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6748 No. 6748 [Edit]
So I've been thinking of aquiring a job, and of course I failed in finding an acceptable one. Then it hit me, I have a unique product to sell that no other person has. My Identity. I don't use it, why not sell it and let someone else? I figure I could get 10k-20k for it and live the rest of my life in impoverished bliss.

Is this not the best idea to come out of Tohno-chan? At least for those who don't qualify for welfare.
>> No. 6749 [Edit]
If someone wanted your identity they'd just steal it.
>> No. 6750 [Edit]
That's a really really stupid idea OP
>> No. 6751 [Edit]
The reason people want to steal your identity is so they can rack up debt in your name, leaving you with the bills to pay and/or the ruined credit. Right? Is there any other use for someone else's identity?
>> No. 6752 [Edit]
Illigal imagrets and or criminals might be interested in it, but you'd be lucky to get 10k for it I think.
also, 10k-20k is not that much money, it might last you 2 or 3 years at the most.
you'd still need to pay rents and stuff like that, which tend to be 5k+ a year on average.
That's if you even manage to find a place to stay that wont ask any questions.

If you're referring to identity theft, that's usually just limited to stuff like credit cards and bank accounts.
Op is talking about a complete identity, one in which the buyer wouldn't have to worry about a second person out there using the same info.
Kind of like the film Gattaca.
>> No. 6753 [Edit]
you make it sound like they do that to spite you, when that's just a result of what they do.
Not to say people that do that stuff are by any means good mind you, they just do it for personal gain, not for some vendetta.

and yes, there are.
people who as you said with the bills to pay and/or the ruined credit might see it as an way to reset their life and start over, people that have something to hide, a formal life they want to forget, maybe someone on the run from the law or ex cons or sex offenders who want a clean slate.
>> No. 6756 [Edit]
I think you'd get more money from selling organs and dealing drugs
>> No. 6757 [Edit]
If you want to life your life in impoverished bliss just go to your local monastery.
>> No. 6758 [Edit]
and semen
>> No. 6759 [Edit]
Need to be tall and have a degree for that.
>> No. 6761 [Edit]
He could also try the army.
>> No. 6764 [Edit]
Here's the plan: Sell your identity, join the French Foreign Legion, go awol and use the alias you got from there to start a new life in Algeria, wherein you'll live there for a few years and then immigrate to France. From there you'll apply for American citizenship and can start over. Should work.
>> No. 6765 [Edit]
Now that is a bad idea.
>> No. 6766 [Edit]
OK plasma then
>> No. 6772 [Edit]
Like someone said: Nobody will pay so much for your identity and you won't live very long with 10-20k.
>> No. 6774 [Edit]
Both the army and FFL have entry requirements.
>> No. 6775 [Edit]
Oh! Oh! I've got a good idea!

Become a hitman.
>> No. 6783 [Edit]
This doesn't sound like a bad idea. Most of us would make pretty good monks, from my narrow understanding of what a monk does. Life at a monastery is pretty controlled, though, so that's something to consider. And I think you might need education for it.
>> No. 6784 [Edit]
i dont think monks are allowed to masturbate or watch anime
>> No. 6786 [Edit]

Say you have to use the bathroom and fap in there. Worked for me in my daily life.
>> No. 6817 [Edit]
You think I could get away with crossdressing in one of those? It's not like they actually check what gender you are, right?

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