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File 130700816736.jpg - (227.06KB , 560x726 , 1287340808422.jpg )
4563 No. 4563 [Edit]
Does anyone here have something they can say they're proud of? It could be drawing or playing an instrument or knowing multiple languages or whatever. I say this because I realize I have nothing, no skills or anything, that I'm good at. I see people who do things like playing the guitar or whatever and even if they aren't amazing at it by any means possible, it seems to be something they really enjoy and enhances their life. I've decided to fix this by trying to do things I wanted to do when I was younger but thought I was too weak or not smart enough to do.

So /so/, do you have anything like that in your life? Pic unrelated.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 2:50am
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>> No. 4564 [Edit]
We don't. Welcome to Tohno-chan.
>> No. 4565 [Edit]
When I learned an instrument, I just stopped bothering with making things other people would like to listen to. Then I got decent.

Still nothing I'm proud of, there are loads of people better than me, and I'm the kind of person who normally won't bother dong anything unless I'm the best at it.
>> No. 4566 [Edit]
I'm the best procrastinator I know.
>> No. 4567 [Edit]
I guess getting at the top 5% of the state for my year 12 external exams is my biggest feat. Eh, which doesn't seem that great to me, a bit of an anticlimax. I wish I could say I helped engineer a cool open cut mine or something.
>> No. 4569 [Edit]
>I say this because I realize I have nothing, no skills or anything, that I'm good at

Just about everyone here feels this feel. The secret to success is disregarding that, and taking enjoyment in the simple things you do. It can be something as simple as cooking a meal properly ever once in a while, to playing a vidya. Break out of that depressive funk, and enjoy the small life you have etched out!

www, listen to me try and give an uplifting post, when I'm mega-depressed at almost all times.
>> No. 4571 [Edit]
I give my parents bragging rights over my uncle's kids being the only one with a college education, not to mention working at alcatel-lucent of all places.

Though it kinda sucks to be honest, cause they're always expecting more out of me, and being that all 3 of my cousins are married the topic of 3D always comes up and it's getting old fast.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 7:54am
>> No. 4578 [Edit]
I'm really good at programming. I don't really do a whole lot of it nowadays, though. Must've lost my passion for it...
>> No. 4579 [Edit]
I'm an admin of this site called tohno-chan.


I'm mediocre at everything I do, which includes guitar, drawing, and sleeping.
>> No. 4584 [Edit]
Nope, I'm pretty sure I don't.


That's because you've never met me!


At least you can play guitar and you can draw.
>> No. 4589 [Edit]
Sorry if the tone of this message makes people feel bad, but if you don't have anything to be proud of.. Then what are you going to do about it?

Being good at something or making something prideworthy isn't something that just 'happens' to you, its something that you cause by your own hands as a result of hard work.
>> No. 4592 [Edit]
I'm proud of my knowledge in anime and games.
>> No. 4598 [Edit]

I guess if you put it that way I have something I'm ok at. I'm not an amazing or even good cook by any means, but I love cooking my own food. Mainly because my parents kind of suck at cooking and don't know how a steak is supposed to taste. Now they have me make dinner one or twice a week, though I make myself stuff a lot and always try to make new things.

Another thing is that my parents really discourage me from doing things I really want to do. That's why I really look forward to moving out.
>> No. 4599 [Edit]
I know it's a stereotypical internet nerd thing to say but I'm really proud that I don't believe in any religions or anything like that
>> No. 4601 [Edit]
I'm proud of my good taste and fairly sunny disposition, despite my circumstances.

Other than that, I'm pretty talentless.
>> No. 4606 [Edit]
I'm talented at a lot of things.

>> No. 4609 [Edit]
>> No. 4614 [Edit]
I can retain information extremely well. I was actually able to sleep in class and absorb the lecture by still hearing it and dreaming it out. I never did have to study to do well on tests. too bad I flunked from sleeping all the time and not turning in half my assignments
>> No. 4625 [Edit]
I'm proud of my job because it involves helping people who really need it.
I'm proud of my writing because regardless of its quality it's something I create.
I have a lot of academic stuff I could be proud of, if any of it actually mattered in the real world.
>> No. 4643 [Edit]
File 130709295121.jpg - (119.66KB , 800x600 , PAJ.jpg )
Used to be a hardcore DotA player during mid and high school, made a clan of my own with my 3 other friends, beat every single group in my school. Feel like a boss. Even made 2 videos of our own and uploaded it on youtube.

