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File 130702542289.jpg - (10.76KB , 228x223 , CHAIR.jpg )
4572 No. 4572 [Edit]
I did not believe in suicide so I tried to fade away instead.
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>> No. 4573 [Edit]
"He's a loser."

Threads over.
>> No. 4574 [Edit]
This thread has the potential to be really funny.
>> No. 4576 [Edit]
"He had so much potential but drowned in his own fears of failure."

"Before he knew it, it was too late..."
>> No. 4577 [Edit]
"hey is that your sister?"
>> No. 4621 [Edit]
>> No. 4622 [Edit]
"not much..."
>> No. 4623 [Edit]
"there he sat, broken hearted..
tried to shit, but only farted."
>> No. 4624 [Edit]
"when this baby hits 88 miles per hour you're gonna see some serious shit"
>> No. 4637 [Edit]
Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born.
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.
Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night.

cuts wrists
>> No. 4640 [Edit]

"That's sad."

"Comatose? It's normal for him to sleep 16 hours a day."
>> No. 4651 [Edit]
"Why don't you ever talk?"
>> No. 4653 [Edit]

>cuts wrists

I can tell you're inexperienced, the correct way to write it is

*cuts wrists*

But you've got potential. The poem is ok but you have to throw in some important words like 'graveyard' or 'darkness' (you might want to try 'abyss' if you want to sound sophisticated; note: 'dark abyss' is to be used only in the most hardcore poems). Once you'll gain some experience you can start blogging.
>> No. 4702 [Edit]
"Why are you wasting your life ?"

"You're quite a snob."

"If you fail this class once more, I'm afraid you're going to be expelled."
>> No. 4720 [Edit]
"Whats that smell? Smells sort of like.. semen in here."
>> No. 4729 [Edit]
So afraid to feel anything he shut himself off from everything.
>> No. 4740 [Edit]
And to be really depressing.
>> No. 4741 [Edit]

This only happens if people don't have the necessary amount self-distance.
>> No. 4746 [Edit]
"Oh, so you're one of those people who like those Asian cartoons? Uhh, that's cool, I guess..."

"You're really quiet."

"Hey, I just realized I've been in this entire class with you this whole time but I don't even know your name yet."

"What do you mean you don't have any friends? Everybody has friends."

"What do you mean, 'nothing'? Surely you're listening to something with your headphones."

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there."

"Oh, you're on of those people."

"You are so awkward..."
>> No. 4791 [Edit]

>"What do you mean you don't have any friends? Everybody has friends."

Every freaking time. Then again this sort of depends on definition of the word. Because - in a way - you guys are my friends and I'm your friend. <3

But it still feels awkward to say it out loud. I remember a time when a shrink asked me whether I have any friends and answering made me look like a miserable piece of shit even in my eyes. I'm perfectly fine without 'friends', thank you very much.

>"What do you mean, 'nothing'? Surely you're listening to something with your headphones."

When people asked me (I don't even go out nowadays, and all the people who knew me already left this shithole) I always responded with 'music'. Works like a charm.
>> No. 5060 [Edit]
> you have to throw in some important words like 'graveyard' or 'darkness'

I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And ‘Thou shalt not’ writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And Priests in black gowns were walking their
And binding with briars my joys & desires.

*cuts wrists*

I hope its better now.
>> No. 5063 [Edit]

I'm really sorry to say this but it's not. In fact, it begins to sound like regular poetry. The tombstones part wasn't enough to save it.

I mean seriously, 'sweet flowers'? What is this, some impressionistic poem? 'Garden of Love'? Just using the word 'love' is frowned upon, even if you're talking about how much you've been hurt.

It feels very dry and lacks the proper atmosphere. When you'll feel that what you've written just screams occult you'll know you're headed in the right direction. But just focusing on occult elements alone is far from being enough.

