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6081 No. 6081 [Edit]
[...] Finally, in December 1998, one year after he was first locked into his apartment, Nasubi won the prize -a bag of rice- that pushed his total winnings over a million yen. So was he free? Not exactly: The shows producers gave him his clothes, fed him a bowl of ramen noodles, and then whisked him off to Korea, where he couldn’t speak the language and no one would recognize him. Then he was placed in another empty apartment, where he had to win prizes to pay for his airfare back home.

When Nasubi finally accomplished that, he was flown back to Tokyo, taken to a building, and led into another empty room (it was really just a box, but he didn’t know it) [...] Out of habit, he stripped naked and waited for something to happen. Suddenly the roof lifted, the walls fell away, and Nasubi found himself, still naked, his hair uncut and his face unshaved for more than 15 months (he never did win clippers or a shaver), standing in an NTV broadcast studio in front of a live audience. Seventeen million more people were watching from home.

More than 15 months had passed since Nasubi had been locked into his apartment, and it was only now, as he held a cushion over his privates, that he learned he’d been on TV since day one. His weekly show had made him Japan’s hottest new star...

[...] as crazy as Japanese game shows can be, it’s unlikely that any other person will experience what he went through. Even if someone were crazy enough to agree to be locked in an apartment for such a long time, they would know from the beginning what was up. [...] In press interviews, he admitted there were times when he thought he was going to go nuts.

>> No. 6084 [Edit]
That really sounds horrible.
>> No. 6087 [Edit]
>It took quite a while for all this information to sink in. “I’m so shocked,” Nasubi finally said, “I can’t express what I feel.”

Yeah, no wonder.

Should've sued them, I bet it was possible to do so given the conditions. Not really for the money but I'd be pissed to know I've been deceived all this time.
>> No. 6090 [Edit]
>And then, Nasubi won a few rolls of toilet paper -10 months after his ordeal began.
>> No. 6092 [Edit]
>Should've sued them

But he's not American
>> No. 6095 [Edit]

If he was he'd make Stella Liebeck look smalltime.

I wasn't really thinking of pursuing the 'mental damage' line. Rather than that - depending on how the contract was worded - I'd sue them for using some of the material without my knowledge and permit (if not the stuff they aired on TV then at least the diary).

I see nothing wrong with it. If they got rich thanks to exploiting him he should've taken away what they seemingly care about the most - money. I didn't mention it because he could get rich. What would matter for me here is revenge because I'm that sort of guy (one day I'll dance on your grave even if you're buried in sea is pretty much my credo).
>> No. 6096 [Edit]
Hm, small room.
I think i would become crazy too, though i am a Hiki (5 years) too.

I maybe leave once every week the flat. But i move around in this flat (live with my mother and sister) more or less freely.
>> No. 6098 [Edit]
>I maybe leave once every week the flat.
But if you leave then you're no longer a hikki. Or did I misunderstand something?
>> No. 6110 [Edit]

Yeah, that's how it works. Additionally hikkis stay confined due to psychological reasons. Even though I don't think I left my home over last two months I could step outside right this instant if I wished to do so i.e. I'm not a hikki; I just don't see a reason to leave.

People like to misuse NEET, too. It's a bit more complicated as lots of self proclaimed NEETs are freeters i.e. they actually are NEETs for extended periods of time but since they pick up jobs occasionally... Well, saying they're NEETs isn't technically wrong. I guess they are both when they are unemployed. But it still ticks me off a little as there is a better term out there, why wouldn't you use it?
>> No. 6120 [Edit]
I want to watch it~
>> No. 6123 [Edit]
what would this better term be?
also, you should remember, not everyone can leach off their parents.
>> No. 6134 [Edit]

Hiki X != Hiki Y
The severity might differentiate like any other psychological state.
The term has no sharp defined borders, unlike the term of a NEET.

I have to leave the flat sometimes, because i have to go with mother to buy food and carry all the bags.

Whatever it is.
I guess it would be too much for me to be confined into a small room.
I know i have the freedom to leave this flat to the outsides anytime i want, but i chose not to do so.

I don't want to interact with people in RL.
>> No. 6139 [Edit]
I always did it by a scale, the terms.

Unemployed for less than six months<NEET<Otaku<Basement dweller<Hikikomori<cadaver

Generally I think a person needs to be out of work for at least six months to a year to be considered fully NEET.

Otaku must be socially confined for the most part and have a specific interest or obsession, bordering on compulsion, in something not generally accepted or fully embraced in general society. They can still have a few close friends and such, but are almost always extremely awkward with people who don't share their interests.

A basement dweller usually depends completely on another person, like a parent, for living expenses, but also independent socially/in terms of housework. This is generally indicated by the presence of a mini fridge, making/buying own meals, only caring for own room (generally the basement, semi-finished or finished), and not partaking in the household activities. They will only go out if it's in their interests, to see their two or three friends, or to buy soda.

