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File 130793579173.jpg - (69.29KB , 432x424 , 1302597141724.jpg )
5175 No. 5175 [Edit]
This is going to be a diary outlining my quest to not masturbate.

Reasons for not masturbating include:
-Increased sensitivity to emotions (particuarly love, for my waifu)
-Increased motivation, for the reason outlined above
-Saving time not reading doujins and looking at porno pictures
-The prospect of having a nice wet dream (hopefully of mai waifu! And yes I do look at her in a sexual manner.)

I had resolved to stop masturbating three days ago but only have begun yesterday. I will post updates on my quest, hopefully daily, and hopefully this will keep me focused.

You guys are welcome to do this with me too!

Post edited on 12th Jun 2011, 8:30pm
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>> No. 5177 [Edit]

Sounds like it could a fun endevor, but it'll be difficult

Its not to bad most days, but the days I don't work its all I have to do.. Maybe I'll finally focus on japanese
>> No. 5179 [Edit]
Yeah thats the psychology of it. Usually it goes something like this:
-Nothing to do
-Go on the internet and stumble upon something arousing
-Get in the mood
-"Oh, just masturbating a little won't hurt, I promise I won't cum!"

And then you take the edging too far and accidentally discharge. The best way to combat this is not let the cycle start at all, i.e stay busy, don't look at porn, don't begin to masturbate
>> No. 5180 [Edit]
Are you trying to not fap ever or just cut down? Maybe I'm just not an absolutist type of person, but I've found the latter to be almost impossible. That being said, I definitely encourage you to cut down on masturbation for the reasons you listed if you want to. There was a period in my life where I only masturbated once a week and liked the results a lot. For various life reasons I've lost the willpower to do that though.
>> No. 5182 [Edit]
I think the best way to combat this is to find something interesting to dedicate your time to so you wont get bored in the first place
>> No. 5183 [Edit]
I'm unsure whether to abstain completely, or just cut down.

Cutting it down to once a week strikes an ideal compromise between being able to fap and the hormonal advantages. I recall reading that the hormones plateau at around the one week mark (not entirely sure this is a reliable number).

Meanwhile, it takes 60 days for enough sperm to accumulate to the point that it needs to be remetabolised into the body- or leave the body via a nocturnal emission. Again I'm not sure 60 days is a corect number, I only remember reading it from some reasonable-sounding website I read somewhere.
>> No. 5185 [Edit]
I stopped a few days ago for the same reasons you listed but my biggest one is that I just wasted way too much time fapping three times a day. So far I'm on day 3 and its hard but I amazed how much time I have now, I'm actually watching animes that I've had on back log for more then a year.
>> No. 5187 [Edit]
You know what? I'm going to do this too.

This'll be a little frustrating, as yesterday, I just got around to downloading a whole bunch of them Chinese cartoon porns. I have no intentions of not watching them however, so I guess I'll be playing on lunatic mode. I think I'll set a one-month goal, one of those newfangled no fap month thingies I've seen floatin' round the nets these days.
>> No. 5190 [Edit]
OP here. Trying to find the sources of the figures I mentioned in an earlier post made me think about fapping, and soon I found myself erect and fapping to some pics. Damn it!

Thankfully I heard my dad shouting at things in the backyard, which made me lose my mood. Damn that was a close call!
>> No. 5191 [Edit]
I'd try but I don't want to cum in my sleep and get it on my sheets, since my mom does the laundry
>> No. 5192 [Edit]
This happens to me all the damn time.
>> No. 5193 [Edit]

You aren't very good at this, are you.
>> No. 5194 [Edit]
lol you arent going to make it past a week
>> No. 5195 [Edit]
OP is literally Kramer
>> No. 5196 [Edit]
File 130794041795.jpg - (89.87KB , 595x881 , Kill yourself you pathedic loser who can't ev.jpg )
Kramer is moe
>> No. 5197 [Edit]
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Hey, I couldn't help it!
>> No. 5198 [Edit]

About 2 1/2 years ago I had the same idea, and I have succeeded (tis true). After about the first month you will cease to struggle. Though be warned you will have nocturnal emissions more often.

