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File 130793469918.jpg - (161.32KB , 998x507 , corollamiku_main.jpg )
5166 No. 5166 [Edit]
It seems like the majority of our age group (20s?) use alcohol as the reason for socializing, my question to you is do you drink? and do you think there is a correlation between your answer and your "anti-social" behavior?
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>> No. 5167 [Edit]
I'm definitely a more social and easy going person while drinking. However, I like to stay in control and so I don't drink very much on the occasions that I am drinking. This can lead to problems if you're with the wrong people (assholes), because they will get drunk to the point where you can't even hold a 30 second conversation.

In my experience it's been really hard to find people who aren't like this though. The people that aren't usually don't drink for religious reasons or something, which makes them equally hard for me to relate to.
>> No. 5169 [Edit]
I drink every day, but I don't ever use it to socialze.

Couple years ago when I did go socializing with the few people I knew I would keep a pint in my jacket pocket for just the reason. Honestly it doesn't help either way, just makes it all more bearable
>> No. 5170 [Edit]
I don't drink, and if I did I doubt I would be more social
>> No. 5171 [Edit]
I'm 18 and I haven't drunk anything besides a taste of beer (it was yucky) and half a bottle of Barcardi Breezer which I drank in sips over five days and drank mainly because it was sweet.

For the sake of my own health and preserving my brain cells, I vowed never to try drinking again for fear that i'd develop a tolerance for its unpleasant taste and become addicted (I have low willpower). Sadly I like the look of bottles of spirit and having a nice drink to accompany with some food late at night seems pretty nice to me.
>> No. 5172 [Edit]
I stay far away from alcohol. I know that if I ever got into it, I would be the loser who would sit at home all day drinking and posting on the internet. I won't let myself get to that point.
>> No. 5174 [Edit]
I don't. I haven't talked with anyone who's close to me age-wise in years.
>> No. 5176 [Edit]
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Its really not that bad of a life style
>> No. 5178 [Edit]
If I drank or did anything mind-altering I fear it might jumble loose whatever part of my brain is keeping me from killing myself
>> No. 5181 [Edit]
I got drunk alot in my teens. When I left school I had friends who I would hang out with and get drunk and party... that didn't go on for long, you have great times when you're drunk, but when the alcohol wears off you have nothing in common with your drinking buddies and have to deal with all the shit you destroyed the night before. After that I had drunken lan parties with my gaming friends, but I drank less and less and eventually stopped doing it altogether after giving up on having friends. I tried drinking alone a few times but it seems kind of pointless, it makes it hard to focus on creative / solitary activities which was why I chose to be alone in the first place
>> No. 5184 [Edit]
I only ever drink when my older brother comes to visit or on holidays. Alcohol is the only thing my older brother and I have in common, so I can avoid being a nervous wreck with it when he's around. On holidays because I can't stand family gatherings and have to do something to deal with the inevitable barrage of questions and comments that are going to come my way.

Post edited on 12th Jun 2011, 9:13pm
>> No. 5186 [Edit]
File 130793937976.jpg - (517.37KB , 900x810 , ZUN Collage.jpg )
As opposed to what, being a sober loser who sits at home all day posting on the internet? Liquor enhances the experience!

Watching chinese cartoons inebriated is also quite the blast.
>> No. 5188 [Edit]
Health problems.

Although if you prefer to live your life like a brief burst of flame thats okay
>> No. 5189 [Edit]
Touche, you bastard. I can't do that though, as my parents are already disappointed in me enough. If I turned into a drunken loser, they'll probably kill themselves in shame.

Once I get my own place, and the solitude starts wearing on me, I might be that guy, but not today.
>> No. 5201 [Edit]
I hate the taste of pretty much all alcohol.
>> No. 5203 [Edit]

Ahahahahahaha, oh wow.
>> No. 5205 [Edit]
I do drink, but not too much, and I would continue to drink regardless of social norms.
I don't think he drinks enough to cut his life span by a significant amount.
>> No. 5206 [Edit]
Nah, don't drink alcohol at all ever, I really dislike the taste and what it does to people.

