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6164 No. 6164 [Edit]
I wanted to create this thread for a while but since waiting for my afflatus to return bears little to no effect I'll just make it short and simple:

Do you think you could live without any other humans whatsover? Seeing that we browse /tc/ we have at least a little interest in discussing our hobbies and/or talking about our problems. On top of that only the fewest of us have literally no contact with any other people - family included. Even if it's just a few words you exchange with your parents and even if they are not exactly pleasant words you still interact most likely with somebody on daily/almost daily basis. And then there's the 'Net.

But what if everyone was gone? I'm interested in the psychological side of things only. Let's say everything you currently have access to will appear out of thin air if you'll wish it did. Food, books, games, anime, manga, VNs, everything will be out there. You'll have gas, electricity, tap water etc. which appear from some kind of magical source. Do not concern yourself with material side of things.

As for new books/games/anime/manga/VNs/movies/music etc. I'll let you decide yourself. Do they still appear or do they not? I'd like you to consider what your stance on things would be in both cases. But all media in which somebody's opinion/viewpoint are presented are a no-no. Even if it's indirect I still see it as form of interaction with other people. Ones that were published before today (this includes stuff like imaboards/fora) are fine I guess, although again, please think what would happen if they were gone, too. VNs are somewhat problematic and I'd like to get rid of them if possible, too, but if you play a lot of them I guess we can leave them be.

So, let me repeat this question: Do you think you could live without any other humans whatsover? Wouldn't you get lonely or just plain lose your mind? Of course you can't know for sure but I'd like to see what you think about this hypothetical scenario.
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>> No. 6166 [Edit]
How would new books/games/anime/manga/VNs/movies/music etc. appear if there is no one to create them?
>> No. 6167 [Edit]

Where would tap water/gas/electricity come from if there was noone out there?

Again, in both cases they just kinda appear out of thin air. If they do at all that is - as I said I'd rather see people replying under the assumption that they will not.
>> No. 6168 [Edit]
That's a knotty one. Sometimes I think I'd be a lot happier if I could move out to the deep wilderness and live there without ever having to see any other humans. But I also get on the internet every day and talk to people here. If the internet were allowed to the extent of imageboards and forums, then I'd go for it.

It would also depend on the environment I'm living in. If I could live out in the wilderness, say in a cabin or something like that with the wildlife around, I think I'd be able to bear it. The possibility of having all the luxuries of modern life out there would be an issue, though.

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2011, 12:07pm
>> No. 6169 [Edit]
One of my life's goals is to live in the deep wilderness with the only "outlet" to the outside world being a ham radio hooked up to the internet (those exist, and they are EXPENSIVE).

I have a few TB backed up, fuck the world.
>> No. 6170 [Edit]
all media would count as indirect human contact, you don't need humans for water and food, but anime can't really exist unless it's created by someone
>> No. 6171 [Edit]
I would be overall much happier as long as anime and such appeared, no more jealousy and guilt.
>> No. 6173 [Edit]
I could do it. I think the first year or two would be shaky, but it's basically just reliving my first couple of years as a hikki.

That's essentially what I would do too.

I don't see using things people made as interacting with them. Nor do I see how VNs are more of an interaction with the creators than a regular book is. When reading release lists or reviews lists I simply parse through them for names, I don't really care much about the authors insight, so again I wouldn't really call that interaction.

Could I go the extreme and use nothing but what nature provided me? Maybe. I doubt my ability to prepare a dead animal and make it fit for consumption (I'm not good around guts, and the smell would get to me). Pressed with starvation, maybe I'd take that plunge. Hard to say.

But if I had access to media and presumably a way to use it, then one must wonder just how those restrictions would work at all. If I were to classify not interacting with other people in such a situation I'd simply say you cannot respond or engage anyone else. So you simply leech what is out there without producing anything yourself.

Most interestingly, how would I gather new anime or anything in this situation without knowing of it's existence? Would I be relying only on things already made? Again, doable, but less desirable.
>> No. 6174 [Edit]
If I could wish myself a AI to fuck there would not be much of a problem for a long while,but I see some issues in living in a empty world with all media in the world. Media is something you often use to reflect the world around yourself ,the thought of not having options to see the world around you makes media lose its purpose.Thereby meaningless without adventure or share.

