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5787 No. 5787 [Edit]
What do I think of suicide.. Its a choice and an end to the story. maybe people, including myself, think its kind of fucked up. but its not objectively bad, nothing is. nothing matters because everybody will die, everything will be forgotten, so we may as well have not lived. the only point of this is to acquire pleasure. or not. i could off myself right now and the universe or whatever wouldnt bat a fuckin eyelash. suicide is the easy and quick option. subjectively, nothing may as well have happened, i may as well have never been born, this dream is over. and then the nothing starts. why should i be obligated to work for, acquire and struggle to maintain a favourable life when you could have the future now and just die. The reason why is that the difference between life and death is something verses nothing. is it worth it? do you feel like you want to keep holding on, when you could just take a bullet or a leap and stop the ups and downs? hmm one sort of solace to me was that no matter how badly i fuck up or humiliate myself that nothing matters and everything would eventually be forgotten. i talked to ****** one night when I visited *.*., and i mentioned that i was gonna off myself this summer. we had a sort of talk and it more or less came down to a stalemate between "nothing matters so you may as well live" and "nothing matters so you may as well die (if you feel so inclined)". well also i guess i should talk about what others would think if say, I killed myself. i think that the majority of people.. didnt actually care about me, or if i lived. they would only care if i died. im not in their lives, i am hardly an essential component to most everyones conscious take of the world and society or whatever. people are i guess more concerned of a human life with a face ending. we hear about people way the hell across the world starving, dying in firefights, being tortured, maimed, in shackles with rifles pointed at them under brutal police states.. out of sight: out of mind. a dozen, a hundred, five hundred dead. theyre a fuckin statistic to us. we dont attach a face to them. we dont lose any sleep. we dont actually care, because how can we? theyre across the world, weve never met them and we have our own lives to attend to. not that we're dicks, but its unrealistic to ask of people to care about everybody in the world, or more accurately, people outside of our lives. again, we only care if they die, and again, if we dont attach a face or identity to them, we dont really care. we do, however, rationalize. we think "human life, even outside my own perspective, is worth saving" or more simply "human life = good". so we help, a bit. some more some less, i guess. but if it doesnt work out, ah well. it might even slip our minds. bringing it back to the individual, people would care if i killed myself only if they knew my name, maybe a bit about me. certainly even if i was a faceless to them, they would maybe feel bad because this is a human being, one of their own species. but thats where the line gets drawn. even if they saw the suicide in person, they would be shocked, upset, traumatized even. but the reason is the same. they dont care about ***** *****. they care about a human being. i do think family and certain friends care, and i guess this message is somewhat tailored to my personal experience. sort of a bit biased, maybe. to inflict pain on others with your death is a shitty thing to do, yeah. but when youve got a life where you feel trapped by your own ineptitude and you are stuck in misery, as well as certain other aspects, staying in the conscious loop of the living becomes an obligation to live. which i do not agree with. those who arent inclined to live are just waiting to die. push comes to shove. is it worth it to live fifty years of soul crushing misery and then five of abolute ideal pleasure (q.m.) im sure many would disagree, but i would rather take nothing. i think that, in this case, nothing is better than something. those circumstances arent very fair, but the point is that some of the time, some of the people would think that nothing is better than something...
>> No. 5788 [Edit]
Suicide is as bad as dying in general. It doesn't really matter why you are dead when you are dead.
So it's probably not preferable, usually, in the long run. Personally I don't want to die.
>> No. 5789 [Edit]
Please use paragraphs, I can't bring myself to look at your posts and read them sometimes.

Also, suicide is a personal decision. But I am holding back on it. I guess I'm scared, because I keep on making decesions like "I'm not going to do it until this show airs" or "in half a year"....
>> No. 5790 [Edit]
I'll kill myself once life because too much to handle anymore. I want to die now, but I'm not actively seeking it out or anything
>> No. 5792 [Edit]
Suicide is the answer for when people don't want to suffer for life anymore.

If things don't turn around for me I'll be doing it.
>> No. 5795 [Edit]
I don't really know. Suicide is just a different way of dying I guess. You can kill yourself at 20, or die from cancer at 65, you'll die eventually. We will all die, some sooner, some a little later. Its all the same thing really isn't it?
>> No. 5797 [Edit]
Maybe. Or maybe not. Do any of us know what's on the other side?