I guess maybe, I dislike people that drink, they're always so obnoxious and smelly, and I completely refuse to ever "go out drinking" with anyone, bars seem like very nasty places.
>> No. 5210 [Edit]
Well it's good you aren't killing yourself anon.
>> No. 5211 [Edit]
same here. I dont use alcohol as the reason for socializing; I use socializing as the reason for alcohol.
plus its expensive so I dont like buying it for myself to drink alone.
>> No. 5213 [Edit]
Yeah, I drink. I always drink before getting into any social situation. I even drink before going grocery shopping, because otherwise I get anxious at people staring at me. I always have a small flask with strong booze with me, just in case. Because of alcohol I've managed to maintain some sort of social status with people too. It's my own miracle medicine to my anti-social self, and I've grown to rely on it.
>> No. 5222 [Edit]

I used to drink, but after a while I started drinking when I got depressed, and I drank to get drunk, so I stopped drinking in fear of becoming an alcoholic, and now there's a quarter full bottle of brandy in my cabinet that will never be touched again. Now whenever I'm depressed I just play thought Hanako's route in KS again.
>> No. 5223 [Edit]
>there's a quarter full bottle of brandy in my cabinet that will never be touched again

If you're not going to drink it then what is the reason for keeping it around?
>> No. 5227 [Edit]
It's very simple; 25% will feel really good when drinking alcohol, 50% will feel just okay when drinking alkohol and 25% will feel bad/indifferent when drinking alkohol. It's genetic, and the same with lab rats. Antisociality is an objective mental disorder, and should not correlate with the effect of alkohol, though it might determine how you feel about drinking as a social activity. How we choose to utilize alkohol is a cultural thing. If drinking is heavily integrated with certain social activities, then you might feel alienated if you're the kind that feels indifferent when drinking. Antisociality will sadly persist no matter how you feel or what you do when consuming alkohol.

As for me: no I don't drink; I never have. All I know is that I don't understand why people would choose to consume whatever for a reason different from quenching thirst/hunger.
>> No. 5228 [Edit]
For the looks? The bottles looks nice. Full, empty or half bottles not as much though. Something with 1/4th or 3/4th left looks very pleasing to the eye...

>I don't understand why people would choose to consume whatever for a reason different from quenching thirst/hunger.
So, what... you don't understand if people do something that isn't essential to their survival? How about eating candy? Surely no one eats it for nutrients...
>> No. 5229 [Edit]
Those perfectly round figures sound suspicious. Where did you get that information from? Sounds dodge. Try not to spread shit if you can.
>> No. 5231 [Edit]
Well it still has something in it. No reason to throw out perfectly good brandy.
>> No. 5234 [Edit]
That is correct; I don't understand it. Don't be confused, I know the concept very well, but I don't have to understand personally.
>> No. 5240 [Edit]
People drink alcohol to get drunk. It's not just a hard-coded genetic thing. Alot of it depends on your attitude. I used to enjoy the feeling of intoxication but now it just gives me a headache.
>> No. 5245 [Edit]
I would drink if I were somehow in a social situation where it was expected. Otherwise, I don't drink. I've been down the path of drinking alone and I don't do moderation well.
>> No. 5247 [Edit]
No, I'm trying to be a little more healthy and drinking doesn't fit into that.
>> No. 5248 [Edit]
I typically drink only when things are going good, and always alone. Seems to me that while alcohol makes the anxiety easier to cope with, I lack the people who would make social drinking enjoyable.

For some reason I always cut back or quit during tougher times though, dunno why.
>> No. 5251 [Edit]
That's a good habit, could help prevent spiraling into depressed alcoholism.
>> No. 5253 [Edit]
I don't drink alcohol, for the same reason I don't smoke nor do I do drugs. I feel like I'd lose what remains of my sanity if I did. I need to remain alert at all times, or else.
>> No. 5271 [Edit]
I don't drink. I drank some alcohol when I was little (13 or so), and I ended up barfing and having a hangover. I didn't really like the taste or being drunk, so I haven't touched it since. I don't want to treat by body like a trash can since I actually enjoy being healthy.
>> No. 5350 [Edit]
I love alcohol mostly because enough of it gets rid of the anxiety I feel around other people. It's nice to feel free from that sort of pressure. It also feels good to drink alone, so long as I'm already in a good mood and have something entertaining to watch. The only problem is that it can be expensive.
>> No. 5361 [Edit]
I skip all alcohol--and other dangerous substances--mostly because of money; money spent on those things could be spent on something computer, video-game, or anime related that will last me a lot longer (or on more responsible things like school/car).

