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5676 No. 5676 [Edit]
To all of you who live with your parents:
Do you have to live under a very restrictive set of rules? Are you told to do things or suffer gigantic consequences for even the smallest infractions? Is it because you are dependent?

To start off, I have three hours tops access to my computer a night, and that access is limited to after 8:00PM. However, if I fail to follow any of the following, I lose my three hours:
Wake up by 9:15. Arbitrary time; it's not like I will have anything to do that couldn't wait an hour more. If I am not dressed and out of my door by this time, I am late. 
After 9:00, if it runs off the house power grid I can't use it until 6 PM. These are peak hours which everyone I knew in school thought was a lie my parents came up with, and i still think the electric company lies about it too. Still, all electric usage is blamed on me. Even though I use the second-least electricity in the entire house. 
My room must be "inspectable." (※One thing you will learn about lesbians by being around them a lot is that they make up colloquialisms that nobody else knows. They have a particular affinity for letters. LB, Plug, FBF, PP, BSS and BAL are some other common ones. Nouns and verbs are also always interchangeable.) Inspections happen whenever someone feels like it. As a result, I have had to make a way to hide my figs quickly. Which brings us to the next rule...
Whenever I order something, I have to give my family payment of equal value. Even though I used my own money to buy it. They made me pay them $15 when I ordered a fig off Amazon for $14.50. It's like I live in a country with a 100% import tax. Whenever I read about someone's parents taking interest in fig collections I must admit I get a little jealous. My parents just scream at me for wasting my money. My late Grandmother, however, would have been very interested in my fig collection ;_; In all, it seems that collecting figs isn't even worth the effort...
But here's how I get around that: I have come up with an elaborate way to sneak items into my room, inspired by Hogan's Heroes. Since the only way into my house is through the living room where someone is always in from 6 AM to 11 PM every day, I had to make a new entrance to my room. It is a one foot by two foot door in the floor inside a compartment beneath my bed. Underneath this door is a compartment made of plywood and cardboard to keep animals and bugs out. The door is airtight so nothing can get in without my knowing so. When I get a package, I set it aside and bring the mail in (I also always bring the mail in. I learned that this is what I have to do after seven years of progress reports and report cards). Now that the mail is in, Frau Kommandant thinks all incoming mail is in the house. I then go outside and find the package. I usually hide it in the woods. I take it around the back of my house to the compartment opening. I strip the aluminium siding off the side of the crawl space and put the package on a small lift inside the compartment. I then go inside, lift my mattress from my bed, and crack into my hidden space. Then I open the hatch, pull up the lift, and retrieve the package. No suspicious activity.
On Thursdays, I must beat out the carpets, clean the sink, and sweep, the bathroom. That's not the bad part. The bad part is when I do it wrong, or not up to specifications, I am treated like scum. "Wow, you can't even do janitor's work? You really are fucking useless, asshole." 
Now it's lunchtime, one of three non-compulsory activities i do outside my room in a day. I can't put too much peanut butter on my sandwich or else I have to buy the next jar of peanut butter with my own money. Can't eat more than one frozen burrito in a sitting or I will have to buy a whole new package of ten. When I buy a Maruchan Yakisoba plate, I'm screamed at for stinking up the house with garlic. Other than that, for some reason all the food in the house is claimed by someone. "oh that's x's fluff." or "Your mother brings all those granola bars to work. There's five full boxes? Well that's none of your business." I've even been screamed at for eating leftovers. 
My second non-compulsory event of the day: watering the plants. Nobody in the house will do it and will complain that walmart sells bad plants when they all die. 
When I have nothing else to do I either sit in my dark room or go outside and use a crappy iPod touch I got for free secondhand and browse the net for a little bit. Mainly news sites and TC. Before 8 PM, this is the highlight of my day. 
Then dinner. Must be eaten in front of the TV with the family as soon as my mother gets home at 6:15. Then I clean the entire kitchen, take a shower at 7:00 for fifteen minutes, then do all the chores (trash, floor sweep, cleaning tub etc) while the lesbians watch True Blood, some criminal investigation or medical drama with more sex than work, Whale Wars or teen dramas. If I'm lucky, sometimes my 18 BMI self will get dessert! 
Now (If I did everything perfectly and I didn't make anyone angry, I get the computer that I own for three whole hours! キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!! I can watch six episodes of an anime, read a doujinshi, browse imageboards or anything I want! But this time is also expected of me to fill out job applications that don't get looked at anyways. 

