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File 131120110739.jpg - (84.20KB , 624x448 , dc32bdf760688bc64737ab9325a2961869c66130.jpg )
6070 No. 6070 [Edit]
I think we can all agree this is a place for outcasts misfits and people that don't feel like they belong anywhere else.
That in mind, I keep coming across people (including myself kind of) who often times feel like they can't even fit in here.
Not talking about Ford Drivers mind you, I mean people that think they're so far gone that they think not even the others that are far gone would accept them.
Do any of you feel this way? that there truly never will be a place where you can fit in, even here on tc?
what do you think is missing? what do you think it would take for you to feel comfortable here?
Are we all really so different?
we each have problems all the same, what does it matter what those problems are?
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>> No. 6073 [Edit]
I feel like I've come to a point where if I found someone simulator enough to me that we would be unable to relate to one another.

So if I were to fit in anywhere it would be on a level of exclusion more than similarities.

Then again, maybe that's just elitism.
>> No. 6074 [Edit]
File 131120193091.jpg - (221.41KB , 900x1393 , b02PR.jpg )
I feel like I have the mentality of someone who belongs here, but not necessarily the interests. I used to watch anime and play video games a lot, but now I'm more interested in learning things like history and science. I still hate going outside and talking with people, but I can't say I relate with the culture of imageboards anymore. Do you know what I mean?
>> No. 6075 [Edit]
yes, that fits me exactly
>> No. 6077 [Edit]
I'm not as devoted to my waifu as other people here, but other than that I'm pretty pretty much standard TC material. I hate/fear interacting with people, I hate stupid 4chan shit, I love cute 2D girls more than anything, etc
>> No. 6078 [Edit]
One more for the science bandwagon. I was once an avid anime watcher/video game player (watched 3 fourths of some seasons and played five games a week), but since last year I've slowed down to about one game per month and 2-3 anime per season plus old ones when I'm bored, and I might stop most of my gaming/animeing habits altogether next year. Somehow I feel like I'm losing my connection with you guys.
>> No. 6079 [Edit]
I am another echo in this thread. I just don't have the time or the privacy to play VNs anymore. It's upsetting, and so I avoid going on the boards. Other than that there's not a lot to talk about.

It sucks--I keep on going to TC but never have anything that I feel that I can talk about so I don't post as much as I'd like. But that creates lack of content for people to post.....oh well. It's probably for the best.
>> No. 6082 [Edit]
Yes. I want to do normal things.

Talking in public, going to parties, exploring the city, making a barbeque, go to school and have a job. Start my own businesses and have discussions in a classroom.
The problem here is that I fucking hate Ford Drivers.

Living as an hedonistic hikki is far from my ideal life, then again is the only one that suits me.
I want to work in something beyond videogames and anime. I want to give something meaningful to the world but I don't want to deal with normals
>> No. 6083 [Edit]
I'm still an avid anime/manga/vn fan. I also have a very deep devotion to my waifu. That being said, I feel as if I don't belong here. Sometimes, and I don't mean any offense; but it's like my idea of waifu (in which I more or less use the concept for purposes such as motivation, love, and others; while fully knowing she will never exist) is different from what other people may think the term waifu is. I get this feeling because nobody really replies to my posts (even though I spend alot of time posting). Not that I want attention or anything, I just feel as if there is nothing to say about my posts; as if the people here are too nice to shut me up, or feel sorry that I'm in the wrong place. It's very uncomfortable and prevents me from posting most of the time. -- All that being said, I am also incredibly paranoid. Even though I am self-taught to differentiate between trolls and normal user, I feel as if everybody is out to get me. That alone may be the sole reason why I feel outcast from TC, and maybe even everywhere.
>> No. 6086 [Edit]
No, I don't related to my brohnos as much anymore because I've been recovering. I'm not as depressed anymore and I'm slowly getting my grip on life again. When I first came here about, I think 1.5 years ago? I thought this site was a Haruhisend. But now I feel more and more alienated each day. This might be for the better.
>> No. 6088 [Edit]
This is why I can't relate too well to most people here.
As in most people are like you. Nothing against it but yeah.

Post edited on 21st Jul 2011, 1:53am
>> No. 6089 [Edit]
I can relate. I'm not a NEET, not by choice, because I have to make money to support myself or else I starve. My life would go a lot easier if I were able to socialize, and I've come so detached from things that it's possible for me to do so on a basic level (because I'm not constantly thinking about what they think of me anymore like I used to.)