Money spent on alcohol/drugs just vanishes with not much to show for it, and are already pretty expensive to begin with (anybody seen cigarette prices lately?).
>> No. 5364 [Edit]
I drink and use or have used most drugs you can name.

Doesn't help at all with any anxiety or social issues, just makes it worse.
>> No. 5369 [Edit]
I finally finished that brandy last night. All of it. To anybody who doesn't drink: keep it that way. If you do: make sure you have something else besides the alcohol to help drown out panic attacks and depression.

If it weren't for the limitation of how much brandy I had I would have vomited on the floor and passed out in my chair instead of being able to get up and go to the bathroom to hurl and make it back to bed before passing out. And hangovers suck.
>> No. 5401 [Edit]
Yeah, the problem with "self-medicating" with alcohol is that it only works while you're drunk, and being drunk all the time is neither practical in the short term or healthy in the long term.

Not to mention the bad decisions you might make while drunk.
>> No. 5405 [Edit]
Christ man, hope you're okay.

And yeah, I'll take your advice. Not touching that crap and opening that can of worms.
>> No. 5411 [Edit]
I used to get very drunk often at home by myself. I just enjoyed it. Socialising while drinking was not something that happened often. I can see how it is helpful in social situation but just isn't to me. Just seems superficial, crude and fake.

I now refrain from becoming intoxicated (or even drinking that much) as it just makes me very depressed. Especially after the novelty wears off after and hour or so. It doesn't dull anything.
>> No. 5412 [Edit]
Of course I drink. Alcohol quickly became one of my closest friends after my "fall from grace" (I use the term loosely, of course).

I don't use it for socializing, though. It's ridiculous to think of that. I just use it because I either need cheap booze (and my arsenal of miscellaneous drugs), or, you know, seppuku. It's worth it, too. I understand if some aren't as into feeling like shit the next morning, but I don't really mind it so much, as it sort of...signifies that I'm alive. It's difficult to socialize when everything around you is bothersome, though.

In a sick sort of way, I view my 'habits' as a rebellion against reality. I know that sounds straight out of some teenager's diary or some shit, but it's like, if I can't have my waifu (she's not the singular reason for it, but one of many), I'm going to ruin myself. I am an awful, irresponsible person, but why should I care? Not as though I'll ever be a contributing member to society. Plus, despite all of my shortcomings, I'll never do disgusting shit like actually go outside, or drink and drive, while I'm 'under the influence'.

Oh, Haruhi, I'm worse than usual today.
>> No. 5413 [Edit]

Drunk (not srsly using the term) here too; I've noticed I stop feeling bad in the mornings after so long. Heck when you sleep in so long the hangover passes it doesn't matter anyway.
>> No. 5414 [Edit]

Shit happens, man. You know what will happen when you drink (sick, hangover), so you must expect it. It can't be helped, right?

I make sure that, when I drink, I will be able to sleep away the entire next day. Generally I don't feel bad unless I get up and move around, and the light and noise gets to me. If I sleep, stay downstairs, and not do anything it's like I never had a hangover.

Anyway, if you don't yet drink, I wouldn't. Self-medicating isn't the brightest idea because becomes TOO easy.
>> No. 5415 [Edit]
The beginning of my anti-social behaviour began because I don't drink, where as everyone else does, and it is awkward as fuck being around other people who are all getting drunk and being idiots when you are not. Even family are constantly asking if I want some booze to drink when we have get togethers.
>> No. 5418 [Edit]
I hate the use of alcohol as a socialising tool..
>> No. 5421 [Edit]
I've tried alcohol but never could get used to the taste. Maybe they were just shitty beers, I don't know.
>> No. 5464 [Edit]
File 130830256964.jpg - (20.48KB , 250x200 , vodka.jpg )
There are different levels of socializing with it. There is nothing wrong with sharing a bottle of wine with family or other good company, if that were the situation. Nobody has to get drunk.

Little different than going for coffee.
>> No. 5500 [Edit]
File 130837749389.jpg - (461.70KB , 600x600 , 1308345186976.jpg )
Dilute that shit with a soft drink. Coke goes well with more than you probably think.
>> No. 5501 [Edit]
I don't know why the Jack and Coke is so popular, it tastes like shit to me. Vodka + Coke is nearly as bad. And they both make me literally sick.