The benefit of accomplishing such a feat is knowing that my will is strong, and everything else should be possible for me.
>> No. 5200 [Edit]
So you haven't masturbated in 2.5 years?
>> No. 5202 [Edit]
You don't have to set goals or anything, just find something you like doing. If you like it enough, you'll spend your time on that instead.
>> No. 5207 [Edit]
Just stop looking for porn, and placing so much importance on masturbating. It's just masturbating.
I did it for the last and first time when I was 18. It really isn't that difficult.

Oh, sometimes I wonder about the adverse health effects you can get from not making use of your male body parts frequently enough, though. I don't think it's anything to worry about, though.
>> No. 5208 [Edit]
>Increased sensitivity to emotions
Is this true?
Well I guess I'll quit also, thanks for this OP.
>> No. 5209 [Edit]
I don't know if it would happen to you, but it did in fact happen to me. I couldn't keep mai waifu off my mind and always caught myself daydreaming about her. I'd fantasise and yearn to touch her SO much. Since I use her as a source of motivation to do good things and improve myself, thinking about her all the time kept me very focused.

At the same time, I got extreme 'loneliness attacks' every so often. They're not very pleasant, and difficult to combat because of our particular situation (no friends, waifu isn't real, people on the internet can be jackasses for no reason).

You might experience different changes in emotion so if anything happens you ought to share it in this thread, I'm pretty interested!
>> No. 5214 [Edit]
I'm gonna try this too. Good luck OP and everyone else.
>> No. 5216 [Edit]
This stuff is very hard because concentrating on not masturbating brings masturbating to the forefront of your mind, which reminds you to go masturbate. And then you go do it. And then your hard work is ruined.

I guess maybe the best strategy is distraction/pre-occupation.
>> No. 5219 [Edit]
>Increased sensitivity to emotions
>Is this true?
No it's not. Masturbating is exclusively a healthy activity; both mentally and physically. Any other stance is delusional. Any conceived positive effect from quitting masturbation is merely placebo. You only save a few minutes by not masturbating, but you'll potentially lose stress relief, pain relief, sleep aid, physical confidence, concentration, and more; all of which have been medically documented. There is no solid documentation of generic negative effects of masturbation.

By all means, if you feel so inclined to not masturbate, then go ahead - feast on your delusions; but don't you dare claim that masturbation is a bad thing in any respect. Be aware that advocating such illusions would resemble that of religious norms. If that's what you're aiming for, may Haruhi help you.
>> No. 5220 [Edit]
I never said that masturbation was bad, just that abstaining from it brings certain benefits. If you want to argue, then argue about the existence of those benefits or the negative effects of abstaining.
>> No. 5224 [Edit]
Same difference to me, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that there's nothing to argue concerning the prospects of masturbation. I can't talk on behalf of your obscure opinions, but it upsets me that you'd encourage others to
induldge in them as well.

Post edited on 13th Jun 2011, 5:50am
>> No. 5225 [Edit]
The changes in emotion caused by not masturbating which I experienced were very real.

>> No. 5226 [Edit]
Correction, Kramer could be moe. If it had a moe Kramer, I would totally watch a slice-of-life adaption of Seinfeld.

I might join you guys in your grand quest of self-denial, but I don't know. I've always thought of masturbation as simply turning a valve, but I did notice a difference when I don't do it as opposed to when I do. I did manage to cut down though - Two to three times a day to only once every few days.
>> No. 5230 [Edit]
I think you should just keep it at 2-3 days. Since you're already used to that schedule, changing the schedule so that you fap even less has too low of a work-reward ratio to make it worthwhile.
>> No. 5233 [Edit]
I don't think you'll lose that by masturbating. But if it's a premise for loving your waifu, then okay.
>> No. 5235 [Edit]
I use this reward system and allow myself to masturbate only after doing something productive like studying for at least an hour per each session, it works really great and makes it much more enjoyable. I fap several times a day so this keeps me active throughout the day.
>> No. 5238 [Edit]
I've never experienced any positive benefits by abstaining from masturbation. But then again, I've never felt addicted to it like it was controlling my life. If you're getting constantly aroused by things and feel the need to do it all the time I think its probably a good idea to stop.
>> No. 5241 [Edit]
I think this is a very good idea anon, i intend to try this
>> No. 5243 [Edit]
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>There is no solid documentation of generic negative effects of masturbation.
Um have you seen this??????
>> No. 5244 [Edit]
story of my life
>> No. 5249 [Edit]