Then at 11:00 PM it is expected that I have my computer turned off and back where it is stored (out in the heavily guarded living room) or I won't get it tomorrow. If I am actively walking out with it and 11:00 hits, I won't get it tomorrow. If I go a minute over, I won't get it tomorrow. 

That's my day. Meanwhile, the unemployed-for-ten-years stepmother has a light and her computer on from 9 AM to 10:56 PM nonstop. By the way, all of these rules were made by her. My mother just screams at me when I do something really stupid, like break something expensive or swear in front of her. 

I'm under the impression that I will be given more "privileges" when I become employed, but I am doubting that more and more. They WILL take advantage of me as much as they can, because I am a male. A white male. Haruhi knows how we are ALL ignorant Christian slave drivers. So I must be punished. I must be the scapegoat. It is the lesbian manifest destiny since men have done nothing for them but ruin their lives. And I am the man in my house. Same thing happened to my father thirteen years ago (even if he was really, really stupid). 

How is your home life?
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>> No. 5677 [Edit]
No, my parents don't give me any rules. My brother and sister had rules like "don't stay out past X" and "don't bring friends over without asking" when they lived here, but those rules don't really apply to me because I have no friends and I haven't left the house in months. Basically I make as little trouble for them as possible, and they don't hassle me.
>> No. 5678 [Edit]
Seeing as I'm an adult, my mother hasn't given me any rules at all to follow.

As long as I pay my money (which can be considered rent), not make her do a lot of washing, don't waste any electricity, then she doesn't care what I do under her roof.
>> No. 5679 [Edit]
Where do you live, Auschwitz?

Have you thought about moving in with your father?
>> No. 5681 [Edit]
Suicide seems preferable to that situation, OP. I don't know how you do it, or why.
>> No. 5682 [Edit]
WTF, that's horrifying.

I have no rules, get up when I want, go to bed when I want, no chores either, but sometimes I am asked to do something (dishes usually), then I comply.

I don't think I could stand getting up at a certain time, I cherish my sleep more then everything, I'd just ignore them and stay in bed 24/7.
>> No. 5683 [Edit]
leave your house, your parents are insane
>> No. 5684 [Edit]
Shit man, get out of there. Literally, just find some boarding house or move in with a friend or cousin or go find your father or something but you need to escape, that's domestic abuse. Hell I have an extra room at my house, I'll come break you out or something.
>> No. 5685 [Edit]
You're pretty amazing. I would've cracked and either killed myself or them and myself if I had been in your position.

You have to get out of your NEETdom and find a job to get out of that shithole. Working two jobs that require you to talk to people for the entire day is preferable to the situation that you're in.
>> No. 5686 [Edit]
>Is my situation rare?

>> No. 5688 [Edit]
I do not have work or chores and much less hours to do things. Since I've been sixteen, I've lost all parental control and, since then, sleep at whatever hour I want, wake up whenever I want, sometimes skip meals, sometimes do not sleep. I find this possibility to slack off as much as I want the reason that I'm fucked up right now, amongst other things.
>> No. 5690 [Edit]
This this this

Situations like yours OP are why people go nuts and kill their families, and I don't think anyone would really blame you other then cops and court etc

Seriously, move the fuck out already, as fast as you can.
I'd probably have killed myself in the same situation.
Who knows, maybe if you attempt suicide they'll lay off a bit, just saying.
>> No. 5692 [Edit]
I tried this. They find it rude.
It's been made clear to me that it doesn't matter if I am 6 or 26, if I am in that house I am to follow all rules.
Life with dad wouldn't be much different. I would have money and be able to walk to a job but my stepmother is one of those sceentime fascists. She is also insane in a physical abuse sense. She locked me in a comdemned cottage when I was six. So it would be less healthy.
I do it because it is preferable to nothing. I would rather have a computer than be dead. Also the hope of getting out.
You live too far away I think. I'll get out sometime. Thanks for the offer though.
That's my plan. Get out of NEETdom, that is. My family is kind of scared that I will kill them though. Haha. I'm surprised I lasted this long, but if I just try to forget about it I do pretty well I guess.
Good to know.
I had this for my summer vacation after my junior year of high school. Mainly because my mother kicked out my stepmother for three months. Most independence I ever had.
>> No. 5693 [Edit]
Not something I say to a lot of people, but I did attempt suicide once. Or twice. Seppuku and smothering. The thing that keeps me from doing it again is looking at an image I have. It's nothing but pure black. And i think "for all you know, this is all that you get after death." so that works.

