No. 4834
Sorry to say it, but you really are missing out by only knowing one language you'd use regularely. Knowing at least 2 languages that you can think in really evolves your personal language.
As for myself, I'm kind of proud of speaking 2 languages fluently - English and my native - and above average at that, but it's not special. Seeing how much I associate with Japanese material, I'll probably dive into that when I feel up to it.
Otherwise I make stuff that I want, be it furniture or paintings. It's practical, but my skill in any of it isn't noteworthy.
However I am proud of my passion in music. What's so special about that? I don't know, but I am thoroughly proud of it.
This may also sound strange, but I am in so many ways proud of my mother. She is without competition my role-model and best friend.
Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 8:31am