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6315 No. 6315 [Edit]
Hey /so/.

I want to make this as simple as I can, because this situation confuses even myself.

Basically, I want to start smoking. Why? Everytime I feel even a bit stressed, I feel as if I'm out of breath; like I need to sigh a heavy sigh. I feel like this empty feeling will only be quenched with a nice puff of a cigarette. This happens quite often, as I feel as if I am troubled plenty of times. My body feels empty as hell.

The thing is, I've never smoked. I do not care for my health, and I live alone. The money is not an issue, either. I just feel so empty. The only times I do not feel empty is when I think of my waifu; but there are times even when I still feel like sighing.

What do I do?

Also, sorry if this does not really belong in /so/.. Maybe it belongs in /ot/. I'm not sure.
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>> No. 6316 [Edit]
>I feel as if I'm out of breath
And your solution is cigarettes.
>> No. 6317 [Edit]
You are probably developing asthma. Acquire an inhaler.

Failing that , go buy some Fisherman's Friend.
>> No. 6318 [Edit]
You are only hurting yourself. You may not care now but you may later. Please don't smoke.
>> No. 6319 [Edit]

Hey hey, I know it's foolish but I can't exactly describe it in another way. I feel like I need to breath through a tube or something.


I don't think it's asthma, afterall, It's not like I'm being suffocated. More like I just want to sigh a really deep sigh.

Thanks for caring anon. It's either smoke or get incredibly angry at things that don't usually make me angry.
>> No. 6320 [Edit]
That's how I felt when I first developed mine. Just sharing the experience, it's a gradual thing. Sort of sneaks up on you until you wake up suffocating becuase your neighbors smoke and your throat is basically sealed shut.

I wish I were brave or sociopathic enough to kill them.
>> No. 6321 [Edit]

Really? I have no doctor, and I have no intention of ever going near a hospital or getting treated. What should I do?

Then again, I sort of like the idea of waking up suffocating.
>> No. 6322 [Edit]

At least go see a doctor before trying to do anything foolish, smoking is really dangerous for asthmatic people, you know.
>> No. 6323 [Edit]

So maybe I do have asthma..
But as I posted earlier I have no intention of ever going to the doctor. Is there any easy to get medications or make-shift solutions? I'm not exactly in the position to waltz in a hospital/clinic and ask for a checkup...
>> No. 6324 [Edit]
>Is there any easy to get medications or make-shift solutions
yes, going to a doctor
>> No. 6325 [Edit]
Well, as someone who can't afford to see a doctor, I self medicate my symptoms with tea (as a hot beverage not anything special about the blend) and minty "cough drops" like Fisherman's Friend (the most effective) or Hall's (less effective but more easily obtained). And mostly stay away from dust and smoke, don't' exert yourself overmuch, and hope for the best.
>> No. 6371 [Edit]

I couldn't find any fisherman's friend, but I got some Vicks Vapodrops. Cured the problem quite well, for now I guess.
>> No. 6389 [Edit]
Don't start smoking. If you're smoking to calm yourself don't even bother. Smoking only leads to more problems, and these problems can't be solved by more smoking.
>> No. 6393 [Edit]

Well, smoking to me is just a way to keep up or to get past things that trouble me. More or less, it's like a crutch.

I don't even know what to do to calm myself; the whole situation is actually pretty troubling. When I think about it, I'm not that troubled compared to other people, but I still feel as if every little thing is an attack directed towards me. Does this happen with other people? I can't seem to imagine anyone being this paranoid/troubled.
>> No. 6394 [Edit]
smoke weed, it's much more calming and relaxing then normal cigerets by far, and you wont get addicted to them.
Also, you wouldn't have nearly as many health problems, or a room that smells like shit/ruin all your stuff, you'll still get that, but it wouldn't be as bad since you probably wouldn't be smoking weed every day, regular cigarettes you would however, possibly for the rest of your life, and you will regret it.
>> No. 6395 [Edit]

Where the fuck do people get weed. I have stood by my understanding that it's illegal and will have several consequences.
>> No. 6396 [Edit]
I find it mind boggling that marijuana with it's relaxing affects and medical applications is illegal and socially looked down on, but normal highly addictive cigarettes that have no benefits and only serve to slowly and painfully kill the users along with doing harm to people around them are sold in most stores and are considered cool.

why? just becuase of money.
People can grow their own weed, cigarettes not so much, add on how cigarettes make the user dependent on the product, buying the poison daily, and it's clear why cigarettes are still legal.

if you're worryed about the legality, get a lights and stuff to grow it in your closet.
as long as you don't talk about it or give the cops a reason to search your house, you'll be more then fin, but that's just me, I'm no expert, you'd want to do some research, but I'm fairly sure it's okay to buy the materials to grow it.
>> No. 6397 [Edit]

I understand that it's better than cigarettes for multiple reasons, It's just troubling to have to go through that just to feel relaxed. I don't even know anymore.
>> No. 6398 [Edit]
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you could try alcohol I guess.
But I can't stress how bad of a idea cigarettes are.
>> No. 6399 [Edit]
Why do you do something fun when you're stressed instead of trying to take a substance?
>> No. 6400 [Edit]
It's difficult to have fun in the first place when you're stressed. You keep worrying about the things that got you into that state instead of enjoying what you're doing.

Using substances is not a good fix, though. The best solution is to resolve the problem that's causing the stress.
>> No. 6425 [Edit]
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Well, buy a box of Marlboro reds, and do it. Please don't smoke indoors and don't leave your butts around. Be prepared that your fingers, clothes, and hair will smell like tar for a few days, no matter what you do with them.

I used to smoke, but stopped because I got bored of it. Overrated.
>> No. 6426 [Edit]
It costs to much money and its a lot more pain then its worth. I used to smoke in the past but I had to quit when I lost my job.

I'd rather just drink
>> No. 6427 [Edit]
Don't smoke Brohnos, just don't do it, its not worth it.

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