No. 5732
When I went to school, my mother would get Social Security cheques in the mail to the tune of about $600 a month. She spent $300 a month or so on cigarettes and I think the rest went into electricity. So technically, by extension, I was paying for her smoking and electricity. None of that money went to feeding me or clothing me, save a couple ice creams she would treat me to or a pair of khaki slacks or two a year for school. Even my school field trips were payed for out of my own wallet (not that I knew; she kept all of my holiday money in a wallet in her room). All the food in the house (usually what an SS cheque is intended for) is bought by someone renting a room. Her way of paying rent (per request of my mother) is buying the groceries. So basically $0 of my social security cheque went to me. And now that I'm out of school, she's lost that cheque a month and thus has had to painstakingly only smoke a pack a day (the horror), pay the electric bill from her own salary (terrible) and has made me pay for myself on compulsory family visits to the theme park.
>> 5710
I plan on that. It's bad, however, because the rest of my family, being decent-ish people, will try to guilt trip me, saying my mother has done so much for me and I'm being insolent, arrogant and self-centered, I should accept my lot in life because without my mother I would be screwed up, and even if I am hit I should just accept it because I have a roof over my head. I couldn't believe my ears when most of my family sided with her after she shoved me into a counter and I was cut open by a nail.
>> 5715
She'll end up treating me like an animal and psychologically bend me to think that my oppression is justified because of what I did. She's done this to me before. Also, who do you think PR conscious policemen will side with: an interracial lesbian couple or a 20 year old dependant with Japanese war collectibles, doujinshi, creepy Anime merchandise and model guns?
The standard to which I live has been partly influenced by my bringing up and partly influenced by my current situation. For instance, computer rationing has been in place since I was ten. I saw porn once when I was in sixth grade so that justified my having to be with a parent in the room while browsing the Internet. Also I would spend five hours at a time on the internet so it was justified that I was to have time limitations. It was justified that I be set under a tight schedule because I would out off things until it was too late. It was justified that my punishments be so severe because the computer was basically the only thing I had. All of my current affairs and situations are based on my actions in middle school. Basically, they first enslaved my mind through logic and then put it into practice. Now I think radically but rarely find myself in any other action but compliance with everything. And if I do it wrong, I am that horrible self-centred freeloader taking advantage of the people who pay for everything I need without complaints. I was raised to be a cog, and I was raised to be submissive. My parents wanted me to be raised in such a fashion that I would be the ideal "yes dear" husband for some bitchy girl, raise some "yes dear" boys and soon, the males would have their rightful place as üntermensch to the superior females. Since I am not paying rent, they have every right to evict me, and they can also justify keeping all of my things and doing as they please with them. If a cop asks, they can just say I refused to pay my own way so they took the debts in the form of all the shit I pissed away my money on. They did this when I started learning Japanese. All my books were taken away because I needed to use the money I got from them (my own wallet and holiday money) on school supplies. I bought the cheapest possible and I used the rest on a volume with the Jōyō kanji and a Japanese dictionary. Since that money was for school supplies, they took the books and said I would get them back only if I payed for them again (buying them off of them) or got straight A's in the first quarter. Also Spanish took precedence over Japanese as a "useful" language. My mother and stepmom got married last year so they want me out as soon as possible so they can move to Arizona. So if they can get me out, they won't hesitate to do anything nessecary. I was kicked out for a day over a hole in the ground in Guatemala once.
>> 5724
It's apparently an ethnic thing. I'm mostly third-and forth-generation, mainly Eastern European and Northern German, my stepmother is third-generation Mexican and Roman Catholic, so even if it's not conscientious, they are heavily influenced by the old order.
Basically, before my stepmother, my mother was a bit whacked but never mean or strict. She was sort of on her way to being a typical "cool mom" and wasn't exactly a typical lesbian. My stepmother took power quickly through adoration and friendliness, but also a great deal of fear. She became the authority and was perfect in action, thought, and knowledge. Mother paled in comparison. She was responsible for reorganising the house, making a working system, fixing everything and making the house work efficiently. Benevolence to win a heart I guess. Then came the limitations and strict straight and narrow path.
Now I live by the book, I get scared when I don't know the time or I spend too long doing something, I become repentant and overly apologetic when I do things with other people (leave a light on or a door open, or ask for a second glass of milk) and I am never at ease as a houseguest. My mother now gets angry and confrontational with me, is slovenly, farts, acts like a man and has gained weight and doesn't blame her sedentary lifestyle. Oh, and my stepmother? Unemployed for thirteen years, yet even the breadwinners fear her. Like a toy breed dog, taking over the house.