You must convey your feelings from a position of an unique individual whose greatness wasn't appreciated by modern society. However, this is trickier than it sounds. Since you're just a beginner you shouldn't concern yourself with overdramatizing. Actually, it's better to overdramatize than to include too few drama, otherwise it will lack impact. The tricky part is the position you speak from. You must be careful not to sound like some tragic romantic. You must show that you're superior to those who shunned you and that they wouldn't understand the darkness in your heart and how hard it is to deal with it.

I should probably note that rhymes aren't necessary, not even proper tempo is. If you try to fit the mold to hard people will begin to think that you're bound by rules and we wouldn't want that. Since the society rejected you you must show that you no longer care about rules.

Hope that helps.
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
"That kid is fucking awesome. I wish I was him."
>> No. 5069 [Edit]

Haruhi dammit I know that feeling...
>> No. 5070 [Edit]
File 130765413525.gif - (60.99KB , 500x300 , 1305862902037.gif )
"You're like a ghost."

"Shut up you elitist nerd."

"Oh yeah, that guy. He's pretty cool and all, but he's too quiet."

"*sigh* Fucking Rostran..."


"Excuse me, ma'am- Oh, sorry sir."

"Ok, mommy."

Post edited on 9th Jun 2011, 2:26pm
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
Are you the insanely rich guy?
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
He spent his youth asking difficult questions, now he wastes his life looking for simple answers.
>> No. 5212 [Edit]
"His hair smells like hair"

which one of you can claim such a feat?
>> No. 5564 [Edit]
Not a quote, just a song.
>> No. 5571 [Edit]
"Can do anything, just to shy to."
>> No. 5595 [Edit]
I'm gonna do a couple I guess, as I wait for my porn to load and listen to my favourite songs.
"Pain isn't worth pleasure, but the grass is always greener..."
"I guess."
"I hate myself."
"I am disgusting."
"My fault, I guess."
"I don't care about anything."
"I wish I could get hit by a car or shot randomly."
"I hate my mom."
"My Haruhi I'm lonely."
"My thoughts are useless."
"For various reasons, I can't be happy. So I've decided to kill myself. It doesn't matter anyway."
"Miserable and free."

Oh dear I've strayed far from the point of this thread. Maybe some of you will find it interesting to read anyway.
>> No. 5597 [Edit]
"I feel like going home."
"I want to die."
"I can't wait until I die."
"It feels like, when I finally pass, alot of weight will be lifted from my shoulders."
"I would want to die by saving someone, someone innocent or pure. I am too vile to be close to anyone like that."
"I sometimes imagine being killed in the worst way possible. It lets me relax."
>> No. 5598 [Edit]
"I hate myself and I want to die."
>> No. 5600 [Edit]
It doesn't mater.
>> No. 5601 [Edit]
Why doesn't he even try?
>> No. 5605 [Edit]
Shut the fuck up you're too loud.
Why don't you ever participate in conversation?
Quit interrupting me.
Why don't you have opinions about things?
>> No. 5619 [Edit]
>"What do you mean you don't have any friends? Everybody has friends."
This one hit me hard.

"Fucking virgin whore piece of shit."
>> No. 5623 [Edit]
How could you be a virgin whore?
>> No. 5625 [Edit]
"No matter what distractions you use as an escape from reality, reality will always be there to remind you of the worthless failure that you really are."
>> No. 5630 [Edit]
-There are few spectacles comparable with watching a man trying not to cry and swallow his food at the same time.

-"Confusion" will be my epitaph.

>> No. 5633 [Edit]
"I'm redundant. No one cares what I have to say. This post is redundant."
>> No. 5634 [Edit]
This is what I want to know more than anything else in this wide wide world. I didn't make that quote up, it was actually said to me.
>> No. 6248 [Edit]
"Would you like to know the chances of something becoming of you?

Just a fair warning, you won't like it."

"My Haruhi, it stinks in here."
>> No. 6727 [Edit]
It's like you're describing me

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