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File 130939911490.jpg - (10.51KB , 300x225 , 24-009-223-TS.jpg )
5711 No. 5711 [Edit]
Sigh....All I really want is an adoring waifu and a large house ,but both will likely never happen.The robotics research in Japan,thought impressive is still much to primitive for a waifu companion and the dreamhouse I was eyeing got put back on the market again,

The fact that I cant seem to get into a lab where I can carry out my research at breakneck speed means In all likelihood; I will die before my life extension theories can ever be tested. I will not be able to sell it and so I will not be able to afford my dreamhouse or a robot waifu. ;_;.Pic related , What we would have watched anime on.
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>> No. 5712 [Edit]
I guess.....despair general?
>> No. 5713 [Edit]
>unbelievably enormous domicile
If you're gonna dream, I guess you might as well dream big.
>> No. 5716 [Edit]
That's a really ugly mansion. More expensive does not always equal better.

The indoor pool is awesome, though.
>> No. 5717 [Edit]
Why do you think so?
What do you think a good mansion looks like?
>> No. 5718 [Edit]
A little modern for my tastes, but I could get into it.

Look at me saying this when I haven't even earned a dollar in my entire life
>> No. 5719 [Edit]
File 130940657467.jpg - (123.66KB , 900x600 , stunning-entrance-way.jpg )
Like someone said in the comments, it looks like a tacky shopping mall.

The outside looks good, but the interior is a mess; they just took a crappy base and tried to make it look fancy by covering it with granite and gold. Imagine the main entrance if it were stripped of all the shiny stuff. With all the bland, empty space; completely symmetrical rows of pillars; it's probably the worst mansion entrance I've ever seen.
>> No. 5720 [Edit]
Eh I'll admit it's a bit generic but still pretty nice. My tastes are weird though; I'd either want a big gothic castle (blame Castlevania) or an underground bunker (blame all the dungeon crawlers I like).
>> No. 5725 [Edit]
>it looks like a tacky shopping mall.
This is exactly what I thought when I saw the entrance.
And Haruhi knows how high electricity and water bills will be.
In a couple of years you might actually have spend more money maintaining the house than with buying it.
>> No. 5726 [Edit]
File 130943806532.jpg - (817.44KB , 1665x1016 , e7ae54632b15d902295a85c86468fc09.jpg )
If we're talking delusions I'd like to have a garden like that, please. Oh, and a gardener I guess.

By the way, I'm no expert but if you travel at speeds approaching speed of light time 'slows down' for you, right? So technically that's another option to 'travel to future'. Don't give up, OP!
>> No. 5727 [Edit]
This is what you call vulgarity and lack of taste and appreciation of what one already has. If you can't create your own happiness, what point is there to dream of something else?
>> No. 5730 [Edit]
If only there were community science centers of the likes of libraries, filled with equipment anyone could use. I'd even be willing to get a job for that(maybe), alas none cares about a better future, or if they do they don't think amateurs could make a difference; sad.

On a positive note, we all have access to computers, the most powerful tool ever invented.

If I had invested in all the science I could, and thus had resources that couldn't be spent elsewhere, I'd go with a chinese + western fantasy design hybrid castle, with bridges everywhere.

Ahh, yes gardens, I'd go with the glass dome type.

so others can create our dreams for us, and we can create their dreams for them.

It's called working together.
>> No. 5731 [Edit]
House looks like shit, and if that's the biggest house in the world, its a real dissapointment. If I could live anywhere, I'd want to live in a massive castle like another poster here has already said. A modern house is nice too, but only if it has plenty of cool and hidden stuff like Lara Croft's house in Tomb Raider.
>> No. 5733 [Edit]
Dreams are strictly personal. Working together suits best the purpose of realizing a collectively shared dream - which can be called a number of different things.
>> No. 5738 [Edit]
I don't care how large my living quarters are, as long as there's room for a bed, computer desk, and a bathroom.

