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File 129047958939.jpg - (102.46KB , 488x800 , 862b3817f773c834c76b5b577a0b5028.jpg )
509 No. 509 [Edit]
I fucking give up.
I wanted to get out of depression without drugs but its fucking impossible.

What should I take? I heard that citalopram is good plus its off-label.
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>> No. 511 [Edit]
My psychiatrist put me on venlafaxine. It worked for me and helped me get over the initial hurdle of depression. Good luck, anon.
>> No. 513 [Edit]
I want to see a psychiatrist but my parents don't think I need one. Apparently being so uncomfortable around people that I'd rather stay in the house all day every day (and stay in my room when company comes over) is perfectly healthy. The worst is I KNOW they want me to get a job but I just can't with my current mental state. I don't know what I'm going to do.
>> No. 515 [Edit]
If you want to see a psychiatrist, what's stopping you from going? It's not really up to your parents once you reach a certain age.
>> No. 516 [Edit]
Get buff and eat squatz
>> No. 518 [Edit]
Because I have no car or license, and it's their health insurance. The only way I can see one is if they take me
>> No. 519 [Edit]
>Became I'm underage.
>> No. 520 [Edit]
Well, I don't know about the guy you are actually replying to, but those same conditions apply to me and I'm 19, almost 20, so it's probably better to not assume.

Although from the sound of it, he may well be underage.
>> No. 522 [Edit]
Ah shit, I forgot to actually reply to OP.

I took that for a short time, had some terrible effects on me, so I didn't keep taking it, but I hear good things from most others who take it.
>> No. 525 [Edit]
i'm not him but i'm... well, let's just say not underage b& at all and don't have a licence myself either. i don't even know how to drive a fucking bike (srsly).
>> No. 529 [Edit]
Nope, I'm 20. Also it's nice to hear about people in my same position ;_;
>> No. 530 [Edit]
how the fuck do you not know how to ride a bike? its not that hard. unless you live on a mountain pass or literally never leave your room I'd definitely recommend getting a bike.
>> No. 533 [Edit]
Does it really matter?
>> No. 534 [Edit]
no, I'm just sayin
>> No. 536 [Edit]
I didn't get my license until I was 22
and even then I was strong armed to by my folks
when you don't really go to places, there really is no initiative to get a license.
>> No. 538 [Edit]
>when you don't really go to places, there really is no initiative to get a license.

This is exactly my thinking. Plus I just know my parents would only want me to get one so I can run errands for them or something
>> No. 539 [Edit]
File 129063763739.jpg - (119.22KB , 567x319 , snapshot20101124204657.jpg )
I can't drive either. Almost 23, I just don't see the point in paying for the insurance, MOT and so on for a car if I only leave the house every 3 weeks or so. At least, that's the excuse I tell myself. I was learning to drive a few years ago but once it got to the point where I was ready to look into taking the exam, social anxiety meant that the idea of arranging the test over the phone and then sitting in a car with someone I didn't know was too frightening and I chickened out, haven't bothered since.

On the topic of antidepressants, I'm on 300mg of venlafaxine each day and it helps a lot.
>> No. 540 [Edit]
Ironically when I went to take the test I did not take it with an intention to pass,
I just wanted my mother to get off my ass about it so my mindset was go there and fail so I can go home and sleep some more, and probably procrastinate the driving deal for another couple months.
The instructor still passed me
frankly if I was in his position I wouldn't have
>> No. 541 [Edit]
im 25 and i cant drive
>> No. 549 [Edit]
me too. even if I learned to drive theres no way I could afford a car. and even if I could afford it I think I'd rather spend it on something else and just use my bike or public transport. at least it gives me a little exercise.
>> No. 554 [Edit]
Unfortunately, without a car the areas you can travel to easily are severely diminished, which in turn severely diminishes your chances of employment (without spending hours riding a bike).
>> No. 561 [Edit]
My father once told me I need to get a license, and when I asked why he said "because that's what normal people do". My parents are so ashamed of me it hurts
>> No. 625 [Edit]
Embrace nihilism
>> No. 626 [Edit]

I've done it myself and it feels like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
>> No. 683 [Edit]
If it makes anyone feel better, I'm 30 and can't drive. Almost all of my attempts to learn have ended in a wreck, or close call. A few of them were really dangerous.

I think I have some sort of anxiety disorder. I get easily overwhelmed, panic, then either freeze or lash out. Logic tells me that this is key to my driving problem, as one of the few positive driving experiences I had was while drunk. Anyone else have this kind of problem and/or know what kind of meds work on it?
>> No. 686 [Edit]
I barely passed my driving test a few years ago (when I was about 18). But it's usually because I make horrible turns. That said, I'd hate to drive and prefer public transportation instead. Even after I got my license, I still can't drive. And mostly I was strong armed into driving by my parents. I had to take the exam several times and took a shitload of lessons before I passed.
>> No. 688 [Edit]
I felt the same way in driver's ed in high school but still managed to drive OK. It made me so nervous and sick that I really don't want to do it though
>> No. 689 [Edit]
Driving was a hard thing for a while, but once I got it down (sometime after I barely passed my state license test) it became second nature. Not that I've got anywhere in particular to go.
>> No. 697 [Edit]
File 129126307787.jpg - (33.54KB , 640x480 , 1281725790945.jpg )
>>683 here.
The driving thing isn't the only problem I run into with my disorder. It's just the most relevant to the topic at hand. I've had panic attacks at work and social situations as well. I guess it's time to do some research, because I can't afford to have some doctor screw with me.

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