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6707 No. 6707 [Edit]
Hey there, /so/. Not sure if this is exactly the place, but it seems appropriate.

How would I make my death look like an accident?

It's not much, but it would be nice to see my family get some money after I die, just to help them out with funeral expenses and generally sort of to pay them back for all the shit I won't get a chance to.

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>> No. 6709 [Edit]
I would go for something that seems so utterly ridiculously done with the worst of luck. Something that the coroner has a sneaking suspicion that it was staged, but doesn't want it to be so he can tell his buddies at the bar what he had to investigate that day. Something involving the roof, a hammer, some rope, maybe a can of gasoline. and an icicle.

Do you have a chimney you could volunteer to clean by any chance?

Also don't do it, this seems like a terrible idea.
>> No. 6710 [Edit]
what at least six months after opening the insurance claim, or you'll arouse suspension, the longer you hold out the better.

As for how to accidentally kill yourself, I donno.
seems hard to pull it off without looking like you wanted to die.
our society baby proofs every last part of day to day life.
Maybe try to chock on something at a fast food place without making a big deal about it?
do you own a car by any chance?
>> No. 6713 [Edit]

I own a car, but I get the feeling getting into a terrible accident isn't surefire (I don't want to wake up in the hospital three weeks later with both my legs amputated or anything.) and making sure it looks like an 'accident' is even harder, I'd think.

Unless you know some good ways.
>> No. 6716 [Edit]
Try to get someone to kill you. Like, actual killer, or someone crazy on internet with killing fetish.
Start mountain climbing or other dangerous outdoor activities, and have an "accident".
Use drugs. Heroine would work. They will remember you as a ass-weak junkie, but at least not as someone who killed himself.

But I think that if you still care about your family feelings, you are not ready for suicide yet. Besides, objectively speaking, there is no way you can "pay them back" after a suicide. Its like, cutting all legs of your dog for fun and then buying it a chew toy to make up for it. Or breaking a strangers head with a baseball bat and then calling an ambulance to make up for assault. It doesnt work like that.
>> No. 6719 [Edit]

Except I'm the only one getting physically harmed here.

They're just getting (potentially) emotionally harmed.
>> No. 6721 [Edit]
Suicide discussion is against the rules, I think. That said, there's really no surefire painless accidental way you could kill yourself that I can think of.
>> No. 6722 [Edit]

Encouraging people to commit suicide is against the rules.

I'm just asking how to do it.
>> No. 6723 [Edit]
OP, this sort of scam is older than dirt. Everything you can do to make it seem legit is too well known by the insurance companies to fool anyone.

To really make that kind of sacrifice, you'd need a will of iron, like being able to douse yourself in gasoline and stand there without running or screaming sort of will. Frankly I don't think you have what it'd take to go through with something believable as an "accident".

All this is going to do is add more time while you muck about instead of just doing the deed. If you really want to go, just go. If you think you have the will to make it look good for the adjusters than your mind is probably the best to confer with on this matter becuase you certainly won't find anyone else here with it.

Seriously though, good luck, I hope you make it, but I don't think tricking the insurance company is very realistic.
>> No. 6724 [Edit]
yeah, but the rule's purpose is to stop people from comittig suicide.don't kill yourself man, cmon. I'll be sad.
>> No. 6725 [Edit]
Don't be that way, it makes you look ridiculous and lowers this place's value drastically.

If he wants to do it, he wants to do it. Some no one online has no say in the matter. Matter of fact, other people have nothing to do with it whatsoever.
>> No. 6730 [Edit]
If he wants to commit suicide, let him do it. There's a difference in giving advice in how to commit suicide and actually encouraging people to go kill themselves. At least, nobody is saying, 'Go kill yourself, you're worthless!'
>> No. 6731 [Edit]
I've been discouraging people to suicide even before the ib4f move there isn't anything to lose which has already been lost. I think death is bad and I try to convince others not to die they're still entitled to their choice

>> No. 6733 [Edit]
Here's the thing. We all die eventually. What if some people had the choice to die quicker?
>> No. 6736 [Edit]
I don't really get what youre trying to say. People have the choice yeah, thats what you call freedom, the choice isn't always good though, E.g you have the freedom to eat chips or eat an apple, if you're bent on eating the chips I can't force you to not eat it but I'll try to convince you otherwise out of concern for your welfare.
>> No. 6742 [Edit]
I've always had this fantasy where i lodge a knife into a wall or a tree or something, and then run backwards toward it so it would look like someone backstabbed me. I guess it'd be very circumstantial
>> No. 6746 [Edit]
I would poison myself with pure nicotine and make it look like I choked on McDonald's food or something
>> No. 6747 [Edit]
Is dying in drunk considered accident?
>> No. 6754 [Edit]
yeah, but the rule's purpose is to stop people from comittig suicide.don't kill yourself man, cmon. I'll be sad.

Really pisses me off. You will be sad? Really? *sad guy logs off* idiot.
>> No. 6755 [Edit]
Don't commit suicide man, I'll be happy. I love seeing you in pain and it's ludicrous you even have the motivation to do such a thing.

*angry guy logs off* idiot.
>> No. 6760 [Edit]
Don't commit suicide man, I'll be happy. I love seeing you in pain and it's ludicrous you even have the motivation to do such a thing.

