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File 130868817844.jpg - (109.97KB , 936x737 , 129776941636.jpg )
5579 No. 5579 [Edit]
Hi, /so/.

I hope no one minds this's a little out of the ordinary for this board. If it’s not acceptable, tell me and I’ll delete it.

I'm writing a research paper on social disorders, and one of the disorders I'm focusing on is Hikikomori Syndrome. In addition to the academic resources I've got, I wanted to include input from people with the syndrome (such as it is). If you want to help, I would really appreciate it if you would answer these questions. I'm going to ask the same set of questions on a few other boards, including 2ch and some other Japanese language boards.

I’ve set up an email for people who would like to send their stories privately. Whether you email me or post here, I would ideally like to have respondents tell me their stories of how and why they chose to shut themselves off. I’d also be happy to hear about your world view, your view of relationships, and anything you think is relevant. I know I could get this information just by skimming the other topics on this board, but I don’t want to take information without someone’s permission, and it would be tedious and difficult to ask everyone individually.

How long have you been living as a NEET?
Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
What else do you want to say about your situation?
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>> No. 5580 [Edit]
Should've made it look like random survey thread. As it is now I don't think you'll get many replies. We might be floor hitting hikkis but even people as miserable as we don't like to be 'exploited' like this.

Then again maybe I'm just being delusional and desperately clinging to that tiny speck of pride I still have within myself.
>> No. 5582 [Edit]
How is this exploitation in any way?
>> No. 5583 [Edit]

Maybe you don't feel that way but since he created the thread for information gathering I feel our stories barely matter here, even more so when he sets up an e-mail account just for this. Basically he needs some data and we are his research subjects. Normally when somebody starts a thread like this it's about someone who wants to share his experiences/feelings and some are convinced to do the same by his actions.

Maybe there are lots of people who don't mind participating since they are helping somebody out but I'm sure there are lots of jaded, bitter guys like me, too. Just by playing a rather innocent trick he could've had both and that's what I wanted to say.
>> No. 5584 [Edit]
Protip: you don't have to tell him anything if you don't want to.
>> No. 5585 [Edit]

Protip: That's exactly what I'm getting at.
>> No. 5587 [Edit]
I clicked on your e-mail but honestly, I can't possibly open myself with something so personal. There is a reason why I only post on anonymous boards anymore..
Besides, it does feel like we're "lab rats". I think you should just gather information from older threads. You don't have to ask anyone's permission, this is not a private forum and there is nothing stopping you from exploiting anonymous answers.

Post edited on 21st Jun 2011, 3:24pm
>> No. 5589 [Edit]
I think you would have better results if you just skimmed through the board and used peoples posts like this guy said >>5587
>> No. 5590 [Edit]

If you do want to include /tc/ as a refference, /so/, /mai/ and /ot/ are quite abundant of well thought post from guys talking about their own situation, their alleged reasons behind it, and their own interpretations around hiki otaku common subjects (such as 3DPD-hate/2D-love). No one in their senses would complain for someone quoting (or even taking screencaps of) their posts as Anonymous; maybe some trip/name brohonos could be a bit aprehensive and you could use this thread to ask them permission, but knowing the average attitude in here I'd likely think it's unnecessary.

Post edited on 21st Jun 2011, 4:47pm
>> No. 5591 [Edit]
I'm not really feeling the same bitterness that these other guys are feeling, so I'll play your game OP.

Nickname: Why would I refer to myself with a nickname? You can't honestly expect me to have one that other people have provided, right? What a stupid question.

Age: 20

Education: High School

Span of NEETERY: Technically, by the time I finished school. 3-4 years.

Isolation: Yes. I do not like people, and it's bothersome to try and connect. Every once in a while, I feel that irritating urge to talk to people, and I do, but I am swiftly reminded that people suck dick and can go die for all I care.

Even more personal than that, however, is the feeling that I am not worthy of being seen by everyone. It's a strange blend of supreme arrogance, and absolute worthlessness. Sometimes I'm convinced I am superior to everyone else, and thus don't need them, and sometimes I'm so guilt-ridden over myself that the mere thought of being seen by other, more worthy, people is painful.

Living situation: I live with my family. I'd die without them.