I'll be living alone anyway.
>> No. 5739 [Edit]
Yeah I'd be perfectly content in a studio apartment. I just want it to be in a safe neighborhood, not have shitty neighbors, and have good internet.
>> No. 5741 [Edit]
The mansion in the OP doesn't really suit my tastes.

Be as it may, I could never really live in a luxuos mansion, for my low self-esteem would kick in, making me realize I don't deserve to live in such a place, creating a terribly uncomfortable feeling.
>> No. 5751 [Edit]
OP here , oh well I guess no one likes my taste in houses ;_;.

Anyways. have a youtube tour that shows some things not in the pictures:
>> No. 5753 [Edit]
It's not rocket science to know when something is made to look good or when it's made to cater to what rich people think looks good.

Personally I think that mansion looks like horseshit.
I DO love xbox hueg though. (so please don't cut the thing up into a myriad of smaller units, and just fucking drop those crosses in the windows, they were invented because glass used to be fucking fragile)
>> No. 5754 [Edit]
working together is the only way to realize many personal dreams. that's one of the things money is meant for.
you realize others' personal dreams for money, others realize your dreams the same way.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2011, 5:48am
>> No. 5953 [Edit]
Also have a picture set and see what I mean

The house doesn't have tons of over the top artwork.

Post edited on 14th Jul 2011, 3:34pm
>> No. 5954 [Edit]
Shit OP here, why do I fuck up editing?

Anyway ,what I said was the house has tons of useful features ,but minimalist decor.
>> No. 5955 [Edit]
>The house doesn't have tons of over the top artwork.
The house is the over-the-top artwork.
>> No. 5958 [Edit]
It's not minimalist in architecture though. And I'm not talking about the size obviously.
My only complaint is that I don't think it looks good.
Good that it has a lot of useful stuff though!

Anyway, I'm pretty clueless about architecture myself, but random things I like are gothic and minimalist architecture.
Also, it's a huge house anyway so I want needlessly huge halls too.
>> No. 5959 [Edit]
I prefer the crowded and over the top Victorian styles myself. Sure, it looks tacky, but that's what being rich is all about.
>> No. 6037 [Edit]

So You mean you don't like stuff like grand staircases and terraces?
>> No. 6262 [Edit]
OP here for some personal disclosure. I realized the one thing I want most besides a lot of money is a group of elite otaku true bros, Like the Genshiken to share it with. People who won't judge me or act like my taste in porn is bizarre.

This thread can also double as a post cool shit you probably could never afford even after working 1000 years ;_;.
>> No. 6267 [Edit]

>group of elite otaku true bros
>Like the Genshiken

But people from Genshinken weren't 'elite' at all. They might've been passionate about their hobbies but if anything they were like most Toyota Drivers you could find at a local con.
>> No. 7213 [Edit]
File 131647422637.jpg - (127.83KB , 550x704 , romain-jerome-space-invaders-watch-2.jpg )
So cool.....too bad I'll never be an astronaut.
>> No. 7214 [Edit]
This is sadly true, I started reading Genshinken thinking it was about hardcore 2d loving otaku and it turns out none of them were.
I felt cheated somehow, although it was still fun to read.
>> No. 8298 [Edit]

So these people build custom castles.I wish I had one with a secret passage.Me and my waifu could hide from the world.
>> No. 8299 [Edit]
Madarame may not have been a hikkikomori, but you have to give him credit for utterly refusing 3d.
>> No. 8300 [Edit]
I think that's not right, actually. a search to refresh my memory, and he did like Saki, but was too shy to do anything about it. Still, he fit the mould pretty well.
>> No. 8301 [Edit]
Not elite? Madarame speaks for himself, but Kousaka could compete in fight games on a world level or something, Tanaka makes a shitload cosplay clothes, fat guy and Ogiue can draw manga, Ohno cosplays a shitload
>> No. 8303 [Edit]
Genshiken anime spoiler
I'll never forget the moment when Madarame, stands up and proclaims that he only masturbates to 2D, at least thats how I remember it going down (did I forget?), funniest moment in my anime watching career... or second as Golden Boy is grand too

Anyways I'd join The society for the study of modern visual art anyday.

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