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5888 No. 5888 [Edit]
What did you think of the ronery threads which used to be on /a/? Were you an active participant or did you think they were shit?
>> No. 5889 [Edit]
I participated in them because at the time (which was like 2 years ago) it was the only social outlet I had. Now I have you guys (´・ω・)
>> No. 5890 [Edit]
I used to take part in them, made a few of em at times, but I can't at all remember what said/done in such threads.
>> No. 5891 [Edit]
I used to, but after /jp/ I'm not ronery anymore. They made me into something else entirely. I won't say that it was a good thing.

But at the time they were nice, I didn't really understand hikimori, and it was sort of comforting to know there were others out there that felt like that.
>> No. 5892 [Edit]
They were always pretty dumb
>> No. 5893 [Edit]
I read them and they were kinda nice but like the other guy said I wouldn't be able to relate to anything written in it if I read one now. I got over being lonely long ago and now I appreciate all the things that are the result of not having any friends. Since it was stuff that kinda happened (i.e. social withdrawal wasn't exactly my decision, at least initially) I consider myself pretty lucky! It's good to be alone, I can't fathom why I wanted to make friends that badly back in the day.
>> No. 5898 [Edit]
16 year old me really really liked those ronery threads. Ah, and before anyone gets on my ass, I hardly ever post.

In hindsight, I now see the people making those threads were probably of a different generation to us?

Also its interesting to think how the mentality of the upper crust of *chan otaku thought:

-3DPD mentality wasn't as vocal as it is now, in fact a lot of the hardcore users held an interest in both 2D and 3D and weren't berated when they said so

-The hardcore users often spewed memes and were silly, if you did that nowadays you'd be considered a douche (probably because the real douches started doing the same thing, and it because indistinguishable)
>> No. 5900 [Edit]

>Also its interesting to think how the mentality of the upper crust of *chan otaku thought:
>-3DPD mentality wasn't as vocal as it is now, in fact a lot of the hardcore users held an interest in both 2D and 3D and weren't berated when they said so
>-The hardcore users often spewed memes and were silly, if you did that nowadays you'd be considered a douche (probably because the real douches started doing the same thing, and it because indistinguishable)

Are you serious about this? I stopped visiting /a/ precisely because of what you're describing, except it was the other way around. Suddenly, it became cool to talk about how you partied all night yesterday, how you got into argument with your 3DPD, how you got wasted etc. etc. This was made even worse by tripfag criclejerk. On top of that, suddenly people started to complain about waifus and that's the point where I drew the line (and I pretty ashamed I didn't do so at least a year earlier).

Of course all of this depends on which period you're describing. If you're referring to time back when /b/ was still Anime/Random then I guess you're right. But after the split /a/ began to distance itself from /b/ and after some time (2007?) memes were pretty much looked down upon. Then Geass Summer happened and it slowly began to go to shit again (although I still think ToraDora was worse).

Digression: I'm too lazy to edit it and since I'm already posting... I'm >>5893 and I wanted to say 'I read them but never took part' (well, you could guess as much I guess).
>> No. 5907 [Edit]
I saved a few of the Ronrey Threads back when I actually saved threads from 4chan. It's quite sad to realize that some of those posts I have are about four years old, and most people's situations are no different now than when they were posted.
>> No. 5908 [Edit]
I saved them too. They're on my USB.
>> No. 5910 [Edit]
Well for people its a lot easier to complain about something on an anonymous imageboard then actually go & make the effort to change their circumstances. That's why there were so many threads.
>> No. 5926 [Edit]

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