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File 131502918557.jpg - (225.34KB , 1025x500 , 599b2950bb9a1643869f6647743331b4_jpeg.jpg )
6878 No. 6878 [Edit]
In Portal 1, it was clear that there is no place for me in that facility. I would try to get out as soon as possible as it was creepy and had nothing natural in it... so barren.

I also played Portal 1 at a time I had hope.

Portal 2 comes around at a time where I am fully NEET and have little interaction with humans. The AI aspect was interesting to me. However, I recently came to a realisation: I could not be dragged out of Aperture by any reasonable means.

I mean, you are in a facility with amazing technological advances. Even when the power is out and twenty to seventy years of nature has wreaked havoc on the place, it's still fully operational. So you have assurance that no matter what happens, you will be taken care of.

Second off, your social interaction with machines. They emulate human emotion and personality very nicely without being a disgusting human and abandoning you. They help you out and have interesting things to say.

Thirdly, GLaDOS is a manipulable sadist. She eventually feels for you, which is sort of nice. Even if she is tsun about it, she goes out of her way to lengthen her interaction with you. She even wants to bring you back to life because sixty years isn't enough time... I don't think the testing addiction is what's making this happen. I truly think she actually starts to feel for you, just a little.

Post-Potato GLaDOS is a dream come true. However, you're thrown on an elevator and shoved out into a post-apocalyptic wheat field with a charred box.

I wanted to stay at Aperture

And can you blame me? A tsundere sentient AI, cool teamwork androids, and some personality cores, you with a gun that makes holes anywhere, and a facility going miles underground with vintage sixties fixtures?

Versus decay, headcrabs, being a slave, alien super master race grubs that eat your spinal fluid after manipulating you with their minds?

Haruhi damn, I would just turn around and come back.

GLaDOS really does protect and nurture you while giving you a purpose in life. In the Half Life/ Portal universe, the only humans with a definite purpose given to them are Freeman and Chell, and you can figure out which one has the easier life.

In conclusion, I would be a shut in at Aperture, testing and being revived by GLaDOS for and eternity of glorious masochistic suffering and enjoy it much better than freedom. I would also eventually have hallucinations that all of the machines are personified by anime-style personifications, and hopefully these would become permanent.

Who the hell am I anymore?

Post edited on 2nd Sep 2011, 10:57pm
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>> No. 6879 [Edit]
File 131502979136.jpg - (643.75KB , 800x772 , 6662b0f5702020f78fc7a6bebde48034.jpg )
Also, being adopted and twenty-to-two-hundred years in the future in an apocalyptic world where humans are slaves to aliens, this is the closest thing I would ever have to a family... ;_;
>> No. 6880 [Edit]
Become super smart and strong, Count of Monte Cristo style, and then somehow get otu and make the world a better place.

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