In the end I would create myself a robotvillage.

you can think that you have travelled to another diemension, it is magic.
>> No. 6177 [Edit]
If we're dealing with magic here, can I just get shot out into space? I like the idea of living alone on a space station in low Earth orbit with all the necessities magically available. Also with a cute girl ship computer AI HAL-style, or a robot maid.
>> No. 6183 [Edit]
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Maybe if I had books and other media, as you say; as well as stuff to write, draw and play music myself, to live a rich private/interior life (as I currently try to do)...

But, honestly, I think I'd really need at least a "public", if you want. Not really an interlocutor to give me any feedback (as you demand us to discard), but just "someone there" to witness what I do and bounce my ideas towards; some sort of "another one" to keep the notion of me as an individual, give some sense to my own situation and so not going properly insane.

It wouldn't need to be a human or any living creature, thought; an image, a kind of doll, could do just fine (a Wilson is fine too). Now: for how long? I don't know.

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2011, 4:48pm
>> No. 6184 [Edit]
No. I'd go crazy. But crazy doesn't matter if I'm alone.
>> No. 6185 [Edit]
It's really hard to say. Actually experiencing a total isolation from other humans would be unlike anything any other "isolated" experience. Being a shut-in the middle of society, living off of other people and absorbing what everyone outside your room does (especially via internet) is vastly different from being completely cut off from others and society in general.

I think it would boil down to how busy and preoccupied you're able to keep yourself. It's easy to get lonely and depressed if you get bored. Having everything accessible by simply wishing for it might actually make an isolated person *more* depressed since they don't have to worry about basic survival. Worrying about survival would keep one completely preoccupied and fuel their desire to act and live. Once you don't have to worry about those things, you get pretty lazy and let your mind wander a lot.

Personally, I find it hard to tell how I would react in such a situation. I enjoy the idea of having no other people around, since I'm absolutely terrified of human contact. Being removed from others would give me a sense of freedom without a doubt, since I could finally relax. But on the other hand, being totally alone is fucking depressing, which is why I need at least internet communication with others at the moment. It would probably be a fun experiment to find somewhere to actually hermit for awhile, far away from society, and see how it goes.
>> No. 6191 [Edit]

>But I also get on the internet every day and talk to people here. If the internet were allowed to the extent of imageboards and forums, then I'd go for it.

But imageboards/fora being forbidden is the whole point. That's precisely what I'm asking about - what is the extent of our needs in areas of contact with other people? Do we just spend time here because we actually like to discuss our hobbies (whether it's to present our viewpoint, to get to know other people's VP or both doesn't really matter) and just plain talk with others (whom we probably deem similar) or do so only to kill time? And If it's the former, would it be possible to stop doing so without feeling of discomfort at least? Would the thought that you're the only human on the planet bother you at all?


>but anime can't really exist unless it's created by someone

You know, if you think about it the scenario where everybody else just disappears and you are the sole survivor seems somehow unlikely in the first place. (And surviving wouldn't be exactly an easy task, too.) Well, maybe that's just me.

But yeah, if we don't include some kind of 'magic' electricity would be quite a problem, too. I just kind of assumed that most of us are glued to our PCs for at least 12h a day and if they were gone there would be no point to keep going.


>Most interestingly, how would I gather new anime or anything in this situation without knowing of it's existence?

I haven't really considered that but that's beside the point I think. Let's say there are still PVs out there and maybe even a chart get magically complied once each season start (or earlier if you like to look forward to things).


>If we're dealing with magic here, can I just get shot out into space? If we're dealing with magic here, can I just get shot out into space? I like the idea of living alone on a space station in low Earth orbit with all the necessities magically available. Also with a cute girl ship computer AI HAL-style, or a robot maid.

If you like the idea I'm fine with that, too.

>Also with a cute girl ship computer AI HAL-style, or a robot maid.

This however would go against the rules. They might be not human but you'd still be interacting with 'someone'. Pets are forbidden, too.

