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File 129066999223.jpg - (96.17KB , 715x703 , think.jpg )
563 No. 563 [Edit]
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Is anyone else trying to think of things to say when their relatives ask the dreaded "what have you been up to?" question?
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>> No. 564 [Edit]
Do you really have to answer that question? It's not like it's any of their business anyway.
>> No. 565 [Edit]
Are you a student? Say you've been busy with school mostly, and complain about finals coming up. You could just lie, but if your relatives know you well enough they'll likely see through it.

On another note, what are my fellow American Brohnos doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow? My relatives never come around for Thanksgiving, so it's mostly a normal day with a special dinner, and that's it.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
I've always just passed the question, although I'm planning on just sleeping the day away this year.
>> No. 567 [Edit]
My immediate family is coming to our house. It's a big change from previous thanksgivings, where every family member who was able would flock to my grandma's house
>> No. 571 [Edit]
File 12906921504.jpg - (105.77KB , 554x439 , meg.jpg )
I'm not American.
>> No. 576 [Edit]
I don't celebrate 'Thanksgiving' as I'm not American.
>> No. 581 [Edit]
My mom didn't answer my calls or call me back, but apparently my sister talked to her today. Cool story, mom.
>> No. 583 [Edit]
same here. also, my family is catholic (liberal); i'm atheist.
>> No. 586 [Edit]
I'm surprised at how many atheists are around who don't ground their ideas in logic.
>> No. 587 [Edit]
does religon have anything to do with thanksgiving
>> No. 588 [Edit]
Thanksgiving dinners in the US typically end with a cake in the shape of Jesus being wheeled out and everybody eats it. All of it
>> No. 589 [Edit]
I don't remember this part.
>> No. 590 [Edit]
haha, Who the heck told you that?

Thanksgiving is a sort of reenactment of a large dinner Pilgrims settlers had with native Americans, it was a sort of welcoming party to the new land where the two cultures exchanged their native foods and customs, before the Pilgrims killed all the indians and stole their land.

It has very little to do with religion, aside from the fact that the pilgrims were fleeing their country for religious freedom, but didn't really have anything to do with thanksgiving, and it sure as hell doesn't now.
>> No. 591 [Edit]
File 12907470953.jpg - (40.69KB , 281x432 , mugi doodle.jpg )
>> No. 592 [Edit]
>It has very little to do with religion, aside from the fact that the pilgrims were fleeing their country for religious freedom, but didn't really have anything to do with thanksgiving, and it sure as hell doesn't now.

that's correct. the thing is just that, as you pointed out, since it had its origin on protestant pilgrims history, it isn't celebrated or even recognized among catholics (those who, on the other hand, never lack of ritual celebrations all along the year -related or not with natural/agricultural cycles-).
>> No. 593 [Edit]
I fucking hate Thanksgiving so much.
>> No. 594 [Edit]
now im starting to wish i was american
>> No. 598 [Edit]
you mean... a jesus delicious cake??? *drooling*
>> No. 612 [Edit]
>Thanksgiving is a sort of reenactment of a large dinner Pilgrims settlers had with native Americans, it was a sort of welcoming party to the new land where the two cultures exchanged their native foods and customs, before the Pilgrims killed all the indians and stole their land.
Sure is American in here.
>> No. 613 [Edit]
uh, the premise of pilgrims thanking god for the fact that they weren't all killed on the voyage and from the relatively shitty massachussetta climate and soil grinds it pretty strongly in religion.

I live in the USA (i'm black) and no, my family has not done that for Thanksgiving.. Nor has any family I knew of that celebrated Thanksgiving.

>before the Pilgrims killed all the indians and stole their land.

also, imported African slaves. It counts as part of the Maafa as most black people in the USA have noticeable native ancestry. Double-whammy on why my family celebrates that holiday - other than my disdain for having to act a certain way in front of family members due to their authority, hierachy, etc. Good thing this year's thanksgiving was relatively good.

catholics in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving. Even 'back in the day' they did

from the wiki article

>>Later in the 18th century, individual colonies would periodically designate a day of thanksgiving in honor of a military victory, an adoption of a state constitution or an exceptionally bountiful crop. Such a Thanksgiving Day celebration was held in December 1777 by the colonies nationwide, commemorating the surrender of British General Burgoyne at Saratoga.

Just so those ignorant of early US history know, Maryland was founded as a colony full of Catholics - that was its' explicit purpose - hence the name MARY-LAND

also thanksgiving is not US centric.
>> No. 614 [Edit]
He got that wrong, or i havent heard of that tradition ;_;
>> No. 615 [Edit]
It's an American holiday.

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