No. 4582
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Oh god, that's awful. I had one particularly awful experience when my older brother still lived with me and he had a party. Regardless of whether your parents take you along or not, lock the hell out of your door. If you do go with them, do your best to make sure your brother keeps people away from your room (if that's something he would do). If you're worried about the people you know coming to greet you, you could feign illness and put a sign on your door saying you're but you don't feel well, or something. Or you could just make an appearance at the party and bear through greeting a few people, then sneak off to your room.
If you think you have a decent place to hide things where it won't be much trouble to do it, then you might want to consider it. I would hide things regardless if you go with your parents, even if you weren't embarrassed to have people find them, because there's no telling what might happen to your things if people somehow find themselves in your room. Above all else, you should convince your brother to make sure the people respect your space and your privacy. Not saying that he should make an announcement beforehand that no one is to go near the room or anything, just that if he sees people trying to get in there he can tell them to fuck off. This is all assuming you have that kind of relationship with your brother and he has that kind of relationship with his friends to where they would respect any guidelines he sets at his party.
I am always absolutely terrified when people I don't know are in my house, so I really do sympathize with your situation. Most of the time I blow things completely out of proportion and get myself upset for nothing, which you may or may not be doing here, but obviously with these "parents are gone let's party" parties, there some cause for concern.
Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 11:20am