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6629 No. 6629 [Edit]
Anyone else absolutely fucking terrified of driving?

The real world doesn't look real to me, everything is so dull and surreal that I'm honestly scared I'm going to die if I drive. I'm not even exaggerating, I get like 1-2 close calls every time driving, every time. When I look at things (not on a screen) it doesn't really feel like I'm looking at them because I'm so detached and out of it. It's all just a passing blur. I'm positive that I'm a danger to myself and others if I'm on the road.

Some shit I get from my family:
"You're an adult yet you can't even drive? Grow the fuck up"
"You have your own car yet you're asking me to drive you to the grocery store? What's wrong with you?"
"How are you going to function in life if you're too scared to drive? You can't rely on us forever. Get over your fear of driving already"
"When are you going to take responsibility of your life and drive yourself?"

I don't even want to go to the grocery store two minutes distance away from me. Also, having to go up in front of the cashier is too nerve-wracking since 90% of the time I get weird looks and treated coldly, so I usually ask my little sister to come to the cash register with me. It's fucking pathetic, but if she doesn't come with me then I won't go.

I only drive my car once or twice month now.
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>> No. 6630 [Edit]
Ive never driven a car and i dont have any plans to, and the longer i live without doing it the more unreal it looks to me
>> No. 6631 [Edit]
I hate driving. If it's around a neighborhood it's boring, if it's anything more difficult it's terrifying. Way too many things to think about at once.
>> No. 6632 [Edit]
You get used to it after being forced to do it for at least an hour a day everyday

You hit a point to where you don't even notice or care when you're driving, As long as you don't hit something you're fine.

I used to be terrified but I need it for work
>> No. 6633 [Edit]
I am too frightened to go take the test.
I am also too frightened to take the bus.

Here though if you pass the written part of the motor cycle test(same as the written part of car test, which I passed in high school), you get your learners license and you can drive within the city as long as it is day light. If I were to ever have my own motorized vehicle I'd take this route. Then I'd drive on residential streets only.

But walking or biking is fine.
>> No. 6636 [Edit]
>> No. 6637 [Edit]
The first driving instructor I had was a real asshole, and his harsh demeanor made me think for a time that I couldn't cope with driving. But after I had lessons with parents, it became obvious that I could cope with the pressure of driving, so long as I wasn't being verbally harassed at the same time.
>> No. 6638 [Edit]
I took drivers ed classes at the earliest possible date and got my permit soon after turning 15. I've had that permit for a little over 5 years now. I think I had to renew it recently, actually...There was never really any incentive to get a license, being a shut-in I had no friends and nowhere to go really. Fear of driving also played a role as well, I guess.

Anyway, it is fine when no one is on the road, but I can't handle highways and crowded areas, though I've been told I drive decently.
>> No. 6640 [Edit]
I'm 21 and I still don't have my license. I took driver's ed in high school and I would have panic attacks when I knew my time to drive would be coming up, and I felt sick the entire time I was driving. I'm also terrified that, if I finally do get a car and a license, I will get lost. I have nightmares where I have no idea where I am or how to get home
>> No. 6641 [Edit]
Maybe it's becuase I grew up liking driving/racing games, but I've never really had a problem with driving, and kind of like it at night.
Only thing that scares me about it is police getting on me about something, since they have their ticket quotas to meet and all.

You'd think I'd be more scares of driving, since my first experience with driving, was when my dad forced me to drive a over sized dump truck without seat belts at the age of 15 or so, and without me having any experience/training before hand, he even told me to jump out should the cops show up.
around the age of 19 my job at the time upon hearing I just got a car made me drive a few towns over on a busy highway when I only had the car for like 3 days, and by that time I had already busted a headlight while parking, which fell off during the drive to that job.
That job sure as heck made me do a ton of driving, sending me off to places I never heard of with little to no notice.
one such spot had a thin and very squiggly mountain road to it, that can me somewhat nerve racking to drive on.
I got far to many flat tires to remember, once I shredded a tire and drove on the rim to a secluded area, this being 40 some miles from home, Had to sleep in the car, and drove it on the rim again in the morning to a tire shop.
that was also a time when I nearly missed an off ramp, tried to take it a bit late and got some airtime off onto it, kind of messed a rim up a bit.
Still, I'm not scared of driving ( just leaving my house if that makes any sense. ), maybe it's becuase I like my car, but it can be fun at times.
When I pulled out of that turn with to much gas and fishtailed the car with cars coming my way, I wasn't scared, I was enjoying it, driving down those scary mountain passes one could easily slip off of? I just crank up the eurobeat and run em as fast as I can.
coming back from work half asleep at 4am on a empty highway? test out your car's max speed!
(then again, it could just be I don't much care if I drive off a cliff and blow myself and the car up, I don't exactly have much to live for.)
>> No. 6645 [Edit]
This economy is terrible to drive or own a car. Maintenance, gas, buying the car, etc. It's all too much money to even consider.

