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6457 No. 6457 [Edit]
How long have you been a NEET or hiki? Real ones only, please. So, no college goers or part time workers.

Not being prejudice, just curious. I've been doing NOTHING for a decade now, and I'm starting to feel real depressed about that.
>> No. 6459 [Edit]
3 and a half years
>> No. 6460 [Edit]
How does a real NEET who has not worked a day in years afford figures and other such junk?
>> No. 6461 [Edit]
What's the sheet on the right?
>> No. 6462 [Edit]
4 years

Dont buy any
>> No. 6464 [Edit]
Little over five years now. I'm not sure of dates, as the first few years I was really bad, and even years passed without me knowing (no internet, no reason for me to use the computer and check the date). I'm pretty sure My sixth will come this autumn.

I was going to change things this year. But now I'm pretty sure I'll be killing myself early next year instead.

Before I never bought anything and rarely ate. Now, I get disability. The application process was hell, but I was getting too undernourished.
>> No. 6465 [Edit]
NEET and this

>killing myself early next year
Every time I read something like this I get sad. Just keep trucking it with that disability money, no need to kill yourself.
>> No. 6466 [Edit]

>Every time I read something like this I get sad. Just keep trucking it with that disability money, no need to kill yourself.

Yeah, if I would be getting this kind of financial support I don't think I would seriously consider suicide.
>> No. 6468 [Edit]
I get financial support for a form of autism, and haven't done anything in like 9 years.

I guess you can keep on truckin' that way, but what if they cut you off? I can't see making it until you're 50, 60, 70 years old doing absolutely nothing all life. Maybe suicide is a better option.
>> No. 6469 [Edit]
I'm on my third year, but it'll be coming to an end soon.
>> No. 6471 [Edit]
This will be my fourth year. I've been receiving welfare for almost a year now.
>> No. 6473 [Edit]
This thread has inspired me to try and get some sort of welfare for autism or something.

Sadly I don't think I'm autistic enough to get welfare, yet i'm too autistic to ever properly integrate into society.
>> No. 6474 [Edit]
fake it
>> No. 6475 [Edit]
My mother has said I can get disability(or something else) because I obviously have a mental health problem because what healthy person would stay inside all day alone, etc.

She says all I need is a regular doctors signature, and suggests I go get a check up. I think this is just a ploy to get me to have a check up though, I don't medical doctors can sign off on mental illneses. Also I obviously don't have any mental problems (inb4 I am in denial).

I think she is wrong though, she just wants some extra money because I am making her go broke... (sorry mom) ... so it is understandable.
>> No. 6477 [Edit]

>because what healthy person would stay inside all day alone

That's what my mother has been saying for the best 5 or so years.

Why can't normal people understand that I like staying at home? And why does it supposedly make me insane? Because that's what mental illnesses have become - if you have any preferences that are slightly unusual you must be batshit. 'What do you mean you don't watch TV?! Get in the car, I'll drive you to a psychiatrist, he'll prescribe you something and you'll be a happy, normal person again.'

I swear it'll look like this in 15 years time.
>> No. 6499 [Edit]
Exactly. I don't see why people think introversion is some kind of disease which must be expunged immeadiately.
>> No. 6503 [Edit]
No idea what your personal situation is, but being introverted and wanting to spend some time alone is definitely not a mental illness. Never leaving the house and never wanting to socialize with others, however, is. Like it or not we humans are hardwired to want socialization.
>> No. 6506 [Edit]

Even if you went, they wouldn't really just give you disability anyway. You'd end up at most stuck on some shitty anti-depressant, and then obligated to go back for appointments once a month. None of that really helps.

You need to kind of have a severe social disorder that seriously inhibits your ability to interact, and hold employment for that reason. I first had a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder that didn't change for years, then after a while I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Then I was able to get money because at that point I was a shut in for so long, the Aspergers and just the atrophy of my brains social skills was dead.
>> No. 6509 [Edit]
logically we can't be hardwired for one thing and do the opposite, because "hard" means it does not change, and thus we wouldn't have non-social tendancies, if we can change it means we are "softwired," which means anything is natural depending on the current state of our brain, or if we are truly hardwired it means we were wired to be non-social in some cases.

And the brain has a feature known as placsisity(sp)(like plastic), the ability for it to be molded to the functions it will do, if we don't do social functions, it would not waste it's time molding them in the brain, or even be aware of them. So people are only going to be social if it is required of them, and that is the only way they learn the skillz.

tl;dr not hardwired, and if it is there is nothing you can do to change someones behavior.
>> No. 6519 [Edit]
I've been a NEET for 5 years and still going on.

There has been times where I've wanted to improve my life, but with the current lifestyle I live right now, it's just impossible for me to do. I'm also unfit to work and have Aspergers Syndrome so I'm mostly living off benefits that I get off the goverment.

