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File 130727968373.jpg - (403.18KB , 701x960 , donutloli.jpg )
4724 No. 4724 [Edit]

If you kill yourself now, you'll never get to see wild stuff like real virtual reality, the cure for Alzheimers, and cyborgs!
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>> No. 4725 [Edit]
How good is enjoying them if I don't belong anywhere?
>> No. 4726 [Edit]
Are you a creep or a weirdo?
>> No. 4727 [Edit]

Aren't we all?
>> No. 4730 [Edit]
>Chocolate has become a rare luxury

Apparently the future sucks.

>22,000 AD
>The Chernobyl disaster site becomes fully safe

Holy shit. My mind is blown. I didn't realize how long it would take.
>> No. 4732 [Edit]
But we already have wild stuff, and don't enjoy it.
>> No. 4893 [Edit]
And all of this shit will cost tons of money, money your average brohno doesn't have.
>> No. 4961 [Edit]
File 130742936830.jpg - (189.54KB , 502x750 , tsukacide.jpg )
Thank you OP, but I think I will anyway.
>> No. 4963 [Edit]
Would you like to talk to us about it?
>> No. 4969 [Edit]
File 13074440451.jpg - (41.30KB , 270x320 , bz+MAYAN12-21-09.jpg )
My curiosity is honestly the last thing that keeps me alive right now. Basically, there are still few things that I want to do/see/play/listen to (which I can't do right now of course, meaning they're not released yet or something) so I don't feel like bitting the dust yet. But I postpone it all the time because some new exciting announcement shows up.

It would be a shame to do it now that some people forecast we'll have full-immersion VR in 10 years, AI which truly deserves to be called intelligent in 20, some implants and robotic arms surpassing our natural body parts in 40 (I watched a report about newest advancements in this field few months ago and if it were cheap I'd amputate my arm this instant just to get a robotic replacement). I'd love to see this technology and what effect it will have on society. There are tons of moral questions to be asked here (some of which I deem unanswerable). On the other hand, that would be the worst part of it. Seeing religious nutjobs doing their best to stop advancement because 'it's against Haruhi's will' would drive me mad.

But I think all these forecasts are wildly optimistic. I don't follow this area closely but I read/watch enough to know how off some of these are. I'd say this is the most optimistic version if anything. The realistic would be multiplying everything by 2 (i.e. what they claim will be available in 10 years will really appear in shops in 20 years etc.). The pessimistic... Well, the pessimist probably still believe the world will end in a year (pic related and honestly, even now I'm thinking about waiting just another year to see the reaction of millions of people who believe this bullshit).

If they were spot on I think I'd wait. Then again, you'd need some serious $$$ to actually buy any of those.
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
>wild stuff like real virtual reality, the cure for Alzheimers, and cyborgs!

I think you mean wild stuff like insurgents and gangs battling for supremacy, fighting over what little remains of our civilization.

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