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5427 No. 5427 [Edit]
I'm starting to think that it is too late after all; I actually am going to fail at ever developing into a decent human being. If felt like I was half-pretending so far, but that's fading. I hate everything, and I'm pretty sure I'm a huge coward. Don't really see a way out.
>> No. 5430 [Edit]
As someone in the same position, I have found that thinking about killing yourself is a great help. It's a bit of a double edged sword, as you have to balance actually coming that much closer to doing it, but the mood elevation that it brings cannot be denied.

Once you accept that you are a worthless piece of shit destined to kill yourself, many avenues currently unavailable to you suddenly open! I used to be pretty afraid of talking on the phone, and going outside. You know, regular anxiety stuff. However, once I truly understood that I can always kill myself if things go badly, it was like a security blanket. Now, I can almost go wherever, and do whatever.

I don't know. It helped me, so it might help you.
>> No. 5434 [Edit]
And I can't even write, either, as you can see.

That kind of sounds to me like... burning what's left of your fuel all at once. You stay functional for longer, but won't it ultimately just sink you deeper into despair?
>> No. 5436 [Edit]
Sure, but you aren't supposed to sweat the details. I suppose it helps when you don't have any long-term plans to keep living. Oh well.

As long as you don't kill yourself, you win!
>> No. 5438 [Edit]
It takes courage to hate everything.
>> No. 5444 [Edit]
>I actually am going to fail at ever developing into a decent human being.

What do you define as a decent human being?
What's keeping you from becoming one?
>> No. 5445 [Edit]
I found myself doing the same thing.

Really, the only thing inhibiting people is the fact that they are a part of society and cannot live without it. When you give up on life it's a bit easier to take chances... but I still find myself hesitating a lot.
Usually I get out of that rut by imagining that everyone is is as horrible a loser as me. It helps when I see some loser watching anime on his cell phone on the subway or something, and I can look down on him. Even if I know within two seconds the show and exact episode. And I'd be too terrified to do what he does. What am I doing...??

I wouldn't describe it as "burning fuel"-- it really is like a security blanket.
>> No. 5452 [Edit]

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