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4768 No. 4768 [Edit]
So /tc/, I'm about on my final year of university and my family is trying to force me to go on some ridiculous family vacation with them to celebrate. I don't hate them or anything, but when I am done I would rather spend a few months relaxing after 15 years of education.

I have tried telling them that I really am not interested and would rather relax by myself for a while, but my mother especially are trying to guilt me into going and threatening to kick me out if I don't go with them. My father supports me but he is torn between what I want and what my mother wants.

Any ideas you guys? I don't think I am asking for too much, just some alone time after years of having to get good grades, deal with people and act relatively normal despite my lack of interest in life.
>> No. 4770 [Edit]
grow some balls and stand up for yourself
>> No. 4771 [Edit]
Just go along with it and keep your head down. Arguing only makes it harder on your self. You could spend that time playing VNs instead.
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
I think I've done a fair job of that, the only reason I am asking for suggestions is because I am being threatened. But yeah, thanks for the constructive feedback.

I don't own any portable tech, I will be pretty much forced to hang around in the outdoors which is far from an appealing scenario.
>> No. 4776 [Edit]
If you cave to threats you arent standing up for yourself. My mum threatened to kick me out once, so I just left, she regretted it pretty quickly
>> No. 4777 [Edit]
1. Go to said vacation.
2. Come back and have time for yourself.
3. ???
4. Profit.
>> No. 4778 [Edit]
How long is it going to be? Less than a week? A month or two? It's really not that bad. Plus it never hurts to have your parents like you.

I was forced into a similar situation when I was younger. Instead of getting into an argument I got some interesting books to read out of the deal. Also if your parents don't hate you they'll probably be more in favor of letting you bum around afterwards for a while. If you cause a shit and get everyone upset the only thing you can count on is more unpleasant things.

It seems obvious they're deadset on you going to the point of threatening you. Just apologize and tell them you didn't know it meant so much to them etc and then go.

Trust me when I say the secret to long term NEETing is being as non-confrontational as possible.
>> No. 4780 [Edit]
>but my mother especially are trying to guilt me into going and threatening to kick me out if I don't go with them

Did she plan the whole trip for you? If so I can understand her being upset if you don't go along with it, but still. That's fucked up.
>> No. 4782 [Edit]
I don't really have anywhere to go, I don't want to impose on my few friends just because of personal issues.

Six months going wherever they decide to go. It is more of a thing for my parents in their retirement, but they want to take me just because they know I wouldn't make a huge confrontation about it.

They haven't really planned anything, they just kind of want me to go.
>> No. 4783 [Edit]
6 months!??

Fuck, I'd say NOPE. I mean, 6 full months. That's crazy.
Really, I say spend one day or two thinking on things to say, and the go talk with them.
>> No. 4784 [Edit]
That's extremely fucked up. Six months? Tell them you're going to stay at home and look for a job. I assume they want you to find a job, right?
>> No. 4785 [Edit]
That is the plan so far, kind of came here looking for any ideas.

Yeah they want me to get a job, so this might be a good idea. I could always take some of the money I saved for figs and shit and use it to support myself for a few months, then find an easy job to relax on. Thanks for the suggestion.
>> No. 4786 [Edit]
No plans? Push them into going to Japan! Problem solved.

Also you said you have money and no gadgets? Just buy a gadget or two for the trip. PSPs aren't really much money anymore.
>> No. 4787 [Edit]
Why not? His parents just want to have him by their side, especially when they'll be on a 6 month adventure. You know, that's how families (and parents) used to work.

I don't see a problem here. Unless you really loathe being around your parents and just want to give them a big fuck you.
>> No. 4790 [Edit]
I doubt I'd go to Japan, I don't want them to think I am some kind of freak when I spend all my money on really questionable stuff. The PSP idea is nice though.