As for the killing thing, I did pull a knife on my mother once for throwing me out. Not like she never did the same to me. Steak knives though, and no stabbing, just waving them around.

If any of that shit happened though I need to destroy my flash drives, phone, iPod and computer. But it won't. I don't want to bring you all in on a criminal investigation.
>> No. 5694 [Edit]
>Is my situation rare?

I've heard of similar stuff. Anyway, man the fuck up. As insurance check what your legal rights are and how easy/hard it is to get to em.
Just don't feel responsible for your parents.
Don't try to help em stop being hypocrites either. Unlikely to work at all.

Don't hope for priviliges when you don't have fucking human rights.

Also my home life is rather nice, though my mom threatened to throw me out if I dont go study. But that was reasonable to ask considering that's lowering my insurance costs as well as free state money till I'm 25. (at which point I could move out on welfare; or I dunno, get a job as japanologist)
>> No. 5695 [Edit]
Slightly out of the subject here but how is it that one "attempts" suicide by Seppuku? You either don't do it or is too late and have a blade inside your torso.
>> No. 5696 [Edit]
The smothering was a legitimate attempt. The seppuku was a pussy out. It was during a time that my grandmother was in the hospital. She wasn't going to make it according to her doctor. So my mother was stressed. A asked if I could go to an airsoft game down the street and the ensuing argument escalated to her telling me I was a worthless asahole who should die instead of her mother.
>> No. 5697 [Edit]
Why do you put up with that?
>> No. 5698 [Edit]
Then ask a cousin or a friend or if you get a job a coworker or something, but you seriously need to get out of there. If I didn't need to start saving for a new car and dealing with student loans at the moment I would offer to fly my ass out there.

If not, call the cops and explain it to them, tell them everything, because you're technically living in a domestic abuse situation.
>> No. 5700 [Edit]
Holy shit, how old are you? I'd advise you to get out of that house immediately for your own sanity.
>> No. 5701 [Edit]
Unless OP is underage, this will do nothing but get him forced out of the only shelter he has. Even if he was underage, I think that they'll most likely beat him for doing any of that and disregard whatever any authority figure says.

The best thing to do is to gain currency and leave.
>> No. 5702 [Edit]
I kind of lost my rights as a minor when I stopped being a minor.
>> No. 5707 [Edit]
>this will do nothing but get him forced out of the only shelter he has.
That's half the point of manning up.

Of course, if somehow there's no way possible to get into a homeless shelter or whatever, I'd advise against it too. That's where he got to do his homework on his rights.

Otherwise he needs to make clear he has every right in the world to refuse cooperation on any level, and to leave if no agreement is reached after a week of thinking about it.

Also, if he knows he'll get beaten up but can't afford to leave his home, then as I said, he has to bear with it. He just happens to be a slave. Life isn't fair.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2011, 2:49pm
>> No. 5710 [Edit]
That shit is retarded. These are the sorts of people you leave and never look back on.
>> No. 5714 [Edit]
That made me tear up a little.

I just have to be polite, go to school, do the shopping, do some cleaning, and hide my interests. I get internet access but school really bites into my time. I spend my own money on rent, utilities, and my parents are jobless.

Do you talk to your mother at all?
>> No. 5715 [Edit]
Next time someone yells at you, punch them right in the face as hard as you possibly can. I'm not kidding. The legal situation is on your side, anyway, because if a third party gets involved, you just have to tell them your situation; people invariably side with the victim of domestic abuse.

I'm speaking from experience here.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2011, 8:25pm
>> No. 5721 [Edit]
Holy crap, OP. And I thought my parents were bad.
>> No. 5722 [Edit]
My parents will occasionally nag me to clean up my room and shower but that's about it. Sometimes they'll tell me to go outside but they don't push it.
>> No. 5723 [Edit]
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Did these restrictions just get slapped on you one day or was their implementation gradual?