Comments: Go away, normalperson.
>> No. 5592 [Edit]
>I'm not really feeling the same bitterness that these other guys are feeling
>Comments: Go away, normalperson.
>> No. 5593 [Edit]
My feelings about the situation changed while answering the questions. It was rather personal, and not something I tend to like examining in close detail, you understand.
>> No. 5596 [Edit]
Age: Around 30
Education: High School
How long have you been living as a NEET? 12 years. Maybe.
Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why? There is no point to talking. I am lower than shit itself. I do not need fulfill expectations. No need to talk to anyone.
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)? They are all dead, I think. If not, they think I'm dead.
What else do you want to say about your situation? I will kill myself soon. Maybe in about half a year. I will make sure of it.
>> No. 5599 [Edit]
File 130872735524.jpg - (96.64KB , 650x578 , 9333b18c2d3eee37b4312a89e706d708c00e8894.jpg )
Nickname: Tohno?

Age: 23


How long have you been living as a NEET?
off and on for 4 years, since as long as I could remember if you count skipping school just to stay in my room.
My father told me of a story I can't remember, it was when I was in elementary school, I don't recall the details, but he would tell me when he arrived at the school after being called there, he found me in the farthest corner of the playground, clinging to a tree, refusing at all costs to return to the class room with this other children.

Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
yes, I dislike people. I dislike talking to them, listening to them, or even seeing them. I dislike any and all interaction with real people offline, and I believe the only reason why I'm able to do so online, is because they do not register as being real people, there are no names, no voices, no faces, only text.

What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
sharing home with mother.

What else do you want to say about your situation?
I kind of like my life, I just wish I could be left alone, and be alone, completely.

I'm here because I strongly dislike the outside world, every time I step out, the air is a buzz with the sounds of idiocracy, as if I was being laughed at constantly.
my sight is blinded by the ugliness of our society, I fear it scars my eyes with prolonged exposure.
I feel the moral depravity as if it was being broadcasted, it resonates inside me and makes me fell ill to my core.
The disgusting smells feel so strong it's as if they leave a thin layer on my skin with toxins seeping in.
sunlight beats down on me as if it has a grudge.
the looks of people cut me down as if they could see into my soul and see my shame.
I try to act normal, I try to stay calm and be 'friendly', but it's a lie, all a lie, and I fear they know this.
Stepping out of my house makes me feel as if it were located in the center of hell, every minute outside it torture.
At the least, my car feels like a little bit of home, a mobile shield, a tank fortified against the demons that lurk outside, it makes venturing out into the wast lands of the real world.. less painful.

Post edited on 22nd Jun 2011, 12:30am
>> No. 5602 [Edit]
Nickname:Mature Related
How long have you been living as a NEET?
Starting 5th year
Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why? Judgemental people are.
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
family basement dweller
What else do you want to say about your situation? My communist ideals do not allow me to participate in capitalism, so I don't.
>> No. 5603 [Edit]
Education:Elementary school
How long have you been living as a NEET? - 7 years
Do you isolate yourself from other people?- I try to avoid people as much as possible.
If so, why? - Because i feel inferior to most people i guess.
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)? - Living with mother and father
What else do you want to say about your situation?
>> No. 5604 [Edit]
Nickname: Being without a name is the best feeling I've had in some time.

Age: 22

Education: Couldn't hack it in highcshool

How long have you been living as a NEET?

>Five years, more or less. At least that's how long I was both a hikimori and a worthless sack of shit.

>Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?

Yes, I do. Being around other people is bothersome. Most just live their lives in a fashion that I want nothing to do with. I'm scared of all people though, I stay in my room and am even afraid of the other people in my house so I rarely go to the bathroom and usually eat things that hold well and can be stored in here. I think the biggest trouble is that I don't know myself, and as such can't interact with someone else without deeply questioning myself as to just what I am.

>What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?

With one parent now, maybe that will change.

>What else do you want to say about your situation?

Being like this wasn't so bad, at least before my first couple psychological breaks. These days I find I need to constantly distract myself or I become aware and quickly find myself under extreme duress. It's like I'm a prisoner inside my own head, and I can't even allow myself to have a moment to myself, even locked up all alone like I am. Is it too late for me? If I got out would my brain fix itself? I feel like I'm drowning, and all the while I want to just stop thrashing and accept it, but some deeper flaw or instinct simply won't give me that kind of control. A moment of peace and silence within my own head is all I want, maybe that's the real reason I locked myself in my room in the first place?
>> No. 5606 [Edit]
Sure, I don't mind answering.