After reading this I am starting to think I might be being a little too selfish about this. Maybe I will try talking down the amount of time or try to leave a month in or something like that.
>> No. 4793 [Edit]
I wish my parents would take me on a vacation.
Stop being such a pussy and pick out some nice place. Sounds like a nice gift before you have to start your working life.
>> No. 4794 [Edit]
No, you really aren't being selfish. 6 months is a huge amount of time for anyone to spend fucking around doing nothing. It's ridiculous to ask someone to just suddenly go with you for that large an amount of time.

The best you could do is simply talking to them. Hell, you could even show them this thread! That way, they'll be forced to recognize your feelings on the matter. www as if.
>> No. 4797 [Edit]
>but my mother especially are trying to guilt me into going.

I knew that all too well. My mother did that every year back when I was in HS (well, before that, too, but it didn't bother me as much). 'Your father works his ass off all year long, he deserves two weeks of vacation'. I couldn't agree more! But what the hell does it have to do with me? It's not like I have to spend 6 hours a day on a beach to ensure he has good vacation.

On a side note my mother was an expert at finding the most ridiculous, out-of-this world cause and effect connections. Claiming that global warming is caused by decreasing number of pirates would be rather low on her ridiculous-o-meter. Arguing with her would give even the best of debaters cancer.

Anyway, back on topic. When I finally turned 18 I had more than enough of this and I told them that if they'll force me to go again I'll spend 14 days without leaving the goddamn hotel. And that's what I did. Of course, I had to listen about how I ruined their vacation 10 hours a day but it worked and they never took me again. What pisses me off is that they never even went on any vacation again.

But, most importantly...

What do you plan to do now? You're going to graduate so education is obviously over for you. What now? Do you plan to get a job? Because if you do you might just start looking for it. It sucks to do so after so many years of hard work, when you thought you'd finally have few months to relax but as a person who cringes at the mere thought of leaving my home I'd rather do it then spend 6 moths God only knows where. If you manage to get some good job (or a really bad one) you can quit when you've earned enough cash (or when you had more than enough of it if it's the latter) and take it easy for a while. Think of it as postponing said vacation.
>> No. 4798 [Edit]

>The PSP idea is nice though.

The cool thing about PSP is the fact that - despite having a piss poor library - you probably won't ever run out of good games to play since it can emulate just about anything.

>After reading this I am starting to think I might be being a little too selfish about this.

No, you're not. I'd understand two weeks, maybe a month even. But we're talking about half a year. If you hate the very idea of it it's not unusual that you don't want to go. Especially since it looks a little like it's supposed to be a reward of sorts.
>> No. 4804 [Edit]
>grow some balls
Standard /so/ reply.

Seriously, stop that. What is it about this sentence that makes it worth uttering over and over again?
>> No. 4806 [Edit]
Easy way to make people think they're better than other people.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 5:45am
>> No. 4816 [Edit]
Some people don't realize that we're not all in the same position here, and we can't all do or say whatever we want.
>> No. 4821 [Edit]
>we can't all do or say whatever we want.

What the hell are you talking about. Unless you're blatantly trolling, you can pretty much do whatever.
>> No. 4824 [Edit]
Please try to take it easy.
>> No. 4826 [Edit]
Trying to do something that you both hate and you're scared to do makes it alot more harder to do it.
>> No. 4827 [Edit]
Since nothing is planned yet you could try to compromise? Just go with them for an x amount of time and say that you do want to rest and be alone for a y amount of time before looking for a job. You should also say that you're not planning to wait six months before getting a job.
>> No. 4828 [Edit]
Seriously, what's the point in throwing out the troll card in this situation? Try to use your head. Burning bridges and/or chopping off the tree branch you're stitting upon is seldom beneficial, see?
>> No. 4885 [Edit]
alot of posts seem to be "my family is walking all over me and I dont have the courage to stand up to it, please listen to me whine about it"
Makes me sick to see people take this shit lying down because they're afraid of losing what they have
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
This is how depression works. Not only that, you're talking to internet addicts and shut-ins who aren't on good terms with the people sheltering them and wouldn't survive on their own, let alone homeless on a parkbench. I tried that for about 2 days once, nearly starved and lost my goddamn mind.
>> No. 4909 [Edit]
Here's the real question OP, what do YOU want to do? If getting out and doing stuff seems like it may be beneficial, then do it. If leaving the house makes you want to cry, then sit down with your parents and tell them that you just need some time to get your life in order, and that since they are retiring they could probably appreciate the time alone with one another.

