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6781 No. 6781 [Edit]
I fail to see the human existence as anything more than a brief competition for resources both tangible and subjective.

Why should I not kill myself and/or others out of vague antipathy?
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>> No. 6782 [Edit]
Because killing yourself and others require more focus and planning than you get from a vague antipathy.

Try finding Haruhi instead.
>> No. 6785 [Edit]
>killing yourself and others require more focus and planning than you get from a vague antipathy

Not necessarily.

Appropriate planning would certainly be required if I wished to continue killing. Conversely I could very easily leave my home and haphazardly murder someone in public within the hour.

I do not possess the tenacity to delude myself nor have the desire to subscribe to any sort of non objective belief system.
>> No. 6787 [Edit]
I was going to post something about objective morals and treating others the way you would like to be treated but I suppose a murder/suicide fits perfectly with that. have fun.
>> No. 6788 [Edit]
>objective morals

>> No. 6789 [Edit]
I'm pretty objective like you are op.

Life IS a challenge to survive. But our technology has improved so much that it's pretty easy to survive a thrive nowadays.

Life may be meaningless but that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Do you need a reason to have fun? Nah not really.
>> No. 6790 [Edit]
Human's very often will actively try to befriend or ally themselves with another of equal or greater perceived social value. This is done only in effort to advance their own social position. Compassion is ultimately nothing more than a self preservation strategy. The reason we see the majority experience empathy and care towards others is because such behaviors were evolutionarily valuable to our group revolved ancestors.

Your trite adage does nothing but highlight the innate selfishness present within us all. Are you naive enough to still regard things in terms of "good" and "bad"?
>> No. 6791 [Edit]
this is like listening to a teenager who just discovered Nietzsche
>> No. 6792 [Edit]
Sure -- You're right, OP.

But if you don't see a reason to live regardless of what life is then leave. This life is the only one that any human owns (that humans know of), and while the truths of life are important, particularly the meaning of it, dwelling on it to the point you think you ought to kill yourself or others makes you look like every other depressed, philosophical-bullshit mind that has wasted on the subject to the point where, instead of enriching their fully developed mind with anything useful in this oh-so-horrible life, happens to ask an imageboard why they should not kill themselves or others.

edit: grow up

Post edited on 22nd Aug 2011, 10:45pm
>> No. 6794 [Edit]
The gist of your post is "there's no point to life". I agree. But does there have to be a point? Read books, watch anime. Find something you're interested in and study it. You'll die eventually. Nature will take care of that for you, so don't worry about it.
>> No. 6795 [Edit]
A battle to survive is pointless until you take part and gain the upper-hand in the struggle.
>> No. 6796 [Edit]
Life is as pointless as you make it. Myself I enjoy everyday watching anime.
>> No. 6801 [Edit]
This reminds me of people who say "love is just a chemical and electrical response in the brain." So is pain, but stubbing your toe still sucks.

In other words, phrasing it like that is completely ignoring the subjective experience of it.
>> No. 6803 [Edit]
>Are you naive enough to still regard things in terms of "good" and "bad"?

yes. its called moral objectivism, bro.
>> No. 6805 [Edit]

Problem being that it doesn't exist. It's nothing more than an attempt to circumvent nihilism by creating metaphysical concepts in accordance with psychological needs. Because there are the drives, there's morality. Not the other way around.
>> No. 6806 [Edit]
It's easy to be all ice cold and philosophize about this stuff when you're sitting around in your room like we all are. But when it comes down to it there is a real human basis to morality. It's not just some bullshit that the people in charge a few thousand years ago threw together to keep people under control. It might not be an objective and universal set of rules, but that hardly matters.
>> No. 6813 [Edit]
Social contracts then.
I agree to not murder the fuck out of people, if you do the same.
Think of it as a TOS for humanity.

It needs no basis in reason, for example, we could make an agreement to always wear top-hats on Fridays, its arbitrary, but that doesnt matter.

Thats all morals are, agreements between consenting parties.
>> No. 6814 [Edit]
>I fail to see the human existence as anything more than a brief competition for resources both tangible and subjective.

>Why should I not kill myself and/or others out of vague antipathy?

I fail to see how anything is anything more than a brief competition for resources both tangible and subjective.

Why don't you just enjoy the things you are told to by your body. (Including empathetic and otherwise brain related things that don't fall under hedonistic in its usual interpretation)

If killing others is somehow worth the effort/going to jail/the social/emotional feedback for you then I can't stop you.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2011, 2:32am
>> No. 6816 [Edit]
>just enjoy the things you are told to by your body
Yes, this is what human existence is.

>Including empathetic and otherwise brain related things that don't fall under hedonistic in its usual interpretation
This is a lie. No such thing exist. Its just body telling you to do it, see >>6790. You do it anyway, so isn't it better to attach "empathetic" to it so you feel like beautiful person actually making effort for the good of others? Hypocrisy in its finest.

But some people have bodies not working like yours, telling different things or just not telling some, you see? That's when we have OP's problem with all humanity. Perfectly making sense.

edit: oh, messed up a link
>> No. 6822 [Edit]
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>> No. 6829 [Edit]
With "empathetic" I meant the instinctive capability of the human body to make you feel good (or bad) about others.
It's up to everyone individually to cultivate or not those primitive patterns and gain something out of em.
Like doing something for someone else you happen to care about to feel good. Ultimately an egoistic, physical act, but the pattern is described as empathetic as far as I understand the word.
Or watching some drama anime to tap into emotions you usually dont experience by projecting yourself into it somewhat.
Just wanted to name those things extra because some people seem to overlook em in the face of the cold reality.

In the end it's up to everyone individually to pick who they want to bond with. And oftentimes it's only show to get some benefit, or out of pure enjoyment in someone's misery, etc.

Oh and of course genetic mutations and illnesses and stuff can make a person unable to relate to others at all on a physical level. (or unable to feel anything in general, etc.)

I don't think OPs problem with humanity is nearly as basic as you make it out to be though. It's normal to not relate to humanity emotionally when you dont have direct contact with it. Humanity to begin with isn't something to relate to, just individual people (who might not even exist). So humanity has nothing to do with empathy as I understand it.

edit: I guess the word could have some connotations that'd make it easy to misunderstand what I meant.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2011, 11:40am
>> No. 6840 [Edit]
Sorry, forgot we were on /jp/.

But seriously, how does this thread belong on /so/ again?
>> No. 6901 [Edit]
Either as direct consequence from roneryness or leading to such.
Roneryness here as a term to also mean a jaded feeling towards social life and not exclusively lonelyness.

sorry for the metapost

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