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5473 No. 5473 [Edit]
Long story short, I haven't left the house in nearly a decade, and I don't even know how to hold a conversation. That is that.

So...I got a little part time job, thanks to the medical services where I live. It's nothing fun, just stacking boxes on pallets for 25 dollars an hour (hell yeah unions!). I'm glad to have the money and everything. But...

...for those of you who have jobs, how the hell do you deal with it? I've worked about 5 days now, 3 of them training. I was forced to spend 7 hours with some retarded fat ass jock type while I "learned" the ropes of this job. It was pretty awful. I didn't really know how or when to speak, and I'm positive I've already made an ass of myself. I bet rumours have already started. So yeah, how can I continue going in day after day? I don't want to work, but I have to just to survive. For those of you with jobs, how do you deal with it?
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>> No. 5474 [Edit]
>It's nothing fun, just stacking boxes on pallets for 25 dollars an hour

Haruhidamn that sounds awesome

>I was forced to spend 7 hours with some retarded fat ass jock type

Oh nevermind
>> No. 5476 [Edit]
You get used to it over time really. Its just something you have to get used too. As long as you do solid work it doesn't even matter if you don't really socialize . I work in a small kitchen and I don't talk about anything that isn't work related, but since i work my ass off so no one really bothers me.

...How the hell did you get a 25/hour job with no experience or connections? Thats just insane. I only get 10/hour and I wouldn't have got it without experiences.
>> No. 5477 [Edit]
You get $25 an hour doing nothing. Stop complaining and avoid talking to people. At least you don't have to deal with customers.

I've applied to six places in the past two weeks and pretty much expect to humiliate myself in interviews. Haruhi damn how do you get past that stage.
>> No. 5478 [Edit]
Make friends.

Everyone plays videogames these days, so show your "gamer" side. It may allow you to talk about them and make friends with co-workers. So get a solid snake shirt, and look the "gamer" part. Eventually that may lead to anime, but you'll have to play it Ford Driver (no loli,waifu,pantsu,kawaii) and stick with popular and mature stuff.

If it is not against the rules, maybe you can listen to music all day? Just don't lose your music player at work, they may critize your music.
>> No. 5479 [Edit]

Holy balls. For that sort of money an hour, I feel completely justified in saying just suck it the fuck up. Take some meds if you really need too, but stop complaining. Some of us are completely broke, or make minimum wage for much tougher work, with much more normals to deal with.
>> No. 5480 [Edit]
try and be as neutral and unmemorable as possible.
>So get a solid snake shirt, and look the "gamer" part
this would make you look like someone whos trying too hard and would probably annoy people
>> No. 5481 [Edit]
Fuck, I wish I made half of that.
>> No. 5482 [Edit]
OP, I know exactly how you feel. The change is stressful. But like has been said, you do get used to it. Working becomes the new normal.

In terms of the people aspect, you also kinda learn what to expect from your co-workers, and how to avoid the reactions you don't like. There will probably be a period of adjustment between "they keep telling me to talk more" and "hey I figured out that if I don't say X, they don't give me the stink eye". But you'll get used to that too. It's unpleasant, but not traumatic or anything.

The important thing to remember is that being a little weird and unsocial is not going to really hurt your bottom line. You'll still have a job, you'll still be able to come home and relax with your hobbies and the internet, the same as you did when you were a NEET.

If it gets hard, try thinking in the short term. "Only a few hours until my shift ends!"

...and like others have said, $25 per hour is something special. Unless you live in a particularly expensive area, you probably wouldn't even need to work full-time to live comfortably on your own.
>> No. 5485 [Edit]
>stacking boxes on pallets for 25 dollars an hour
You dick! I went to school for 4 years and I'm a level 2 tech and I'm only making 15.50 an hour! AND you don't have to deal with customers either! Fuck I have come so close to bludgeoning people's heads in with laptops for being retarded and getting pissed at us for shit we don't even support nor can't even do if we tried!

This is why all the factory jobs are overseas, no factory would be able to pay that much money to everybody and survive. Fuck, IT needs a union.

But disregarding the unfair pay thing, just try to open up a little. It's not like you're dealing with customers, you work alongside them. I'm not saying to reveal everything, but don't be so afraid to talk a little. Maybe they'll like you. Besides, people tend to be friendlier to others when they work together each day, not to mention the fact that everybody is overpaid could help in lightening the mood a bit.
>> No. 5492 [Edit]
That's some amazing money OP, I'd say just hang in there until you become numb to it.

I've found the best way to avoid needing to talk to people, is by giving them nothing. Speak in a precise clipped tone, too fast and sure for anyone to pick up on anything from.

Never make comments, or ask questions that you don't absolutely have to. Say hello to the room, but never the people in it (not doing that much when you arrive marks you as antisocial and tends to draw people even more to you) Never give your opinion, and try to respond in as few as worlds as possible.

Don't look bored and anxious, just sort of dead and determined. Carry yourself in such a way that suggests awareness of your own body, but not in a way that makes you seem vigilant.

