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6711 No. 6711 [Edit]
I'm planning on starting an otaku goods business with intent to have a storefront eventually!

Please, someone talk me out of this!
>> No. 6712 [Edit]
Don't do it!
>> No. 6715 [Edit]
Think of all the Naruto fans who would go there and ask if you have headbands.
>> No. 6717 [Edit]
you want to be talked out of it?
Take a look at the JPY compared to the USD.
>> No. 6718 [Edit]
Anime popularity seems to be going down on the west. You will just lose money.
Just open a kebab stand instead.
>> No. 6720 [Edit]
>Anime popularity seems to be going down on the west.

Oh thank Haruhi
>> No. 6726 [Edit]
Do you even have any connections in Japan?
>> No. 6728 [Edit]
Go ahead. Lose more money as you sell overpriced crap when I can get them for less than 50%, including shipping. Which is why I don't buy crap at conventions when I can buy them on the internet easy (aside from Hong Kong sellers).

>Just open a kebab stand instead.
Yeah, there's not enough kebab stands.

>Do you even have any connections in Japan?
He's probably disillusioned enough to think that he does. He probably thinks that he's Japanese, but is in denial of it.
>> No. 6738 [Edit]
Make a super-authentic Japanese restaurant featuring all the foods you see in anime and manga that don't make it into the regular Japanese restaurants.

Japanese curry
"real" Ramen noodles

I'd go there before I'd go to an otaku goods store.
>> No. 6739 [Edit]
Chances of your business being successful are almost non existent.
You need to be sociable to sell things, I don't think that's going to work for one of us.
Also, everything you sell we can get cheaper on the internet.
>> No. 6740 [Edit]
I've always thought a karaoke place (with every booth being a separate room, that whole deal) might do OK in america. Of course here the rooms would be destroyed within a month and everything inside stolen so it probably wouldn't be worth it

Post edited on 20th Aug 2011, 10:27am
>> No. 6741 [Edit]
Why don't you open a Japanese bookstore or something? You should make some money selling Haruki Murakami, Osamu Dazai and such. Oh, and coffee. Everyone likes coffee. Then you can sell your kawaii anime merchandise at a dark shady corner with no advertising at all. That would avoid retards.
>> No. 6744 [Edit]
I want to open something like Kinokuniya, and possibly sell some figs on the side, in a corner.

I also want to open a cosplay Japanese restaurant called Suzumiya, but I fear greatly the people I would need to hire and what the patrons would be like.

One guy in Kyoto and one guy in Nagoya who pretty much lives in Nipponbashi. Possibly a guy in Tokyo but I need to find him again. Most of these people I haven't talked to in a year so that will make things difficult.

1: Regionally it is. Main reason is that most of the people who are into Japanese pop culture are moving into urban centres where cons happen a lot. None of the kids I knew in my old anime club don't live in a con city now. Meanwhile, my local haunts have either gone out of business or have stopped stocking manga altogether. I have no idea where to find Lucky Star 8 or Haruhi 9... (online doesn't count. I NEVER get my books online. The three times I have, they either took my payment and never shipped me the book or sent be a tattered shitty copy. NOT doing this crap ever again.)
2: Do you see the people that are attracted by doner kebabs? I'm kind of xenophobic in that sense... I'm really sorry, but I never have met any Turks or Arabs I have enjoyed the company of... The only thing I would think would be worse for me to do is open a pizza store and laundromat in New Jersey.

I was thinking of doing something like this, but of course, no sense in ever trusting people to not smear their shit (literally) on the walls and steal everything.

People steal frigging stall doors from bathrooms. How do they do that?

Post edited on 20th Aug 2011, 9:55pm
>> No. 6810 [Edit]

>Meanwhile, my local haunts have either gone out of business or have stopped stocking manga altogether

Theres probabably a good reason for that, judging by your previous posts you don't seem to be in a area where many people interested in such things are, would be incredibly difficult to get going without being good socially which I don't think you'd be able to do.
>> No. 6812 [Edit]
If you do this you WILL be poor and miserable.

You can resell online all you want, but you won't be profitable. These stores do not work as the demand is tiny. The only people interested are the type like us who buy directly from japan or stupid kids who can't afford the prices you need to charge to break even.

If you don't mind dept, go for it.

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