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6285 No. 6285 [Edit]
Hey there, assorted hikis and NEETs.

I was curious about something.

Say the general collapse of society DOES happen with the American debt default.

Exactly how much WILL this affect you guys, locked up in your rooms?

Picture unrelated.
>> No. 6286 [Edit]
not at all
>> No. 6287 [Edit]
Wouldja look at the time, I do believe it's suicide o'clock
>> No. 6288 [Edit]
I'm not American. Furthermore, it won't happen. They're just cockteasing prez-chan. If it DID happen, I don't think I would care. Not like I have a job to lose or anything. Maybe I'd have do buy less figs. Nothing that would kill me.
>> No. 6289 [Edit]
Probably pretty fucked, I'm on food stamps and disability. Plus I have HUD to pay for (most) of my rent.

Yeah... probably deep fucked.
>> No. 6290 [Edit]
I dunno, don't have a job.
been living off my savings mostly, so if that was to become worthless, well.. if everyones affected I guess it would be sort of cool in a way, woot woot looting!
bottled water and caned food would be the first stop, second would be some solar panels, car batteries, and gas generators, third stop, getting at much gas as I can, then some bars for our windows, maybe some guns.
with that, I'd never have to leave my house and could just ignore the world going to hell outside.
>> No. 6291 [Edit]
Shouldn't guns be first so that it's easier to get/keep the rest?
>> No. 6292 [Edit]

Get generators so you can keep watching your Chinese cartoons even after the apocalypse.

I approve whole heartedly of this.
>> No. 6293 [Edit]
Been using my SSI money to stockpile bottled water and rice.

Suppose I should stock up on charcoal too.

So, what would I do? Well, I'm no good for crime, or crowds. I don't think fleeing to canada will help any. And getting a job would be impossible. So, I'd probably stay here, in my room until someone burns down the building or I run out of rice. At which point I'd either kill myself or take to the streets in a desperate play at redemption. So long as there are people in need there are people willing to compensate you to do things for them, I suppose should I wander enough I'd eventually come across an arrangement that would cover the things I need to continue living. Or just kill myself, really it depends on how things go.
>> No. 6294 [Edit]

Only rice?

Dude, have you TRIED living off of rice? I literally once went a week eating only rice.


You NEED a varied diet. You body CANNOT subsist off of a single food.
>> No. 6295 [Edit]
I will have an excuse for not having a job! That said, I'm pretty sure the "OMG DEBT SOCIETY IS OVER" thing is just something that the news are exaggerating for ratings and politicians are exaggerating for votes and is not actually a big deal at all.
>> No. 6296 [Edit]
If what you say is true, my odds don't look very good.

As far as nutrition goes I'm fine though. I've got enough multivitamins to last a few years, more if I only take one if other day.
>> No. 6297 [Edit]
I will go back to my mom's house and live off all the food she has horded.

She has a 5 gallon bucket full of honey, I think I will be set.
>> No. 6298 [Edit]
at least he'll die eating japanese
>> No. 6299 [Edit]
That's the plan, why else would I need the generators/batteries/solar panels if not to power my pc/tv/games ?
>> No. 6300 [Edit]
I'm not locked in my room. I leave it regularly. This website is not a freak show for people to see hikikomori
>> No. 6301 [Edit]
The media and the politicians are probably just playing all this apocalyptic end of America shit like they usually do with everything then again I wouldn't know because I have better things to do than pay attention to that crap, but no matter what happens I'm certain that I'm fucked. I don't have any stockpiled food, backup power, guns, etc. So yeah, I'm fucked.
>> No. 6302 [Edit]
Rice stockpile guy here, wait is something actually supposed to be happening? Can someone give the short version for those of us who don't into news?
>> No. 6303 [Edit]
Well we certainly know America isn't going to be the strongest country forever. Rome shall fall.
>> No. 6304 [Edit]
What all (positive) things is america "#1" at anyway? Every graph or chart I see places america in the top 10 maybe, but it's not really the best at anything. It's like the most mediocre first world country, yet the american people are still so full of themselves
>> No. 6305 [Edit]
The US is in more debt then it can ever pay off, and that debt only continues to increase.
sooner or latter this is going to cause real problems.
>> No. 6306 [Edit]
Whats funny is we are dumping so so sooooo much money into our military to the point where if we would just cut back by even half we would be OK within a few years probably (and still be spending more on our military than any other country). But no, then the terrorists win!