Basically, after a few weeks of failing to connect to you in anyway people will just start seeing you as background, and not really a person at all. And new people will pick up on that.

Just weather the storm, and they'll quickly lose interest.

Remember the goal here is to seem without any flavor. Don't act or appear shy, or even over confident, just be... there.
>> No. 5495 [Edit]
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Be polite, friendly and don't become too deeply involved in preexisting work dramas. Most of these people are just like you, in that they're only there for a paycheck.

Post edited on 17th Jun 2011, 11:14pm
>> No. 5498 [Edit]
Silly waifu, burgers go in the customer's mouth.
>> No. 5499 [Edit]
High cost of living almost always correlates with a more substantial minimum wage. Manual labor never pays much more than minimum.

Unless of course, he's lying on the internet.
>> No. 5504 [Edit]
I'm no expert, but I am pretty sure all/some/most warehouse positions where I live pay like 17 an hour starting, hell even McD's is like 10 bucks. Minimum wage here is 7.50 Canadian I think.
>> No. 5505 [Edit]
>Manual labor never pays much more than minimum.

>Unless of course, he's lying on the internet.

You don't know what a union is do you?
>> No. 5508 [Edit]
OP here. For those going on about the pay, the job is at a small international airport in Ontario, Canada. Since it's Canada, this means it's operated by our municipal government and thus belongs to a powerful public sector union which is why everyone has such a high pay (it's actually a little less than that, so I rounded). I guess I got the job by pure chance or maybe they could tell I have a form of awwwtism and felt obligated.

Anyway it is the weekend now so I don't have to work. I don't really want to go in Monday. I might just quit, it's too much to deal with.
>> No. 5516 [Edit]
Just deal with it.
>> No. 5517 [Edit]
It sounds like you have a fairly easy job with good pay, so you should try to keep it. Don't care about what your coworkers might think of you, just think about doing your job and getting your money. The best way to deal with such a situation is to have a silent contempt for everybody else while doing your duties.
>> No. 5518 [Edit]
Keep going. I know it's hard, but you can definitely do it.
>> No. 5527 [Edit]
its up to you man, you have to decide wheather you want to be seen as the weird quiet guy or a Ford Driver. Working usually isnt hard; as long as you turn up on time and do your job you will not be the worst person there. Holding a conversation isnt that hard either, just learn how to respond properly to "how are you?" etc.
>> No. 5529 [Edit]
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I got a job after a 4-years of doing absolutely nothing except going to the grocery store once in a few days to buy junk food and coming back to browse internets. Some so-so therapy too, but bleh.

I can say it gets alot easier with time.
At first it was tough, my instructor at the new job was alright, older woman who was really gentle with me and everything went smoothly, until I had to speak to the other employees. My instructor went to toilet or something and I asked a guy nearby a simple question "ummm.. so, these are next?" "what the fuck do you think?". It really bothered me for many days why he acted that way, at the time I took it pretty heavily, which feels stupid now when I think about it.
Then at one time I made a mistake, which caused some stuff to break. Another employee came and started to yell at me and one other dude "DON'T YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!? HAVEN'T YOU BEEN INSTRUCTED PROPERLY!?" and it was apparently my fault.
I went to the toilet to cry. Seriously. I spent like 15 minutes trying to make sure I look as normal as I can look. And on my way back the person yelling was on this hallway on the way to the toilet. He came to me and started to apologize and "I'm sorry I yelled at you" I was trying to shrug it off with "He-he, it's nothing" but at the same time I was doing everything mentally possible I didn't start to weep like a little baby.
After one week at the job, one day I just didn't go anymore. For 3 days I went back to my old way of life and in my mind tried to pretend like nothing had changed. I was still living at my parents at the time and my mother, who was really passive about my 'condition' earlier and never really complained, just went completely ape-shit on me and what do you know, then I went to my employer and told her that I had some anxiety issues to work out and could I get a second chance. She was okay with it and let me back to work.

Anyway, TL;DR. As time passes by, it comes easier and easier. I've been at that place for almost 3 years now. You'll eventually find some nice guys and start to chit-chat a bit at work. Which again makes you better in socializing in general and won't have so much trouble when speaking to people outside work.

Having a job has been a big help, but.. Not as big as I had hoped.
>> No. 5537 [Edit]
25 an hour? Holly fucking Jesus! You are set, man!
Advice? Just dont give a fuck. That is all.
>I bet rumours have already started.
People have other problems that spreading rumors about you. The most it will get will be
"that new kid is quiet and kinda weird, eh?
Whatever. Did you watch the last basketball game?"
>I didn't really know how or when to speak
Dont talk if you dont want to. A silent coworker is hundreds time better than some loudmouth that doesnt know when to shut up.

But fuck, man, $25 an hour!
>> No. 5544 [Edit]
Keep the job

Hang in there, maybe you'll learn to take it easy on the job without losing your integrity? Wouldn't that be sweet?

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