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File 130782032727.jpg - (73.85KB , 640x480 , 1307740807849.jpg )
5091 No. 5091 [Edit]
Long story short I can't keep being a neet/hikki, or the kind of person that wants to avoid reality. I have to change or I'm gonna die.

However I absolutely don't want to become a Ford Driver. Is there a third route?
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>> No. 5092 [Edit]
Death. Why can't you continue being a NEET/hikki?
>> No. 5093 [Edit]
win the lottery
>> No. 5097 [Edit]
Had a mental breakdown. Now being shut-in or not working on something gives me anxiety.
>> No. 5098 [Edit]
Get a hobby. If simply existing gives you anxiety, imagine how much more you would feel having a job.

There's no need to stop being a neet/hikki. Just get a hobby/trade or something you really want to do, and give it your all. It can be something as simple as being the best at a certain vidya. If your deadset on leaving the house and doing something, perhaps you can try traveling for a little bit; provided you have the money for it. You can always kill yourself, ya know? I find it gives a certain amount of freedom when you allow yourself that choice
>> No. 5099 [Edit]
File 130782485638.gif - (17.08KB , 80x80 , 1_17_06_08_11_08_01_0.gif )
>Is there a third route?

Not that I've found acceptable (death isn't really a route). Right now, I'm just living half heartedly between the two worlds: I live like a hiki/NEET, with the facade that I'm working at home and it's just provisional...

But it's just a time bomb, as well, so if you ever find a better solution for both of us let me know.
>> No. 5110 [Edit]
Do you have the option to go to school? I know not everyone has money or family who will support you, but college is one of the few things that keeps me going honestly. It at least makes me feel like I'm doing something productive with my time and I do enjoy learning.

Of course, my parents are paying for it all. Not everyone is in a fortunate situation like me in this respect.
>> No. 5114 [Edit]
Could you start going to school?
Or you could even take online classes, you learn allot and the teachers are really nice.
>> No. 5122 [Edit]
Go to school, get a job, stop being a man child

Its hard as fuck, but its the only way
>> No. 5125 [Edit]

>However I absolutely don't want to become a Ford Driver.

Does not being a man child mean you have to lose your reading comprehension, too?
>> No. 5126 [Edit]
There's no third route, unless you miraculously find a huge pile of money somewhere. Either keep being a NEET or accept the fact that you'll be working a normal job. Going to college is good if you're able to do that, it lets you maintain your lifestyle in part for a few more years while you study, and you'll have better opportunities when you graduate depending on what you took.

The graduates who do the best out of college are the ones with good social contacts. Since you're not going to have those, at least try to beat everyone academically. There's no point half-assing it if you if you take this path. Good luck.
>> No. 5127 [Edit]
Become Jamie Mantzel
>> No. 5129 [Edit]
I don't see why everyones saying there's no third route, you can still have a job and be a shut in, can't you?
>> No. 5132 [Edit]
If you've got an insane amount of luck and can make money doing something from your own home.
>> No. 5135 [Edit]
Jobs may preclude you from being a literal shut-in (and suck in other ways too), but you can still remain distant and unsociable and hold on to your hobbies to the extent that you want to.
>> No. 5138 [Edit]

Unless you have a shitload of money and do day trading or something, you don't really have the option to not be normal.

You can work shitty jobs and be a shut in, but I don't rec it, its depressing as hell
>> No. 5140 [Edit]
What about government hand outs?
>> No. 5146 [Edit]
Perhaps we should get a thread for this topic? With as many NEET/hikki as we have on this site, it would be rather prudent.

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