No. 5629
I imagine with most of us long timers, who have gone through most of the stages of 'welcome to the NHK,' except for maybe the part about the 17 year old girl who wants to save you (;_;) srsly when I watched that show, it was uncanny, a show about me; felt weird man..
<how do you feel the helplessness of your daily life shape your view of the future?
I feel helpless because I feel I have obligations to my family. Even though I've totally failed to live up to what ever they expected of me, I can still fail more so at that, and the next step to to disappoint them more is to leave, and leaving means I would rarely communicate with them, even more rarely then now, and that would break their hearts. I want to a traveling bard or a wise forest sage or a kappa under a bridge. I want freedom.
I also feel helpless in a societal role, as no others are diehard communists like myself, I just don;t feel like I can morally participate in the society I live in, without compromising my ideals.
I have grown quite alot in my time of seclusion, I am much much less greedy and selfish, I remember when I had a list of all the things I wanted to buy, how much money I needed, how long it would take to aquire them. Then I never got a job, and then as time passed so did my desire of material possessions. And now my desire of digitial possessions is going too. I haven't watched anime in atleast 1/2 a year, read manga in a 2 months and before that 4 months. I no longer collect pictures, and have deleted well over 100,000. The only thing I would like to do is finish my backlog(8 games maybe) of videogames, and watch K-on!!, and Arakawa under the bridge #2. I don't even like the internet anymore.
I have always been paranoid about what people think of me, and probably always will be, but I am slowly working on it. It has stopped me expressing myself in ways that would be outside the social norm most my life, the last time I was like 8 years old. But for better or worse, I am beginning to see most peoples oppinions as not important, so they no longer carry they same weight they once did and not worth acknowledging.
I am still hopeful for the future, I just dunno how to get to the one I want.