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6557 No. 6557 [Edit]
This is a lethargy thread. NEET, hikki, head of multinational corporation, whatever; if you spend all day with your face pressed firmly into your desk or pillow becuase the effort of raising your head would likely kill you, this is the thread for you!

Love it, hate it, have interesting insight on the matter, it's all welcome! People with pep GET OUT! Listlessness is welcome too, I guess but that's not really the focus here. You can have the all the will in the world but it won't matter if you don't have the energy to do more than pull your self across the floor.

Personally, I think I spend all my waking time either recovering from sleep, or preparing to. Many times, have I simply continued to sleep again becuase I lacked the energy to actually to wake up. You know the feeling, a break in the feverish dream, a sense that if you focus you'll leave that realm. And then drag myself in a torpor to my water heater to put on some tea, and slowly recover from either waking too early or sleeping too long. By the time that passes over I've gone through about six cups and the sun is starting to set, and then I'm hit with a severe drowsiness and a resolve to fix my sleep schedule which only makes me more tired. The thought of going all the way to my futon is usually too daunting to consider until I've almost dozed away at my desk a few too many times. Sometimes it even goes on for days, as I'm simply too exhausted to sleep. I don't have any hard feelings about it, it's grown warm and familiar. How about you all?
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>> No. 6558 [Edit]
I believe I know what you mean. Yesterday, I lied down for two hours before I could get up. Sometimes I feel like my limbs belong to another person, and so they refuse to answer to my commands. It's annoying, but also relaxing in its own way. Maybe being an amputee wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. After that, I went to the restroom, and, once inside, I spent three hours just sitting there, staring blankly forward until I remembered I actually went there because I wanted to shit. One more hour and I notice I'm hungry. That made me actually try and drag myself around for a short while. I shoved some cookies down my throat, got my headphones and my laptop, and finally laid down on my bed once again. I spun my notebook 90 degrees clockwise and browsed Tohno-chan. I didn't get outta my bed again that day. Half an hour imageboarding and more two hours looking at the ceiling. Half an hour watching Steins;Gate and one more hour wondering what did I just watch, before noticing I could just check the recent files menu. Then I shut it off and go to sleep, waking up today. I ain't that bad most of the time, though.
>> No. 6559 [Edit]
I think I spend 12 hours a day sleeping. Sometimes when I wake up, I try to go back to sleep so I can keep dreaming. I wake up at 5 PM on a good day.
>> No. 6560 [Edit]
I sleep for 10 hours a day, with an alarm set to wake me up after 4 hours. Apparently that's supposed to help with lucid dreaming, which is something I've been trying very hard at for a long time
>> No. 6561 [Edit]
My main big sleep everyday is 10-13 hours trying either sleeping, sleeping, or forcing myself back to sleep to continue my dreams (which always works for me). I also don't keep a 24 hour day, it is more like 26. So like once every 2 weeks my entire sleep cycle switches from daytime sleep to night time sleep. Right now for instance I am waking up at midnight, and I will go to bed at 2pm-ish, but here is where my troubles start, PEOPLE ARE SO NOISY AT 2pm! So it often takes me more then a few hours to fall sleep, I get enough rest, but my sleep is not sound. And since sleep is the highlight of my day this annoys me. But on the other hand it is nice to be awake and have the entire house to myself(because others are asleep). This time is prime reading/anime/gaming hours, but unfortunatly I really don't do that stuff anymore. Recently I've been watching star trek, on TV, 3 episodes per day. And that is my highlight, the rest of the day (~10 hours) is continually spent checking 3 websites for something new to reply too. These sites are usually slow (tohno-chan is 1 of them). So most of my time is waiting to become tired so I can sleep again.
>> No. 6563 [Edit]
>I went to the restroom, and, once inside, I spent three hours just sitting there, staring blankly forward until I remembered I actually went there because I wanted to shit.

Haha, that happens to me, too! I just sit there and after a while I ask myself 'wait, what am I doing here anyway?'.

>the rest of the day (~10 hours) is continually spent checking 3 websites for something new to reply too

Yeah, I know that all too well. Except I mostly check /tc/. I will have to come up with some plan to reduce my browsing hours to an hour or so daily.

But as for being constantly tired I got past it, somehow. It got bad once I got into HS. Dropped out of a renown school, got into a shitty local one, had to repeat a year either way, as one year I was literally to tired to get off my bed and eventually didn't show up at school even once in the 2nd semester. Visited lots of neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists. Nobody helped me, some made it worse (SSRIs), neurologists looked at me as if I were a hypochondriac. One guy actually had the nerve to tell me not to drink too much tea/take warm baths/watch TV before going to bad. I'm too lazy to go into more detail.

But now, few years after I feel I recovered, without doing anything. I don't feel constantly tired, disoriented, apathetic. And I sure wish I did. I feel I'm too old to actually do something with my life at this point but my only excuse is gone.
>> No. 6566 [Edit]
I think my ftucked up sleep pattern contributes strongly to depression. The other is mood. If I read something that's hurtful to me or someone does something unkind to me that could ruin the rest of my day.
>> No. 6569 [Edit]

Sunlight also has a direct influence on your mood. So if you are, like me, mostly awake at night, it can start to grind you down real good before you even notice.