But there's no point to it. I hate normal people and I don't share any of their interests. Other people my age especially piss me off. All the women dress and act like whores. I put up with their bullshit as much as I have to while I'm at school and work, and then I'm expected to subject myself to it in my free time too? No, I prefer spending all my free time alone, doing the things I enjoy. Other people can't even understand this idea, and that's one of the reasons why I hate them.
>> No. 6091 [Edit]
>Wanting to go to parties
>Hates normals
You are contradicting yourself, and all of the other things you can do without having to talk to normals.

>All the women dress and act like whores.
I hate to say this but this is probably the main reason why I became a "loser" (I'm not a hikki and not a NEET yet).
I sometimes wonder about what would have happened if there existed a girl that I wasn't repulsed with, not because of their looks but because of their behavior.
It feels like I'm betraying my waifu thinking like that.
It also scares me because I would lose you all and I really like you guys. Some of the happiest moments of the past year were spent browsing tohno.
>> No. 6093 [Edit]
This thread suddenly makes me feel very alone. I wish it wasn't here, but the damage is already done.
>> No. 6094 [Edit]
Do you want to talk about it?
>> No. 6097 [Edit]
The idea of friendships and relationships certainly seems nice. Realistically, though, I think I actually just want an person-shaped ego-padding entertaining machine. I mean, I want a relationship added on to my existing lifestyle, but my lifestyle involves zero contributions to other people.
>> No. 6101 [Edit]
>person-shaped ego-padding entertaining machine

Isn't that what everyone seeks in a person?
>> No. 6105 [Edit]
I have a somewhat similar mentality to the people here, but due to my interests in general I'm pretty asocial even here. I also wouldn't mind friends if they were decent people who shared my interests.
>> No. 6108 [Edit]
Do to various faults in my personality I am unable to reciprocate a friendship. However, I would enjoy nothing more than to have an underling. I understand that would involve a deal of sacrifice on my end that is, at least, in equal to theirs, but I think I could manage that, if only that.

However being a shutin with no real skills or worth I doubt such a thing would ever take place at all. Though, one can dream...
>> No. 6119 [Edit]
>All the women dress and act like whores.
What does this even mean anymore? I can't help but think that my conception of a slut is different from most of TC.
>> No. 6122 [Edit]
1. sloppy, very revealing trashy cloths, as if to say they simply do not care about their appearance or care to the extent of attracting males, who on average prefer women to wear as little as possible.

2. like a whore/prostitute, they offer sexual services in exchange for goods.
real whores do this for currency, where as most women do this for a dinner.
>> No. 6124 [Edit]
What worthwhile teachings would you be able to offer to an underling?
>> No. 6125 [Edit]
How to deliver our people from bondage.
>> No. 6126 [Edit]
To be fair, #2 relies on the outdated assumption that women have no sexual desires. They might have sex with someone they barely know, but it's not in exchange for anything; it's because they're attracted to the person and think it would be an enjoyable way to spend the evening.
>> No. 6175 [Edit]
I barely fit in here for the exact opposite reason.
>> No. 6181 [Edit]
I obviously can't speak for anyone else but me, but I have been rejected so much by everyone that I just feel that I don't belong anywhere.

I don't known anywhere near as much about anime, manga, and VNs as you guys.

I still desire friendship outside of the internet.

I love my waifu with all of my heart, to the point that I do lewd things with her. So many here are not that way which is okay, but makes me feel wrong in some way.

In the end I am just confused. I don't know how to fit in, even if I have similar interests as others.

I really need friends and companions though, I can't keep being all alone, it hurts too much.
>> No. 6182 [Edit]
Well we are all human
even if we don't identify with the human condition.

I believe that is all you can say for all of us here.
>> No. 6186 [Edit]
>Do any of you feel this way? that there truly never will be a place where you can fit in, even here on tc?

Yeah. I can only speak for myself, but it's not because of the other users in particular that I feel this way. It doesn't matter how shitty another person is or has it, I still feel as though I'll be rejected by them since I'm not good enough for anyone or anything. It's a problem with myself, my perception of both myself and others and how I view society and humankind. I really love some of the people I've spoken to online, but I can't help but distance myself and run from them. I always break things off before they can do anything to hurt me. I'm a paranoid pansy.