If anything even remotely similar was imposed upon me I'd simply refuse to abide by any of it. The structure you follow is ridiculous and as an adult you should assert yourself appropriately and change it.

Do you believe the owners of the house are going to be quick to outright evict you?
>> No. 5724 [Edit]
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I'm never complaining about my life ever again.
What kind of hell hole, piece of shit family is this?
These rules are ass, your family is full of dicks, someone needs to slap them in the face with reality.
Preferably you once you have a job and have plans to move already.
>> No. 5728 [Edit]
what the fuck man
>> No. 5729 [Edit]
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Pretty fat there OP. But seriously, just move out. Why do you even put up with stuff like that? Whenever I find myself in difficult situations I just leave, and it works just fine. In this case you might want to have everything prepared for leaving, and then confront them for being assholes. I've had a pretty damn easy breezy life following my ideology, and my family hasn't ever really cared as long as I stayed out of trouble. I've quit a few jobs like this too because the manager's were douchebags, or some other problems came up.
I mean, what the fuck. Just leave man, by even considering staying in there longer, you just come off as a masochist to me.

As for my life, it's pretty uneventful. I get up at 5:30am Monday-Thursday, get to school at 6:40am, and have the labroom all to myself until 8:00am and I need to go to lecture. It's a pretty empty classroom for summer semester, so it isn't so bad for the 2-3 hours I need to sit in per lecture. I leave at around noon and sit in the school library until 3:20pm~ browsing the internet and downloading anything I can find, since I don't have an internet connection in my home at the moment.

Once I'm home, I try to find things to do like archiving and organizing my porn, playing music, or fapping. At 10:00pm I get in the shower for about 40minutes to clean any spec of dirt off my body. Then I go to bed and fap for about an hour or so and fall asleep. Friday through sunday I'm asleep pretty much the entire day, with small breaks for fapping, snacks, or music.

Picture kind of related, they're my average test grades. Luckily my lab work receives lots of praise and my grade point average above a 3 to keep the cash flow coming in for school payments.
>> No. 5732 [Edit]
When I went to school, my mother would get Social Security cheques in the mail to the tune of about $600 a month. She spent $300 a month or so on cigarettes and I think the rest went into electricity. So technically, by extension, I was paying for her smoking and electricity. None of that money went to feeding me or clothing me, save a couple ice creams she would treat me to or a pair of khaki slacks or two a year for school. Even my school field trips were payed for out of my own wallet (not that I knew; she kept all of my holiday money in a wallet in her room). All the food in the house (usually what an SS cheque is intended for) is bought by someone renting a room. Her way of paying rent (per request of my mother) is buying the groceries. So basically $0 of my social security cheque went to me. And now that I'm out of school, she's lost that cheque a month and thus has had to painstakingly only smoke a pack a day (the horror), pay the electric bill from her own salary (terrible) and has made me pay for myself on compulsory family visits to the theme park. 

>> 5710
I plan on that. It's bad, however, because the rest of my family, being decent-ish people, will try to guilt trip me, saying my mother has done so much for me and I'm being insolent, arrogant and self-centered, I should accept my lot in life because without my mother I would be screwed up, and even if I am hit I should just accept it because I have a roof over my head. I couldn't believe my ears when most of my family sided with her after she shoved me into a counter and I was cut open by a nail. 

>> 5715
She'll end up treating me like an animal and psychologically bend me to think that my oppression is justified because of what I did. She's done this to me before. Also, who do you think PR conscious policemen will side with: an interracial lesbian couple or a 20 year old dependant with Japanese war collectibles, doujinshi, creepy Anime merchandise and model guns?

