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File 13071518736.png - (133.02KB , 477x268 , heathcliff.png )
4670 No. 4670 [Edit]
ITT: things you've longed to do or master but, for whatever reason, you just haven't yet and likely never will.

- zippo tricks
- (bare back) horse riding
- model making (cathedrals, nice houses, sail ships...)
- wood carving figures (animals, people...)
- play Go
- play piano
- recreational astronomy (using a telescope)
- ballet dancing (male tricks) NOT ANYMORE
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>> No. 4672 [Edit]
Draw manga and play piano (well).
>> No. 4673 [Edit]
Experience spontaneous combustion.
>> No. 4674 [Edit]

We're similar

I even have a telescope, and I'm very bad at go. Don't do much of either due to various reasons

I've always wanted to play the violin, but playing in front of people scared me to the point so I won't touch it again
>> No. 4675 [Edit]
>> No. 4676 [Edit]
You don't really need a high priced telescope to look at the night sky. A good pair of 10x50 binoculars can do just fine, and they only cost like $20. The only bad part though is you're pretty much screwed if you live in a city with lots of light pollution like me ;_;
>> No. 4677 [Edit]
Playing music (any instrument, really)
Painting (but first, drawing)
Writing (actual stories, not just filling word files with bizarre rantings)
Learning a language (preferably Japanese, but it's not a "major" desire, like the ones above)

Shit, this is all stuff I can learn by myself, as I am now.
>> No. 4678 [Edit]
- Japanese

- any insturment

- the ability to be around people without breaking out into a cold sweat

- building computers
>> No. 4679 [Edit]
Building computers is easy, start with that!
>> No. 4680 [Edit]
I'll probably build my next one, even though that hopefully won't be for a few years
>> No. 4683 [Edit]
Music (I played instruments when I was younger but lost the motivation)

Becoming physically fit and/or possibly good at a sport

Writing (always wanted to write some fiction but I can never bring myself to even try)
>> No. 4684 [Edit]
>> No. 4686 [Edit]

Second. Whenever I see somebody who's good at something I think 'damn, must be nice'.


>Playing music [preferably electric bass or double bass but I sort of agree, anything would do]
>Learning (...) Japanese

This is pretty close.

Aside from those:

- cooking
- hundreds of sports
- again, playing chess (changed to shogi when I discovered the latter)

And lots of others I don't even remember right now. If I'll recall anything I might post again.
>> No. 4687 [Edit]
I wanted to learn many things, until I realized none of them would make me feel any less pathetic.
>> No. 4688 [Edit]
Live in the US.

The only thing I ever wanted, but with my hikki state and being a college drop out it's impossible.
>> No. 4690 [Edit]

Oh, that too, except I wanted to move to some Scandinavian country (Faroe Islands seem to be pretty nice).
>> No. 4692 [Edit]
1) Cooking my own food;
2) Improving at writing, plus learning poetry;
3) Learning German, French and Spanish;
4) Studying Psychology;
5) Learning Aikido;
6) Improving at chess;
7) Learning some first aid skills.
Damn, that's a lot.
>> No. 4696 [Edit]
Master? Haha no way, I have no fantasy of mastering anything, simply being competent.

I'd like to:
Learn moonrunes (trying to see if there are any classes because I dislike teaching myself stuff)
Historical fencing (no groups around me though, I plan on moving to bigger city)
Does building my own computer count? I was going to buy the parts and build my own before but I couldn't at the last moment.
I'm already ok at cooking but getting better is always nice
Writing skills in general
...I'd like to try my hand a amateur voice acting to be honest.
>> No. 4697 [Edit]
I'd like to make a visual novel. I barely even read print novels though, so my writing wouldn't exactly be anything impressive. And I can't draw. (I wanted to write a print novel when I was in elementary school.)

Travel/sightsee in Japan, the US west coast, the UK, Ireland, Norway (fjords), and maybe Italy, Greece, China, and India. I'm not sure I want to go alone, but naturally I have nobody to go with.

Play the drums, violin, double bass, and piano. I have my hands full with plain old guitar though.

Judo, or at least a few throws. Literally throwing another grown man even just over my hip or shoulder is such a cool concept.

The Japanese language. Learning it just for the sake of reading VNs or even sightseeing isn't enough to keep me motivated though. しょうがない。
>> No. 4699 [Edit]
>Travel/sightsee in Japan, the US west coast, the UK, Ireland, Norway (fjords), and maybe Italy, Greece, China, and India. I'm not sure I want to go alone, but naturally I have nobody to go with.

Same here. I think that's a very common aspiration.
Traveling is the one thing I really want to do, but it just seems impossible for someone like me. And I've never even considered going with someone. I don't think I'd enjoy it to the fullest if I had to always be near another human being.
Imagining a tohno-chan roadtrip certainly is fun, though.
>> No. 4723 [Edit]
Driving, writing/playing music, drawing, acting, cooking, being competent, and a bunch of other stuff.
>> No. 4739 [Edit]
- Drawing, because it's a basic skill useful for visual art in general.
- Digital art: tablet, graphics, colouring, anything involving graphics (but of course not every style) and a computer.
- Music, digital, because it enables me to use a lot of different instruments and I mainly like electronic music anyway.
- Japanese, but maybe I should become competent at English first.
- 'Studying'. It's not exactly something to master, but there are a lot of subjects I'm interested in and I think it should be included in this list. Too bad university has a lot of downsides to it, but I guess having all the free time not going to university gives me enough time for the things on this list (including the studying).