Hikikomori don't leave their house, or room, for that matter. Leaving the room to eat or defecate are acceptable, but other than that, they never leave the room. Atrophy of social skills, complete obsession with their hobbies, or extreme anxiety with the thought of leaving their room even in an emergency are what characterise this part of the scale.

Cadavers don't need to talk to people. Or eat. Or leave their boxes. This is the end of the scale, as it is impossible to be any more removed from society as a corpse.
>> No. 6142 [Edit]
I rank as hikki on your scale. And I cant eat anywhere but my room. Attempting to do it in other parts of the apartment result in a lack of appetite. I'm not even going to comment on issues of personal hygiene.

Being a cadaver sounds nice. Much more peaceful than my current life. A true lack of worries. I wonder what the future has in store for me.
>> No. 6144 [Edit]
Well, chances are you'll eventually become a cadaver.
>> No. 6145 [Edit]
I think Hikkis may venture out to buy supplies for themselves if they have the opportunity to live alone, so long as it is done in times of extremely low activity.
>> No. 6152 [Edit]
Then real Hikis are even more then by your scale.

1.You need to live in the housings of your relatives.
2.You must be full-timed nurtured

Otherwise you can't be a Hiki by your standards.

With leaving the flat, you end being a Hiki, which means that for most, after several month the latest they stop being a Hiki and restart the cycle?

"While the degree of the phenomenon varies on an individual basis, in the most extreme cases, some people remain in isolation for years or even decades. "

As i said, there won't be too many real Hikis at all. And also the Anime/Manga/VN NHK ni Yokoso would have used the wrong term in describing Sato.

Hm, going after your scale, i am something inbetween a Basementdweller and a Hiki.
>> No. 6156 [Edit]

>what would this better term be?

When I said 'better term' I meant freeter and NEET. As for a better term for a guy who never leaves his room but could do so if he wished to... I don't know, homebody? Home bird? Heck, I think even recluse would be better.

>also, you should remember, not everyone can leach off their parents.

I'm getting a strange vibe here so without throwing any accusations I'll just say something.

Being a leeching NEET is not something one should use as a badge of honor. It's something worth despising and being ashamed of. I stay at home, wake up at 3PM every day and spend my day playing video games and watching Chinese cartoons about little girls doing cute things. Meanwhile, my father is under lots of stress, working really hard for a rather meager salary to support me and my mother. I bet that's not how he imagined his son will turn out and again, I'm ashamed of it.


>The term has no sharp defined borders, unlike the term of a NEET.

Well, according to The Japanese Ministry of Health hikikomori are 'people who refuse to leave their house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months'. It doesn't explicitly say that leaving your home for even a second strips you of the hikki title but I feel that it implies it. I think Shinden's definition works fine:

>Hikikomori don't leave their house, or room, for that matter. Leaving the room to eat or defecate are acceptable, but other than that, they never leave the room. Atrophy of social skills, complete obsession with their hobbies, or extreme anxiety with the thought of leaving their room even in an emergency are what characterise this part of the scale.

I don't feel like looking into the matter further and I'm no longer to spend all day on imageboards arguing about minor stuff like that but I was always under the impression that hikkis pretty much can't leave their homes due to psychological reasons. It's still physically possible but they are too afraid to do so. It's like me holding a big spider: I probably could force myself to do it if it was life or death situation but I'd faint as soon as I'd touch it (or even sooner).


>Generally I think a person needs to be out of work for at least six months to a year to be considered fully NEET.

I'm fine with that, that's a convenient and practical definition. And the scale is nice in general but I wouldn't use otaku as one of the phases as it's confusing at best, nonsense at worse (because seriously, you'd need a job with nice salary to keep buying BDs/figs/other anime and/or manga and/or VN merchandise).


>With leaving the flat, you end being a Hiki, which means that for most, after several month the latest they stop being a Hiki and restart the cycle?

That's how I see it.


>And also the Anime/Manga/VN NHK ni Yokoso would have used the wrong term in describing Sato.

Satou is as much of a hikki as Alice from Kamisama no Memochou is a NEET (i.e. not at all). I remember that Satou getting described as hikki enraged quite a few people when the show aired (myself included to be honest because really, what kind of hikki leaves his house to smoke, talks with strangers in parks, goes to complain about noise to neighbors etc. etc. etc.)
>> No. 6159 [Edit]
>Being a leeching NEET is not something one should use as a badge of honor. It's something worth despising and being ashamed of. I stay at home, wake up at 3PM every day and spend my day playing video games and watching Chinese cartoons about little girls doing cute things. Meanwhile, my father is under lots of stress, working really hard for a rather meager salary to support me and my mother. I bet that's not how he imagined his son will turn out and again, I'm ashamed of it.

