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578 No. 578 [Edit]
As i'm sure you can all agree, our computers are a rather important cog in our lives.

So what do you do when it stops working?

I'm posing this because my graphics card failed recently and I went without my computer for about 2 days, which were not very pleasant ones. It's still not fixed, although my father has graciously allowed me to use his for the time being, even though it really isn't the same.
>> No. 579 [Edit]
tell my mom to get a new one and go user one of the other computers in the house
>> No. 584 [Edit]
I buy a new one or replacement parts
>> No. 585 [Edit]
I flip out. I've had a few times where my computer wouldn't come on and I almost had a heartattack each time. It's working fine now, but I still get scared when I turn it on, afraid it will happen again.
>> No. 596 [Edit]
I'd go crazy, man.

Sure I CAN make it without a computer, but fuck if I want to.

I don't even have the money to buy a new one or get it fixed if it happens, so I would be stuck browsing on my console.
>> No. 601 [Edit]
I read books/watch anime on the tv (I'm playing them from my external hard drive)/play console games/in worst case scenario watch some tv. If I can't stand it anymore I browse the net through some other devices (but it almost never happens as it's pretty inconvenient).
The hard drive in my computer got damaged this August. For various reasons it took a month to do something about it (I wanted to extract the data from it and it sure took some time). For a week or so I didn't have any idea what to do so I just perry much did nothing. After then I started reading and doing other things. By the time it was repaired I didn't even care and I didn't turn it on for a few days.

I could live without a computer, I just don't really want to.
>> No. 607 [Edit]
My computer is 6 years old and hasn't had problems I couldn't deal with. Anything from OS/Software issues to refusing to post when started.

Now if it stops working beyond my ability to repair it, I'd likely go genocidal. Or ask my brother if I can use his while he's at work.
>> No. 650 [Edit]
I have backups. 3 of them.
>> No. 651 [Edit]
I'm more worried about losing my internet actually. Without it the computer is pretty much useless to me.
>> No. 654 [Edit]
Since I've owned my computers, I haven't gone a day without using them.
When the Internet was cut off, I'd leach off wifi signals or relay on saved media.
We once had our electricity cut off for a few days, I mostly relayed on my psps's and I even rigged up a way to charge the psp with a hand crank, during this time my laptop's battery got a bit of a work out as I'd recharge, then rasion what little battery life it would have at home, untill I was able to run a powercord extension cable from my nahbors at the time to my computer.

A week or so ago, I tried going a day without using a computer, or tv or anything with a screen for that matter.
It was a very very very long boring day to say the least.
It gave me a good idea of how addicted and dependent of such things I've become and isn't something I want to do ever again.
>> No. 678 [Edit]
I've had mine go out, and I spend the spare time figuring out a way to fix it.
>> No. 679 [Edit]
last week my power went out for a few hours. I have a ton of books I've been meaning to read so filling the time was easy. if the power goes out at night I'd be pretty screwed though.
>> No. 696 [Edit]
I was without a computer for about a month and I spent the entire time playing with pokemon cards by myself.
>> No. 719 [Edit]
Are you McGyver?
Anyway, I wouldn't like to be without my computer, since I use it for all my recording and composing, but I could deal with it, sort of. The internet however, I have become dependant on. I lost that today, and my day, while not boring, could have been better spent here.
>> No. 720 [Edit]
I had a hand crank flashlight that could also be used to charge cellphones, and I also had a cheep psp charging station, it was a simple matter of of doing some rewiring, but the end result was very inefficient, I'd only get a minute or so for every half an hour of charging with it.
>> No. 721 [Edit]
We lost power earlier this year for 24 hours. Probably the worst day I've experienced in a long time. I spent the time reading a book I hadn't touched before with my mom's keychain flashlight, then proceeding to sleep and wake up over and over for 12 or so hours.
>> No. 724 [Edit]
>I'd only get a minute or so for every half an hour of charging with it.

sounds about normal for a PSP
>> No. 818 [Edit]
If my computer breaks down, I use my laptop. If that breaks down I use my DS or PSP to IRC and browse websites. Much of my anime is stored on an old file server I have set up so I can more or less access it from all my systems, either through streaming or downloading from an FTP. I'm always connected in some form or another, cause I only really exist digitally. If the internet ceased to exist, I would have absolutely nothing.
>> No. 1012 [Edit]
When my gpu died I just booted it still, even though it was still all fucked up. I just idled in my vent talking to people and playing my shitbox 3shitty.

>> No. 1018 [Edit]
Using someone else's computer is almost worse than not actually having one of your own. My computer is an extension of myself. Using someone else's feels like using someone else's penis.

While it's still attached to them.
>> No. 1046 [Edit]
I try to get the replacement parts or get it fixed ASAP.

I haven't had my computer break since I moved out of my parents' house, so I wouldn't be able to go online to ask/search about my issues, which makes me anxious now that I'm aware of it.

I guess I could use the computers at the library.
>> No. 1074 [Edit]
My computer has been busted for the past few months and all I have is my shitty PSP's browser. I've been living off of P3P, Metal Slug, thumbnail-sized images on Gelbooru and whatever anime reruns there are on Funimation channel for about half a year now.
>> No. 1075 [Edit]
that sucks
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
What exactly is wrong with your computer? Maybe I can help you repair it.
>> No. 1089 [Edit]

Confirmed for being an exceptionally nice person.
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
My computer had a horrible virus a while ago and I had to get it sent off to be fixed. I was able to use my parent's shitty computer but I still felt lost without mine. It makes me feel kind of bad that I literally could not live without this computer.
>> No. 1143 [Edit]

Join the club, man. My laptop took a shit recently so now all I have is my desktop. Whenever I have to be away from it I start having some pretty profound withdrawal symptoms.