I should be able to become competent (=reasonable skill) at all of these before I will be forced to do something whether that be working or going to university (which will be a few years).

Post edited on 5th Jun 2011, 2:19pm
>> No. 4756 [Edit]
-Making my Japanese reach native level
>> No. 4761 [Edit]
Own a pipe organ with trompette en chamade and
B.Be able to play it well
>> No. 4833 [Edit]
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I've accepted I'll never master anything. I've tried excruciatingly hard at so many things. You know that saying "shoot at the moon, and even if you fail you'll land among the stars"? Well it doesn't even make sense, as the stars in the sky are much farther than the moon. But I get what the guy was trying to say anyways, but it's not true. I've never come close in anything. Even if I did, no one remembers second best, much less third and onward.

If I try right now, I could spend the remainder of my youth for one last push, but if I fail I'm done for. I'll be and old burned out piece of shit. Life is so short, and I could die at any moment in some freak accident. The more I wait, the more time I waste. But the more time I waste not doing anything, the less time I'll have to buffer between now and my end goal. It's a vicious cycle.
>> No. 4836 [Edit]
I've always wanted to learn to drive stick, but my inability to multitask nor think fast (or at all for that matter) and horrible reaction times would make it impossible.
>> No. 4839 [Edit]
I learned on a stick with a tractor when I was a kid. It's not that hard. Just make sure you do it on a good vehicle so that you don't fuck up the vehicle and do it on a backroad so you won't be in anyone's way. Stick shift cars are easier than tractors but not that different.

the hardest part is getting the first shifts and getting the car moving when you start up.
>> No. 4840 [Edit]
Please, don't be like OP. If you want to do something, do it. Don't procrastinate, don't make excuses, just do it. The longer you wait, the harder it is to start and the more hopeless you'll feel. I would know, I wasted my entire fucking youth and I regret every single day of it. Don't be like me, don't waste your life.
>> No. 4875 [Edit]
What makes you think you're any different? Sorry, but being a hypocrite about sucking is taking it to the next level, so maybe you are different..
>> No. 4884 [Edit]
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Personally, my list was about things I also wanted to do. That doesn't mean I didn't do anything. If you're talking about going out and pursuing and fighting for what you want, I can really say I didn't "waste my life" at all: despite the inconvenients and sometimes against my family's will (and my own safeness), I've pretty much done what I've wanted; lots of different things, some of them mentioned along this thread; some were exerting, some were easier; in some a was competent on, in others I failed pathetically...

But guess what? that didn't save from dissapointment and hollowness either, considering now all those things I ever did a gigantic bag full of nothing (but the sad memories of past petty sufferings and cheap joys of an aging man). Don't take this personal: it is me, not you or any of you, who I'm really mad at.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 1:42pm
>> No. 4913 [Edit]
In my younger days, I learned all of the basics of the guitar. Before that even I learned to read music through the violin in school. I practiced harder at that than anything in my life, but eventually I lost interest, especially after falling into the NEET lifestyle. I'd really love to master the guitar rather than just, well, I don't know, fool around. There was a point where I learned it well enough to please myself so it's become like masturbation, but I'd really like to master it.
>> No. 5282 [Edit]
- Going back to school.
- Drawing, I actually was very good at it in my early teens, but when computers came along I kinda forgot about it. Now I'm too lazy to do anything besides doodling at work.
- Different languages (Spanish, Chinese, Japanese).
- Coding in some awkward programming language that most people hate (Haskell, Lisp).
- Race driving of some sort, or just going to a track day. Too bad I don't even have a car of any kind.
- Exercising, skinny-fat isn't too sexy and I guess I'd get energy to do more shit in this list.
- And after exercising is done and I'd be in a kind of shape I'd like to start training some martial arts.
>> No. 5283 [Edit]

Si algún día, efectivamente, lo estudias, puedo asesorate en las dudas que llegaras a tener (I could help you, if you ever go through it).

>skinny-fat isn't too sexy
I damn know what you mean; and I used to be pretty athletic... maybe someday I'll excercise again; if I just had a good reason to do it (I now dispise mirrors, as certain philosophy told me to).
>> No. 5304 [Edit]
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scuba diving
drive this thing for a living (a bit more realistical dream than "helicopter pilot" I had as a kid)
>> No. 5311 [Edit]
Holy shit man, I'm really going to drive one of those for a living if I keep my current plan. No kidding, I'm in a forestry school training to become a logger, from where I will advance to a school for harvester drivers. I've already gotten some experience with harvesters at my current school, and it's something I'd definitely do for work. The only thing I don't really like about it is the machine maintenance...
>> No. 5312 [Edit]
Driving those is pretty much solitary work isn't it? I just wanna have the night-shift at some remote location during darkest winter ; ;
>> No. 5313 [Edit]
Yup, that's why I was so intrigued by this industry. Basically the only human contact you have during work, is that you're obliged to call (SMS is sufficient too though) your employer when you get home, so they know you're not injured in the forest. If you don't call/SMS by the evening, and won't answer calls, they're obliged to call a rescue squad on you, and if at that point you're home watching anime it's going to cost a hefty sum...

Some employers like to visit their employees on the field too though. They're usually social recluses like us though, only a bit older generation, so I usually manage their company. Plus it's an excuse to have a break.
>> No. 5332 [Edit]
You know, some people here seem to have somewhat similar goals, at least a few who want to learn moon. Maybe we could help one another?

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