You completely missed the point , dumbass. *clap clap clap*. Go on, log off, log on and tell a joke in some other guy's thread why you get back here and tell him you are "saaaaad !". Do you get it now? Sigh
>> No. 6762 [Edit]
I'm confused
>> No. 6763 [Edit]
might be worth looking into.
If so, get stupid drunk and drive along very narrow mountain roads repeatedly.
Maybe sprinkle some nails onto the road as you drive, do a u turn a bit up the road, drive back onto them and drive off a cliff as you get a flat tire.
>> No. 6769 [Edit]
Drunk driving doesn't pay out.
At least not in america, maybe it does elsewhere?
>> No. 6773 [Edit]
I didn't really mean drunk driving. Idea I've had in my mind has been just drinking in terrible condition and then just go out during winter. Eventually person will pass out and hypothermia will kill him.

Ofcourse if person lives in country without winter whole idea is worthless. But I think alcohol can make many suicides look like an accident.
>> No. 6776 [Edit]
Your going to end up hurting your family allot, I dont think you should do it.

Why do you want to die, anyways?
>> No. 6777 [Edit]
Don't bother caring. They'll just be a douche to you until you leave.
>> No. 6778 [Edit]
yeah it's funny how most families don't show really show how much they care, until their kid is already dead.
Always with the regret of not telling them they loved em and so on.
>> No. 6779 [Edit]
File 131400768985.jpg - (65.98KB , 500x329 , KevinCartersStarvingAfricanChild.jpg )
If you really want to help your family then don't commit suicide, but thrive and become the best person you can. I'm pretty sure they want to see you happy and successful. You can't pay them back, they've just given too much and if you tried you'd be 40 years old by the time you paid it all back. You can't pay them back but at least show you appreciate them. Dying throws all their sacrifice into the bin.

If you're still bet on dying, then just forfeit your life. Die a figurative death. Devote your life to destroying the evils that you hate, to doing good, and to making the people you care about happy. If you still want to die after seeing the smiles of all the people you've helped then I guess its just meant to be, go ahead and do it.

But what if you're too depressed, too lethargic to do all this stuff? Thats why you want to take the easy way out and die in the first place right? You're playing the visual novel called life and choosing the shittiest route you can think of at every decision point. Thinking you can't do it is bullshit! Do you think I haven't been there before? I've been depressed for years and WASTED my youth. Do you know how I got over it? One day I just got sick of it all, and just decided to. I just made the decision to stop being depressed and to get over it. The moment you decide to is the moment you take a stand and stop passively getting beaten up by this shit. Do not misjudge these words! It is not EASY but you as a human are CAPABLE of doing it.

Grr! I just want to jump through my monitor, travel down the wires and grab people sitting at their desk by the scruff of the neck and beat some sense into them! You just don't realise how fucking PETTY your problems are. There are so many people on this planet, this planet which occupies a space tinier than a dot in the universe. Many of them didn't even have a chance from the moment they were born! You think YOU have problems?
>> No. 6797 [Edit]
>You just don't realise how fucking PETTY your problems are. There are so many people on this planet, this planet which occupies a space tinier than a dot in the universe. Many of them didn't even have a chance from the moment they were born! You think YOU have problems?

I really fucking hate people like you. Oh boy im not a dead aids-riddled child in africa I guess all my problems are solved! Thanks!
>> No. 6798 [Edit]
I guess undervaluing your own life is what excessive lack of self esteem could do to one?

You'd be a jerk for doing a terribly selfish thing such as suicide and worring about petty details.

Even if it looks like they care more about money than about you by urging you into a (shitty) job, their primary worry is you seeming unhappy with how things are now.

And people elevating third world problems like at the end of 6779 are pretty short sighted.

There are people suffering and dying from capilatistic side effects around the world, and someone with a depression who commited suicide is definitely not better off than someone who starved somewhere in africa. There's just more obvious help needed in those places so people feel more responsible on a superficial level. On the other hand the "help yourself" mantra. Sure go ahead, help yourself if you can. Everyone who's unable to do so is still feeling miserable or even dying undeservedly.

Post edited on 22nd Aug 2011, 2:03pm
>> No. 6799 [Edit]
Don't get me wrong, the third world issues are clearly more important in scale and easier to be adressed, so it's reasonable to feel strongly about em, but only acknowledging one side is as foolish as prescribing depressed first world people some drugs and calling it a day.
>> No. 6800 [Edit]
Two thoughts:

1. Does phrasing overcoming depression in a Hollywood manner (i.e. all it takes is one big, dramatic decision to stop being depressed, then everything is perfect forever) drive people away from taking that sort of advice, since it's clearly so unrealistic? Any major life change is a long series of small steps and continuous maintenance.

2. Has "well, there are other people who have it worse than you" ever helped anybody? By that logic, shouldn't we all feel completely miserable all the time, since there are other people who have it so much better? And hell, how about fictional characters?
>> No. 6802 [Edit]
>Has "well, there are other people who have it worse than you" ever helped anybody? By that logic, shouldn't we all feel completely miserable all the time, since there are other people who have it so much better?
No, you should feel completely apathetic.
>> No. 6804 [Edit]
> 2. Has "well, there are other people who have it worse than you" ever helped anybody?

Yeah, seriously. I have trouble believing that it ever made anyone feel any better. It certainly didn't make me feel any better.
>> No. 6807 [Edit]
Because people who say this are totally missing the point. It's not about what you have or don't have in material wealth, it's about your expectations for yourself and the way you're seen by others that's the issue. And there are plenty of people in third-world countries who aren't starving and lead fulfilling lives, another fact that escapes such people.

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