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File 130703710363.jpg - (15.04KB , 246x246 , %5Banimepaper_net%5Dvector-box-anime-welcome-to-nh.jpg )
4580 No. 4580 [Edit]
Tohno, help me.

It has recently come to my attention that my brother will be hosting a full-blown party at my house. I am a shut-in NEET, so, naturally, this scares the shit out of me. At this point in time, I am unsure if I'll be stuck at home while this shitty shindig goes on, or whether my parents will appropriate me so my brother can have full reign.

Tell me TC, what should I do? I know a couple of the people that are likely to be there, and they will most assuredly try and pressure me into interaction. Should I lock my door and refuse to come out? Should I try and mingle with the 3DPD? Maybe I should get smashed and let my state of inebriation take care of the rest?

However, it is also entirely possible that my parents will take me with them, so that broski can have the house to himself. This in itself presents multiple problems. Should I hide my figs, dakimakura, and various other paraphernalia? Should I lock my door and prohibit entrance? What should I do if that trash finds it, or otherwise enters my room? Oh good lord, what if people fuck on my bed?

I don't know, man. I just don't fucking know. Pic only related because it's surprisingly accurate to how I feel.
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>> No. 4581 [Edit]
I'd recommended stocking up on supplies, getting a piss bottle, locking your door, and not leaving for anything.
also, get yourself a pair of headphones if you don't already to try and block the noise out.

Might also want to place something heavy in front of the door just for good measure.
In case someone gets drunk and trys to kick in your door or something.
>> No. 4582 [Edit]
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Oh god, that's awful. I had one particularly awful experience when my older brother still lived with me and he had a party. Regardless of whether your parents take you along or not, lock the hell out of your door. If you do go with them, do your best to make sure your brother keeps people away from your room (if that's something he would do). If you're worried about the people you know coming to greet you, you could feign illness and put a sign on your door saying you're but you don't feel well, or something. Or you could just make an appearance at the party and bear through greeting a few people, then sneak off to your room.

If you think you have a decent place to hide things where it won't be much trouble to do it, then you might want to consider it. I would hide things regardless if you go with your parents, even if you weren't embarrassed to have people find them, because there's no telling what might happen to your things if people somehow find themselves in your room. Above all else, you should convince your brother to make sure the people respect your space and your privacy. Not saying that he should make an announcement beforehand that no one is to go near the room or anything, just that if he sees people trying to get in there he can tell them to fuck off. This is all assuming you have that kind of relationship with your brother and he has that kind of relationship with his friends to where they would respect any guidelines he sets at his party.

I am always absolutely terrified when people I don't know are in my house, so I really do sympathize with your situation. Most of the time I blow things completely out of proportion and get myself upset for nothing, which you may or may not be doing here, but obviously with these "parents are gone let's party" parties, there some cause for concern.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 11:20am
>> No. 4583 [Edit]
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This thread is nightmare fuel. My God that's terrible. I really hope that it's just a small party for your sakes, not some giant 50+ people hellhole.

Make sure you've somewhere to go to the bathroom while you have been locked in, as well as some snacks. Probably won't need a lot of food, I don't think a party lasts that long anyhow.

If I were you, I'd definitely stay in to assure no one messes with your stuff. It's not like you'd go anywhere exciting with your parents anyhow right? You don't have to go out to socialize either, other people will overlook it in a matter of seconds, so there is no cause for concern there.
>> No. 4585 [Edit]
OP, if you don't stay to keep guard, never again will you have peace within your own room, never fully knowing what may have happened in there.

I recommend full lock down, don't show your face to anyone, or open the door for anything, and be prepared for people to try and force their way in and to try and convince you to let them have your room for the night.

Piss bottle, shit bucket, and light and filling food. Nothing that you'll want to puke up once things really get going. Buy a case of bottled water, or just fill some empty jugs with tap and try to outlast the storm.

Best of luck, may this be your finest hour.
>> No. 4586 [Edit]
This is the kind of /so/ thread I like.