The standard to which I live has been partly influenced by my bringing up and partly influenced by my current situation. For instance, computer rationing has been in place since I was ten. I saw porn once when I was in sixth grade so that justified my having to be with a parent in the room while browsing the Internet. Also I would spend five hours at a time on the internet so it was justified that I was to have time limitations. It was justified that I be set under a tight schedule because I would out off things until it was too late. It was justified that my punishments be so severe because the computer was basically the only thing I had. All of my current affairs and situations are based on my actions in middle school. Basically, they first enslaved my mind through logic and then put it into practice. Now I think radically but rarely find myself in any other action but compliance with everything. And if I do it wrong, I am that horrible self-centred freeloader taking advantage of the people who pay for everything I need without complaints. I was raised to be a cog, and I was raised to be submissive. My parents wanted me to be raised in such a fashion that I would be the ideal "yes dear" husband for some bitchy girl, raise some "yes dear" boys and soon, the males would have their rightful place as üntermensch to the superior females. Since I am not paying rent, they have every right to evict me, and they can also justify keeping all of my things and doing as they please with them. If a cop asks, they can just say I refused to pay my own way so they took the debts in the form of all the shit I pissed away my money on. They did this when I started learning Japanese. All my books were taken away because I needed to use the money I got from them (my own wallet and holiday money) on school supplies. I bought the cheapest possible and I used the rest on a volume with the Jōyō kanji and a Japanese dictionary. Since that money was for school supplies, they took the books and said I would get them back only if I payed for them again (buying them off of them) or got straight A's in the first quarter. Also Spanish took precedence over Japanese as a "useful" language. My mother and stepmom got married last year so they  want me out as soon as possible so they can move to Arizona. So if they can get me out, they won't hesitate to do anything nessecary. I was kicked out for a day over a hole in the ground in Guatemala once. 

>> 5724
It's apparently an ethnic thing. I'm mostly third-and forth-generation, mainly Eastern European and Northern German, my stepmother is third-generation Mexican and Roman Catholic, so even if it's not conscientious, they are heavily influenced by the old order. 

Basically, before my stepmother, my mother was a bit whacked but never mean or strict. She was sort of on her way to being a typical "cool mom" and wasn't exactly a typical lesbian. My stepmother took power quickly through adoration and friendliness, but also a great deal of fear. She became the authority and was perfect in action, thought, and knowledge. Mother paled in comparison. She was responsible for reorganising the house, making a working system, fixing everything and making the house work efficiently. Benevolence to win a heart I guess. Then came the limitations and strict straight and narrow path. 

Now I live by the book, I get scared when I don't know the time or I spend too long doing something, I become repentant and overly apologetic when I do things with other people (leave a light on or a door open, or ask for a second glass of milk) and I am never at ease as a houseguest. My mother now gets angry and confrontational with me, is slovenly, farts, acts like a man and has gained weight and doesn't blame her sedentary lifestyle. Oh, and my stepmother? Unemployed for thirteen years, yet even the breadwinners fear her. Like a toy breed dog, taking over the house. 
>> No. 5734 [Edit]
Write a sitcom. I'd watch it. Anime isn't a good idea with your story as it wont appeal to the masses and earn you good money. When you have money, you can talk all the shit you want about them and get them to live on the streets since you'd be swimming in money if you got a TV show up and running.
>> No. 5735 [Edit]
So you pretty much sleep and masturbate?
>> No. 5736 [Edit]
Those are my hobbies yeah. I'm very picky with my anime, manga, and video games.
>> No. 5742 [Edit]
<If a cop asks, they can just say I refused to pay my own way so they took the debts in the form of all the shit I pissed away my money on.

Cops aren't allowed to pass judgements, you would get your stuff back, then they would have to file a lawsuit. You would provide examples that you staying there was them being kind, like a gift. Then you get to keep it.

I think you should call them out on all their bullshit, don't wait for them to reply, then go to bed.
>> No. 5743 [Edit]
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Jesus OP, this is horrible.
>> No. 5744 [Edit]
I know in NY state, you have the right not to be evicted just like that-- you have rights as a secondary tenet, even if you don't pay rent. Check your state's laws. Actually, check them for domestic abuse as well.

To all the people saying "OMG I WOULD BE A G AND GTFO" it's harder than it sounds...but if OP is posting now, then he has to be prepared to change his situation.

Good luck OP.
>> No. 5745 [Edit]
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Yeah I don't recommend leaving either. At least not yet. It's clear both parties want you out of the house and your first step in doing this is going to be becoming financially stable. And oh Haruhi don't assault your family despite what's surfacing in this thread.

You've pretty much got three options.

