No. 6779
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If you really want to help your family then don't commit suicide, but thrive and become the best person you can. I'm pretty sure they want to see you happy and successful. You can't pay them back, they've just given too much and if you tried you'd be 40 years old by the time you paid it all back. You can't pay them back but at least show you appreciate them. Dying throws all their sacrifice into the bin.
If you're still bet on dying, then just forfeit your life. Die a figurative death. Devote your life to destroying the evils that you hate, to doing good, and to making the people you care about happy. If you still want to die after seeing the smiles of all the people you've helped then I guess its just meant to be, go ahead and do it.
But what if you're too depressed, too lethargic to do all this stuff? Thats why you want to take the easy way out and die in the first place right? You're playing the visual novel called life and choosing the shittiest route you can think of at every decision point. Thinking you can't do it is bullshit! Do you think I haven't been there before? I've been depressed for years and WASTED my youth. Do you know how I got over it? One day I just got sick of it all, and just decided to. I just made the decision to stop being depressed and to get over it. The moment you decide to is the moment you take a stand and stop passively getting beaten up by this shit. Do not misjudge these words! It is not EASY but you as a human are CAPABLE of doing it.
Grr! I just want to jump through my monitor, travel down the wires and grab people sitting at their desk by the scruff of the neck and beat some sense into them! You just don't realise how fucking PETTY your problems are. There are so many people on this planet, this planet which occupies a space tinier than a dot in the universe. Many of them didn't even have a chance from the moment they were born! You think YOU have problems?