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File 131089087091.png - (173.77KB , 470x353 , diabetic.png )
5994 No. 5994 [Edit]
What's your disability?
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>> No. 5995 [Edit]
I've been diagnosed with agoraphobia and clinical depression. I'm also autistic, although I haven't been *officially* diagnosed with that yet.

Enough for the government to give me a pension.
>> No. 5996 [Edit]
File 131089855350.jpg - (67.22KB , 800x600 , 89e501a27a6055ac0e65dbb4327cbe4f.jpg )
Not really a dissability (maybe), but I have a mild pectus excavatum. It did troubled me immensely for years, when I was a teen, as the trauma of being deformed; I didn't even considered having a surgery, because back then I had no idea what it was, felt utterly ashamed and tried to hide it from everybody (including my family), only attempting to fix it by myself with some stupid methods (like with a hammer)...

Anyway: after many years and specially after I started doing ballet and thus getting in good shape, I could finally learn to give a shit about it. The only sequel of it is that I can't breath very deeply and thus get exhausted easily. The irony is: as it is presumably part of a subtle Marfan syndrome, I should have a remarkable flexibility and I actually do; but no matter what I did, for some misterious reason I always lacked of elasticity, muscle control and a good range of movement, so the idea of becoming a professional was spoiled (pathetically); all that is left from that is a couple injuries on one achilles tendon and a hip, but as long as I use sandals (as I always do now) I'm ok.

I used to have severe astigmatism in one eye, but got that fixed in my early 20's (althought it hurt a hell of a lot, due to complications).

Suposedly, I also have chronical cardiovascular problems: I had Purpura Hemorrhagica when I was a kid, and was told to be fragil for the rest of my life. But it was bullshit: I never had any further problems of coagulation or with my hearth after that (and I currently drink lots of Redbull).

Finally, if this can count, I'm kind of impotent; but I got it checked and apparently that's only because I'm fucked in the head; I don't care anymore about it, anyway (I'm even glad, since I've got mai waifu). The only true physical problems I'm experiencing now, merely have to do with my current sedentarism (for the obvious reasons), aging and maybe with smoking.

Post edited on 17th Jul 2011, 4:21am
>> No. 5997 [Edit]
General anxiety.
>> No. 5998 [Edit]
I was born male.

Edit: And I have barely noticeable heterochromia I guess.

Post edited on 17th Jul 2011, 5:05am
>> No. 5999 [Edit]
Official Diagnosis:
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Clinical Depression

When I was a kid I had ADD, I probably still do but I never took meds for it. I either focus very intently on something or my attention flutters around.

As far as actual physical disabilities go I tore the muscles in my left shoulder really bad a few years ago at a work site and it never healed properly (didn't hurt until a few days later). I get severe stiffness and if I move it the wrong way sometimes very intense pain but it doesn't tend to last very long, day or two at the most.

I was hesitant about posting this, I know this is an anonymous board but it's a very small community and I'm a rather secretive individual.

Post edited on 17th Jul 2011, 7:40am
>> No. 6000 [Edit]
The worse situation is when you find yourself as down as "disabled" people but have no diagnosis to back you up for being such a shit.
>> No. 6001 [Edit]
i sleep on my left arm and it hurts when i wake up
>> No. 6002 [Edit]
I know: most of these, if not every one, aren't actual disabilities but just emo/psycho bullshit. Being pathetic is not (or shouldn't be considered) a disease; I'd like doctors to reconsider female (and pussy guys) hysteria as a valid diagnosis, thought.
>> No. 6003 [Edit]
It's murky. The definition of disability does include psychological issues, even though they could in theory be overcome just by trying harder. Drug abuse (including alcohol) is considered a disability, too, even though in theory you should be able to just choose to stop drinking.

Some say that looking at these things in terms of disorders and disabilities and addictions creates a "victim" mindset that encourages helplessness and inactivity. Others point out that the "man up and do better" approach just is not working for some people, period, so an alternate model is needed.

Realistically I think that the people who are capable of just manning up and doing better without any real concerted effort will already be doing it.