I don't think you'll find many people here who like to be connected to a name. Being anonymous is a blessing in a way. I have no name for you.


High School Diploma. I'm surprised I even made it through high school. My attendance was minimal (I showed up maybe once a week) and I struggled just to get the absolute minimum passing requirements, which thankfully, weren't very high. My teachers seemed to have mercy on me and rounded up some of my 40%s to 50s. In middle school I was told I'd never pass high school. After high school I decided I wouldn't even bother trying college.

>How long have you been living as a NEET?
Two years. I've been on and off trying to support myself and get into working for 5 years. Unfortunately, I can only ever stay at a job for a couple months before I have to abandon ship and hide away in my room again. I don't think I'll be trying my hand at getting into the working world again anytime soon.

>Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
Fear. Anxiety. Stress. It started off pretty normal, just regular anxiety people normally get when they're shy, but slowly started to blow up out of proportion. I became afraid of what people would think of me, and what people would expect of me. I can't meet the standards and expectations that one would have of an average person, so anything I do or say stresses me out, since, I know that I'm constantly being compared to those who live productive lives (and not matching up at all).

>What is your living situation?
Live with a sibling. Tried to live on my own, but I'm too afraid to go shopping, so my family had pity on me and does all the "outside" stuff for me. I just keep the house clean to feel like I'm not a total waste of space (which I am regardless what I do around the house).

>What else do you want to say about your situation?
Well, I'm not entirely sure what would help you most.

I tried to "ignore" and "get over" my problem for over 5 years now, maybe even 9 or 10 years total as it progressively got worse. I kept trying to jump into being a self-sufficient individual, and when I hit a point where I thought I needed help I even jumped to see a professional to sort out my options. But every attempt seems to stress me out and make things worse. Exposure doesn't get me used to others, it makes me never want to see anyone again. And getting help feels like a gamble since I'm hypersensitive to how the doctor reacts to me (I don't think I'll be able to see another doctor ever again). So I'm at a point where I don't want to ever leave my room again. The problem is, I hate being a drain on others, so I might take some future action to try to "fix" myself again, but I'm a bit worried what will happen the next time I try, since I'm now mute from being too socially terrified to speak from my last couple bad experiences.

That said, I don't hate or dislike people. I like to think I don't have a particularly skewed view of the world and other people (I mainly like other people, normal or no), I just don't feel like I'm capable of keeping up with everything and everyone since I'm too hypersensitive, thus get stressed, worried and scared too easily. Most times I'm even too scared to post online anonymously, but hey, I'm in a good mood today so it feels doable today.

Every shut-in has their own reason for withdrawing, and you'll find almost as many reasons as you can find people. For me, the standards and expectations placed on me makes me feel restricted, thus everything I do feels wrong and I feel overwhelmed from not being able to cope with the emotions I have to put up with appropriately. When inside my own room, in my own house, locked away from the world, I feel truly free and able to do whatever I like without having to worry about what I "should" be doing instead. In this time, I'm completely cut free from my hypersensitive and fearful feelings. If someone were to watch me while I did *anything*, I would not be able to do it, as I would be too frozen in fear to go about doing things as I normally would. I seriously can't even fold a box if someone is watching me.

Don't know how much this helps you, but that's about the gist of it for me.
>> No. 5607 [Edit]
>>I will kill myself soon. Maybe in about half a year. I will make sure of it.

