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File 131355845436.jpg - (59.55KB , 376x541 , exclamation.jpg )
6658 No. 6658 [Edit]
Okay, /so/, I need some advice.

For most of the time I've been a neckbeard weaboo, I've only jokingly referred to myself as hikki or an autist or a NEET or something like that.

I mean, I HAVE been sitting around for the past month and a half just watching anime in-between getting fired from my old job and waiting for school, but I was like "It's not like I'm, you know, actually turning into a hikki NEET or anything. I'm only doing this lifestyle of only going out once a week for an hour at a time for a month and half. It shouldn't get like, ingrained or anything."

But now that college is just a day away, I'm flipping out. Like, FLIPPING out. I don't know how I know, or why I know, I just know I'm going to be a MISERABLE FUCKING WRECK when I'm forced into this 5 day a week social situation. I've always had social anxiety, and I know it's going to come out in full force starting tomorrow. I pretty much went full hikki over this month and a half.

So, I guess what I'm asking is this:

What are some tips for hikkis attempting to reintegrate themselves into social life?

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>> No. 6659 [Edit]
Wait, you want to STOP?

This is a gift, OP. You should give it time to work it's magic.

I guess if you're deadset on it the only thing you can do is remake your life. Following the path you're on will only lead to spending weeks naked and hungry watching the same anime over and over.

Basically, the only simple way out is to become someone else. Of course you can try and fight, see if your will prevails. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

tl;dr: Fuck it, suicide at 30 isn't so bad. Grab some welfare and make a good run of it.
>> No. 6660 [Edit]

Well no, I WOULD like to sit around doing nothing but watching anime, playing vidya, and working out all day, but I doubt the parents would support me for the rest of my life if I did that.
>> No. 6661 [Edit]
Such is the price you have to pay.

How long do you think you could string them along?
Adjust your life expectancy accordingly, perhaps?

If not, try welfare. It's easy, fast, and confidential.

Though, I guess if you deem a life out there to be worth living, the best way to motivate yourself would be to concentrate on whatever reasons you're even bothering to go to school.
>> No. 6662 [Edit]

It's mostly so I can make enough money to sit around for the rest of the time watching animu, playing vidya, and working out.

I literally have no point in life besides those three things, unless the apocalypse comes around or something like that, or I get flung into some crazy fantasy story shit that probably won't happen.
>> No. 6663 [Edit]
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>> No. 6664 [Edit]

No man, like, I literally don't have anything I want to do with my life.

The only way I'd ever want to do something is if the apocalypse comes around, as I said, or if I get flung into any sort of crazy situation that will most likely only ever exist in the realm of my fantasies.
>> No. 6665 [Edit]
Zany adventures are overated.
Have a mental breakdown in front of the folks.
Stop showing your face ever, only get food or leave for the bathroom when you are CERTAIN they are asleep, and not camping/waiting to strike.

Slowly move more and more anime stuff into your room, make no attempt to hide it. Adapt a general lethargy, like even needing to breath is so audacious that you can barely suffer to allow it.

After the usual mushing and whining about "help", your parents will do one of two things; forget about you, or kick you out.

Pray for the former, prepare for the latter.
>> No. 6666 [Edit]

Sounds like... Fun?
>> No. 6667 [Edit]
What is it that you expect?
>> No. 6668 [Edit]

Well, I don't expect any parents to be okay with their kid leeching off them and being a total hikki NEET, but I didn't expect it to be more stressful than an actual job.
>> No. 6669 [Edit]
Don't encourage him to be a neet. Integrating into society doesn't mean suddenly bcoming a weed smoking jock who goes clubbing. He can be a decent person if he copes. Key word: copes, he doesn't have to excel, just has to know the minimum needed to deal with people.
>> No. 6670 [Edit]
Depends on the parents, and how strong their nurturing instinct is.

Or just welfare and throw them a cut for bills.
>> No. 6671 [Edit]
You haven't been at this for even two months, just go to school. You'll be fine. There's nothing for you to reintegrate from.
>> No. 6674 [Edit]
I dunno what I can tell you OP, because I'm in the same position right now, except college starts in 2 weeks for me.

I'm fucking terrified and I know I'm going to get weird looks; you can tell I'm a shut-in just by looking at me.

First stepping into the classroom is probably going to be the worst shit ever.
>> No. 6675 [Edit]
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The problems seems to be that you think you are going to be in social situations all day. I don't think this is the case, sure you'll be around other people, but just be diligent in your work and they will leave you alone.

So lets talk about some first day issue you may face:
-"Please stand up, what is your name and tell the class about yourself"

I've heard of this happening in college, but I imagine it depends on the size of the class? First year classes are usually big, so it is improbable that this would happen. Plus you can always say "My name is Kintaro Oe, I am 26 years old and am a student of life" or "Eikichi Onizuka here, 22 years old and single," though on second thought maybe not...

-"Take one and pass the rest to the person beside you"

Arrive early move to a seat against the wall, and then you don't even have to pass anything to the next person. You also avoid the traffic.

-"blah blah blah blah we have lots of events to celebrate the new school year blah"

Don't go to the events.

There is also the possibility that you can skip the first day and avoid all that, but then you may need to do something else on your own to find out what is up, like talking to someone(s).

also arrive early for everything, this will limit the amount of time you need to transverse crowds.

