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6111 No. 6111 [Edit]
A normal, or someone you knew previously, sees you and tries to strike up a cconversation with you. What defence mechanisms have you developed to make the situation either painless or disappear?

Since I was a kid I used to pretend I was too tired to talk, which gave me an excuse for not talking without looking "rude." This worked out so well that my brain actually makes me legitimately tired when I am in an uncomfortable situation at all, from some asshole trying to talk to me to sitting in an uncomfortable chair. I legitimately get really really tired. So I guess I owe my brain one on that account.

What do you do when in an uncomfortable social situation?
>> No. 6112 [Edit]
I simply keep an emotionless face and answer them objectively. They'll notice I don't want to talk.
>> No. 6113 [Edit]
Never happens to me as I don't leave my flat.
>> No. 6114 [Edit]
I don't leave the house.
>> No. 6115 [Edit]
Same here. If they talk shit about something I like, though... Let's just say that you wouldn't want to be near me.
>> No. 6116 [Edit]
It's never happened to me, but I live far away from all my old classmates, thank Haruhi.
>> No. 6117 [Edit]
Ignore them and try to outpace them, easy for me as I have a huge stride. Failing that, depending on who it is and how dangerous they are or how well they knew me I'll attempt to out and out flee the second I can leave their field of vision. (This only applies to outside, should for some reason I ever find myself out there, inside I just do the "close the blinds and pretend no one is home" thing.)

If cornered, I follow one of two strategies, if it's a complete stranger I'll act utterly normal and even animate my actions somewhat saying nothing about myself and quickly excuse myself. Basically I do everything I can to make sure both I, and the entire situation does not stand out in their mind, while ending the whole thing before a repore can be established.

If it's someone I know, or am likely to see again I adopt a condescending expression and shoot down any attempt at conversation, all the while slowly leaving (depends on who it is, and if they are new enough to try and follow me). The most important thing is giving them nothing in return, asking no questions, giving no personal details, and clearing not being involved in the exchange.
>> No. 6118 [Edit]

Pretty much this.

Usually, I also walk around like I'm thinking about something really important; so usually nobody even bothers talking to me in the first place.
>> No. 6121 [Edit]
Say a few words, blush and hours later cry in my home for being so stupid
>> No. 6127 [Edit]
Answer any questions they ask; if it's a question you can ask of them too, do so. Try to speak of related subjects. Break out a toothy smile sometimes. Make some eye contact, but not too much - and in the subject of eyes, don't keep a blank stare, express some emotion with your eyes/eyebrows.
It's draining and tiresome, but it works.
>> No. 6130 [Edit]
I pretend I'm happy and fine.
>> No. 6140 [Edit]
This is my first line of defense. My sleep emitters only activate when I'm approached. I generally walk fast, look down, bolt whenever I see someone (Like my special needs neighbour [who thought I was his friend] when I am walking down the street, I just dive into the woods, super inconspicuous, huh?), and look like I am super busy, or just walk by acting like I am super busy, just saying "Oh hi" or something.
You are adorable. If you were a loli you would be the best at being a loli.
I tried this, but it sometimes doesn't work. I feel less human since I'm just emulating them, like some sort of outsider or a robot.

Also it's pretty bad when you have to deal with someone who just keeps talking.

The event that brought this up: Emergency food shopping the other day, we were making a fruit salad for dinner. A kid that was in my school's Japanese Animation and Manga Research Club a couple years ago (notorious for not being able to get the hint that whatever he is talking about is usually completely irrelevant or not worth listening to) approached me, referring to me by a nickname I cringe/PTSD attack whenever I hear it (a year and a half is too short a time to not hear it...) talking to me about how I'm doing.

Problem here is that I went from being one of the most interesting people in my group of friends to being the most boring. When everyone's talking about their jobs, their friends, teachers, college, etc, I have nothing to mention but "Well, got some figs... played some games. A couple. Read sometimes. Help around the house..." Of course, he somehow touched on my most tender shortcomings in two sentences... What I am doing, how I am feeling, how uni is going, and what I am doing for a job.

I started to look droopy, look down at other things, like pineapple chunks and thinking grapes are the most interesting things I have seen all day, and he eventually found out I have become extremely boring and walked off.
>> No. 6150 [Edit]
You're lucky. I'd much rather be tired whenever someone talks to me than extremely anxious and overstimulated.
>> No. 6179 [Edit]
>I tried this, but it sometimes doesn't work. I feel less human since I'm just emulating them, like some sort of outsider or a robot.

That's what everyone feels like. Only extreme extroverts and lonely old women actually like small talk; everyone else just does it because it's expected.

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