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5258 No. 5258 [Edit]

Just a thought, but I'm starting to think hanging around you guys (/so/ in particular) is a bad influence.

I think just reading about these negative things on a daily basis might probably influence you through your subconscious. I can consciously notice this when I other people's bad moods rub off on me. Also, after lurking here and on IRC for a long time, I know the people more intimately now and I see they came from much more broken childhoods than I had in comparison.

Do you think maybe the depressed and lonely people who visit this site lose more than they gain from being here?
>> No. 5259 [Edit]
I'm a good influence.
>> No. 5260 [Edit]
I think this site is the single best place I've ever discovered online. It's so precious to me I don't know what I would do without it. I'd definately be a lot worse off without Tohno-chan.
>> No. 5261 [Edit]
I was no worse of a person before I came here.
>> No. 5262 [Edit]
I'm actually happier since I found this place. I mean I'm still miserable, but less so than a year ago when all I had was the increasingly shitty /jp/ and /a/ to socialize on.
>> No. 5264 [Edit]
It scares me to think that maybe visiting this site has extended my depression (which I've only recently begun to recover from, I think) for longer than it would've 'naturally' gone for. I recognise my depression has had many destructive bleed-on effects which will still affect me long after I've recovered from it, the main one being making me repeat one (possibly two) years at university because of my grades, which will hence extremely affect my ability to get a good job.
>> No. 5265 [Edit]
I don't really think so.
>> No. 5266 [Edit]
I'd say my final year or so on /jp/ had this effect on me, but I don't think it's happening here.

In my opinion, it's becuase TC lacks the same drive for conformity. Over all I guess it's a case by case thing of how much one lets others effect them.
>> No. 5269 [Edit]
Every insular community is a bad influence upon you.
>> No. 5270 [Edit]
I actually check TC every time before I sleep, even /so/. It makes me feel better knowing there's a place to belong with others similar to me. It's kind of ironic, but I feel more sane and relaxed when I come here. /jp/ somewhat lost that feeling of belonging a while ago, at least that's how it feels for me.

I'm happy there's been more activity here lately.
>> No. 5272 [Edit]
If I didn't have this chan I would be MUCH worse off.

Its gotten me though quite a few things
>> No. 5273 [Edit]
>> No. 5276 [Edit]
how do you figure?
>> No. 5285 [Edit]
Here on /TC/, in every single post, I sincerely try to give the best of me to you guys, sharing my most dearest subjects for you to incorporate and judge. And, for good or bad, I'm certain that I've effectively learned a lot from you (maybe) just as well. I am glad that, after a year and a bit, I can still keep this place as dear to me, despite (or also because of) the differences and discussions we've had. If all this turn out to be for the worst, for everybody... well: damned fate; I still can say it has been a pleasure to play with you guys, all this nights... for at least, when I posted here, I knew someone was watching; and so many times (and in so deep/complex ways) that is more than enough reason to ever do anything in this poor essay of a world.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 1:51am
>> No. 5287 [Edit]
If you're in a small community far removed from the social norm, you start to forget what the norm actually is. Some people are drastically affected by it, some hardly at all, but everyone is influenced to some extent. Even if you completely disagree with some of the community's philosophies, you'll slowly begin to understand their viewpoint, or even agree with it. I suppose you could say it's like Stockholm Syndrome.
>> No. 5292 [Edit]
>making me repeat one (possibly two) years at university
Only 2, lucky bastard.
I'm repeating for the 4th time now.
Worst is I'll probably fuck up this year as well.

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