On topic: Lock up everything. Your door, your computer, any externals, everything
>> No. 4587 [Edit]
I didn't know Satou had blue eyes.
>> No. 4588 [Edit]
lock your door. if it doesnt have a lock, jam a chair under it. alternatively, tell your brother to go have his shitty party somewhere else
>> No. 4591 [Edit]
I would hide everything in a box and leave to a hotel for the night, taking all I can carry with me.

Yes, I'm just that paranoid.
>> No. 4593 [Edit]
But they would still have sex in your bed, or on your floor, or in your room.
>> No. 4594 [Edit]
Lock door, lock everything. Like >>4586
said. Shove shit into your closet and lock it if possible. If you're anything like me you can't stand hearing other people around you, so it might be better if you can do this and get out of the house for a while. Some drunk people will try to enter every door they see out of pure curiosity, but if your door is locked and your brother is trustworthy I wouldn't worry about that. Please don't blame me if it doesn't work out though; I never had any siblings, so I never had to put up with this kind of shit.
>> No. 4595 [Edit]
If you do decide to stay home and things start getting out of hand or people start bothering you then you can always call the cops pretending to be a neighbour or something and telling them that they are too loud and stuff.
>> No. 4596 [Edit]
>shut-in NEET
>calling people on the phone

You're pretty funny.
>> No. 4597 [Edit]
I would highly advise against that, since calling the cops for any reason that's not 100% true will get your ass arrested, and they know exactly where you are if you call on a landline. Also, partiers hate people who call the cops on them, so I would heavily advise you to not call the cops if you don't want everybody to hate you.
>> No. 4600 [Edit]
The cops wouldn't really look into it too deeply if he called and complained (pending that they are actually being loud, and what shitty party isn't?)And the partiers would never know who it was, unless he decided to bust out in a musical number detailing exactly how he went ahead and called them.
>> No. 4605 [Edit]
Grade-A parenting right here.

Just stay in your room, OP. No one is going to burst down the door or anything.
>> No. 4608 [Edit]
Lock down your place and make sure your treasures are in a safe place you know no one will find. Then go out with your parents to avoid all of it entirely. If you're stuck in your room while there is a party, people will come knock on your door, 100% sure.
>> No. 4611 [Edit]
I'm just worried for OP that even if he does lock his door and go with his parents, some drunk fucks are going to break down his door, especially if they think it's empty.
>> No. 4612 [Edit]
I'd be worried about that too, but realistically it probably won't happen.
>> No. 4613 [Edit]
You guys are being paranoid (again). If someone actually gets so drunk they want to try and break down OP's door, other people will stop them. Believe it or not, most people at a party just want to have a good time, not destroy the host's home.
>> No. 4615 [Edit]
you guys are seriously overreacting here. If you dont want people going into your room, just stay in it and keep the door closed. If someone bothers you just act disinterested, which shouldnt be difficult for a NEET.
Going away seems like a bad idea if you have a room full of figs and other embarrassing shit, and I wouldnt want people messing around in my room either
>> No. 4616 [Edit]
This issue is, that forcing their way into the room won't seem like a big deal. It would utterly be blown off as nothing. Even worse if there's a chance your brother has a key/way of opening it. How hard would it be to go in through the window and unlock the door before the party even starts.

I've had siblings do the same thing to me, they go to almost any lengths and think nothing of it. Stay safe OP, no matter what.
>> No. 4617 [Edit]
My brother always throws parties. Just lock your door. No one will try to get in. Not unless there's some crazy douchebag there. But really, people are out to have fun and socialize at parties, not break down locked doors. Worst case scenario, if there's going to be people there you want to avoid at all costs, leave the house until it's all over. At least that's how I roll.
>> No. 4618 [Edit]
You didn't specify if the party will be longer than one day or if alcohol will be involved. One can only assume that there will be some people that will be too intoxicated to leave, and so, will be forced to stay the night and then leave the following day. Thus, make sure to stockpile enough food, water, and supplies for a minimum of two days. And it’s probably best to barricade yourself inside your room with a heavy object against the door. I wouldn’t want a bunch of people I didn’t know touching all my things with their grubby Dorito-grease-covered fingers. That’s gross.
>> No. 4619 [Edit]
1. Leave your room
2. Go have a couple cheap beers
3. Sit silently off to the side
4. Make awkward small talk with the few people who bother to approach you
5. Go back to your room
6. Watch a couple episodes of anime
7. Fap
8. Go to bed