It's a bit unfair of an exaggeration to say that anybody is treating being a NEET as a "badge of honor" just for not lamenting it and shaming each other every time it comes up. It's unhealthy to be down about yourself all the time; /tc/ provides a respite from the shame and hatred that the NEET already feels and experiences basically everywhere else.
>> No. 6161 [Edit]

It might be just me but >>6213 sounded almost unhappy that in my eyes the fact that someone has to leave his home strips him of hikki title. (At first I said I didn't want to throw any accusations but now I kinda have to do so now to explain my viewpoint. Sorry if I offended you >>6213.)

I definitely don't plan to criticize people who are NEETs as even if I wanted to, I'm in no position to do so ('do as I say not as I do' is a rather unconvincing method; on top of that it makes whoever uses it a hypocrite). I don't really want to make anyone upset or sad and I understand that this place is filled with escapists (such as myself) who don't want to be reminded what their life is like and would rather spend their time dreaming about having fun with fictional characters in a fictional world. But if someone will brag that he's proud of being a NEET (or hikki but for a different reason) I will try to shoot him down in 3 out of 4 such cases. I'm a basement (to be honest it's an attic) dweller NEET and if had to choose one thing being a NEET thought I'd pick the fact that contrary to popular belief (particularly widespread on /jp/ and since lots of us are ex /jp/ers...) being a NEET is not 'a NEET thing to do' and definitely not something you should use as an Internet Badge of Honor.


>It's unhealthy to be down about yourself all the time

While I can't deny this I wonder if it wouldn't be better than burying one's head in the sand. Maybe - just maybe mind you - confronting your current state of life would be better as you could potentially change something. What we're doing won't get us anywhere and being as we are all we can do is keep repeating 'I will kill myself if the shit will hit the fan' like a mantra. But again, it's a 'do as I say not as I do' philosophy so I don't plan to mention this anymore.
>> No. 6172 [Edit]
I think most of us wouldn't mind getting stuck in a small room for months, provided we had a computer with us.

I came across this yesterday, a trailer for a upcoming film in which someone is apparently locked in a small room with a laptop, note how they react to this situasion.
>> No. 6188 [Edit]
>>Being a leeching NEET is not something one should use as a badge of honor. It's something worth despising and being ashamed of. I stay at home, wake up at 3PM every day and spend my day playing video games and watching Chinese cartoons about little girls doing cute things. Meanwhile, my father is under lots of stress, working really hard for a rather meager salary to support me and my mother. I bet that's not how he imagined his son will turn out and again, I'm ashamed of it.

Same here for my mother though. She works 6 days a week , around 66 hours.

But i have stopped reflecting or whatsoever, so i don't feel real regret. You neither, otherwise you would leave your room and start looking for a job.

That's how life is, and this is the only life i know. I won't ever be able to support myself.
And it's a privilege.

Have a short but carefree and responsiblefree life.
>> No. 6189 [Edit]
So why are you opposed to people using NEET as an "Internet Badge of Honor" again?
It's a broken term to begin with, unless used to refer to people strictly staring at a ceiling, and not getting better at it.

Not saying people should do it but I'm naturally reserved about things.

Is it the brokenness of the term, the implications you read into people using it, the unreflected ignorance some people display, or whatever?

Anyway, my personal ranking of things to do is:
using/obtaining force to improve the world>anarchist>sustaining the status quo

being neet usually is better than bad work(most people don't have a choice though or feel that way), good work is better than anarchism (what NEETdom comes down to usually).
if you are NEETX I'd expect you to be able to do good work while still being "NEET" though.
Normal NEETs just undermine social security and family budgets a bit more than what fiat money does already. Hence anarchism.
>> No. 6192 [Edit]

>It's a broken term to begin with

Aside from what I mentioned earlier (the freeter/NEET thing) it's a pretty clear cut term. You are unemployed. Just go with Shinden's definition for better results.

I wouldn't have any problem with it if you were rich for whatever reason. I talk about NEETs who leech of their own family (although those who live of SSI aren't that much better).


>You neither, otherwise you would leave your room and start looking for a job.

I still reflect on it, trust me. I'm not saying I keep thing about it all day long but the thought still occurs to me, even if only once in a while. And whenever I make eye contact with my parents I feel guilt because no matter how I look at it I pretty much ruined the life of the only people who ever cared about me and loved me. I might be doing my best to escape these thoughts but I don't think I could ever get rid of them entirely.
>> No. 6193 [Edit]
I mean the definition contradicts with the meaning of the thing spelled out.

And I dont see what's any better about a NEET who has money and a NEET who doesn't, as long as both of em think they are entitled to it by Haruhi/no beneficial deed...
But if that's the line you draw I salute to the levels of your shallowness.
>> No. 6194 [Edit]

>And I dont see what's any better about a NEET who has money and a NEET who doesn't

One leeches of his close relatives (who most likely love him) and does nothing while they work their asses off, the other just happened to be lucky and won a lottery or something.

>But if that's the line you draw I salute to the levels of your shallowness.

Good to hear, thanks.
>> No. 6195 [Edit]
I especially meant the part about social security but we resolved that thoroughly on the IRC already I guess~

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