Are you not happy as a NEET?
Would you like to talk about it?
>> No. 5609 [Edit]
Highschool dropout
>How long have you been living as a NEET?
Right now, 4 months, but I've been one for much longer than that.
>Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
Only in real life. I still use imageboards and forums and games and such to talk to people.
>What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
I live with my parents, wake up in the middle of the night, and never leave my house.
>What else do you want to say about your situation?
I don't feel anything anymore. It's worse than depression.
>> No. 5610 [Edit]
>some college, graduated highschool
How long have you been living as a NEET?
>about a year or so.
Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
>people are pain. I'm Schizoid and Schizotypal. However, even though I hate people, I'm very personable. I don't enjoy talking with people but I can fake it.
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
>Tiny little room with family that has the water heater and furnace in it.
What else do you want to say about your situation?
>nothing else to say. I enjoy the solitude of being outdoors. I enjoy camping when I'm alone. I have a lot of hobbies that are normally associated with social settings that I just forget the part about social interactions and do them anyways, like gun shooting, hunting or fishing. Not sure how much longer I'm going to live though. Been contemplating killing myself for over a year now. Have the tools to do it and i just started cleaning my room so it will be less embarrassing and less of a hassle after I do it.
>> No. 5613 [Edit]
>You don't have to ask anyone's permission, this is not a private forum and there is nothing stopping you from exploiting anonymous answers
I'm not the OP, but I know enough about social science to state that this is not how it works. Science is serious fucking business, and with all due respect, it's completely unacceptable to gather random garbage from wherever - even if you'll argue its relevance, and make a proper source list. It doesn't matter what a researcher can do, what matters is what he/she is allowed to. Don't mistake a scientist for a journalist. Hell, even what OP specifically asks in this thread is completely unheard of in any form of science.

OP, it looks like you're attempting to conduct qualitative research. Have you ever studied qualitative science, or quantitative science for that matter - anything? If you haven't, don't ruin your assignment by trying - there's no room for half-assed tries. Just drop it, and focus your empirical data on being strictly academic.

About your choice of topic: The only reason you'd want to attack such subjects from the hikikomori's point of view is actualization. I hope you have some good material on your hands. If you absolutely must do this 'experiment', don't make any deductions out of it. The list of academical errors in your approach is too many to name. You can't use this as a practical example to prove whatever points you'll be making. Were your goal to capture a hiki's spirit or mood or whatever - do it properly: make actual interviews.

I note that some posters frown at the notion of being treated as test subjects. Honestly, save your intimidation for a legit source of power. The OP isn't descriminating anyone, not like this (unless we personify social science, but let's not).

I just wish the answers here would be made better use of than as a mistake

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2011, 1:30pm
>> No. 5614 [Edit]
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>Science is serious fucking business
>> No. 5615 [Edit]
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>> No. 5618 [Edit]



Twenty one.


I'm a drop out from High school and am currently not working.

How long have you been living as a NEET?

Since I left high school (which was five years ago).

Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?

Yes, I isolate myself from people. I do so because of my disability and the problems I have with interacting with people. Even if I were to try and interact with new people, I am unable to (because my disability gives me the nervousness on figuring out what to say).

What is your living situation

I am currently living with my mum and my little brother (since my family seperated). Without my mum, I'd probably die (since I am unable to look after myself). I've always wanted to get my own house... but in the end, I'd probably end up dieing since I have no means to look after myself.

What else do you want to say about your situation?

I don't see anything new happening within the near future, although my life can be quite depressing, I'm quite comfortable with my current situation and would probably die if it were to change.
>> No. 5620 [Edit]
I actually see this as a way to open myself, being for someone else's purporse or not.



Up to highschool.

>How long have you been living as a NEET?
I'm not an actual NEET in the literal meaning of the word, but I do not work or go to university as it is intended of highschool graduates.

>Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
Yes, I do isolate myself. I keep in touch with only a single person at the moment. She is an old friend that lives far away and I keep contact through internet. She has alredy been in the state I find myself in, so we can somewhat relate. I do not talk to anyone else taking off my family and her and the minimal of the necessary for things such as buying something outside.
I find myself like this because I believe I am honestly unable to understand others and relate to them. I have had hard times keeping a friendship and seem to scare people away within certain time. I used to care about this but now I honestly cannot seem to care anymore, though it hurts once in a while. I do not leave my house to do something out of the extremely necessary for about a year and a half.

>What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
I live with my family.

>What else do you want to say about your situation?
I got to where I am entirely because of me. And I honestly don't like it.
>> No. 5637 [Edit]
High School graduate
>How long have you been living as a NEET?
One year and one half
>Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
I have two friends. This is the extent of my social life. I isolate myself due to the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere and avoid most of my old acquaintances because I went from being incredibly interesting to incredibly boring after I graduated. Also only made a few friends in high school because I was constantly afraid everyone thought I was retarded.

>What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
Family on the way to being homeless.