This is the worst that could happen. You're making too big of a deal out of this.
>> No. 4620 [Edit]
> 2. Go have a couple cheap beers
> 4. Make awkward small talk
You're new here aren't you?
>> No. 4626 [Edit]
I was posting a worst case scenario in order to illustrate that at most the OP might have to go through a little bit of awkwardness before returning to his regularly scheduled programming, so he doesn't need to panic so much.
>> No. 4627 [Edit]
I highly recommend using this opportunity to find yourself drugs. Especially if your brother has them or knows people attending that do.
>> No. 4629 [Edit]
what you described might not be a problem for you, but it can be a seemly eternal hell for the rest of us.
and what's to stop someone from going into his room and stealing or braking stuff should he leave?
>> No. 4630 [Edit]

I'm with this guy. If you leave, chances are someone will end up having sex in your bed. Even if your home, expect it (not in your bed of course, but probably going down somewhere).
>> No. 4632 [Edit]
OP chiming in

After speaking to my mother about it, she has repeatedly assured me that it will be "a small graduation party." Knowing my brother, I'm convinced he will invite 50 random bro-niggers, along with a smattering of people I do know. Apparently this is some sort of big deal to him, or something.

This presents certain problems. While I do not have to worry so much about them fucking with my room/stuff, now I must contend with their incessant presence. If this thing was going to be bigger, it would be much easier to block it all out and stay hidden in my room, and no one would think otherwise. However, since the gathering will supposedly be smaller, my presence, or lack-thereof, will be noticed and remarked upon. I feel they will "encourage" me to "hang out" with them, taking shots of disgusting shit to have "a good time." You know how it goes.

God save me if he invites a ton of 3dpd whores. I cannot abide by having their worthless vapid ass' near me.

It's on the 11th, and it's going to be horrible. I'll keep everyone posted as it draws near.
>> No. 4634 [Edit]
Stay in your room, block out their sounds with headphones, and ignore them if they knock on your door.
>> No. 4636 [Edit]
Maybe if they come to your door and ask why you aren't with them, say you're not feeling well/sick, and that you want to rest. Maybe they'll understand and leave you alone. Chance of this working is most likely slim, but it's still worth a shot I think.
>> No. 4638 [Edit]
Well if it were in my position, making small-talk wouldn't BE a scenario
>> No. 4641 [Edit]
Parties suck. Especially if they're for such a useless, every day thing as graduation.

OP, I say you just lock your door and stay inside. That's your best bet. Worst-case scenario, your brother just thinks you left or something.

Better yet, pretend to leave, and then just come back, lock your door, and do what you do. The possibilities for scheming are endless. If we put our heads together, things should be a-okay by the 11th.
>> No. 4657 [Edit]
Go to sleep with the door locked. No one should bother you if you're asleep, and the whole party will be a very vague memory at most. Eat, shit, piss, and whatever else an hour or so before people start arriving.
>> No. 4668 [Edit]
Good luck, OP. It doesn't sound like a crazy party where people are going to be destroying your stuff, so you at least have that going for you.
>> No. 4701 [Edit]
How did it go?
>> No. 4704 [Edit]
I'm having to deal with that right now OP. It fucking sucks. It really sucks because my sister just turned 17 so it's all of her loud ass friends and everyone in my family is over. I haven't left my room since they came over but I need to. I've got shit I need to do tonight and I'm the reject of the family. I've tried to leave my room like 5 times so far and just can't. I know I'm going to hear shit about it when I leave my room. "why don't you ever come out of there? Finally leaving your nest, huh?" I'm not going to deal with that shit today but I need to.

I stood at my door with it cracked enough that I could see outside and watched them all sit around and eat pizza and drink beer and be happy for about 5 minutes.
I've done this 5 times.

