No. 5599
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Nickname: Tohno?
Age: 23
How long have you been living as a NEET?
off and on for 4 years, since as long as I could remember if you count skipping school just to stay in my room.
My father told me of a story I can't remember, it was when I was in elementary school, I don't recall the details, but he would tell me when he arrived at the school after being called there, he found me in the farthest corner of the playground, clinging to a tree, refusing at all costs to return to the class room with this other children.
Do you isolate yourself from other people? If so, why?
yes, I dislike people. I dislike talking to them, listening to them, or even seeing them. I dislike any and all interaction with real people offline, and I believe the only reason why I'm able to do so online, is because they do not register as being real people, there are no names, no voices, no faces, only text.
What is your living situation (with family, alone, etc.)?
sharing home with mother.
What else do you want to say about your situation?
I kind of like my life, I just wish I could be left alone, and be alone, completely.
I'm here because I strongly dislike the outside world, every time I step out, the air is a buzz with the sounds of idiocracy, as if I was being laughed at constantly.
my sight is blinded by the ugliness of our society, I fear it scars my eyes with prolonged exposure.
I feel the moral depravity as if it was being broadcasted, it resonates inside me and makes me fell ill to my core.
The disgusting smells feel so strong it's as if they leave a thin layer on my skin with toxins seeping in.
sunlight beats down on me as if it has a grudge.
the looks of people cut me down as if they could see into my soul and see my shame.
I try to act normal, I try to stay calm and be 'friendly', but it's a lie, all a lie, and I fear they know this.
Stepping out of my house makes me feel as if it were located in the center of hell, every minute outside it torture.
At the least, my car feels like a little bit of home, a mobile shield, a tank fortified against the demons that lurk outside, it makes venturing out into the wast lands of the real world.. less painful.
Post edited on 22nd Jun 2011, 12:30am