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5984 No. 5984 [Edit]
What would you suggest to a person to is thinking very often of suicide? What have people alredy told you in case you have been in the same situation? I feel like I either have to just do it or forget it completely but I do not know how to.
>> No. 5985 [Edit]
Get them professional help, there are people who try to help suicidal people for free. Best not to take on tasks you yourself are ill equipped to handle. Let someone help who knows what they're doing.
>> No. 5986 [Edit]
It might help to think about the darkness and nothingness that comes after death, you wont even be able to so much as think about things, because you're brain will shut down, there's no clouds and angels, no wondering around in the dark, there's nothing but your body rotting away.
For that matter, there's no graceful way to kill yourself, pills rarely work, and everything else is painful.
there are next to no practical ways to kill yourself without leaving stinking eyesore bloated decomposing body that would be a nuisance to anyone that comes across it, even if you jump off a cliff into the sea, your body would still wash up on a shore, and could traumatise some poor kids.
and no one wants to live in a home in which someone killed themselves, do you know how hard it is to get rid of the smell of a old dead body? that's how many bodies are found, from people in nearby areas complaining about smells.

Furthermore, by living, you still have a chance to improve your life, even if it's 0.000001% it's still a chance, where as if you kill yourself, you got nothing, you'll get nothing, do nothing, be nothing, other then a pathetic body some morticians will play around with, and possibly cut holes in to fuck.
also, you're put a horrible strain on whatever family you have, even if you think they don't care about you, it's stuff like this that destroys families, even if they didn't care, dealing with a death isn't cheep, you have any clue what a funeral and burial cost?
>> No. 5987 [Edit]

>traumatise some poor kids
>no one wants to live in a home in which someone killed themselves
>you have any clue what a funeral and burial cost

As much as I hate to shoot people who are trying to help down, I do not think you understand how the mind of a person who thinks about killing themselves work. We do not really, at least in general, give a shit for superfluous things like children we do not know or costs that are not ours.
>> No. 5988 [Edit]
I'm just trying to get the point across that killing yourself affects everyone around you, not just yourself, weather you like it or not, you can't just fade into the darkness and disappear, someone is going to have to deal with your mess.
Killing one's self might be a very personal thing, but it's also very selfish thing.
>> No. 5989 [Edit]
I find it much more selfish of society to expect someone to live in pain and depression for their entire life for the sake of not causing trouble to others.
>> No. 5991 [Edit]
how can you say for sure weather or not every day would be pain and suffering?
People escape even the strongest of prisons.
There's always a chance, but no one can tell what the future holds in store for us.
>> No. 5992 [Edit]
A lifetime is nothing compared to an eternity of death. Live as long as you can, in the hope that you can find some sort of enjoyment.
>> No. 5993 [Edit]
Generally be supportive.
Try to understand if their life is one that really would be better off ended or not.
Stand by their decisions, and be the best sort of friend for them possible.

If that person is you OP, then it all really comes to down to whether or not you want to be dead. You should never try to force someone to live who doesn't want to. If you're just being pushed farther than you can bear, but would rather the issue be resolved more than you'd like to stop living, then I'd suggest finding someone to help shoulder your burden.

These things are often case specific, it all depends on the person's circumstances. More information would be required for a more specific answer.
>> No. 6058 [Edit]
That's the problem with suicide prevention in my opinion. If you're convincing someone not to die just to get them to go through one more day of "pain and depression for their entire life" and is not willing to actually help them out of this pain and depression because you don't want to cause trouble to others or to yourself, you're lazy.

To my experience, actually helping someone to get out of that pain takes effort. It's more easy to give the person feel good or kneejerk bullshit advice than to help them.
>> No. 6059 [Edit]
I think the problem in things like Medicine in general is that they try to suppress the problem without addressing why they are that way. For instance, instead of telling a fat person to exercise more, they give him pills to get rid of his problems. When it comes to suicidal people, I know it might be hard to motivate them but you got to get them active and eating healthily. With proper amounts of physical activity, a healthy diet, and a good amount of testosterone in men since low levels can cause you to become depressed you can fight depression without just giving them pills and telling them to deal with it and move on. You just need to find someone who cares enough about the depressed person to help them and try to help them solve their problems, even if it has to be yourself.
>> No. 6064 [Edit]
It's partly the pressure on doctors to write prescriptions put on them by the pharmaceutical companies, and partly the average patient's willingness to swallow a bunch of pills and hope all his problems will then go away, instead of not being a gluttonous fat fuck.

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