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5032 No. 5032 [Edit]
Does anyone here have problems... motivating themselves to do things? I can bring myself to do things only if my life depends on it, but otherwise I just can't get the urge to improve myself, even if I know it will make me feel better (exercise). Sure I can get started, but sustaining things seriously is difficult and I lose focus, get distracted and give up easily. For anyone here that has done brought themselves to do such things, how did you do it?
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>> No. 5033 [Edit]
Story of my life!
>> No. 5034 [Edit]
I find anytime I want to focus on something or commit to a goal anxiety is what keeps me back and leads to procrastinating.

I think that a more aggressive life stance would be beneficial to cases like mine. Also, I've found major change is easier/more effective as a reaction as opposed to starting it yourself from a dead stop.
>> No. 5035 [Edit]
If we knew how to motivate ourselves to do things we wouldn't be here
>> No. 5037 [Edit]
the only lasting way ive found to motivate myself is to do what I enjoy doing instead of what I feel I should be doing
>> No. 5045 [Edit]
Set a ridged schedule and follow it, thats what I do.
Also imagine that somewhere out there a child has just been born to a rich family, despite doing nothing and never having to work, that kid is likely going to Yale because he gets good grades and his dad went there.
That kid is latter going to go one and become rich, for no other reason than being born in the right place.
Somewhere else a cock gargling 3DPD has friends and a family that not only loves her, but is proud of her.
Those thoughts fill me with rage, and a desire to beat and humiliate them, be it academic, work related, or Haruhi forbid, even social.
>> No. 5046 [Edit]
>> No. 5047 [Edit]
Now that its summer here, I find it more difficult to concentrate on things. The scorching hot humid weather affects my brain somehow. I just feel more lazy and unmotivated then usual. Well, thank Haruhi there's a beach nearby where I can go in the water to cool off.
You should take it easy.
>> No. 5048 [Edit]
I've found the only way I can keep myself motivated is being whimsical. If I try to set a schedule, I'll invariably fail and feel worse, however, when I do whatever whenever, I find no problems doing anything I feel like.
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
I too, am incredibly competitive in this respect. Its like I want to justify my own existence. Its like I want to show everyone that my method of self-improvement DOES work, that I CAN break out of my humble roots and fight on an equal level to the priveledged.

I haven't achieved much though..
>> No. 5072 [Edit]

I work better with a schedule too... but I need some sort of authority figure to direct me. I can't learn stuff on my own very well. I like to have the help of other people who know what they're doing, which is why I like being in a class even if I have to drive and interact with others. Like I'd love to learn Japanese, but classes at this college are so expensive... like 1000 per class.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
Yes... it's been pretty bad lately. I don't have the motivation to even watch anime. I start a new series, watch 2 episodes, and just don't have the motivation to continue even if it's the motherfucking best thing ever made. The only ones I can follow properly are the ones currently airing, and even those have been stacking up and I'm a few weeks behind on some...

So what do I do all day? Lurk *chans. Even then I hardly have any motivation to post anything. At night (more like morning) in the bed, I always have good ideas for threads, but when I'm at the PC I have no motivation to make them.
>> No. 5081 [Edit]
I know what you mean. I'm studying right now, the only reason I don't give up being that if I did I'd have to support myself and get a shitty job. I hate what I'm studying and have no passion for it at all, but I can't switch subjects without losing my support. I have no long run goals whatsoever. The only feeling I ever have anymore is a dull kind of hate, when I'm forced to go out and deal with other people. A few years ago I would have felt that drive to beat my social betters at their own game, but now all I wish is that they all fuck off and leave me alone.
>> No. 5158 [Edit]
I just realized I'm so unmotivated I've been putting off reading the replies ITT for almost a week by now.

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