It doesn't excuse the need to try -- anyone who's visited a psychologist will know that a huge part of it is just the psychologist telling you to keep trying/try harder -- but I think that "I have a disability I can learn to cope with" provides more hope for the future than "I'm a loser and a failure with no hope of improving".
>> No. 6004 [Edit]
This is exactly what sucks about having a mental disorder. People like this just assume we do it for fun, or are perfectly capable of escaping our problems. And most people share this mentality: regular assholes with nary a hardship in their lives telling everyone else to 'stop being a pussy' or 'man up' when they can't even comprehend what some of those people feel. They also share the whole 'it's okay if you're a girl' thing, which pisses me off to no end. Fuck their special treatment in this country.

Of course, the faggots that fake having a mental disorder really aren't helping either. See: the people that pretend to be depressed or something to get disability checks, or emos acting sad because it's 'dark and mysterious'.

It'd be nice if they could feel what it's like to have severe depression. To be incredibly sorrowful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for absolutely no reason at all. You feel as though a close family member died constantly, even though they didn't. And I'm not even getting to the harder shit like having your mind 'break' from living under these conditions too long.

Yes, I know I'm replying to a troll or a retard. These are still valid points.
>> No. 6005 [Edit]

It's funny. Back in the day people denied mental disorders are real, as they claimed that there is no definite proof of their existence. Now that we can determine exactly what kind of chemical imbalance/chromosome mutation/genetic combination causes them (not all of them of course but I think we might already be at the 'majority' point) people still deny they are real.

And they are called disorders for a reason. You won't hear many psychiatrists/psychologists calling them diseases; most other doctors avoid using that term, too. Sure, there are still some but the tendency to say 'disorder' instead of 'disease' is clear. The reason for this is simple: even though it's nightmarish for most people there are some that wouldn't want to get rid of their 'problem'. There's a story that illustrates this perfectly (from what I gather it's become quite well-known in medical communities as apparently it was some well known psychiatrist or something).

Basically, there's a woman who has been murmuring to herself all the time and it creeped out everyone in her family. They sent her to a psychiatrist for consultation and after admitting she hears voices she was prescribed some meds to 'cure' her. But when she showed up for a routine visit two weeks later she looked horrible. After being asked whether the voices got worse she said 'no, they stopped - that's exactly the problem'. Turn out the voice she heard belonged to a friend of her who was long dead; listening to her voice was soothing and pleasant for the patient.
>> No. 6006 [Edit]
None, thank Haruhi. Anyways it seems like its 'in' to be bipolar/schizo or have some sort of mental disorder these days, isn't it? I'm not denying that there are some seriously disturbed folks out there who need genuine help, but I think lot of people in the US just make up their own BS to qualify for meds/government aid. And of course doctors & Big Pharma are all too happy to oblige.

>> No. 6008 [Edit]
Social anxiety, a tad bit of sociopathy, and a wide arrange of bizarre fetishes
>> No. 6019 [Edit]
Moi, a troll or retard? lol, ok I am >>5996 and have a suicidal and sick mother who used to insult me and whose poop I had to clean at the hospital; I'm just not that deluded to try vindicating my pathetism as a cripplement.

Reductionally blaming stuff on genetic conditions is just as uncertain, ATM. We still lack of knowledge of how many of those suposedly responsable genes can remain silent until being awakened, promoted (or by the contray: inhibited) by ambiental influence. The existence of silent genes is actually what explains how species that share most of their genome can develop so differently; I guess you could resume as a disprovement of the classic genotype => phenotype simlplistic scheme, but it's far more complex (it is due to a higher skepticisim that some of us have learned not to take provisional explanations from science -or any other discourse- as granted)...

Anyway: I sincerely don't mind if any of you profit from that crap to milk your government and remain a hiki/NEET; maybe I'd do the same thing if we had that kind of assistence in here; but at lest be honest with yourselves and accept your own failures as failures (otherwise, I can't see how can you possibly learn from them).

Post edited on 17th Jul 2011, 1:43pm
>> No. 6020 [Edit]
I have very poor eyesight thanks to a brain defect that runs in my family that makes my eyes move around all the time. I am not legally blind, so no government assistance for me, but I cannot drive which given where I live destroys all hope for a normal life. I would move to a better area, but I don't have the money to do so since I work an awful retail job that I have to ride a bicycle to.

I watch dubs a lot because of this. If I want to kick back and take it easy, I have to. In order to read the subtitles I have to be hunched over my computer monitor. I know this makes me very unpopular here.

