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6335 No. 6335 [Edit]
What do you guys do when life and even the internet proves to bore you to death? Do you guys do anything else?

Post edited on 29th Jul 2011, 4:58pm
>> No. 6336 [Edit]
I spend a lot of time pacing around my room coming up with autistic stories in my head. When the internet gets boring or the power goes out I do pretty much nothing else. YMMV
>> No. 6337 [Edit]
>When the internet gets boring or the power goes out I do pretty much nothing else

>> No. 6338 [Edit]
do something creative
>> No. 6339 [Edit]
>> No. 6340 [Edit]
I try to sleep otherwise I despair and think about suicide
>> No. 6341 [Edit]
play with figs/toys.
see if anything needs improvement, maybe work on some project I've left half done.
>> No. 6343 [Edit]
Well, Death is the brother of Sleep, is he not?...
People become equal in both.
>> No. 6344 [Edit]
I dunno, I envy some people's sleeping experience. For them it seems to both come easier and grant a journey. Though, then again I suppose almost anything can be argued in that capacity. Perhaps I say that only because it is a part of the human condition to envy that which we do not have.

All the same, I'd like to be able to sleep on command or lucid dream.
>> No. 6345 [Edit]
>All the same, I'd like to be able to sleep on command or lucid dream

I've been wanting this for years, and every morning I wake up disappointed ;_;
>> No. 6346 [Edit]
>> No. 6348 [Edit]

Jean-Luc Nancy has a fair little book about both the human experience of sleeping (and dreaming) and the silent world that remains: The Fall of Sleep. (Tombe de sommeil, wich is a pun of Tombe = (it) falls= tombstone; tombé de sommeil = fallen asleep).
>> No. 6349 [Edit]
Either sleeping, reading, or cleaning. Whatever I feel like doing at the time. Sometimes I think about Life too, but I tend to quickly forget about those depressing Things.
>> No. 6350 [Edit]
That's what I pretty much do. I have come up with some stories that I think were rather interesting, however I have yet to right any of them down. When I am not doing that. I either don't do anything, or thinking about how dull and pointless life is to me. The sad part is that this has been happening to me more and more. And it is really annoying. A lot of the time when I don't do anything I know inside of me I do want to do something but I just don't know what it is. I attempt to play some games to pass the time, however with in a minute of starting it up I get bored of it. It really annoys me because then I end up not doing anything.

Post edited on 29th Jul 2011, 6:46pm
>> No. 6351 [Edit]
Strange, as >>6336 I've found this to be my experience too. I've always written the whole starting a game and getting board by the time I reach the title screen thing off as ADD.

That weird dreadful feeling of wanting to do something really badly bad having no idea what, has been a constant companion of mine as well.

Strange how similar our experiences are though, perhaps we have a shared ailment?
>> No. 6352 [Edit]
Idleness and lack of determination are ubiquitous.
>> No. 6353 [Edit]
It feels comforting knowing their are other people with this problem. I just wish I had a set goal in life, or something I really want to accomplish. However after coming to the conclusion that everything in life is pointless, I can't seem to find anything.
>> No. 6355 [Edit]
Finding a goal is a goal in and of itself. It happens to be mine, to be honest. That, and making the world a better place, but this is too vague.
>> No. 6356 [Edit]
Basically music and sleep, OP. I have some great dreams.
>> No. 6357 [Edit]
I start listening to shortwave radio. You can find some really weird shit out there: crazy preachers, strange tones, even stuff from Gaddafi's Libya and North Korea.

Or I use my fleshlight.
>> No. 6359 [Edit]
do I do anything other than life and the internet? no not really

I think the problem most of you guys have is that you spend all your time in the pursuit of leisure. your brain and human society are not set up for that. also see post in the other thread about the hedonic treadmill and several other threads discussing the subject of becoming bored with your hobbies.
>> No. 6360 [Edit]
Sometimes I convince myself to try harder, and maybe go be a NEET living with someone other than my parents.