If you're going to dilute, do it with soda water.
>> No. 5511 [Edit]
Drink it straight you pansies. Cocktails and diluted booze is for women and queers.
>> No. 5512 [Edit]
but we are little girls
>> No. 5514 [Edit]
Drink tea in the mornings (and throughout the day) and wine in the evenings, stay classy brohnos~
>> No. 5515 [Edit]

I would drink that... with Flan still in it.


Go watch Bartender you uneducated person. Cocktails aren't for pussies. Perhaps in your terrible drinking culture it is, but that's wrong. There's something to be said for the proper cocktails, although drinking things straight is undoubtably the best.

As for myself, I'm not incredibly experienced with alcohol, but a few beers or such when you're out for dinner with family or friends helps everything go smoothly, it even makes it enjoyable. I find I'm a lot more sociable when I'm drunk, because I don't think too much or worry about other people and what they think, I just talk to them.

The way I've always viewed it, alcohol makes people more open and honest, so it's a great way to socialise, and even helps you get a picture into someone's true character if they're adequately drunk.

I drink when I can and I enjoy things more when drunk, so I often fear that I'll be something of an alcoholic when I have money to spend and no-one to stop me. Doesn't help that it runs in the family to an extent.
>> No. 5755 [Edit]
Non-NEET by force here,

I've had alcohol a couple of times. I've tried beer twice(Yuengling and Sapporo draft) and hated it. Hops and barley=shit.
I also got to try imported sake last year accompanying my professor to a Japanese culture festival.The sake didn't taste so bad ,but it burned to much for me to finish more than half;it was 21% alcohol by volume.The beer didn't burn ,but it tasted like shit. So yeah, I can't drink good stuff because I hate the training wheels. Although since I'm on Adderall now, it doesn't really matter,(depressant +stimulant=bad).
>> No. 5775 [Edit]
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I don't, but it isn't related to social behavior.

It tastes bad and is expensive. I'd rather have an ice cold RC cola.

Just preference, though.
>> No. 5777 [Edit]
I drink on a fairly regular basis, but not every day. And I never actually get drunk. I only drink to take the edge off, and only in the evening, so I can unwind before I go to sleep. Being forced to deal with normals really adds to my stress.

Anyway, if you're going to drink, it's better and healthier to drink a little bit of good alcohol than a lot of shitty alcohol. I like whiskey, but I definitely can't afford very much of it, so this works out well for my wallet too.
>> No. 6026 [Edit]
No, I don't drink, never have drunk, and likely never will.

Partly it is because of the awful taste. Alcohol ruins any and every drink. It only tastes good in marinades, fondues, or desserts. But the other thing is I have is a big fear of addiction to alcohol. I already use MMOs as a kind of depression coping device (ironically, the isolation they cause sustains the depression) and easily become addicted to them in hopes of a distraction from the pain and anxiety of the world. They serve wonderfully to distract my mind, eat up time, and avoiding the real world.

And that is what precisely what I've heard alcoholics try to do when they down bottle after bottle of alcohol. They try to use the alcohol to temper the shame, stress, anxiety, or pressure in their lives, but it only makes it worse. Knowing my weakness to addiction in MMOs, I avoid alcohol fearing the same problem.
>> No. 6033 [Edit]
Belgian here, drinking beer is like breathing for us.
It's pretty sad to see how many of you don't like the taste of beer, but understandable as non-Belgian/Irish/German/Czech beer tastes like cat piss. There probably are exceptions but trying to find them amongst a sea of cat piss isn't something I'm willing to do. I did try some Japanese beer which doesn't taste bed but it's flavour is far to week for my liking. I did like Hitachino Nest XH but they don't brew that anymore.
Also if you don't like the bitter flavor of regular beer you should try ale or something even sweeter like fruit beer, for instance Kriek (made with sour cherries) or Framboise (made with raspberries).
>> No. 6035 [Edit]
Belgian beer is the best-tasting beer in my opinion, though I've only tried witbier. Adding large amount of hops makes beer taste like piss.
>> No. 6040 [Edit]
Vodka + any juice is a great combo.

I rarely drink though
>> No. 6043 [Edit]
>taste bed
>it's flavour
I shouldn't drink before posting.

It's not the hops, it's that somewhere during the fermenting process the beer was exposed to light. This causes the yeast bacteria to create a chemical that is also found in cat urine, hence the smell and taste of cat piss.

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