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File 131021983459.gif - (13.99KB , 600x407 , comic-social-media.gif )
5897 No. 5897 [Edit]
Where do you want to go with your social anxiety? Do you want to get rid of it, learn to cope with it without reducing it, or just do nothing?
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>> No. 5901 [Edit]
I want to get over it so I can finally be able to get a job and move out of my parents house. I'll still avoid social situations and spend 99% of my free time in front of the computer, though.
>> No. 5902 [Edit]
I've been emotionally isolated from everyone else for so long that I've almost stopped considering them worth any thought. So now going out and doing things doesn't cause me any anxiety, because I don't care what anybody thinks of me anymore. Of course I still can't socialize, since I don't have those "social skills" that are needed and I don't have any interest in the stupid bullshit they talk about, but as long as I can be more or less functional, I'm fine.
>> No. 5903 [Edit]
I'm hoping I hit this point soon. My life may depend on it
>> No. 5904 [Edit]
I avoid social situations and going to public places so I don't run into/have to talk to people I know.

"so what have you been doing for the last five years,"
"living in my parents basement, and not going outside"

I don't actually want a "job" or anything, I want soviet style appartment blocks, and an opportunity to participate in things I deam important. Neither of which society is willing to provide. I will continue to be anti-social, and keep all my ideas to myself.

on the upside, in the past I did have social skills, probably a bit rusty now, but not to hard to sharpen I assume.
>> No. 5905 [Edit]
>I avoid social situations and going to public places so I don't run into/have to talk to people I know.

Oh Haruhi this happened to me a few years ago. My mom made me go get a flu shot at a grocery store, and while I was there I ran into a guy who I used to share a table with in a high school science class. Luckily it was less than a year after graduation so me saying I wasn't doing anything wasn't that bad. Now it's been almost 4 years...
>> No. 5906 [Edit]

Second. Apathy is convenient sometimes.
>> No. 5909 [Edit]
I found out that I can deal with it the same way I used to decide when I was a hikki.

Before I used to think like "oh no problem I'll start drawing tomorrow" "I'll marathon that series soon".
So now when I screw up around people I think "no problem I'll quit soon" "I'll just move to other town and star again".

It works, for now.
>> No. 5911 [Edit]
You ammused me.
I smirk slightly.
Quoted for insightful

/haiku (don't count the syllables)
>> No. 5912 [Edit]
I want it to grow and grow so that it becomes medically impossible for me to leave the house.
>> No. 5913 [Edit]
I'm straddling the line of not being able to even pass through a room in my house that has members of my family occupying it, and not even being able to comprehend other humans as sentient beings.

I see my future going one of two ways, either I'll be so terrified of the outside world that when my caretakers die, I'll be forced to commit suicide before the place is repossessed. The other involves becoming one of those soulless white collar workers who is perfectly suited for being surrounded by other people, as they are only something to be exploited.

Frankly, neither is something that I can identify with. So, I guess I'm fine with it either way.
>> No. 5914 [Edit]
File 131031129471.jpg - (145.61KB , 1280x1440 , 1303663253925.jpg )
25, NEET, leeching from my mother.

This is the only life for me.
I can't interact with other people, thus i can't even apply for wealthfare.
It is a no-go anyways, where i would have to bow down in every way.

For the rest i don't care.

It either ends with me on the streets or with my own hands.

Nothing complicated
>> No. 5915 [Edit]
I'm not quite to this point, but close. Anxiety is an issue but not as big of one as it used to be -- the bigger issue is social skills and attitude.

I think the ability to endlessly read conversations on message boards and in IRCs without contributing has helped me to regress to this point where I can't even conceptualize the idea of "contributing" to a conversation, it's more like an occasional joke or factoid that breaks up what other people are saying.

Supposedly a little bit of anxiety helps you keep prepared and focused, so it might be good to keep some social anxiety around, but mostly I'd like it gone.
>> No. 5924 [Edit]
I just avoid as much contact with people as possible and make myself look uninteresting on top of my unattractiveness. I have trouble talking and listening sometimes though, such as I just can't get what they're saying verbally but if I read it I would be able to. I've been trying to get better with it though. One thing I've been doing is listening to lots of podcasts to see how conversations go between people discussing things to see if I can improve myself on that.
>> No. 5928 [Edit]
This pretty much.
>> No. 5942 [Edit]
Mine varies from a casual, joking, and fairly sociable attitude to being anxious of simple things like checkout counters. It's weird. Some days I'll wake up and and be like "Wow, today is a great day!" Say to myself(and completely believe it) that socializing is no big deal and slightly fun. When that happens, I'm good. It usually doesn't happen unfortunately. Thankfully I have a close friend whom I've never had social anxiety with.
>> No. 5943 [Edit]
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I've pretty much been detached from society for the last 3 years or so.

It doesn't bother me, though I really need to get a job so I can hopefully move out.
>> No. 5944 [Edit]
I just rather die before really dealing with life (again), social anxiety crap or not. This world sucks.
>> No. 5945 [Edit]

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