But those days are over and I hardly played any games with my friends now. Oh the good times. How I miss thee.
>> No. 4647 [Edit]
Hey, I did that too. I was even in advanced classes before I left school.
>> No. 4650 [Edit]
I'm on tohno-chan. Even if I'm good at something I'm ashamed I'm good at it.

I learned Japanese--to play weird fetish porn games and read source material about my waifu--not to actually talk to people.
>> No. 4652 [Edit]
I'm good at nothing, have no passions, etc. I don't even know things about animes or games, I have barely no culture and such. Not that I don't have any potential, but I have no motivation, and I doubt I'll ever feel any joy, even if I have to suffer to feel it. Is it even worth trying?
>> No. 4654 [Edit]
>I have no motivation, and I doubt I'll ever feel any joy
The very same here.
>> No. 4655 [Edit]
Don't we all?
>> No. 4665 [Edit]

>I learned Japanese--to play weird fetish porn games and read source material about my waifu--not to actually talk to people.

You still know another language, it's better than knowing just one. I wish I could, now I'm trying to but I have to teach myself. I wish my high school didn't suck so much and offered Japanese (though my parents wouldn't let me take it anyway, they demanded I learn Spanish which I forgot anyway since I have no use for it)... hell I wish it offered more than just the boring ass traditional classes and activities. If my school offered fencing I would have tried it far earlier than I did.

One's circumstances play a huge part in whether you're active or not. Growing up in the middle of nowhere, with no one else that shares your interests not exactly ideal for learning to do cool stuff. I know most people here are asocial, but learning to do most things with other people really does make it better and easier.
>> No. 4667 [Edit]
I have pretty good grades at college. Granted, I'm not an engineering major or anything hardcore, but I seem to do better than most of my peers.

Of course, when I do well I don't have anybody to celebrate with so it's kind of hard to feel good about it anyway.
>> No. 4669 [Edit]
All you're doing is blaming your parents and your school for not providing you with opportunity. No one who did anything worth doing did it because it was handed to them--they had to go out and learn how to do it themselves. I think you have no excuse, with the internet and all.

It's OK to realize your mediocrity, but please stop reveling in it. It sounds like you're proud that you know "nothing".

...I'm the last person that should be saying this though...
>> No. 4681 [Edit]
I've built about a dozen computers in my life (mostly for other people). It doesn't really require much skills or intelligence to do that kind of stuff, but despite that, I suppose it's the only worthwhile stuff I've ever done.

So I guess I'm not really proud about it, but if I had to choose something to be proud about, that would be it.
>> No. 4685 [Edit]
who said anything about blaming parents
>> No. 4698 [Edit]
I am reasonably okay at instrumental songwriting. Meaning that I can write music that I like reasonably well (definitely not a master at it though).
>> No. 4834 [Edit]
Sorry to say it, but you really are missing out by only knowing one language you'd use regularely. Knowing at least 2 languages that you can think in really evolves your personal language.

As for myself, I'm kind of proud of speaking 2 languages fluently - English and my native - and above average at that, but it's not special. Seeing how much I associate with Japanese material, I'll probably dive into that when I feel up to it.

Otherwise I make stuff that I want, be it furniture or paintings. It's practical, but my skill in any of it isn't noteworthy.

However I am proud of my passion in music. What's so special about that? I don't know, but I am thoroughly proud of it.

This may also sound strange, but I am in so many ways proud of my mother. She is without competition my role-model and best friend.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 8:31am
>> No. 4972 [Edit]
Every time people bring up things like this the only thing I can think of is that I'm good at video games and I have lost nearly all interest in anything not multiplayer, probably because it gives me a sense of accomplishment to win in them. I am really good at strategy games, don't know if I'd be good at jobs involving strategy, but I can't really put down a good win:lose ratio on a resume so it won't help me in life.

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