in neeting in my own apartment, so I would like some opinions.

tl;dr need to find apartment but have no idea how to do it, could use tips.
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>> No. 6902 [Edit]
Maybe you should consider the option of living in a car or a van? Not trying to insult you by implying youre a hobo or anything, I seriously suggest this.
>> No. 6904 [Edit]
File 131521780693.jpg - (31.28KB , 600x337 , darker-than-black-20-026.jpg )
Maybe you should consider that not many NEETs have a driver's license and even a car?

Haruhidamnit many Ford Drivers nowadays trying to give tips.
>> No. 6908 [Edit]
type "Your area/city + apartment + cheap" into google
>> No. 6911 [Edit]
File 131522785679.jpg - (102.44KB , 1024x868 , 1315166070720.jpg )
Wow, /so/ is really full of fucking Ford Drivers, who are just ronery and think it is hip to play the hermit-nerd-card.
Time to search a new board.

OP still need to contact the people and so on.
This will be the biggest problem.

Well, whatever.

Adminfags should rename this board or atleast the caption.
>> No. 6912 [Edit]
>the caption.

lol, I haven't noticed that it changed already, from the asking of self-moderation on suicide posting; /so/ really tends to be seasonal polythematic...

Anyway: please, do leave the "fag" thing alone for a while; it might bring you uncalled bad attention.
>> No. 6913 [Edit]
Complaining about ford drivers seems kind of pointless and arbitrary here.
So what if he doesn't have a driver's license or car yet? He doesn't have an apartment either! OP is looking to change his living situation, and no matter what he chooses, he's going to have to do something uncomfortable, whether it's going to the DMV or to a landlord.
And the OP specifically asked for advice about costs, which is the second post you're talking about; why are you complaining that someone gave the OP advice that was specifically asked for?
>> No. 6914 [Edit]
your main expenses are rent, food, electricity and internet. water is usually negligibly cheap. electricity internet and water may also be included in the rent

whinyfags should stop complaining about Ford Drivers
>> No. 6915 [Edit]
This is something I've thought about doing, problem is, you have to be on the move almost all the time, becuase cops will give you crap if you're parked in any one place to long.

But I guess saving up enough money to buy a van might be hard for some people, even if it's a used one, and gas is getting pricey lately...
>> No. 6918 [Edit]
And depending on your location, you might need heating (which could also be included in the rent). You need a basic level of heat in your place during the winter so that the pipes don't freeze.

And I suppose in really hot climates you might need air conditioning to not die of heat stroke.
>> No. 6926 [Edit]
The hell's your problem? There's absolutely nothing wrong what what he said.
>> No. 6940 [Edit]
He's a troll. Nobody jumps from that to that.

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