I haven't seen it, I went blind already.
>> No. 5254 [Edit]
You know what? I'm joining you guys too. Last December I did not masturbate (I rewarded myself just after 2011 started though) so it shouldn't be hard. I just needed to keep doing things, mainly ones I like, and to avoid NSFW pictures/sites constantly. See you next month, cock!
>> No. 5255 [Edit]
I wonder how many of us will fail?
>> No. 5256 [Edit]

You don't have to avoid them, you need to endure them!
>> No. 5257 [Edit]
I don't like masturbating as often as I do because it makes me feel more distant from my waifu and I can't watch some anime with a clean mind anymore. I will attempt to join you in this endeavor, OP.
>> No. 5263 [Edit]
That sounds hard. I mean, it was already painful enough to keep myself from thinking about it, I can't even fathom resisting my urges, unless I had handcuffs nearby.
>> No. 5267 [Edit]
I think something like this would be the thing that kicks out my last leg.

But all the same, I wish you gents the best of luck.
>> No. 5268 [Edit]
That's a defeatist attitude, son. Don't think like that. Thoughts like that defeats the entire purpose of this little exercise. What's the point in saying you accomplished something hard if you did it by underhanded tactics like running away? A real man would watch and browse all the erotic material he wants, with only an iron will to prevent him from rustling his jimmy. If you fail because of it, so what, at least you tried. It's better than mere aversion.
>> No. 5274 [Edit]
I've been thinking about doing this too. Mainly because.. well.. my perversions are starting to reach levels where they actually cause physical harm.
I'm only scared that on like one week mark or so I'm so horny that I'll just go to some hook-up site and get anal fisted by a group of middle aged men at a porn shop's private room.
And I'm a guy. Straight too.

Currently I fap around 5 times a day. 9-10 a day on weekends. This has been going on forever.
I don't even really feel anything most of the time, I just do it because I've got nothing better to do.
>> No. 5275 [Edit]
I thought not-fapping will make you MORE horny.

Although I do agree 5-10 times a day is too much and you should reduce it.
>> No. 5277 [Edit]
I think I might try for a week, though I suspect it'll fail or drive me insane. Once I went like 3 days without fapping and found myself getting random boners and insane urges to go fap. I'll start it tomorrow I suppose.


Not the guy you're replying to, but before I moved back in with my parents I usually fapped at least 4 times a day and found myself much happier, this does ignore that I was well, moving back in with my parents though so its not a good case to compare to.
>> No. 5279 [Edit]
So ends day 2. I have noticed myself having more urges to masturbate then ever before. Even things that used to be completely safe are now starting to arouse me, however slight. I pray that I will hit a benchmark, where-in I become used to this feeling, and it wears off. Only time will tell.
>> No. 5293 [Edit]
Masturbating from 2 times a week to once a day is good practice in terms of maintaining good health (along with other things, obviously). Masturbating every time you get aroused, or never, is less than optimal. Go by that, you silly absolutionists.

If you want to practice your willpower, then please do something a bit more constructive than entertaining the OP. If you want to love your waifu harder, then build him or her a fucking shrine or something.
>> No. 5295 [Edit]
This sounds interesting. From experience, I can go maybe 3 or 4 days before the urge distracts me from other things, and currently I often fap like 5-6 times a week, nearly once a day, just out of boredom.