And I also have some great news for you, I hear lots of stuff is done online these days, like getting assignments and all the reading material (torrent your textbooks). Maybe you won't even need to go to class ever (not that that is advisable).

Though I'd like to stress that there will be other people like you there, and some of them maybe in clubs, so maybe try and join a club at some point. If anime has taught me anything, the only point of going to school is to join a club. So join a club.
>> No. 6676 [Edit]
Take a shower, shave, and dress like a normal person. If you do that, you won't get looks. You can get by going to school without talking to people and do your own thing most of the time.
>> No. 6677 [Edit]
I should just put this out there that I'm going to be nervous even when not actually interacting with people.

I have paranoia problems.

You know, where you're convinced that two people laughing about something HAVE to be laughing about you? Or that somebody looking in your general direction is giving you a death glare?

>> No. 6679 [Edit]
I'm the same way. I think the only job I could handle is one where I would be entirely alone, like a graveyard shift security guard or janitor. I actually wouldn't mind being a janitor if it was in a non-public place like an office or something.

No way I could actually get a job like that though, since they'd probably be more likely to hire an illegal immigrant since they can pay them less under the table
>> No. 6680 [Edit]
Let me get this straight, you're freaking out when you've only been at this six weeks?

I'm not even sure I believe you, this kind of stinks of that "I only go to my boyfriend's house after school, I'm such a hikki" nonsense.

At any rate, you seem to not want any responsibility. That's cool, not many of us do either. However going outside usually requires some. Are you aiming at the best of both worlds or something?
>> No. 6685 [Edit]

But I DON'T want to go outside.

I'm only going outside because I have to.
>> No. 6686 [Edit]
>this kind of stinks of that "I only go to my boyfriend's house after school, I'm such a hikki" nonsense.
I agree. But anyway, you don't really need to do much interaction, to be honest. I went through last year without talking to barely anyone, just my teachers once in a while because of due dates and stuff like that. You can just pretend you're really focused and they'll think you're just applying yourself a lot.
>> No. 6694 [Edit]
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I can't believe I'm saying this on /so/, but don't be such a drama queen, OP. If you managed to bullshit your way through work and school thus far, I doubt you've significantly changed in six weeks of not doing much.

You sound like you can function ok in reality to at least the bare minimum. You just don't want to.

Perhaps the same could be said of all hikkikomori.
>> No. 6696 [Edit]
Hmm...I'm about to start classes at a community college again soon, after dropping out last December from university. I'm getting a bit nervous too, as what precipitated me dropping out was a long period of ever increasing social withdrawal that started a couple years before and ended in complete denial and blocking out of my impending failure.

Perhaps you should join a club as a previous poster mentioned, so you are anchored in reality and don't suffer a breakdown or bout of depression should you continue to remain isolated.

I guess it is difficult if you don't have any direction in life, I'm in a similar situation I guess but I know what I want or what I had wanted to study, if not necessarily what I want to do after I have completed my studies.
>> No. 6699 [Edit]
I can somewhat relate OP, about the only time I go outside is when I have to go to school. I have came to detest school and just wish I could be a hikki living on my own. I've tried to think of ways to make it happen but I can't. I'd try for government benefits, but doing so scares me and my parents would look down on me for it and might not allow it. I also considered making use of my semi-limited graphic design skills to work some freelance things on websites like 99designs, but college seems to have drained any motivation to even draw doodles from me. I'll start to do things just for fun, will save them, and then they'll sit wherever I saved them until I realized I haven't touched them in weeks and delete them. I also seem to have 'lost' my prior knowledge of photoshop and illustrator knowing only what I need to pass my assignments which I blame on my instructors attitudes of "whatever gets a paycheck" seeming to have no love for the medium itself which makes me sick. Hopefully I won't do horrible in this semester since I won't rage-quit studying/working on assignments from my computer messing up trying to, but to be honest its probably not that but rather I just don't want to do it and will find some other excuse not to work on things I need to, as many, many of the things I did need to work on that I didn't weren't related to using a good computer, or a computer at all.

I seriously need to man up and try and get SSI or something similar, or break down and get a job. College life is driving me insane every semester. For a while last semester I was sleeping around 16 hours a day due to not wanting to even be awake. Although I imagine having a job would also drive me insane. Living with my parents currently makes me uncomfortable, but livable. If I don't do well this semester I'll drop out. Although due to my own inability to own up my failure to my parents I'll likely be unable to.


In my college if you don't go to class you'll fail if you miss more than X days. I also don't recommend online classes as I tried them and they make you talk to your class on a forum-esque thing. Was horrible, at least in class you can avoid them by just looking uninteresting here you couldn't. I found myself blatantly lieing about my interests and hobbies just to try and not stand out too much most of the time. Depends on how you are though with that sort of thing. I'll never try it again, not only did it not do well with how I learn things since I'm not outgoing enough to ask my teachers questions that other people ask in class I didn't bother to.
>> No. 6701 [Edit]
Myself I have some sort of social anxiety too(maybe not bad as yours). But I am still studying and doing well in college. I never talk to anyone expect teachers. I always eat alone. I do most group works alone if teacher allows it. I am just fascinated by my major what I am studying that I don't care and I just force myself to trough.

Ofcourse it is natural to be nervous and I think you are definitely overreacting.
>> No. 6734 [Edit]
Not. Your. Personal. Blog.
>> No. 6793 [Edit]
You seem to be lost. What other purpose do you believe /so/ serves?

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