>what do you think is missing? what do you think it would take for you to feel comfortable here?

Well, I don't think there's anything in particular that can be done from the other side of things. Fixing yourself is sometimes the only solution. In my case I think it's the only way to really make things work. Though, I'm going to assume a lot tc users naturally distance themselves from others, so it's only natural to find it hard to fit in. Everyone has their guard up, you know?

>Are we all really so different? we each have problems all the same, what does it matter what those problems are?

Problems are similar, the specifics are always going to be different per person. I don't think it's similarity or difference that's the main problem though. I think the issue of difference would be a scapegoat to try to avoid finding a solution to the issue. It's easy to try to find reasons for why you're so different and screwed up and can never fit-in with a crowd. It's just convenient negative thinking.
>> No. 6187 [Edit]
I don't feel that I belong here not because there's something that alienates me from other users, it's because I never even considered it. After spending most of my teenage years looking for people I could connect to, for groups I could join and relate to, for a place for myself without much result the need (which I could without a doubt describing as the driving force in my life) just disappeared. It's not like I just gave up and acknowledged it's impossible to find something like that (although "It is lonely when you're among people, too" from The Little Prince was one of my favorite quotes). One day I just woke up and realized I don't really care about it anymore.

That's why even though I like /tc/ I never really ask myself 'are the other Brohnos similar to me, do we share the same problems?', 'is it a place I could call home?' etc. Maybe the answer is 'yes', maybe it's 'no' but whichever it is it just plain doesn't matter to me.


>I really love some of the people I've spoken to online, but I can't help but distance myself and run from them. I always break things off before they can do anything to hurt me. I'm a paranoid pansy.

I do it too, except I consider it common sense. I am who I am today because I got rejected by someone I cared about long ago. I never realized it but the reason behind distancing myself from other people wasn't me just having no interest in them - I didn't want to get burned. And after it happened I realized how wise I've been and that I should've made no exceptions to the rule and never let my guard down. For me, it's part the fear of rejection, part pride.

... Well, that's how it used to be I guess. Now I plain don't give a shit. I once wanted to find acceptance, friendship, love but now I don't care. All I can do is reminiscent about how silly I was when I was 16 with an abashed smile on my face.
>> No. 6210 [Edit]
I don't fit on tc, but if there really was a place where I fit in, people would be similar to me, and hence it'd be a horrible place which i'd hate. So at tc i'll remain.
>> No. 6226 [Edit]
yes, because I like anime (mostly moe stuff), I hate real people and don't go to school (uni) or have a job (or interest in one)
Don't drink or take any sort of medication/drugs.
Don't play mmos.
Don't listen to heavy metal.
Don't share my computer with anyone, but don't sit naked in front of it either.
Don't wear glasses or have shoulder length hair.
oh and I have no cat/pets.

That's just some of the stuff I've noticed to be the norm around here...
Still, I've been here since day one and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.
>> No. 6227 [Edit]
>yes, because I like anime (mostly moe stuff), I hate real people and don't go to school (uni) or have a job (or interest in one)
doesn't that mean you're like everyone else?
>> No. 6228 [Edit]
Right, silly me.
There's no way in hell TC would be full of collage kids that don't watch anime but pretend to!
>> No. 6229 [Edit]
Does anybody else get the feeling that we all tend to see the posts or trends that make us feel more excluded? As in we're too vigilant / on the look out for differences instead of seeing commonalities.

Because it seems we all seem to have contradictory opinions of what the typical /tc/ poster is like.
>> No. 6244 [Edit]
>Do any of you feel this way? that there truly never will be a place where you can fit in, even here on tc?
>what do you think is missing? what do you think it would take for you to feel comfortable here? Are we all really so different?

Yes, really different. Here on TC, somewhat similar people gather to feel better and support each other. This is core of normal socialized behavior. Therefore, you people all pretty much normals to me. Difference from everyone out there is almost nil. For example, on Earth all people have white skin, but only 0.000001% fraction have black skin for whatever random reasons (genetic errors, etc., like albinos). Of course, such rare black people will be discriminated against, so they seek refugee on TC with comrades. So how they different from whites? Aside from skin color - nothing. Just perfectly normal people with bad luck or whatever circumstances...