I'm against suicide, and I doubt I'd kill myself even if things got really bad for me. If life by which I mean reading Kaiji has taught me anything, it's that there's always a way out, you just have to find it. And as long as you live, there's the possibility of discovering a goal or desire you had never thought of before. When you're depressed you can't see any escape, I know that only too well. But it is there.
>> No. 5798 [Edit]
>An excerpt

Oh, you are one of those guys who promised to translate and upload stuff from your diary (or whatever you've written this in). I was quite confused at first. Sorry, my memory isn't so good nowadays so I can't recall who requested it and for what purpose (well, the answer to the latter is most likely 'curiosity').

Question: How old were you when you've written it?

As for the suicide matter. If you ever wondered what keeps people from committing suicide en masse (our lives are pretty much pointless so that would appear to be a logical conclusion) the answer is quite easy: people are not built to commit suicide (we could argue they also aren't built to think), they are built to reproduce. And to do that you have to survive. You will hear the phrase 'suicide is for those losers who can't cope with life, it's the easy way out for pussies' quite often but I'm willing to bet that none of people who say it could actually commit suicide. There's no denying that there's some genetic component involved (it's been known for years now) so obviously it's easier for some people (or rather, prolonging their lives is harder than self destruction) but it still takes some guts to defeat our most basic and one of the strongest instincts - to survive.
>> No. 5802 [Edit]
Since this thread has a theme of suicide I might as well have my own perspective on suicide, since I feel like I have actual experience of having suicide thoughts due to having major depressive disorder.

The real reason why people commit suicide is not because they're too pussy to deal with life or doing a selfish decision. The real reason is that they don't have a real support network or that real help for the situation that ended up in such a state is out of reach for various reasons. Many people who have suicidal thoughts do seek help, but when they do their friends often give out useless advice that gives people more of a reason to commit suicide. Either that, or they don't have any friends due to various reasons such as being in a rural area, or being severely bullied at school. People who are suicidal have already put up with a lot of shit in real life, and they've already reached or past that limit that they could take. They don't care of that feel good advice crap.

The real reason people often don't commit suicide because they is this one thing that they live for. But once that is gone, nothing can stop them from committing suicide save for a emergency call to the ER. Even if a person is talked out of suicide because of that "light at the end of the tunnel", even when he does reach that end of the tunnel he has to learn to start enjoying life all over again. That is one thing people don't get about depression or people who are suicidal, they hit rock bottom and they have to learn how to climb back up. The people who talk people out of suicide might as well tell them that you have learn to enjoy being miserable for a long fucking time after reaching that light at the end of the tunnel.

There are some people who see a way out of that miserable existence, but they are in situations where if they want to get out of that existence they have to lose something close to them or be more miserable.

That's my knowledge and experience of suicide. And for the record I take two medicines to stop most if not all suicidal thoughts I have.
>> No. 5811 [Edit]
Eh, no I'm not. This is just a part of a longer message to someone, cleaned up a bit with names taken out.
>> No. 5821 [Edit]
Have a quote.

All suicides have the responsibility of fighting against the temptation of suicide. Every one of them knows very well in some corner of his soul that suicide, though a way out, is rather a mean and shabby one, and that it is nobler and finer to be conquered by life than to fall by one's own hand.

I suppose there's some things outsiders just can't understand, but somehow I feel that most are a bit too prideful and refuse to accept their failures, choosing to run away instead. In a way, it's really childish. Sometimes it can also look noble, such as Seppuku. In the end, however, there is only death. And that's what makes suicidal people different: they accept death as a matter of course. They refuse to accept this world, and die. They think that, since you're going to wither away anyway, you might as well free yourself sooner. Life is painful, way too painful for them in most situations, to the point that common sense makes no sense at all. They say that, since they're just either a) being leeched by useless people or b) leeching people that would be perfectly useful without them, their existence makes no difference and that the society will continue working in the same way it always did. And that's where I see a mistake. A single being can change something, even if only him or herself. When you give up, that is the only time you fail at life. If you're here, it's not too late. That is what I think of suicidal people. I may be completely wrong, of course. I have never thought about offing myself. I'm too selfish for that. But enough about me. The quote is from Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse, page 27 on my version. Sorry for any english mistakes.
>> No. 5824 [Edit]
To me a life of mewling and shame is not something I can subject myself to.

My dignity is worth more to me than my life, I guess. Well, what's left of it at any rate...

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