>If I read something that's hurtful to me or someone does something unkind to me that could ruin the rest of my day.

I know that feel, bro. With me it's mostly because I tend to give things way too much thought. It can be the smallest things like some person I'm chatting with kinda wording something weirdly and stuff like that. My thought patterns can go crazy there. Sometimes I get the feeling I'm so lonely every little sign of rejection is too much for me. How is it for you?
>> No. 6570 [Edit]
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Hm, OP here, it fills me with joy and elation to know there are others with just as much energy as I.

Especially you, you get it!

What are you talking about? Do you know how much effort it takes to reach meaningful ejaculation? I haven't fapped properly in months.

Also, if anything I'm in high spirits, I'm just very inactive. Being someone who went through the fun of depression a few times, I think I'm pretty familiar with it.

I have memories of being a part of the computer on bed master race, but I think switching to a desk did wonders for my mood. See, being in my chair and being in my bed are two very different stations, and bring the necessary changes and variety to my life. Idling watching the sun rise, with a contented smile. This is truly a life of leisure I lead, and even though I do have my own problems I don't truly regret being this way.

Working? Doing things? Maybe one day finding a room mate and getting out of my aging parent's home? I'll get on it, dunno what'll happen, and it's silly to try and say I will, but for now I'll savor that divine feeling when a thousand crumpled muscles get a nice thorough stretch.
>> No. 6571 [Edit]
not related but does Au stand for gold?
>> No. 6572 [Edit]

Nah. It's the third time I've been asked that in three days.
>> No. 6573 [Edit]
Lethargy is a vicious circle and if you don't do anything to change it, it will become much worse. What you all need is some healthy dose of self discipline; regular sleep patterns, healthy diet, a little dose of exercise can do wonders to your energy level. Trust me I 've been there.


You seem to have characteristics of the Avoidant personality disorder, maybe it would be good to check this out...
>> No. 6574 [Edit]
<computer on bed master race

Represent, I got a mild case of backnee, I think this is why. 10-13 hours sleeping in bed, another 11 lying down, my main hours standing are showering and getting food. Though sometimes I go for walks, and I eat healthy!


I don't understand that getting hurt emotionally thing, or I understand it, but emotionally I am stone(apathetic?) now. I resently got called out for smelling [bad], and stood my ground, because 'I can't control how other people interpret my scent,' only to be told how I was wrong. Not a care was given.

Though this one time, like a year after highschool, I was at my grandparents aniversary party, and this lady asked what I was doing now, no school, no job, no plans, live at home, etc, "I'm sorry for your mom," or something like that. I was hurt. I hope I never see that lady again.


Yes, I need something to do to keep off the internet, and I need the self-disipline, which wouldn't be hard if I had something I liked or needed to do or if I was willing to do it around others (srsly I hate when people watch/see me do something, even family). But I really don't like the internet, so prehaps I replace one not-like with another not-like. An equal swap.
>> No. 6575 [Edit]
>I can't control how other people interpret my scent
Oh Haruhi, haha
>> No. 6576 [Edit]

I don't own a laptop, but I have my TV set up as my computer monitor and use a game controller as a mouse via xpadder and an on screen keyboard and one of those chair type pillows. I have gone days without leaving my bed.
>> No. 6578 [Edit]
>"I'm sorry for your mom," or something like that.
That's where you are witty and say "she's sorry for herself too"

I'm also in the no chair crowd by the way. Beds are superior.

Post edited on 11th Aug 2011, 10:55am
>> No. 6589 [Edit]
Is there a cure for this?

I want to try ginseng. I want to do things. But generally I'm either too depressed or too tired to do anything.
>> No. 6590 [Edit]
Get someone to force you to wake you up.
>> No. 6591 [Edit]
Hm, if you're depressed it's another story.
Simple chronic lethargy is utterly different.

Regardless, drink more tea.
>> No. 6592 [Edit]
I sometimes wish I didn't enjoy sleep like every other person did. For me, sleep is one thing I enjoy the most. If it weren't for the fact that I have to force myself awake, then I could possibly sleep for more than a day.

Apologises if I've put this in the wrong place and made no sense whatsoever. I had difficulty doing so so I thought of the first thing I could when reading this thread throughly.
>> No. 6593 [Edit]
Can't have waifu dreams while awake.
>> No. 6602 [Edit]
I don't like to oversleep because that time feels wasted, it's ironic that I don't do anything even when I'm out of bed.
Yesterday I went to sleep at 14:00 and woke at midnight, had at least 2 awesome dreams, now staying awake to fix my sleep schedule since I'll be seeing someone in 3 days. I really hate sunlight and because the sun knocks at the window where my computer is I keep that window sealed.

Sometimes I'm so bored that I lay on bed and sleep because I have nothing else to do. Then I don't have any reasons to get up from the bed, I just do it by habit, every day I wake I can't wait to see that day to end.

Only recently I started to move my bed in front of the computer.

Once I turned off all the clocks and I had no way to tell what time it was. I did that on purpose.

Maybe this doesn't fit this thread and my grammar is horrible but hey please have mercy upon me.
>> No. 6649 [Edit]
Lucky. I've never had a waifu dream. My dreams are pretty entertaining though, mostly me going on anime adventures.

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