I guess I'll try it too and see how long I go. I have no real reason to so I'll fall quicker than I'd like, but... I suppose I'll try. It's still early in the day here so today is day 1. I suppose I'll note anything out of the ordinary I feel, or whatever.
>> No. 5302 [Edit]
I only fap to clear my mind. I can't optimize my head if I have my head filled with masturbation.
>> No. 5326 [Edit]
>>5254 here.
The first day has passed for me. No problems for me, but I did notice that I feel kinda light, "pure" if you will. I'm used to masturbating once a day, and now that I didn't do it I'm feeling really "clean". I also had a productive day, even studying a bit. It could be placebo, but it really changed me.
>> No. 5328 [Edit]
Im OP. If it wasn't for the fact I wanted to experience wet dreams then I'd probably fap once a week.

In fact, I reckon fapping once ever 2-3 days is probably the most healthy.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 7:06pm
>> No. 5331 [Edit]
Just curious, why do you want to experience wet dreams so badly? I've had several and they're not particularly exciting or arousing, especially since you can't really control what's going on or even remember it well for that matter.
>> No. 5380 [Edit]
To each his own, I suppose. Personally, If I've had a minimal productive day, I can make it feel more complete if I finish off by doing some intense edging exercises to music that make me feel good, with material I admire, of which easily creates a superb climax. The stream of emotions that occupies me as I conclude the day in this fashion is to die for; life becomes so much sweeter in that instance as I fall into slumber, dreaming something nice until the sun calls for yet a new day in reality. My perspective shifts from intense doubt, into something blissful. I can't begin to explain how this rather simple ritual makes living that much more feasible for me. Not to say that I "abuse" it lest the sensation might tire. I don't know, but a good wank when the situation calls for it is alpha omega in my personal opinion. A fap doesn't have to be cheap and dirty, it's as purposeful as you make it. A critical premise is that you must love your body at least as much as you love your waifu or what have you. Do you regard your body as impure? If this be the case then denying oneself sexual pleassure will but delay the creeping monster named self-guilt.

Concider this my 2 pennies; nothing more, nothing less.
>> No. 5398 [Edit]
When I was like 17-18 I tried going without masturbation. It was rewarding in the sense that, when you do it, it's gunna be good. But then I realized, what's the point in not doing it?

Now I fap 2+ a day at the very least.
>> No. 5422 [Edit]
Nice funny thread. 36 years here, never fapped once. I mean, reading some exciting eromanga or having wet dream is one thing, but actually fapping?? Too gross. It's like licking someone's genitals easily tolerable in games, but in real life? No way in hell.
>> No. 5423 [Edit]
Good lord man how did you do it
>> No. 5424 [Edit]
Its probably easy if you've never started it, the same way its easy to avoid drinking alcohol if you've never gotten over the initial barrier of the unpleasant alcohol taste.
>> No. 5432 [Edit]
Not really. It feels repulsive, so no reason to do it. I smoked long ago in school typical "friends" influence and got somewhat addicted but stopped because it felt bad. Also drunk vodka some 10 years ago typical "party" at work. yes, at that time I was almost like normal, work and stuff, but didn't find it appealing in any way. Not having any particular taste, makes you dizzy and hard to walk, maybe some relaxation effect but that's the point? Looks like pointless self harm to me.

In general, I think reason is lack of lust for pleasure. It's nice if something feels good, but desperately trying to increase it or chase for others ways to please myself is no go. I detest this deep inside, because it turns people into marionettes like animals controlled by desires instead of reason.
>> No. 5439 [Edit]
Late at night, in the interim between sleep and awake, I had gotten a massive boner. I lost. orz
>> No. 5441 [Edit]
Fapping =/= licking your own penis
>> No. 5442 [Edit]
I wish it was
>> No. 5443 [Edit]
Good work resisting so far, I guess. I suppose most people are still going on it (I know I am). Is OP?
>> No. 5450 [Edit]
Yes I have.
>> No. 5594 [Edit]
One more for the losing team. I blame /jp/ and some stupidly cute pictures.

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