Hell, even tell them you'd like to go, but your responsibilities are there, trying to get a job or whatever, if you think they will be unreasonable about the whole thing. Whatever you do OP, just make sure you pick one or the other and don't give an inch either way, going back and forth on it will either crush you with guilt, or leave you lost outside for half a year, miserable either way.
>> No. 4920 [Edit]
Where the hell would you go for six months anyway? Unless it's an African village or something, almost no one can afford that.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]
Perhaps you should leave /so/ moderation to someone else?
>> No. 4944 [Edit]
im not moderating, im just expressing my feelings as anyone else would
>> No. 4962 [Edit]
>Six months
>> No. 4967 [Edit]
I think I understand OP's dilemma. I mean, it's absurd. He has to go on vacation, or he might get kicked out of his home. That's almost humorous.

Crazy suggestion: Why don't you just do it? I'm not saying you have to have to get a 3DPD there and play volleyball everyday or anything, I'm just saying that you can play like an actor or something. Pretending to be normal. Be Hamlet. Then, when you get to your room at night, you can be 'real'. That's how I do it whenever I go to the store. Of course, there is a massive difference between a waltz to Wal-Mart in the middle of the night and six months in a strange country.

Reasonable suggestion: Do what you do now, just in a different place. Assuming you're staying at a hotel (probably not, I'm imagining a vacation home), so you can just hole yourself up in your hotel room for...six months. Yeah. Taking that entire sentence into consideration, it seems insane. If you're getting a vacation home or something, I'd say go for it, because that seems like the singular way that this is going to work to me. Just grab your laptop and stuff, and go full-on, floor-shitting hikki in the Bahamas, or wherever your parents decide to go.
>> No. 4970 [Edit]

>Pretending to be normal.

I don't want to overdramatize but I'd advise against it. If you pretend to do something/to be someone long enough it will really become part of your nature. Trust me, I would know (for more information see >>2108).

Two weeks won't affect you. Six months, on the others hand, it a lot of time.
>Be Hamlet.

That didn't work out well for him last time I checked.
>> No. 4973 [Edit]
Your parents sound unreasonable, my parents are plotting this big trip to go see my grandma who lives in Mississipi (we live in Indiana) but I got out of it saying I'm not going to go see that fucking cunt, as me and her don't get along, long story. They did try to say that since my Dad doesn't like her either we'd go off and do our thing at some gambling place but I just said no and they were cool with it. Haven't heard about it in a while though, unsure if I made them cancel it (in which case damn it, would have had the house to myself for a week or so) or if they're just holding off on it since they were supposed to go sometime this summer while my brother was out of school.

It also may have helped I just outright told them I didn't want to be away from home.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 5:13am
>> No. 5036 [Edit]
>If you pretend to do something/to be someone long enough it will really become part of your nature.
What's so bad about that? Acting normal won't actually turn you into a normalfag, but it might make you less socially inept.
>> No. 5040 [Edit]
Well thanks for the help guys.

I managed to talk them down to a month for me with the excuse that I will be looking for a job and looking to move in with friends, which is a total lie but at least bides me a few months of alone time. They are still going on their six month trip, I just only have to hang around for the start of it.

I guess this story gets a happy ending.
>> No. 5041 [Edit]

>What's so bad about that? Acting normal won't actually turn you into a normalfag, but it might make you less socially inept.

Laughing at jokes you don't think are funny, pretending to be entertained and interested in conversations about the dullest possible topics and other stuff that is considered normal behavior nowadays disgusts me but I don't think I could change my habits anymore. Again, it became part of my nature and it's not exactly something I'm happy about.

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