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5545 No. 5545 [Edit]
I have a question for NEETs with income or savings. Do you ever feel guilty about spending money on figurines, games, posters, etc? Does your family ever complain to you about how you are "wasting" your money? I have some money saved up, and there's a ton of things I want to buy, but I don't want anyone saying "how could he buy something so useless???"
>> No. 5546 [Edit]
Many of us receive the packages when no one else is home, thus there's no real proof of what if anything we spend our money on. Of course this blows up in your face when they find out or if they enter your room often, but life is short anyway.
>> No. 5547 [Edit]
yeah, actually, very.
I don't mean to brag, but I've got a few thousand bucks worth of stuff in my room, including a 55" HD tv, where as the rest of the house looks pretty.. well, shitty... with the main tv in the house being a old fat peace of glass crap, this is also where the only computer in the hose resides.

That aside, yeah.. I keep wasting money on shit I don't need as my mom struggles to pay the bills, yeah, sure I give them a bit here and there, but it still makes me feel like shit, that with the fact that I sit here playing video games all day like a lazy bum, when she's out there working a shitty job.
Part of the reason why I'd like to get on some sort of government aid like SSI is to help her out a bit more, as it stands, I don't know how she can put up with me.
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
All I get is a game every few months, and they pay for those.
>> No. 5551 [Edit]
The only things I spend money on is $24 train tickets every week, food, and school fees.
>> No. 5552 [Edit]
I have no job, no money, and I don't actively collect.
>> No. 5553 [Edit]
What little empathy I have held in the past has all been bled away. Objectively, I can realize how terrible it is that my aging mother works so hard to support me/us, but I honestly couldn't give a shit, even if I truly tried. I suppose that's what major long-term depression will do to you.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
My dad retires in 3 years and I kind of hope I'm gone by then (dead or moved out) because he'll be getting a lot less money and I'll be an even bigger drain on the people around me.
>> No. 5557 [Edit]
I've had a job for a bit over a year now and I can't think of anything to waste the money on. Just moved out on my own couple of weeks ago so I guess rent takes a big part from now on.

Every time I buy something I get buyers remorse^10 and end up returning it or selling it online. This has happened to: HP ZR24W S-IPS 24" monitor, Asus VQsomethingsomething 24" LED monitor, PS3, PS3 games, Logitech G27 wheel+pedals, Google Nexus S, new parts for my desktop because my old dual-core still goes strong and it's enough for me.

I hate myself for that because eventually all the money will go to food and bills and in the end I'll be sad because I'm back to square one.
>> No. 5558 [Edit]
amass a vast collection of sex toys
>> No. 5559 [Edit]
Perhaps you should work less, and enjoy your hobbies more.


don't spend your money on crap you don't want but save up for something big and kool, mecha.


donate money, like: a scholarship in the name of your waifu

This only works because you can't return them, he may still have the buyers remorse.
>> No. 5561 [Edit]
I'm somewhat of an opposite case, as I don't really have any savings of my own and obviously don't make any money. My parents provide for me in all possible aspects.

That's why I'm trying not to buy anything at all. Sure, I'd love to get my some figurines, a dakimakura maybe, stuff like that but it's expensive as hell. I couldn't ask them for money even if I wanted to, I'd be to ashamed to do so. I pirate all the digital media, when I want to read something I just muster up some courage and go to library etc.

I have some savings of my own but I had to buy a new laptop fairly recently so they're almost completely gone. It feels bad to shell out lots of money for a device I'll be using for such short period of time (as I plan to off myself later this year but then again I'm pretty sure I won't have the balls needed to do so) but I couldn't live without it.

I wanted to leave those few hundred $ to them. I know it's stupid and my father makes more money monthly but I still feels bad. My guilt levels have skyrocketed recently as my mom (typical housewife) keeps saying that they always though it'd be me who would provide for them once my father retires. Luckily I'm not their only child but it still feels absolutely terrible.

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