I'm contemplating just going out my window to subvert the whole issue but I'm terrified I'm going to come back and someone managed to get in my room, even though the door is locked, and lock my window.
>> No. 4706 [Edit]
Leave your room with headphones on, that way you at least have plausible deniability to ignore anything people say to you.
>> No. 4709 [Edit]
I went out the window. Got a text earlier asking where I was and that no one saw me leave.
>> No. 4710 [Edit]
OP here. My party hasn't started yet, so I haven't had to deal with anything like this yet, but trust me when I say I know all of those feels. Every last one of them, be it standing at the door afraid to go out, waiting for them all to leave, or just watching them from the other side. I'm glad everything turned out ok for you. I wish I could go out my window also, but that would probably involve me breaking a leg.
>> No. 4712 [Edit]
OP, do you have a deadbolt on your door?

Do you have a place in your neighbourhood you can hide for a while?

I would suggest just securing your room. You have every right to lock that door. Those are your things. That is your domain.

Thank god my mother NEVER has guests over. When I was 9, the retarded kids down the street came into my house for drinks or something. Their house was like this: no carpet anywhere. Papers, empty cans, rotting bread littered the floor. The living room was easily ten tatami (or any other arbitrary unit) large and filled with nothing but a couch, a television and a slightly smaller television on top of that. The rest was shit on the floor, never cleaned up. They had a picnic table inside for christ's sake.

So these two kids walk into my house, with a bunch of furniture, tons of DVDs nicely stacked alphabetically on shelves, and a nice entertainment center with gaming consoles and television.

The first thing out of their mouths was "Wow it's messy." "Yeah."

Mum, hearing this, almost died. Then, we never had a single guest in that house ever after. Except once. My best friend walked over one day when he was bored in the summer. And my mum was out. I was home alone.

TL;DR: Mum will never have a single person in our house so I'm off scot free.

Nonetheless, if anyone came into my room and touched my stuff, ESPECIALLY some fucking frat-wannabe party douche fresh out of some high school football game hitting up my room between wine coolers to bring some pink skank in and fumble a fucking cond I would hate it so much if any of this happened I just want to make abortions mandatory and looked at my figs and started shitting them up, posing them in stupid sex positions and drawing on them with markers oh god oh god oh god I'm actually getting angry right now I would make my sibling pay for the damages. Also would never talk to him or her outside the house ever again.

Doubtless the real world isn't like those stupid teen movies my mother forced me to watch in high school and argued that is what high school is like even though I was in it at the time and saw no similarities at all, and I doubt you will have any problems.

Just lock your door.
>> No. 4718 [Edit]
Alright lets get the thread back on track. So when is doomsday happening, OP?
>> No. 4719 [Edit]
>its on the 11th
>> No. 4721 [Edit]
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>I wouldn’t want a bunch of people I didn’t know touching all my things with their grubby Dorito-grease-covered fingers. That’s gross.

'Hey pal, show me that doll you've got on your shelf over there.'
>> No. 4722 [Edit]

>Maybe if they come to your door and ask why you aren't with them, say you're not feeling well/sick, and that you want to rest. Maybe they'll understand and leave you alone. Chance of this working is most likely slim, but it's still worth a shot I think.

Or maybe he should outright state that he has no interest whatsoever in getting drunk, pretending to have fun and acting like a retard with them. I know most people around here have a hard time saying something like this (or speaking to strangers period) but since he most likely does feel like this and this situation is definitely anger inducing he should have what it takes to do it.

If he tells them he's sick some of them might get worried about him/pretend to do so. It's not exactly the best solution. If he will let them know they're not welcome and he doesn't want to have anything to do with them they will leave him alone and won't bother him again for the rest of the day. They will probably talk about how he's insane or something downstairs but why should he care? It's just a bunch of retarded normalfags. On top of that, it's a good way to lash back at his brother. Even if they don't even like each other nobody wants to be 'that guy who's close relative is batshit insane'.


I would have done the same, family is much more difficult to deal with compared to some random strangers.


>Just fuck your sister and her friends.

Ewww, that's gross. I mean come on, they're 17. WAAAAAAAAY too old.
>> No. 4744 [Edit]
Last time I attempted this I was pressured into smoking a cigar and ended up vomiting in a Wal-Mart bathroom at 12:00 AM. When I got home I found out that two of the people that accompanied us got arrested for assaulting a girl and attempting to rape her. The person responsible for bringing me out apologized severely and bought me season 1 of Strike Witches. It was nice of him, but I later found out I lost $40 in all the hubbub.

