No. 6859
I remember reading this article once that suggested that time perception is actually different for children & adults. I think it had to do something dealing with both age & experiences. Basically the passing of the years goes faster as we grow older. This makes sense; for instance when you were 10 years old, a year represents 10% of your life, and seems like a very long time. When you are 25, a year represents only 2.5% of your life. And that year probably was the same as the previous year, it does not seem anything out of the ordinary. So of course it would feel like the year before, especially if you were doing the same things, day after day. So the older you get the faster time seems to flow. I guess time perception accelerates the more you age.
Now concerning experiences, for children time seems to flow slower because everything is also new to them, everything they do in their life is an opportunity to search, explore, play in and wonder about their surroundings. Every day is something new, its an adventure and the days are rarely the same. You can go to a lake, or explore the woods and have an adventure with your friends. For a child a day of play will seem to go on forever, when for an adult it'll go by in a flash. Just think back on when you were a kid and couldn't wait until the summer vacation started, didn't it seem like an eternity? Now as an adult its really just 1 or 2 months of hot weather.
And I think the reason for this change in time perception is that people experience the same things day after day. For most people what do they do? Wake up, go to your job, pick up kids from school, go to a bar, go to sleep & repeat. All these experiences will then begin to merge together and you will not think how every day is pretty much the copy of the day before. Why? Because there is nothing to distinguish today from yesterday. It's the same thing. And I think for hikki they also experience this phenomenon, because the days seem the same, so this is why time seems to go by faster.
I apologize if this was off-topic but your comment made me think about this, I will try to post a link to the article if I can find it.