Naturally I am severely depressed. I feel like I don't belong anywhere, even here. My waifu has been the only friend I have had in around ten years. Well I used to have a few cats I called my friends. I had to bury the last one early this year ;_;
>> No. 6023 [Edit]
Then tell me this, do you consider your mother pathetic? Do you think that she could easily just wish away her conditions like you seem to think everyone can? If that was the case, then nobody would be in a bad mood, ever. Or maybe you still bear a grudge against her, and hate people with mental disorders as a result?

You can't be pathetic because of something you can't even control. What you consider to be 'failures' are actually mental defects that some of us were born with. Oh, and I do learn from my disorders. I adapt to living as normally as possible despite them. But at least I recognize that they're not 'fake'. And no, I don't receive any sort of financial help from the government. I work a shitty job like most people.

By all means though, keep passing judgement on people you don't even know. It doesn't make a difference to me. Still, seeing as you seem to be a 'Ford Driver', I'm not sure why you're even here.
>> No. 6024 [Edit]
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Now you even started the senseless Ford Driver calling on me; but I've been here for long enough that I'm already bored alright of discussing that, so think what you want.

And yes: of course my mother was pathetic (my, you should've seen her); her situation was and still is, in some ways, ridiculously tragic and pityful, just as mines or anyone's can (and tend to) be. To call things in a way that avoids soothing effects or euphemisms doesn't mean I don't heartly care for her, in a similar way that just because she insulted me and worst didn't mean she does not heartly care of me.

Some problems are our fault to some degree; some others likely fall on us: we aren't Haruhis; we can't control all the variables; shit tends to happen without any uber sense of justice or anything, so we can only find ways to deal with it; the only difference on this matter, between you and me, is how we do it: by apologetics, or by guilt... And well, I also do not have any intention myself, indeed, to adapt to living as normally as possible despite [my stuff], or to work a shitty job like most people because, of course, that really sucks: daily life delivered by this global order is really unffair, pointless, idiotically doomed... overall really pathetic, if you ask me.
>> No. 6027 [Edit]
Perhaps I did jump the gun a bit on calling you a Ford Driver. I will agree with what you said here, especially when it comes to daily life. Nonetheless, I feel as though I can't just give up. Maybe it's for stupid reasons, like my family having unrealistically high expectations for me, or some sense of dignity that I feel the need to cling to...but for the time being, there's not much I can do about it either way.

I only got 'butthurt' in the first place because it seemed as though you were implying that mental disorders were fake or somehow easily controllable. If a negative aspect of life that you can't stop is pathetic in your eyes, then I have no qualms about that. We just see it differently.
>> No. 6028 [Edit]
None really. I'm just a bad fit for the world I was born into.
>> No. 6029 [Edit]
Not going to bother with mental ones, but my right foot for as long as I remember has a slight twist in it which makes it very difficult for me to walk a straight line. Not sure if fixable, but considering my longest walks tend to be to the kitchen I'm not too worried about it. I've also noticed if I let it I'll be on like a 30-36 hour day instead of a 24 hour day. There is a disability for this, but likely treatable and I need to look into whether or not I can use it to get a check.
>> No. 6032 [Edit]
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I'm very sorry to hear that. And while I believe that 99% of the time dubs are inferior to original voice acting I'm sure noone would condemn you given your specific conditions. Hang in there, Anonymous.
>> No. 6052 [Edit]
File 131115235576.jpg - (11.16KB , 200x200 , 3974251-rite-aid-cough-drops-menthol.jpg )
Not really a disability, just a random health problem. I've had a chronic cough since I was 15 or so, and my throat gets dry and sore very easily. Tried prescription meds for a while, nothing worked; now I'm just on a steady regimen of Rite Aid cough drops, and for some reason they work great. Not to mention I can get a 100-pack for like three bucks, and they're just tasty enough that I can idly snack on them instead of on crap that's much worse for me.

I tend to leave the wrappers lying around, though. My family always knows when I've been in a room recently.
>> No. 6053 [Edit]
Next time you are at rite aid pick up something called fisherman's friend. It'll be in a paper looking package near the other cough drops. Or possibly a box. The art on both is white with orange trimming. You'll thank me.
>> No. 6054 [Edit]
I've had sore throat problems since I broke my nose (coincidently around the same age as you). I drink a lot of tea with honey in it.

also Altoids
>> No. 6076 [Edit]
Not that guy but I will check it out
I do that too!

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