My cheap beers consisted of two buds and a PBR. Both should be banned and all people who call them their favourite should be shot in the head.

Waitress didn't even card me. That was nice.
>> No. 4747 [Edit]
Chipboard is more strong than wood.
>> No. 4758 [Edit]
>Finally leaving your nest, huh?"
Hearing this is like a daily routine for me.
>> No. 4760 [Edit]
I hear something like it all the time too, but it doesn't make it any easier.
>> No. 4762 [Edit]
I wish I could have given a "fuck off" to someone ever time they said this to me. But that wouldn't have been wise.
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
You must stay in your room and protect your property. Lock the door and bar it with whatever you can find. Ain't no way you're gonna let drunk normalfags to steal from you.
>> No. 5083 [Edit]
I really don't know why people are stealth-bumping this, but whatever. Parties tomorrow, I've got provisions set to go.
>> No. 5085 [Edit]
Do you have a tactical plan? It's a matter of life or death.
>> No. 5086 [Edit]
Oh goodness, that must be dreadful.
Prehaps you should bring a microwave into your room so you can have hot meals.
>> No. 5087 [Edit]
If you need them, you should keep some bottles with you. It would probably be best if you didn't drink too much of any liquid before or during all this. Also, make sure to use the toilet before the party.
>> No. 5094 [Edit]
Nobody has shown up yet, so I'm still chilling around the house. However, he has tried to rally me into barbequing. I'm much better at cooking than him, so he does this a lot. I don't know if I can turn him down for much longer.

Obviously, if I have to bbq everything, I'll be right at the epicenter of all activity. This might be bad, guys.
>> No. 5095 [Edit]
Poison the food, it's your only hope
>> No. 5096 [Edit]
My brother just logged onto facebook right next to me. His wife asked him what he was doing.

"Telling people to come over and party."

It's been a damn long time since I have experienced that much dread at a simple sentence.
>> No. 5103 [Edit]
People are starting to arrive. I had to help my brother carry up a table from the basement for "beer pong," or whatever that game is. Shit is getting absolutely fucking real at my house.

I even heard one of them saying they were going to bring their sister over! Oh good Haruhi, my heart is fucking racing. I need to take it easier. I don't know what I'll do when they put on the nigger rap.
>> No. 5104 [Edit]
>beer pong
My condolences go out to you...
>> No. 5105 [Edit]
whats beer pong?
>> No. 5106 [Edit]
>> No. 5107 [Edit]
its when people throw ping pong balls into cups of beer and then they drink it. im sure its more complicated than that but that's all I know
>> No. 5108 [Edit]
Really? Maybe it's an American-only thing.

Basically, it's a shitty "game" that involves drinking lots of beer and throwing ping pong balls into (usually the infamous red) cups. The people at my college play it all the time and some of them take it pretty seriously, though I don't understand how when it involves getting wasted.
>> No. 5109 [Edit]
Oh lawdy. This day just keeps getting better and better.

My aunt just called, and told me she would be attending. What gave her the impression she would be wanted at a party full of 20 something guys, I'll never know, buy yeah. She is also bringing her son, so that's a HUGE plus.

I forgot to mention, but she is a meth addict, and her son is a known thief. Woohoo. Beer-pong is in full-swing, so who knows when they'll come drunkenly bother me.
>> No. 5111 [Edit]
Did you ask your bro about telling people to leave you alone, or pretending that you're not home or something?
>> No. 5112 [Edit]
>I don't know what I'll do when they put on the nigger rap.

Oh dear, do you have earplugs?
Perhaps if you went to sleep early you could rest through it.
>> No. 5113 [Edit]
Impossible. My parents are absolutely forcing me to be at the least somewhat participatory. They aren't forcing me to mingle, or drink at the least, but if I try and disappear for any length of time, they'll come find me. That's just the sort of people they are. I'm making do by staying at the other end of the house, trying to take it as easy as I usually do.
>> No. 5115 [Edit]
Perhaps you should mingle as much as possible before the partiers get drunk and rowdy, so your parents don't force you to latter.
And you mentioned your aunt is visiting, are any other relatives visiting? You could go hang out with your grandparents, they tend to be more interesting and nicer than most other people.
>> No. 5116 [Edit]
If you can't remain in your room then you should at least make sure you keep it in sight so that you can see if anybody decides to go "investigating".