1. You deal with it. Nothings gonna change and your going to continue living in an unstable household with the privileges of an adolescent. There's a very real possibility the household will break down at some point and you'll be on out on your ass anyways. Best recognize this possibility now and prepare yourself for the shock.

2. You manipulate your family. Two distinct possibilities here - you either set up alternate living arrangements with a financially and socially stable relative or address your restrictions directly. I can't give you any practical advice in pursuing the latter choice as I'm not sure I fully understand the underlying dynamics within your family's relationships. Sure it's easy to say oh the stepmom's a bitch get your mom to kick her out but there's obviously a lot more to the problem with that.

3. You pursue a realistic career and enter the workforce with the goal of completely eliminating financial dependance. Decide on something actually feasible. You aren't going to Japan and you aren't teaching english. Focus your efforts (for now) on something you can quickly start making money at, relative to whatever skills you currently possess. This may very well be an entry level position at Walmart and you're gonna have to grind for a large chunk of your week to actually meet a rent payment.

You're very likely going to have to find employment in the immediate future regardless of what you choose to do. This is something you should start planning for now.

You can't allow yourself to be manipulated. You're obviously unhappy with your situation so do something to change it. Yep, you entered life in a relatively shitty position. What you do with your life is up to no one but yourself.
>> No. 5746 [Edit]
You can get revenge without assault. There are your typical internet ways, anonymous black mail because you have their nudes, or buying a prostitute and getting caught having sex on their bed, filter all websites to point to goatse or 1/100 page veiws, some kind of conspiracy, stealing cigarettes, then there are extreme ones, tread lightly here: write a suicide note and let them find it, but don't let them know you know they have it, it will get you sympathy hopefully, it may back fire though. Or extremer yet make fake blood and put it all over the floor or in the bath tub, and let them find you in it, but stop before they phone 911 or roll you up in a carpet. results will very, most of them involve you getting kicked out.

I still favor the direct verbal confrontation, "why do hate me?," but you've got to say it in front of both of them, and take them completely by surprise, it will gain you sympathy from your mom, no matter what she says. Then compare yourself to her, either that you look up to her, that's why you do everything she does (no job), or that you have a lot in common(not working in the past 13 years). Passive aggressive is best.
>> No. 5747 [Edit]
Or, he could handle the situation like an adult and just move on.

What happens when the rest of his family hears of these childish attacks? How reluctant would you be to take in someone that just got kicked for such stupid shit?

We're only hearing one side of the story and as such we can assume it's biased, as little as it may be. I'm sure the house owners have their own legitimate problems to deal with, whether they be mental health issues or underlying debt.
>> No. 5748 [Edit]
And just to add to >>5747

Handling the issues with passive aggression is essentially why he's in this situation. Continuing the pattern will solve nothing. Screaming "why do YOU HATE ME" sounds like something a 14 year old would resort to. I really hope you put more thought into what you say if you decide to address the issue verbally.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2011, 7:40pm
>> No. 5749 [Edit]
What does it mean to "handle a situation like an adult," it is almost as if you are suggesting adults don't do that sort of thing. Next thing you'll be spouting how adults don't watch anime, you walk a slippery slope of self rightousness.

OP has also indicated there is no one to take him in, so that doesn't matter, and being a NEET/otaku/basement dweller is generally already consider the worst you can be, so no one can think less of him, they'll just think it is expected of him.

there is no indication that OP was passive aggressive, just passive and submissive.

Also I didn't capitalize it, that would indicate inflection or yelling, both not passive.
>> No. 5750 [Edit]
Just because he's in a position where anybody won't think any worse of him (mostly because they don't care about him), does not mean that he is exempt from any repercussions from any stupid acts he may commit.
>> No. 5752 [Edit]
>She'll end up treating me like an animal and psychologically bend me to think that my oppression is justified because of what I did.

so don't let her

>Also, who do you think PR conscious policemen will side with: an interracial lesbian couple or a 20 year old dependant with Japanese war collectibles, doujinshi, creepy Anime merchandise and model guns?
>> No. 5800 [Edit]
holy shit, figs are figurines. I forgot there was sort of a figurine culture around here. I thought there was one guy who really liked the fruit.