>What else do you want to say about your situation?
I need a job, I want money, I want to sell figs from Japan, but I'm stuck in a soul-sucking lower-middle-class prison in Freedomabad, Dumbfuckistan. Also basically, since my mother doesn't get a cheque for $600 for me anymore, she wants me to have a job or get out.
>> No. 5651 [Edit]
File 130925168070.jpg - (40.95KB , 443x526 , 1309244313661.jpg )
Nickname: Rostran
Age: 20
Education: High School Graduate

-How long have you been living as a NEET?
Currently only two months. Seven months if the five months I spent as a basement dwelling NEET between leaving high school and getting my previous job count. (probably not) Depends on how you view it.

-Do you isolate yourself from other people?

-If so, why?

-What is your living situation?
Living with family

-What else do you want to say about your situation?
I try not to think about my situation too much, I get angry and depressed if I do that. I want to change my situation but it seems with every step forward I end up taking two steps back, willingly or unwillingly.

Additional thoughts: Fuck you OP
>> No. 5839 [Edit]
>I wanted to include input from people with the syndrome (such as it is)

No offense, but academics in Japan don't even use the term hikikomori and they especially don't use is as a "syndrome". It was more or less started by one book (Shutting Out The Sun), and much of that was crap. But, the media caught on and it became a popular term. Even the supposed 1 million hikikomori turned out to be a laughable statistic, pulled out of thin air.

In reality, most "hikikomori" merely have such issues as social anxiety disorder, autism or similar, or many other personality disorders.

Sounds to me like you just wanted to post a survey because no worthy undergrad would latch onto an arbitrary term like that. If you really are one, pick a new topic.
>> No. 5874 [Edit]
Nickname: None


Education: High School Grad

How long have you been living as a NEET?
3 Years

Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
Yes, because I hate being around people, duh

What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
With Family

What else do you want to say about your situation?
>> No. 5882 [Edit]
Nickname: Nobody
Age: 19
Education: Highschool dropout, GED

How long have you been living as a NEET?
---> Since I dropped out of highschool at 17.

Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
---> I generally just find people I meet in real life boring. I'm not very good at talking with people in general, people say I mumble all the time and trying to talk loud just feels unnatural like people want me to yell at them. I don't mind chatting with people online though, it's easier. Though I don't know anyone I'd consider a friend aside from you guys though.

What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
---> I live with my mother and uncle. Generally we don't really have anything in common. I get Mondays-Thursdays alone by myself, but Fridays-Sundays I have to retreat to my room for comfort. I can't really stand the sort of things that they like to watch.

What else do you want to say about your situation?
---> Nothing really, it's just I feel in a pretty hopeless spot right now. I can't find work because the city I live in is one of the worst in the USA. I can't do volunteer work because I don't have a vehicle. I don't have a vehicle because I can't afford one without a job. I want to get out of here and move somewhere less hot but I can't make it on my own right now. Also, my mother is rather strange and encourages me to be a bum by not wanting me to go to school. I feel like I'm just a fancy pet to her, but oh well. I'm making the best of my situation by trying to learn and make things, but since I don't have my own computer to make a "base" to keep track of things I kind of have just been floating around this last year just learning random things and moving on. I want to get into shape but my mother persists on buying junk food and doesn't share my enthusiasm for healthy eating. I have some fleeting dream of just leaving the US to move to another country to learn a language, but I just can't seem to do it. All in all, I can't really complain about my situation since I have shelther, some food, and ways to entertain myself, but I definently want more, though I feel powerless to get what I want.
>> No. 6885 [Edit]
I wish OP really was a proper world leading psychologist, studying the phenomenon of hikikomori in the West. But alas, I suspect this is not the case. The West has the attitude that hikikomoris are a Japan only thing and couldn't possibly exist in the West. But countries like the UK officially have nearly 1 million NEETS. Is it not unreasonable to suggest that at least some of them are also hiki's?

Would a psychologist ever browse such a place as this though? I fondly recall making a post on /r9k/ a few years ago, pondering what would a top psychologist or senior feminist make of the stuff that gets posted on there? What would their reaction be? I would want to put a TV camera on their face as they read it and make it into a reality TV show. (Surely there would be enough postings on there to keep them busy for a lifetime!)

