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No. 6491 [Edit]
Tell me something people, how common are hikki's in Amurica? I hear Americans complaining all the time online how people there are soo depressed and keep to themself.

Picture yourself in this position: I live in a country(Finland)where people hardly ever talk to people they dont know. If your sitting on the bus it's always dead quiet since no one talks. If you're walking on the street you'll notice alot of people look down towards the ground and avoid looking at other people at all costs. Not only that it's close to impossible to make any friends when im considered shy even for this countrys standards.

Interestingly, ALOT of finns have moved to other countries(e.g USA ) because people there are so much more social and outgoing. Naturally i can't do that living with my parents and without any usable education.

No idea why i posted this actually, sorry to spoil your /so/.
>> No. 6492 [Edit]
who says Americans are depressed and keep to themselves?
I've never heard anyone say that.
I always thought it was well known Americans are load mouthed aggressive and outgoing
>> No. 6493 [Edit]
>I always thought it was well known Americans are load mouthed aggressive and outgoing

Like every stereotype, it's not true. There are a sizable amount of Americans who keep to themselves for various reasons.
>> No. 6494 [Edit]
yeah right, I wish.
If people weren't so obnoxious I might leave my house more often.
>> No. 6495 [Edit]

>> No. 6496 [Edit]
You're only noticing the obnoxious ones because they stand out. People who mind their own business could be the majority and you still wouldn't notice them as much.
>> No. 6497 [Edit]
>I live in a country where people hardly ever talk to people they dont know.

You do know this is pretty much how it is everywhere right now, right? I wouldn't be able to name a place where a majority of people are easily sociable of my life depended in it.
>> No. 6498 [Edit]
Yeah its pretty much like this everywhere, unless you live in the country or something. For instance I live in Sydney and could walk around in the city, and the only people who'd talk to me would be people peddling flyers and the insane/hobos.
>> No. 6500 [Edit]
I think it is a generational thing.
My Mom says hi to everyone, older people often say hi if I pass them.

Or maybe it is an age thing, maybe when we get older we will say hi all the time too.

try walking around a suburb, residential areas are more friendly.
>> No. 6502 [Edit]

>Like every stereotype, it's not true.

I thought every stereotype was true, except wildly exaggerated.
>> No. 6507 [Edit]
I've always loved Finland for the reason they're so passive and often bleak.

It's like the Russians.

But on topic, there are plenty of American hikis. It's just that the American culture is a very open and tolerable one, and as such the society is rather extroverted. Some nations are different, like in Asia where staring at people is in no means rude. Imagine a bus of everyone staring AT you, not out the windows like in Finland.
>> No. 6508 [Edit]
/b/ picture? Check.
Complaining about shyness and lack of friends? Check.

Welcome to /so/, the new /r9k/.
>> No. 6510 [Edit]
Its always been /r9k/. What are you, new here?
>> No. 6511 [Edit]
you are kidding right?
>> No. 6512 [Edit]
I have never heard of Asians making eye contact.
>> No. 6513 [Edit]
One does not need to make eye contact to stare, giascle.
>> No. 6514 [Edit]
I'm asian and I make eye contact.
>> No. 6515 [Edit]

No that guy, but yeah, it has always been that way, it's not exactly hot news.
>> No. 6516 [Edit]
Now that you put it that way i actually feel bad for you amerian hikkis. I don't think i could stand to live in a country where the culture is more extroverted then here. At least i can take comfort in the fact that there are alot of people like me in this shithole of a country.

And still we always rank in the top 3 in those comparisons between nations sigh*

You mentioned russians there, I used to deal with a lot of russian people when i was still working and i think they're not like finnish people in that aspect.
Of course it doesn't apply to every single russian but i found most of them to be really talkative and open.
>> No. 6517 [Edit]

>Of course it doesn't apply to every single russian but i found most of them to be really talkative and open.

I got the same feeling. Of course I can't base my view of a whole nation (a quite sizable one on top of that) based on few random encounters but yeah, I think Russians are fairly open and honest (although 'honest' is an euphemism for blunt here).
>> No. 6518 [Edit]
>>Of course it doesn't apply to every single russian but i found most of them to be really talkative and open.
>>I think Russians are fairly open and honest (although 'honest' is an euphemism for blunt here).
I suppose that (in general) is the objective impression from European or American point of view. Because for me European and Americans (although my experience is not very big) looks like acting a bit (especially in mimics), trying to always "keep face". But also they are truly polite and diplomatic, they have a culture of "constant politeness".

And few words about politeness. In modern Russia there are no common honorifics or addresses equal to "mister", etc. Old, pre-revolutionary "gospodin" (literally "lord") was supposed to be re-introduced, but in real life it is now used only in official papers. Soviet "comrade" is also rarely used now, but it is still official honorific in army. So sometimes it's difficult to politely address to unknown person. Usually you say: "devushka" (literally means "girl" as "young, unmarried woman"), young man, woman, "uvazhaemyi" (literally "respected")

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