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6441 No. 6441 [Edit]
Firstly I am verry sorry if this kind threads aren't wanted here. I just hope that you guys could indetify my situtation.

This weekend I am going to meet one of my internet friend(I am going to spend whole weekend his place). I've never met anyone of my internet buddies irl(and I dont have friends outside internet) and I am bit excited and afraid. We've spoken in vent and chatted on irc, but still I am afraid if we cant be comfortable because neither one of us is very social.

Dont get me wrong. I really want to go and meet him. Just I am a bit afraid. Got any advice to help or encourage me?
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>> No. 6442 [Edit]
Just don't start humping his ass all of a sudden and you'll be fine.
>> No. 6443 [Edit]
>don't start humping his ass
But gay sex is the purest form of love.
Didn't you know that.
>> No. 6444 [Edit]
I've done it once, it's kind of a wired experience, you might know them well online, but in person they'll be like a stranger, a stranger that knows a lot about you, almost like meeting a stalker for the first time.
Just try to relax and keep reminding yourself who it is

Post edited on 3rd Aug 2011, 12:37pm
>> No. 6445 [Edit]
Whatever your opinion is on love, OP never said he loved the guy.
>> No. 6449 [Edit]

>in person they'll be like a stranger, a stranger that knows a lot about you, almost like meeting a stalker for the first time.

Yeah, this describes the feeling pretty well.

A lot of people are vastly different on and offline. They might be talkative while they're on the net but shy in person (or the other way around I guess).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it might (and probably won't) not feel 'right'. Sometimes it's like meeting a completely different person (compared to what you imagined him/her to be like/what's he's/she's like on the net). Doesn't necessarily mean it has to be bad (as some people change for the better I guess) but having high expectations is not advised.
>> No. 6450 [Edit]

Okay thanks for informing that detail. Never thought of that.
>> No. 6451 [Edit]
Make sure you have something to do when you meet, or it will be even more uncomfortable. I usually meet my online friends at conventions, so there are enough distractions to avoid awkward silences.
>> No. 6452 [Edit]
I would never do that. I don't even like hearing "internet friend"'s real voices
>> No. 6453 [Edit]
We plan to play games and watch anime, and eat cake. So I think that is okay.
>> No. 6455 [Edit]
That's interesting. I don't even really have many (if any) friends on the internet, but if I did I can only imagine it would be awkward.
>> No. 6456 [Edit]
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I consider all the nice people on TC my friends! I would never want to see or hear any of you though as that would shatter the illusion that we are all cute little girls.
>> No. 6458 [Edit]
Meeting someone you met online? Haha....

Sorry, no thanks....
>> No. 6463 [Edit]
Moot, what are you doing on Tohno-chan?
>> No. 6467 [Edit]

I wonder if Ika's armpits taste like squid.
>> No. 6470 [Edit]
They probably taste like seawater.
>> No. 6472 [Edit]
Mmm.. Armpits can be a pretty hot thing, you guys.
>> No. 6476 [Edit]
Of course they can, that's why they're so sweaty!
I know, it was cheesy but I had to say it.
>> No. 6478 [Edit]

Well I asked about their taste because I felt the sudden urge to lick them so yeah, obviously.
>> No. 6489 [Edit]
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I find shoulders hotter than armpits, personally.
>> No. 6490 [Edit]

Shoulders are nice but in a different way I guess. I'd like to massage them if anything. I guess I'd say they are aesthetically pleasing or something.
>> No. 6501 [Edit]
Just go, you fucktard.
You may do a new friend/bro for life.

>> No. 6521 [Edit]
Do it. I've been a hikikomori for like 3 years, but managed to land a job and I was doing okay. In that short time of "wow, life actually isn't that bad" I met with one total socially withdrawn internet friend. It was really weird at first, because I pretty much talked non-stop and he didn't more than couple of words.
And when we were at his (his mother's) place he was trying to take care of me too much, constantly asking if I'd like something to drink and so on.
But eventually the ice broke when we found something to talk about. Nowadays every now and then (like once a month or so) we get together to smoke weed and watch animu/movies, chill and talk about how the rest of the world sucks.
>> No. 6522 [Edit]
Op here. I don't know if you guys wanted report, but here it is.

I got back this morning. I stayed even longer than I planned because I had so much fun. We didn't have any akward moments expect when we were outside of his apartment( like when he picked me from bus station I really feel anxiety in places with lots of people). Anyway we played vidya, watched anime and talked. Last time I've spent time with a friend like that was in middle school about 6-7 years ago and I think this was really nice.

Sorry for the personal blog and etc. stuff.
>> No. 6523 [Edit]
No really it's okay. I'm happy for you. It's good to year something good happen in the sea if loneliness that is /so/.
>> No. 6524 [Edit]
I'm happy for you, but I always wonder: what's the appeal in watching anime together? Is it the same as watching anything else together, like live action movies, or what?

What did you watch, what did you play, what kind of cake did you eat and most importantly: did you have tea?

I'm curious about any sort of interaction between social misfits, as long as weed, drugs, alcohol and the likes isn't involved.
>> No. 6525 [Edit]
It really depends. I quess it could be hard to watch some DEEP animes like Evangelion or Madoka together, because watching requires full focus. But watching some fun comedy, slice of life or something not-so-serious is nice because you can talk something meanwhile you are watching. But also if nothing comes to mind, you can just watch. We watched both live action stuff and anime. Only notable difference was that while watching english spoken live action, I didn't need to stare screen all time because I can understand language. Also it is nice to have a little discussion about episode/series/movie after it has been watched.

I don't know about all misfits but we talked a lot about personal staff we couldn't tell anyone else and we could ironically laugh to ourselves. Also we talked how shit place world is, laugh to normafaggots, general anime/vidya talk, internet memes and whatever comes to mind. I don't think there is 'right way' to talk other misfit.
>> No. 6528 [Edit]

I don't think I could watched subbed shows with others, I am always rewinding to make sure I read it right or to focus more on the animation. Luckily I usually download dual audio, when available, unluckily(?) no one to watch them with.

Regarding the subjects you talked about, I don't think I could do it man, honestly talking about talking about stuff is the most I think I could bare (and that is what I do here). Honestly "normal" stuff or "tohno"-type stuff, talking about either I care not for. All I could really say is how disappointed I am with it all, and I am not sure if I would care to hear the other persons oppinion, though I suppose trying to guess what will happen next in a show is always fun.
>> No. 6609 [Edit]
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Don't worry too much OP, it should be fine. My only closest friend is actually a person I know from the net as well. We chatted almost every day and night and one day he asked me to spend a few nights in his place, of course I was a little bit nervous at first and skeptical, like you.

It will be a little bit awkward at first, it happens, because both of you only communicated through the net all the while, not face to face. Play some console games together or go out together and grab something to eat, anything that you can think of to break the ice.

I hope everything goes well for you OP, good luck.
>> No. 6610 [Edit]
Oh my bad, I just noticed that post right after I posted. Well I'm glad everything worked out fine for you. And sorry for double posting.

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