to actually contribute: I had to stop reading, OP. This sounds like hell to me, I'd feel humiliated and resentful 24/7 and probably try and go live with a friend.
I live with my mother; we're civil to / actually care about one another, and I've sort of carved out a space for myself in the household in the last few years... upped my standing, so to speak. I lowered my tolerance for what I saw as intrusions upon me, and became more vocal in this regard.
Most of the time, my mother now seems to want my approval more than I care about hers. I don't know how solid of an emotional state she's in, to be honest.
But life is facile: the computer actually belongs to me, and I use it as much as I please. No time for sleeping or waking, and my weed habit's known about and tolerated.
I think the gist of it is that my parents realized I'm a bit proud/arrogant, and accommodated me out of love, and possibly... intellectual respect? I don't know, I'm rambling and I sound like a wanker. I'm sorry.

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2011, 4:58am
>> No. 5801 [Edit]
I live with my parents, most i get treated like a kid but its nothing as bad as that. The only thing i don't like is my mothers seeming lack of emotion and caring, leading to her being mostly ratty and mean most of the time. They're/shes the type that thinks showing emotion makes me a faggot etc, my computer time is from whenever i wake up until 8pm, and my room doesn't really have anything in it to be considered messy.

I'm 26
>> No. 5814 [Edit]
I wish I had some kind of rules about computer use when I was a kid. Pretty much after my parents divorced and my father moved out, I could do whatever the fuck I want. Mainly because my mom is just incompetent at everything.
Like 4 hours of sleep every night since 12yo because of staying up all night to game/watch porn and drinking excessive amounts of coke = future is doomed.

I used to pick on a friend about how he had to eat dinner with his parents and couldn't do it at the computer. Man, I thought that was bad.
>> No. 5825 [Edit]
>Do you have to live under a very restrictive set of rules? Are you told to do things or suffer gigantic consequences for even the smallest infractions? Is it because you are dependent?
In school I had a "point sheet" to take home. The point sheet is basically a score of how my day went (if I was able to do all my work or not). If I don't get at least 50 points out of 100 on that sheet, I get my computer taken away.
50 points is actually the max score I can get because the other half relies on me engaging in classroom discussion... That's out of the question. I also have to talk to my family when they speak to me or else I lose the computer. That's about as restrictive as it gets.
>> No. 5833 [Edit]
What the fuck did I just read?

How the hell have you survived until now, OP? That's pretty hardcore abuse.
>> No. 5836 [Edit]
My home life consisted of a really fucked up family. No abuse or anything, just fighting and hatred. Everyone did drugs, and drank. I did too, and still do. It's a horribly broken family. The only way to cope was mundane escapist pleasure.

Though, now I live alone on welfare. It's a horribly broken family. Not sure what happened to them or how they are, I don't care to know.
>> No. 5895 [Edit]
Hehehe, i know how that is. Because my mother was too lax I became a fucking libertine. But weren't those days incredible?
>> No. 5919 [Edit]
I find this terrifying. My school had something called PowerSchool, which the teachers graded assignments and the grades were posted on the website. My mother took this and watched it like a hawk and thought it told no wrong.

Meanwhile my teachers would assign an assignment due in a week and put the grade in as a zero to show what it could do to your grade if you didn't do it. Other teachers wouldn't put in grades until the end of the semester. Either way my official quarter grade was always either much higher or ridiculously lower than what that stupid program gave me. But I DID have the worst time with that, and in those days I was lucky to get a half hour a night even with straight A's.

Everyone I knew in school was on AIM for 17 hours a day and played online games constantly. I was sort of sheltered from them by the basic fact that I only had a thirty minute window to do everything I wanted to do. All I could do is call a friend for an hour a night, so I went through my entire childhood with one really close friend and ten or so acquaintances I knew through my close friend. So basically I never learned proper boundaries and any social convention between rigidly formal or hyper-relaxed.

