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File 130929505093.jpg - (480.68KB , 1122x1600 , dbb066922145468078ee934e5d2f950b.jpg )
5652 No. 5652 [Edit]
How many of you would say you familiarize yourself with your online nick/username more then your real life name?

Post edited on 28th Jun 2011, 2:05pm
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>> No. 5653 [Edit]
I don't use any but it's been a long ass time since someone called me by my name so I bet it would feel weird too.
>> No. 5654 [Edit]
I use a different nickname almost everywhere I go, so I don't.
>> No. 5655 [Edit]
I do the same exact thing.
>> No. 5656 [Edit]
The most persistent online identity I have is my steam account, and I would change my av and name tons. I've stopped doing that though since I have people on my friends list now and it would feel weird changing everything all the time
>> No. 5657 [Edit]
I don't really associate my real self with either.
>> No. 5662 [Edit]
Usually I prefer people online call me by my real name because it's easier to say.
>> No. 5663 [Edit]
I identify more as a cute 2D girl than my real self, if that counts.
>> No. 5664 [Edit]
I used to, way back in the day when I went on forums and irc and stuff. Now I just post on anonymous imageboards so, no.
>> No. 5665 [Edit]
My online nick is just something that people call me irl, so kinda?
>> No. 5666 [Edit]
No one calls me anything. My parents haven't said my name (at least where I can hear it) for I don't know... at least six years, and I don't use names online. Fitting, I guess.
>> No. 5667 [Edit]
I always change my name from game to game and forum to forum.
>> No. 5668 [Edit]
>No one calls me anything
what, not even "hey you"?
Do people just smack you when they want your attention?
>> No. 5669 [Edit]
I get called "he" or "him" and that sort of thing but only when it isn't obvious that I'm the one it's directed towards. "You" would almost be too formal at this point.
>> No. 5689 [Edit]
The only two friends I have right now are friends I met from other people from the internet, so they call me by an internet nickname. Other people do not call me so I got used to my nickname instead.
>> No. 5699 [Edit]
Sometimes when talking to myself I call myself DESU instead of my real name. I even keep seeing myself as the loli version of myself.
>> No. 5704 [Edit]
Most people I meet in person are people I met online.

Most people I meet in person I only see for twenty minutes and never again.
>> No. 5706 [Edit]
I don't familiarize myself with any name. I make up new aliases for everything and my real name is something I hate associating myself with.

But one time I was called by one of my online handles in real life and it was one of the most frightening things I've ever heard.
>> No. 5708 [Edit]
This, exactly this. If someone from the internet recognized me to call me anything I don't know what I'd do, but the feeling would not be a pleasant one.
>> No. 5812 [Edit]
This is why wouldn't meet up with anyone I meet on the internet. I'd say call me , but they'd always be thinking Mature Related. Also I don't want to be associated with things I've said online...
>> No. 5813 [Edit]
I think 5 years of anonymous posting has impaired my ability to hold an identity, hell when I look in a mirror I can't even recognize myself.
>> No. 5815 [Edit]
In the early 2000's I used to have a "net persona" if you will, mainly because of IRC and couple of forums. Went to a lot of IRL meetings and lan parties. Even at school most guys called me by my nick.

Nowadays I just use different nickname on pretty much everywhere, because I don't really do anything except browse *chan's and youtube.
I've pretty much lost the whole social side of internet.
I guess I have a... identity crisis?
>> No. 5817 [Edit]
File 130975583290.jpg - (10.39KB , 171x171 , negi1.jpg )
I use Negi Springfield on many sites, including image boards. It's almost become a kind of internet personality, but it doesn't bleed off into my real life much. I don't have much friends (read none) and they wouldn't know my online nick anyway. That means that only people on the internet know my nickname, which is probably better.
>> No. 5818 [Edit]
I've noticed that when I dream it's never as myself. I'm always playing a video game or something
>> No. 5819 [Edit]
File 130977435649.png - (2.88KB , 865x44 , Untitled.png )
I use different nicknames everywhere

But this still doesn't cure my Haruhidamned online anxiety

Sometimes i can't even bring myself to press enter or the reply button
>> No. 5820 [Edit]
at least you managed to screencap your reply and post it here
>> No. 5823 [Edit]
>> No. 5826 [Edit]
I've never been able to come up with a decent online nickname anyway.
>> No. 5827 [Edit]
I use different nicknames for every site that requires one, and for every different channel in IRC. You're bound to get one that is decent at least.
>> No. 5828 [Edit]
Nope, I've rued them all so far, but who knows? Maybe someday...
>> No. 5832 [Edit]
That sucks. I come up with a really good name at least once a week.
>> No. 5837 [Edit]
Online nick? I preferred to keep anonymous the decades I've been online.

I came to the conclusion a while ago, that I only exist online. I mean, yes my physical self is here, but my entire life is online. My personality and views and emotions have all be shaped by the digital world if you want to call it that.
>> No. 5841 [Edit]
I'm always anonymous if given a choice. Never got into the habit of attaching any 'net identity' to myself, if that's what you mean.
Its still a little weird seeing people so easily putting their names & identity online. When I first got on the internet in the early 90's it would be unusual to have any sort of personal info online for all to see. Now everyone wants to have an online identity.
>> No. 5842 [Edit]
I have many online names throughout my life, but in the past few years I've stuck to one. Considering that I spend more time online than offline, I associate my nickname as my own name. Some locations I can't change nicknames, even though I would have otherwise, just because that's how people know me.

I have a question for you all: Do you prefer to go by your last name over your first name?
>> No. 5843 [Edit]
I've never gone by my last name, partly because it's just not the custom where I'm from and partly because nobody there can spell or pronounce it.
>> No. 5844 [Edit]

>Do you prefer to go by your last name over your first name?

I kinda would but again, I haven't talked with anyone in Satan knows how many months so...
Also, I couldn't bring myself to in my current state, being a disgrace to my family and all.
>> No. 5845 [Edit]
>in Satan knows
Don't do that.
It makes you sound like a "LOLOLOL SO EDGY AND RANDUMB XD XD XD" atheist faggot.
>> No. 5846 [Edit]

I don't like the Haruhi wordfilter I'm afraid so I was kinda trying to bypass it.
>> No. 5851 [Edit]
Fuck my last name. I refuse to tell anybody I meet what my surname is, partially because it always turns into an awful nickname that people use to irreverently call me by.
>> No. 5877 [Edit]
>>5842 here.

Funny you mention that. I prefer to go by my last name even though I've been disowned by my asshole father. There are so many "x" and I hate being called "other X" and whatnot, and since my surname is pretty uncommon, I just introduce myself by my last name.
>> No. 5916 [Edit]
I don't participate in any online communities where you need a name, so no. But I have close to no social contacts, so I also don't get called by my real name more than once in a while.
Sometimes I need a moment to think when I'm supposed to put my name on some form.
>> No. 5917 [Edit]
Sure, i have made a (negative) name myself by attentionwhoring.

And i'd rather think of that name.
A name that is more of descriptive nature.

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