>> No. 1149 [Edit]
Software error: I fix it.
Hardware error: Order a new part and read in the meantime.
>> No. 1153 [Edit]

What is wrong with your computer, do you know? Tohno-chan may be able to help you get back online! I can't imagine being confined to the PSP and no anime.
>> No. 1347 [Edit]
I built my computer and know how to fix it if anything goes wrong. If a component just dies outright, I have spare parts laying around from my previous builds, which aren't ideal, but they can be used as temporary replacements until I can have a new ideal part shipped to me. And I needn't worry about losing data due to hard drive failures since I built a separate network-attached storage server in another part of my home which has been set up to automatically back up my files. So even if something horrible goes wrong with my main computer, I still have a copy of everything.

The real problem is with my ISP. I can't do anything about it when Comcast has an outage in my area. It's not up to me to fix it. And they can sometimes take a day or two to restore service to customers in my neighborhood when problems occur.

Because I can't do anything to speed up that process, I prepare for outages happening in advance -- that is, when I actually do have service, I download some anime or games and then don't watch or play them.

Always keeping a reserve stash of new material is a good way to prepare for situations like that.
>> No. 1366 [Edit]
I think theres something wrong with my computer because my POST keeps beeping. it didnt used to do that.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
What is the beep pattern you're getting? Beep codes usually tell you something is wrong.
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
Mine beeps on startup and has always been perfectly fine. If it starts doing it out of the blue though then yeah there might be a problem.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
Had a run-in with computer problems today. Was about to run out to Best Buy to buy another hard drive, but I ended up not needing to for now.

I'm pretty sure there's something up with my hard drive that has Windows installed, but I have no idea what. It's not recognized unless it's in a specific SATA port (likely something I need to change in BIOs to correct), and now it takes about 5 minutes to boot into Windows (when it does), otherwise it gets a disk read error and refuses to boot. I tried different SATA cables and power cables, but I don't think that's the problem.

When it does boot (seems to be about 75% of the time), though, everything runs perfectly. It clears Western Digital's diagnostics program's SMART test, and I can't think of any other hardware failing. It's quite old, and I've used it pretty rigorously without reformatting for over 4 years. I think it might have something to do with bad sectors, but I'm too lazy/worried about running something like Spinrite to check and potentially screw it up even more.
>> No. 1434 [Edit]

I don't know much about computers (more than the average person although) and you sound like you know more than I do. But to me it sounds like when it looks for the operating systems partition it isn't finding it, maybe skipping over it for some reason.
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
When my computer stops working, I generally try to fix it, but if that doesn't work I usually play some video games, read, or sometimes I hang out with my friends. If the computer is needed for school, then I generally go to my cousin's house and I use his. Eventually I get my brother to fix it (he works with computers.)
>> No. 1718 [Edit]
I try to take care of the problem myself. I'm more skilled with software than hardware, but thankfully I haven't had a severe hardware problem in a very long time.

If it's going to be down for a while, then I usually just study for my classes or try to draw.
>> No. 2592 [Edit]
For some reason, windows decided to stop working on my computer two days ago and apparently reformatting the damn thing won't work. Thankfully I had all my pictures/anime/music backed up on external hard drives just in case this happened. The problem is that I'm stuck with using my sister's computer until the parts for my new one arrive on Monday, which makes for an awkward situation.

On the bright side, this finally gave me a reason to get a new computer to replace my six year old one.
>> No. 2593 [Edit]
What isn't working specifically? Maybe we can help.
>> No. 2595 [Edit]
Windows doesn't boot up when I turn on my computer. All I get is a blank screen with a blinking cursor. My guess is that something got corrupted.
>> No. 2596 [Edit]
If you formatted, then it could be that the hard disk MBR is damaged. Can you boot into safe mode? Did you change any BIOS settings recently? Did you try to use the Recovery Console of your Windows CD?
>> No. 2597 [Edit]
>Can you boot into safe mode?
Just tried it, nothing happened.

>Did you change any BIOS settings recently?

>Did you try to use the Recovery Console of your Windows CD?
That was the first thing I tried, but all I got was a message saying that it couldn't reformat the drive.

I guess it's fucked...
>> No. 2598 [Edit]
>I guess it's fucked...

Hard to say, but yeah, your HDD might be fucked. If you go into your BIOS, does it detect the HDD? Could still try a fixmbr to see if it's really that.
>> No. 2599 [Edit]
I have about a 6 year old computer. The cooling fan on the video card is burned down 2 years ago, but still works, and the temperature is not too high even when I play.
If my old warrior computer dies, I will rather worry about the stuff on my hard disks.
>> No. 2608 [Edit]
I read that as 'cooling fins' and was about to suggest you just attach more fins to the thing..
>> No. 2688 [Edit]
You've mastered it!
>> No. 2689 [Edit]
I really need to back up my HUGE collection of RTF files, which I write. Theyre extremely precious to me and Im scared ill lose them.

I also wuld love to ahve some kind of orgasnising siystem for them.

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