I hope everything turns out okay for you.
>> No. 5117 [Edit]
Well, I'm not sure what to do if that's the case. Only thing I can suggest is to get shit-faced, Hopefully you'll get drunk enough that you'd completely forget the night by the next day. Then again, you'd never know what you'll do while wasted...
>> No. 5118 [Edit]

No, but seriously, the aunt coming is a strange one-off event. This party is predominately made of 20-something college kids. I have no idea why a 50 year old drug addict thinks it'll be a sweet time to hang out. There is nobody I can go hang out with to pass time.

So far, it's all good. Nobody has tried to talk to me, and they have stayed outside the house getting drunk. Everything might go okay, provided this trend keeps up.
>> No. 5119 [Edit]
>This party is predominately made of 20-something college kids. I have no idea why a 50 year old drug addict thinks it'll be a sweet time to hang out

Because she can find some more drug connections. My aunt is more or less the same way
>> No. 5136 [Edit]
Can we have a status update anon? Is everything going well?
>> No. 5137 [Edit]
How you doing OP?
>> No. 5139 [Edit]
Sorry for not giving any word.

Hold on to your ass' everyone, as you might not believe me. I actually talked to someone here. Probably the only interesting guy in attendance. We just talked for 2 hours straight shooting the shit about various things.

Topics ranged from current and old anime, (not big 3 garbage,) Pokemon nostalgia, fanfiction, current and old vidya games. I'm actually rather disappointed he decided to go back to the party.
>> No. 5141 [Edit]
That is good. Very good.
>> No. 5142 [Edit]
Nice to hear the night wasn't a total bust for you
>> No. 5143 [Edit]
It's kind of a mixed bag. It is so very rare when I can truly just kick back and talk to people face to face about things I actually enjoy, and it always puts me in a good mood for a couple of days until it all gets crushed under the monotonous weight of my life.

Though it was very enjoyable, I kinda wish I hadn't talked to him, as it'll take me a long time to get back to normal. I don't know if anyone else ever feels like that, but whatever.
>> No. 5147 [Edit]
I know what you mean. I tend to do the same. I associate with people very formally but never in my "spare time" (I'm unemployed and taking online classes, all I have is spare time). Always takes me a bit to get back to normal.
>> No. 5148 [Edit]
Isn't it just the worse, idealizing those sorts of people, wishing you could have talked to them for longer, or just talk to them more often, and knowing it'll never happen again; or at least for a couple of years? That feel is fucking awful. I need to go drown myself in anime and video games to get back to normal.
>> No. 5149 [Edit]
It's better to have socialised and lost than to socialise for an extended period of time and realise how much of an ass a person is, become annoyed with him, and think "Well that became unpleasant."
>> No. 5150 [Edit]
It's better not to socialize at all
>> No. 5151 [Edit]
I was talking to that guy for two hours straight. The conversation never stopped, not even for a couple of seconds. I could easily imagine it to have kept going for a few more hours. Felt pretty bad when he decided to go drink some more. It's been a long time since I was that genuinely happy to talk to someone.
>> No. 5152 [Edit]
Prehaps you should try talking to him again, this apparent curse may be a blessing in disguise.
>> No. 5153 [Edit]
I think he left. I'm not too sure. Even if he didn't, you are out of your mind if you think I would go anywhere near that throng of people.
>> No. 5154 [Edit]
Good point.
Well atleast you got two hours with him.
So how long will this party be lasting anyways?
>> No. 5155 [Edit]
It is currently pitch-black outside, so we're down to the last few hardcore people. They should be leaving any time within an hour or two. At least, I sincerely hope so.
>> No. 5161 [Edit]

I know it. I wouldn't mind socializing much if I could find more people that are actually interesting. However, as it is where I live, most anime fans are the obnoxious loud weeaboo types.

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