And this site itself confirms it all. Is serves as means to feel better. Moderation keeps sweet order. People speak nicely and try to support each other. Therefore any negative topics are not welcome and gently turned to positive direction. Just like sweet drug to escape from problems. Everyone lives like this. Lying to themselves, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, avoiding unpleasant topics, etc. etc. Suffocating hypocrisy.

As for myself, I don't want to "fit" anywhere, don't want pointless conversation for the sake of communication. This is all repulsing ways of normals. I just want a place with people like me having free conversations about things they interested, be it anime and games or ways to better kill yourself. I mean just talk freely - not only using others like tools/drugs to escape personal problems, gain internet fame or whatever selfish reasons.

There was site long time ago with BBS modelled after movie Noriko's Dining Table. This was only place feeling nice. Some people discussed suicides (movie theme, by the way) or other real life problems, some just came after watching the movie and messed around. No one tried to control everything. Very nice lively atmosphere. Too bad its long dead.
>> No. 6245 [Edit]
So the choice is between bitches, whores and sluts.
Are there no decent women anymore?
>> No. 6246 [Edit]

Of course there are. 2D girls.
>> No. 6249 [Edit]
I don't think I quite mesh as I do have an issue with the hatred of 'normals', for various reasons.

That doesn't mean I go to parties and suchlike. I just think such group mentality is keyhole vision. Check yourself in the bigger picture. Most non-automaton-people will have some sort of inconsistency within that can be wrent open and confronted.
>> No. 6251 [Edit]
But it's the hatred against normals that keeps this place nice and clean.
>> No. 6253 [Edit]
I think the "us vs. them" mentality here is justified. A lot of us experience the truth of it every day. That's not to say that all normal people are the same, or that they're even really all normal, exactly. "Socially normal" might be a better label.
>> No. 6254 [Edit]
Not everyone here 'hates' normals, some would rather just be left alone.
>> No. 6255 [Edit]
maybe we should just make up words to describe ourselves and those we perceive to be the "normals"
something like Friggles and Nylaniums or some crap like that.
>> No. 6256 [Edit]
Honestly the best phrase that comes to mind is 'Loner Otaku'. By that I don't mean the bullshit American definition of an anime fan who goes to conventions. I mean someone who's obsessed over certain topics and knows them inside and out. This can apply to computers, literature, as well as anime. We have this sort of strong interest in particular things, but most of here have at least a strong interest in anime or manga. By loner I mean we hate social interactions with other people for whatever reason, be it you hate people, can't handle social interaction, or you've been ostracized in the past and can't socialize anymore. So basically we're people with very strong interests that try to escape from what we hate about society. Anyone see themselves differently?
>> No. 6257 [Edit]
Sounds about right to me.
>> No. 6258 [Edit]
alot of people who are loners dont actually have any strong interest in a particular subject, and feel isolated from others because they aren't an 'otaku'

ford drivers

Post edited on 26th Jul 2011, 12:49pm
>> No. 6259 [Edit]
Normals was more or less stolen from the autistic community, though they used "neural typical" one can see the similarities. I suppose that's probably where the whole autist thing came from in the first place, as the antithesis to normals. at least on /jp/

As someone who is autisic and collects checks for it, that suits me just fine even if I'm mistaken. So, I'll just continue to use such terminology.
>> No. 6260 [Edit]
calling people normal in a derogatory fashion happens nearly anywhere people differ from the norm and not 'stolen from the autistic community'. and calling people autistic is usually an insult, not an antithesis to normality
>> No. 6265 [Edit]
>> No. 6268 [Edit]
I know I can't fit in here, but that has more to do with not being able to fit in anywhere or with anyone at all. For some reason, I just repel people. I can make friends on the internet well enough, but as soon as they actually get to know me, they leave. I'm boring. I don't really have opinions on many things, and being a shut-in I don't exactly have an exciting life full of interesting stories. It's sabotaged every attempt I've made to do anything with my life more than just sit in bed all day.
>> No. 6415 [Edit]

amen for science and math. And I also usually can't relate with most imageboards, I haven't even been on one in like 10-14 days. The internet within me is dying, soon I won't do it anymore...

Go the (ancient)
greek route, teach philosophy, not a real skill, but interesting enough that people are willing to jerk circle over it.

<So basically we're people with very strong interests that try to escape from what we hate about society. Anyone see themselves differently?

That is me, man I hate modern society, I don't think I'll ever be able to participate in it the way it is.

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