No. 5285
Here on /TC/, in every single post, I sincerely try to give the best of me to you guys, sharing my most dearest subjects for you to incorporate and judge. And, for good or bad, I'm certain that I've effectively learned a lot from you (maybe) just as well. I am glad that, after a year and a bit, I can still keep this place as dear to me, despite (or also because of) the differences and discussions we've had. If all this turn out to be for the worst, for everybody... well: damned fate; I still can say it has been a pleasure to play with you guys, all this nights... for at least, when I posted here, I knew someone was watching; and so many times (and in so deep/complex ways) that is more than enough reason to ever do anything in this poor essay of a world.
Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 1:51am