The ideal reaction would be "Oh look at these poor people. They are in such a bad state, they really need our help and pity!". Or would their reaction be one of denial, that the West is so perfect, that no hikikomori's could ever happen there. Or would they be outraged and appalled?

>In reality, most "hikikomori" merely have such issues as social anxiety disorder, autism or similar, or many other personality disorders.

But hikikomori is a good term to use because it also implies economic dependence on parents, Amae, not having any friends and other such stuff. Where as definitions like "Social anxiety", autism or personality disorder does not cover all the bases.
>> No. 6886 [Edit]
>But hikikomori is a good term to use because it also implies economic dependence on parents, Amae, not having any friends and other such stuff.
You can say shut-in too.
>> No. 6887 [Edit]
>I wish OP really was a proper world leading psychologist, studying
>OP... psychologist

I just wish he got the fuck out of here, by now; and that all the needy guys in here that kept feeding these charades of surveys finally get better enough refernces to understand themselves, at least to the minimal point of dignity that'd prevent their voluntary offering as Guinea pigs for those charlatans of posmodern age...

But alas! that won't happen either.
>> No. 9713 [Edit]

Most of the NEET's in the UK are just chavs though

Not shut-ins
>> No. 9765 [Edit]
hikikiomori simply means shutin. not depeendent on parents
>> No. 9768 [Edit]
I don't like these research threads either because it just treats us as test subjects and I don't like that at all but at least reading over them I get to see a little bit more into the lives of some other people that go here. If you wanna have a thread about the inner lives of some people here, just make a thread about it if your so interested. I won't be mad for your curiosity, like most threads here are any better.

nickname: not saying here
age: 19
education: barely made it out of high school last year

How long have you been a NEET?: forever except at one time I had a Summer job the first year of highschool. I might even have one this Summer for a month. I have no chance at anything else where they don't just accept anybody and an interview is involved if a family member isn't backing me up though. The closest I ever got to a job was an interview.

Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?

Yes, I don't like most people. I can talk to most people but I'm not good at it whether I like them or not. I don't have much social anxiety but I'm very awkward in conversation most of the time. If anyone has the desire to speak to me they may, I won't be upset or get angry at you but they probably won't get much out of it especially if they're just another cookie cutter normal that thinks they are getting anywhere by talking down to me, I can always see right through that.

What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?

I live with my mother and father. I don't like my mother she's really loud and angry all the time. Also gets dangerous when her fits of anger get bad. I'm closer to my father since we at least do some things together like going out to eat on weekends or out fishing for example. Deep down they probably both hate me but I don't really care I can't live any other way.

What else do you want to say about your situation?

It's absolutely hopeless, there is no way I'm going anywhere but down from here. To keep my mood up I pretty much live in my memories (not always good memories but since they are all in the past I sometimes take comfort in them) or whatever keeps my mind in a comfortable place on something other than my life. I live in constant fear of more disaster happening that sends me to the streets where I'll have no choice but to kill myself.
>> No. 9769 [Edit]
>> No. 9829 [Edit]
I'm also taking undergrad psych and you obviously have no clue what you're doing from an academic perspective. Nothing anyone tells you here will help you with your research in any way, so I suspect you're just someone who has a perverse interest in our problems.

We come here to be around people who are like ourselves, so we're able to have discussions on the topics we want to discuss without being scorned or berated by normal people. This is one of very few places we have, I'm sure most of the community would prefer you didn't intrude and treat us like lab rats as the other anons put it.
>> No. 9831 [Edit]
>I'm also taking undergrad psych and you obviously have no clue what you're doing from an academic perspective. Nothing anyone tells you here will help you with your research in an
y way
As was pointed out when the OP actually was new - >>5613. It's disgusting anyway, and I hope it won't get resurrected again.
>> No. 10090 [Edit]
Utter bullshit, you're just a normal with no college education out to troll.

If you wanted to write a research paper properly, you need to quote from actual academic peer-reviewed sources and not do your own original research. If you want to do something like original research, do controlled experiments under an academic advisor (if you are PhD or Master's student) if he approves of it. Fuck, even liberal arts majors have to use peer reviewed sources, journals and books.

You're probably not even an undergrad, maybe a high school graduate who doesn't know shit. This is coming from someone who just received his BS in Biology.

I can't even go to grad school because of financial reasons.
>> No. 10093 [Edit]

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