I love trains, so Haruhidamned much. They are convenient. They bring you to all the places worth going to. They are efficient. They are the coolest thing to watch in action. They usually have WiFi. You don't have to pay $80 for gas and $20 for a parking garage space just to take a trip to a city.

Problem is, the US has terrible train service. Most of the tracks that the US laid down were torn up in the 30s or 70s-80s. The tracks that are still here are run by the greediest privatised passenger rail companies on the planet.

Why do we have privatised rail? Because that way, we have to spend an assload of money on things that are required of us to be functional in society. And that keeps auto manufacturers, mechanics, railroads, and insurance companies rich while we scrimp just to eat.
>> No. 6646 [Edit]

Revolution soon, Comrade.
>> No. 6647 [Edit]
I am in my late twenties and have never driven thanks to having really poor eyesight. I wish I could since using a bicycle to get around is both dangerous and embarrassing.
>> No. 6648 [Edit]
It's healthy though!
>> No. 6651 [Edit]
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You are sweet. It has helped me lose a good bit of weight.

The problem is that I can't go all that far, and I end up a sweaty smelly mess.

Also I have to reiterate how dangerous it is. I was hit earlier this year. Luckily, it was a low speed collision and I walked away, with only minor damage to my bike.
>> No. 6655 [Edit]
I remember I was the only one I knew that didn't care about getting his license after I turned 18.

I didn't really plan to get it, as I can't concentrate well if it doesn't interest me. And not concentrating while driving seemed pretty dangerous, but my parents nearly forced me to do it. I haven't driven even once since I got my license.
>> No. 6656 [Edit]
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I had lessons from a friend of my Dad who I'd known since I was young, but when it got to the point where I was ready for the test I just gave up, since I was too afraid to go in and speak to people. I feel bad now for wasting the guy's time with lessons. Public transport is a nightmare, so I try to leech lifts from my family wherever possible since shame and guilt is still preferable to utter fear and uncertainty. Petrol prices in England are ridiculous anyway.

OP's description of detachment sounds really familiar to me as well. It's sort of like watching a dream or a video and feeling as though nothing you do has any consequence so it doesn't matter whether or not you pay attention since none of it is real.
>> No. 6657 [Edit]
Yes, actually. I haven't even gotten my license yet. Every time someone in my family offers to help me learn, I end up avoiding the 'lessons' most of the time...and usually fuck up pretty bad when I do actually go. My biggest problem is poor depth perception. I seriously can't tell when I'm going to collide with another vehicle, be it parked or moving, and the other person in the car has had to grab the wheel sharply or hit the brakes to prevent my collisions before.

I'm also starting to get the kind of shit you mentioned from my family as well. Unfortunately I can only see it getting worse as time goes on.
>> No. 6672 [Edit]
Yes, that's why I don't have my license yet
>> No. 6732 [Edit]
Driver's ed was the most terrifying experience of my life. I managed to fuck up spectacularly and almost ran into oncoming traffic due to my poor perception. Thankfully, my city has free public transportation, so there's not really a need for a car here. And I can just ride my bike anywhere the bus doesn't go.
>> No. 6735 [Edit]
Personally I use public transportation. The responsibility of driving my own vehicle amidst the madness we call traffic today is simply too frightening to even think about.
>> No. 6842 [Edit]
At least you Americans have cheap gas. It's like... around 8$ dollars a gallon here in Sweden. (You and your weird measures.)
>> No. 6843 [Edit]
At least you guys have full domestic control of your economy...
>> No. 6844 [Edit]
I'm afraid of driving because of the bullshit moving violations I'll get by speed cameras. My mom has plenty of tickets by those speed cameras, and that's one reason why I refuse to own a car.

I have a learners permit, but I haven't made any progress. I live in the State of Maryland where any new driver regardless of age has to have 60 hours of driving experience and go to a drivers education class.
>> No. 6847 [Edit]
When I got my license, I had some serious sleeping disorder issues going on.
My father took me to 'the city' to practice driving with multiple lanes and shit, took like 5 minutes to get a close-call on a crash.
I just couldn't react and I didn't pay enough attention to anything. My father quickly grabbed and turned the wheel and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK", my response was "oh".

That was 5 years ago, I haven't really driven since. Mainly because I couldn't afford my own car anyway and I'm living on my own.

Sad, because since kid I've been obsessed with cars and I even played racing sims "seriously" in my teens.
>> No. 6882 [Edit]
>I've been obsessed with cars and I even played racing sims "seriously" in my teens.

I have no interest in learning to drive in real life but the games are great. I cant wait for Forza 4.

My mom is always dropping hints about me getting my drivers licence. she just emailed me a coupon for cheap driving lessons.
>> No. 6894 [Edit]
I feel safer when riding a motorcycle, i think its because i have more control. Plus i don't trust other people when driving i wish we had something like in the Venus Protect where cars will be controlled by satellite. But yes i don't fell safe when driving.

Just the other day my older sister got her new car and offer me to drive it, i said no.
My friend was there and he said "I would kill to dive that thing." (it is a pretty bad ass car)
And then i said "The key word in that sentence is 'Kill'."

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