I have no idea whether to say I shoudl enjoy my life or not. But there's been odd times that I wish I could do something to make my life happy.
>> No. 6520 [Edit]
Nearly 10 years here, also getting disability.
>> No. 6544 [Edit]
Over 6 years, never thought about getting a welfare, I'll think about it.
>> No. 6545 [Edit]
I'd try to get SSI but that would involve talking to doctors and such and I'm too afraid to do that. Also my family would be so ashamed of me
>> No. 6556 [Edit]
A little over 5 years with two or three short internships inbetween.
>> No. 6650 [Edit]
Don't you ever feel bad for taking money from the government?
>> No. 6697 [Edit]
Not really, no.
>> No. 6745 [Edit]
I am leeching my parents and nowadays my mother.
>> No. 6767 [Edit]
Two years and going on my third. It'll come to an end soon.
>> No. 6850 [Edit]
I am also a decade of hikikomori now. I ask myself what I've been doing all these years and it's so embarassing. Normal people are all grown up now, gone to univeristy, got jobs, 3DPDs, some have even got married and had children. They are fully grown up adults now. But I'm not. I have barely changed since school. I have made no progress in the last 10 years. It's like I just stopped living. Frozen in time. Except time didn't stand still. Being a hikikomori is like suicide for people who are too afraid to commit suicide. It's not being dead, but it's not being alive either. These last 10 years should have been the best years of my life. When my health was at it's physical peak. But I wasted them, hiding away from the outside world infront of a computer screen on my own. It's so sad and tragic. How could I have ended up like this?

For the first 4 years or so, I didn't really care. I thought I could live like that forever. I thought I could defy the passing of time. Time and getting old applied to other people, I thought. Not to me. I thought I had all the time in the world to waste away. It turned out that I didn't. Gradually, I started to miss the outside world. Except getting back into the outside world is so difficult when you have been disconnected from it for so long. The last 5 years of hikikomori have gone past really quickly. It's like time doesn't mean anything now. For normal people, 5 years is a long time. A normal person can do a lot of stuff in 5 years. But for me, the years are like months and months like weeks and hours like minutes. I can easily waste a day just staring blankly into space doing nothing.

As my 10th anniversasy of hikikomori approaches, I have been having daily panic attacks. Thinking of all the time that I have wasted. I have wasted my own life. Ruined my own life. What should have been the best years of youthful vitality. I can't believe that I have been so stupid. Is this really happening to me? Yes it is. SHIT. Now I realize that I can't keep living like this forever. My parents are getting old. But I don't know how to escape hikikomori. It's such a tradgedy. If only I had got a job when I left school, when I had the legitimacy of youth. It's OK to be inexperienced when you are young. I could have been normal by now. I could have had money in the bank. I could have had a sense of legitimacy and no hikikomori shame to hide away from. It's such a tradgedy.
>> No. 6851 [Edit]
Everything you have said describes exactly how I feel, and I've only been one for 1/3rd as long as you ( ゚д゚)
>> No. 6853 [Edit]
>Being a hikikomori is like suicide for people who are too afraid to commit suicide.
Fucking signed.

I guess it's true the older you get the faster you perceive time.
>> No. 6857 [Edit]

>I guess it's true the older you get the faster you perceive time.

So true it hurts. If you think about it Ika Musume S1 aired almost a year ago. Fucking mind boggling.

I haven't been a hikki (well technically I'm not, I go outside every few weeks to run some errands) for as long as >>6850 I don't feel like he does. If anything, looking back at everything that happened in my life I think I'm somewhat content with the choices I have made. Just like he said, people who I used to be friends with have respectable (from an average Joe's point of view) jobs, they are married, some have kids. But I 'dropped out of society' probably at the last possible moment and managed to avoid such terrible fate. Nothing would have made me more miserable than such a life. It's strange how hard it is to understand what you really want if everyone around you tells you what to do, what to aim for, what you should] want.

So yeah, it was fun while it lasted. I've been watching anime/reading manga/reading VNs/reading books/playing games all day long for the last few years and I regret nothing. Actually, I would gladly accept if someone offered me to keep up such life for a few more years.

If anything, I'm kinda disappointed I tried to enter best possible schools/universities and it's almost funny how much time I wasted on 'friends'. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes I guess.
>> No. 6859 [Edit]
I remember reading this article once that suggested that time perception is actually different for children & adults. I think it had to do something dealing with both age & experiences. Basically the passing of the years goes faster as we grow older. This makes sense; for instance when you were 10 years old, a year represents 10% of your life, and seems like a very long time. When you are 25, a year represents only 2.5% of your life. And that year probably was the same as the previous year, it does not seem anything out of the ordinary. So of course it would feel like the year before, especially if you were doing the same things, day after day. So the older you get the faster time seems to flow. I guess time perception accelerates the more you age.

Now concerning experiences, for children time seems to flow slower because everything is also new to them, everything they do in their life is an opportunity to search, explore, play in and wonder about their surroundings. Every day is something new, its an adventure and the days are rarely the same. You can go to a lake, or explore the woods and have an adventure with your friends. For a child a day of play will seem to go on forever, when for an adult it'll go by in a flash. Just think back on when you were a kid and couldn't wait until the summer vacation started, didn't it seem like an eternity? Now as an adult its really just 1 or 2 months of hot weather.

And I think the reason for this change in time perception is that people experience the same things day after day. For most people what do they do? Wake up, go to your job, pick up kids from school, go to a bar, go to sleep & repeat. All these experiences will then begin to merge together and you will not think how every day is pretty much the copy of the day before. Why? Because there is nothing to distinguish today from yesterday. It's the same thing. And I think for hikki they also experience this phenomenon, because the days seem the same, so this is why time seems to go by faster.

I apologize if this was off-topic but your comment made me think about this, I will try to post a link to the article if I can find it.
>> No. 6872 [Edit]

>When you are 25, a year represents only 2.5% of your life.

>> No. 6873 [Edit]
oops my mistake, I guess I meant that for a 50yr a year represents 2%, while for a 25yr it would be actually be 4

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