Post edited on 28th Jul 2011, 9:12pm
>> No. 6307 [Edit]
Yeah, but hasn't it been that way a really long time? I remember them talking about this before I went into isolation almost five years ago.

Or has something happened since then?
>> No. 6308 [Edit]
I've looked it up and apparently the US hit the debt ceiling 2 months ago. What the hell is all the panic now about then
>> No. 6309 [Edit]
It's not something that's going to blow up over night.
It could be another 40 years before we see any affects from it.

I think the panic is from people starting to realize our system is flawed.
>> No. 6310 [Edit]
>It could be another 40 years before we see any affects from it.

Oh good, I'll (hopefully) be dead by then anyway.
>> No. 6311 [Edit]
My sentiments exactly.
>> No. 6312 [Edit]
>> No. 6313 [Edit]
I don't know how it would affect me, since I'm not sure how much the Canadian economy is dependant on the US economy, but to be honest, if we're talking about some sort of post-apocalypse scenario after the said collapse, I'd probably just loot guns (weapons are first priority, since realistically, I can't do shit in a fistfight), ammo and food, get a shelter, preferably somewhere high, like the peak of a hill or something, secure it well and try to survive for the first few days. Then after things calmed down, go out and try to loot some of the stuff that was left (if there was anything left at all) so I could be comfortable. I think my "don't trust anyone" mentality would be very useful for this kind of situation... Internet would be the main problem. Most ISPs would probably go out of business or something...
>> No. 6314 [Edit]
I don't think it will be an issue. The Democrats and Republicans are playing a political game of chicken, otherwise they would have raised the debt ceiling already. They will eventually, because neither party wants to get blamed for causing a default. Even the House majority leader, who is a distinguished cocksucker even amongst his peers on Capitol Hill, will give in.
>> No. 6326 [Edit]


I couldn't give less of a shit. Even if a gigantic asteroid were to hit us in two days I would hardly care. I'm gonna die sooner or later either way so what's the difference.
>> No. 6330 [Edit]
>Say the general collapse of society DOES happen with the American debt default.

lol what.
>> No. 6342 [Edit]
care to elaborate on your post?
>> No. 6358 [Edit]
>the economy/government of america collapses so the world turns into post-apocalyptic desert

Yeah not really, the same happened to the Eastern Bloc countries in the late 80's/early 90's and they're still pretty liveable (despite the dictators and oligarchs).

Look at Iceland, it turned into a very socially developed left-wing country after the economy fucked them up and in 2008. Something like is pretty likely for US, the calvinistic ideology that the whole country is based on will have to die once the economy crashes.
>> No. 6364 [Edit]
I will be massively affexted by this.

Mainly because I am part of a group that will make a nation on an abandoned island and create a self sustaining society there in the event of social or economic collapse.

It is the only way to assure security, safety and freedom.

If that does happen, our goal is to create a data haven there within a year. I am very interested in having TC on the servers, hosted completely for free, if society collapses to a point where the site and frequenters of it are in danger in the US.

I'll somehow get in touch with Tohno if he is interested at a time where we can transfer the site and if it is even possible.
>> No. 6365 [Edit]
good you know you've got us covered bro
>> No. 6367 [Edit]
will that be on Tor wich nodes are currently banned in /tc/, if I remember correctly?

Post edited on 30th Jul 2011, 2:24pm
>> No. 6372 [Edit]

wow, any details? this sounds amazing
>> No. 6373 [Edit]
Hopefully this would be a catalyst for my state seceding from the U. S., so we could be free from the circus that is the white house.
>> No. 6377 [Edit]
Just don't drink the Kool-aid bro

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