I also wanted to ask you this: now that everybody is gone would you dream about talking to/interacting with other people? How much time do you spend imagining stuff you do with your waifu (if you have one of course)?


>But, honestly, I think I'd really need at least a "public", if you want. Not really an interlocutor to give me any feedback (as you demand us to discard), but just "someone there" to witness what I do and bounce my ideas towards; some sort of "another one" to keep the notion of me as an individual, give some sense to my own situation and so not going properly insane.

No public whatsoever. All people are gone, there are no other intelligent life forms in the universe (well, if I look around me I'm tempted to say there were none to begin with I guess), properly functioning AI won't ever get developed (technological advancement just stops). You are all alone. Will it bother you at all? Will you be able to cope with it just by creating yourself your version of Wilson? Would you plain go insane?

I thought that much would be clear but everything out there is available to you. You can live whereever you want to, eat whatever you want to, wear whatever you want to. I'd rather know what would happen if you were to keep living without changing your current life standard but it's okay if you want to live in some Gothic castle - I'll give you at least that much 'compensation'.


>Having everything accessible by simply wishing for it might actually make an isolated person *more* depressed since they don't have to worry about basic survival. Worrying about survival would keep one completely preoccupied and fuel their desire to act and live. Once you don't have to worry about those things, you get pretty lazy and let your mind wander a lot.

I realize as much and that's why I created conditions such as these. You don't even have to do anything to acquire stuff necessary for your survival. You just have to wish for it and it will appear. Preoccupying yourself with you survival almost feels like cheating.

>It would probably be a fun experiment to find somewhere to actually hermit for awhile, far away from society, and see how it goes.

That would be vastly different, though. He would know that even if he can't do it now one day he will be able to get back home. And if not he would at least have the somewhat comforting thought that there are other human beings out there. You don't have as much luck - you are on your own and there's noone to love you, noone to hate you, noone who would even know you lived or died.
>> No. 6196 [Edit]
>This however would go against the rules. They might be not human but you'd still be interacting with 'someone'. Pets are forbidden, too.

>I also wanted to ask you this: now that everybody is gone would you dream about talking to/interacting with other people? How much time do you spend imagining stuff you do with your waifu (if you have one of course)?

Okay, that makes it easy. No, I wouldn't be able to handle that. I'd probably go crazy. I'd be able to get by with at least some kind of contact with other beings such as an AI or animals, but that's pretty far away from total isolation.

I might start to imagine other people being around after a while, but my imagination really isn't that good.
>> No. 6198 [Edit]
If anything, I'm happiest when my internet doesn't work. I feel less detached and mostly more grounded in reality. Though, then again when not at my computer I spend almost all of my time pacing around exploring whatever worlds and characters my mind can dream up. In that sense I don't actually need anyone, becuase I do a great deal of socializing, all to myself. So long as I have something to fill the gaps, like this magical distraction delivery service, I could go on indefinitely like this. If anything, my life would probably be longer and happier without other people to worry about (even a shut in can be bothered by neighbors or the fear of robbery).

So yeah, OP. My body is ready.
>> No. 6209 [Edit]
I would've thought people here were intelligent enough to understand and answer OP's question right off the bat without needing to be constantly corrected by him.
>> No. 6211 [Edit]
Never underestimate how literally an austisting crowd will interpret something.
>> No. 6222 [Edit]
Did you read OP's post? He leaves some stuff open for interpretation:

>As for new books/games/anime/manga/VNs/movies/music etc. I'll let you decide yourself. Do they still appear or do they not? I'd like you to consider what your stance on things would be in both cases. But all media in which somebody's opinion/viewpoint are presented are a no-no. Even if it's indirect I still see it as form of interaction with other people. Ones that were published before today (this includes stuff like imaboards/fora) are fine I guess, although again, please think what would happen if they were gone, too. VNs are somewhat problematic and I'd like to get rid of them if possible, too, but if you play a lot of them I guess we can leave them be.

So bringing up the possibility of having access to imageboards, or having an AI or at least a pet to interact with, is totally reasonable (remember he says human contact is not allowed.)

Besides, this is a good discussion.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2011, 2:44am

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