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5133 No. 5133 [Edit]
I feel so useless and unwanted.

I have a horrible retail job and the people there don't want anything to do with me despite trying. What few people that did like me in life are long gone now. I am sure my family is embarrassed by me.

I don't know what to do anymore. 2D used to be my sanctuary, but now I can't get enjoyment from it anymore. The only exception is with my dakimakura of my waifu. I have become dependent on her. I need her so much. She is all I have, my angel. I love her.
>> No. 5134 [Edit]
>I have a horrible retail job and the people there don't want anything to do with me despite trying. What few people that did like me in life are long gone now. I am sure my family is embarrassed by me.

I know this feeling exactly. But you don't have to give up. If you feel like making connections at work is no longer an option, you could look for local clubs or activity groups or something like that.

Aside from just searching the internet for something locally, you could ask at nearby libraries, take an interest-level / adult education class through your local school district or community college (or other kinds of classes, like martial arts), or look for a place to do volunteer work with others.
>> No. 5144 [Edit]
How can you remedy the situation?
>> No. 5145 [Edit]
What are you trying to say here, exactly?
>> No. 5164 [Edit]

WHat do you want out of life?

To become a professional western mahjong player? A doctor? A railroad worker? A shitty job that pays rent and for figures and olev? Do you want a real women or relationships?
>> No. 5165 [Edit]
I suggest you do science.
>> No. 5173 [Edit]
A Science degree takes three years and the main direction of this is to conduct research in the form of a higher degree e.g a masters or phd, although many opt to work in the industry.
>> No. 5199 [Edit]
You don't need a degree to do science (except for maybe chemistry, the DEA has been known to raid home chemists). You just need a dream, and I gather the 2d world is your passion so what about trying to genetically engineering some pokemon, or some kind of AI waifu, or giant squid mecha loli or ?
>> No. 5217 [Edit]
No one is going to fund fetishes. The best you can get out of working in research like that, is helping in developing something that someone who isn't you will enjoy after your death.
>> No. 5218 [Edit]
Do you like yourself? If not, do things you think are necessary to get to like yourself(get more fit, change your hairstyle or your the way you talk etc.). Until you can like yourself, nobody else would.

Also, force yourself into situations where you need to socialize with people. Go into clubs, reading circles, whatever.

Listen to tapes about positive thinking (Brian Tracy for example).

But the most important thing is DO SOMETHING. Don't just create this tread, so you can feel better for a few hours about yourself because of other human beings cares about you.
>> No. 5221 [Edit]
Not many are capable of learning enough science by themselves to be able to work on an equal level to those making new developments. Even then, its more convenient to have it taught to you and avoid misunderstandings and shit by people who know the ins and outs.

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