However, that would require leaving and talking to strangers. I think I'm stuck here until I kill myself of my father dies.

So, for now, leisure it is!
>> No. 6361 [Edit]
Honestly I'm not sure if this post was meant to be a cool slap in the face (in a good way). However it did have a positive outcome on me after I read it. I managed to force my self to watch an episode on a c++ tutorial. A couple months ago I wanted to learn c++, but I lost interest. I finally managed to watch another episode. I didn't enjoy doing it, but I'm hoping if I keep on forcing my self to watch more episodes I might find my sense of motivation back. Hopefully.
>> No. 6362 [Edit]

Also I imagine stuff. I make up some kind of short stories, mostly starring myself as the protagonist.
>> No. 6363 [Edit]
I play video games
>> No. 6366 [Edit]
When the internet bores me? That's rare.

I'd probably just play games, draw, arrange my figure collecting, clean dust... etc etc. Very rarely do I ever cook when I'm bored, but it has happened.
>> No. 6368 [Edit]
Typically I get up, pace around a bit, give my punching bag a kick or two, then come back and see if the internet has been suitably updated.
>> No. 6369 [Edit]
I just continue browsing until it gets interesting again, which does take a while sometimes.

If internet doesn't work I start thinking. It's pretty fun actually. You can do all kinds of things. That or I will go through some anime, manga, book, film or game.
>> No. 6374 [Edit]
That's exactly what I do.

Though I reckon that this >>6359 is probably the best thing to be done. Sometimes I waste hours searching for some miraculous form of relaxing entertainment when all I really need is to tire the fuck out of my brain with work.
>> No. 6388 [Edit]
I always have the worlds I keep on building in my head to work on. I imagine the people who spend all day on Minecraft making things are creating worlds like the ones in my head in their own way. It's good to have something you can fall back on when all else in the world doesn't interest you.
>> No. 6403 [Edit]
what kind of worlds? fantasy, sci-fi, or "real world"-themed?
>> No. 6414 [Edit]
Audio Saitou San Band feat. Tanaka Koyuki & Minami Maho - FOLLOW ME - (3.04MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 15 FOLLOW ME.mp3 ) Length: 2:13
I've had the same song on repeat for like 3 days now, and I don't think this song will ever lose it's wonder, and I think you all will feel the same way.

I also write down all the ideas I have, on the PC or scribbled on paper.
>> No. 6577 [Edit]
>> No. 6606 [Edit]
Clean my room
zap through the tv
>> No. 6714 [Edit]
Lay down and listen to something I've never listened to before.
>> No. 6743 [Edit]
Well, life is indeed boring.

I just can't enjoy anything, just wasting time on the internet and watching anime. I'd like to learn piano or violin, but I can't afford it, and even if I could, why? I'd learn it, and then... what? I won't be a famous guy or anything. Life will just keep going.

I really wish for something to happen, even a zombie illness all around the world. No more jobs, no more responsabilities, no more boredom. Just you, your baseball bat and billions of zombie heads to mash.
That, I think, would be fun.
>> No. 6770 [Edit]
When I'm bored, I think, and it's always about the things that really interest me, and that leads to things I want to know. So from there I learn about new things and answers to my questions and keep on thinking more. It keeps me going. Just try to know your interests, they're not hard to figure out.

If all else fails you can put a pair of panties on and stare at your ass in a mirror for a while, might entertain you.
>> No. 6771 [Edit]
I lie on my bed and just stare into space, maybe doze off for a couple of hours while I'm at it. It's pretty relaxing and feels nice before I sit back in front of my computer and realise why I stopped browsing the internet.
>> No. 6780 [Edit]
Myself I actually feel I never have enough time. I always have something to do but not enough time.

I ALWAYS have anime I need to watch. Usually I just spend my freetime like this: watch anime episode, refresh chans, watch anime episode, refresh chans etc. I just work out few hours in week and spend few hours in college per day.

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