I...I had this. When my stepmother was kicked out and went to California for the summer. I got all of my summer homework done for the first time in my life, and I did anything I wanted. I made friends, went to lunch in the city on a whim and met people, learned a few social skills that I ended up losing, and started learning to drive. It was so magical... And was a testament to the fact that if I am given liberty I can function very, very well. Or fairly well.
>> No. 5921 [Edit]
the thread is tl;dr but if OP doesnt just make this up (and, unfortunately, I know that things in life can be fucked up beyond any expectations) he lives a life in hell. Get out as fast as possible, OP. Best of luck to you.
>> No. 5925 [Edit]
It's better than a box and it's better than being chased after with a bat.
>> No. 5934 [Edit]
If you got a job, would your parents take any of your pay? That is what I'm afraid of if I was in your situation and was trying to get out.
>> No. 5962 [Edit]
It would probably start out with them expecting me to buy my own snacks. Then my own hygiene equipment. Okay, this is acceptable.

Then $100 a month for rent
Then $500 a month for rent
Then their cell phone bill
Then the cable bill
Then the electric bill

Than way 100% of their income can go to cigarettes and crap.

They also want me to start paying for the house eventually so I will be stuck here forever as they move to Arizona. It's been hinted at a lot.
>> No. 5964 [Edit]
Dude just fucking leave already.
open the door, walk out and don't look back.
You're life is never going to change if you don't try to change it.
I hate people that complain endlessly about how things are but are to afraid to change anything out of fear things might get worse.
If you think it can be so much worse, then maybe you shouldn't complain about how you have it.
>> No. 5965 [Edit]

Hey, that could be your ticket to freedom. If you can find a job, then you'll be living alone and not having to worry about finding a house.
>> No. 5975 [Edit]
My parents are also pretty strict and downright passive-aggressive. For this reason, I've altered my sleep schedule to where I fall asleep around 5-6 am and wake up at 4 pm. I usually don't sleep any longer because I have to walk our dog at 5.
One day I woke up at 5:30 pm and lost almost everything (computer, iPod Touch, phone, TV, etc). The only thing I have left is my DSi, which I have no games for and the browser is laggy as balls. My father shuts off the electricity in my room and the adjacent bedrooms from 10 pm until 8 am. Since I wake up at 4 pm, I only have 6 hours of light in my room.

I have nowhere to go, and I'm terrified of going outside. Hell, I'm even scared of leaving my room. I barely eat anymore, I'm 20 lbs underweight and I've developed chronic anemia.
I don't even feel like these people are my family. I know that they're disappointed (a severe understatement) for having a failure of a son like me, but it's painful. They even look at me like I'm dirt. Even if I try talking to them, they sound disgusted.

The only person I have is my wife. I spend hours drawing pictures of her and imagining what our life together would be like. I used to replay through scenes in her route everyday. But I miss hearing her voice and seeing her so much. I think about her all day, but I can't seem to reach her in my dreams.

To be honest, I'd rather die. But what scares me the most is that I'd end up severely crippling myself for life. I guess in that sense, I'm still lucky I have my health.

Sorry for the rambling and more than likely incoherent post.
>> No. 6042 [Edit]
You're a fucking trooper OP

I think it would be worth looking up section 8 housing or emailing a social worker and figuring out how to get the hell out of that toxic home life.
>> No. 6055 [Edit]
This is abusive too, but how about waking up at 1pm? It's not that much of a compromise, and you get 50% more computer time.
>> No. 6057 [Edit]
Good luck with section 8 housing. I heard there are long waiting lists to even get a voucher.
How the hell you lost most of your electronics?
>> No. 6555 [Edit]
[[WARNING: I'm just a lonely person, I'm not as far as to be a NEET or hikikomori]]

I don't live under a RESTRICTIVE set of rules, thanks to my mom realizing computer usage is a passion (and that i don't spend all the time playing violent video games or watching porn like most teenagers).

The only rules I have is:
1. Leave your room clean. At all times. (My mom is obsessed with having everything clean, including myself)
2. 1 hour of computer - 1 hour of rest. Or 2 hours - 2 hours. That I actually understand (my eyes are quite weak).
3. Do the few household activities I actually have (walk our pet, once in a rare while go shopping or something)

So compared to you, my mom isn't pretty restrictive. Thats probably because I'm not a NEET (I still go to school) and not a hikki (I at least act like I still care about social life, not like I do for real). I'm still very lonely, though. ;_;

But man, your text has actually made me appreciate my life!
>> No. 6729 [Edit]
>section 8 housing
Yes, living in a building full of crack whores and meth addicts is a great option, especially for our resident Wapanese-in-denial!

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